Example #1
def run(algorithm, path, label, pre_simulation_hook=None):
    Simulate a reconstruction algorithm.

    The simulation results are stored in a HDF5 database rather than returned
    by the function.

    algorithm : function
        A function handle to the reconstruction algorithm.
    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 database where the results should be stored.
    label : str
        The label assigned to the simulation results
    pre_simumlation_hook : callable
        A handle to a callable which should be run *just* before the call to
        the reconstruction algorithm (the default is None, which implies that
        no pre hook is run).


    tmp_dir = _split_path(path)[0] + '.tmp' + os.sep
    tmp_file = tmp_dir + label.replace('/', '#') + '.hdf5'

    if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):

    if not os.path.isfile(tmp_file):

    done = _backup.get(tmp_file)
    shape = [len(_conf['delta']), len(_conf['rho'])]
    seeds = np.array(random.sample(iter_range,
                                   shape[0] * shape[1])).reshape(shape)

    tasks = [(algorithm, (i, j), seeds[i, j], tmp_file, pre_simulation_hook)
             for i in range(shape[0]) for j in range(shape[1])
             if not done[i, j]]

    _process(_simulate, args_list=tasks, maxtasks=_conf['maxpoints'])

    with _File(tmp_file, 'r') as f:
        stat_time = f.root.time[:]
        stat_dist = f.root.dist[:]
        stat_mse = f.root.mse[:]
        stat_norm = f.root.norm[:]

    with _File(path, 'a') as f:
        f.create_array('/' + label, 'time', stat_time, createparents=True)
        f.create_array('/' + label, 'dist', stat_dist, createparents=True)
        f.create_array('/' + label, 'mse', stat_mse, createparents=True)
        f.create_array('/' + label, 'norm', stat_norm, createparents=True)


    if len(os.listdir(tmp_dir)) == 0:
Example #2
def run(algorithm, path, label):
    Simulate a reconstruction algorithm.

    The simulation results are stored in a HDF5 database rather than returned
    by the function.

    algorithm : function
        A function handle to the reconstruction algorithm.
    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 database where the results should be stored.
    label : str
        The label assigned to the simulation results.


    tmp_dir = _split_path(path)[0] + '.tmp' + os.sep
    tmp_file = tmp_dir + label.replace('/', '#') + '.hdf5'

    if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):

    if not os.path.isfile(tmp_file):

    done = _backup.get(tmp_file)
    shape = _config.get()
    shape = [len(shape['delta']), len(shape['rho']), shape['monte_carlo']]
    seeds = np.random.randint(0, 2**30, shape)

    tasks = [(algorithm, (i, j), seeds[i, j], tmp_file)
             for i in range(shape[0]) for j in range(shape[1])
             if not done[i, j]]

    _process(_simulate, args_list=tasks)

    with _File(tmp_file, 'r') as f:
        stat_time = f.root.time[:]
        stat_dist = f.root.dist[:]

    with _File(path, 'a') as f:
        f.create_array('/' + label, 'time', stat_time, createparents=True)
        f.create_array('/' + label, 'dist', stat_dist, createparents=True)


    if len(os.listdir(tmp_dir)) == 0:
Example #3
def _save_output(output_path, name, fig, fig_ext, datasets):
    Save figure and data output.

    output_path : str
        The output_path to save to.
    name : str
        The 'fixed' part of the file name saved to.
    fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
        The figure instance to save.
    fig_ext : str
        The file extension to use for the saved figure.
    datasets : dict
        The dict of dicts for datasets to save in a HDF database.


    def validate_input():
        _generic('output_path', 'string')
        _generic('name', 'string')
        _generic('fig', mpl.figure.Figure)
        _generic('fig_ext', 'string')
        _levels('datasets', (_generic(None, 'mapping'),
                             _generic(None, 'mapping')))


    if output_path[-1] == os.sep:
        path = output_path
        prefix = ''

        path, prefix, no_ext = _split_path(output_path)
        prefix = prefix + '_'

    fig.savefig(path + prefix + name + os.path.extsep + fig_ext)

    db_path = path + prefix + name + '.hdf5'
    with _File(db_path, mode='a') as h5file:
        data_group = h5file.create_group('/', 'data', __name__ + ': ' + name)
        for dataset in datasets:
            set_group = h5file.create_group(data_group, dataset, dataset)
            for array in datasets[dataset]:
                h5file.create_array(set_group, array, datasets[dataset][array])