def rc_delete(self, context, rc_ident, bay_ident): LOG.debug("rc_delete %s", rc_ident) # Since bay identifier is specified verify whether its a UUID # or Name. If name is specified as bay identifier need to extract # the bay uuid since its needed to get the k8s_api object. if not utils.is_uuid_like(bay_ident): bay = objects.Bay.get_by_name(context, bay_ident) bay_ident = bay.uuid bay_uuid = bay_ident self.k8s_api = k8s.create_k8s_api_rc(context, bay_uuid) if utils.is_uuid_like(rc_ident): rc = objects.ReplicationController.get_by_uuid(context, rc_ident, bay_uuid, self.k8s_api) rc_name = else: rc_name = rc_ident if conductor_utils.object_has_stack(context, bay_uuid): try: self.k8s_api.delete_namespaced_replication_controller( name=str(rc_name), body={}, namespace='default') except rest.ApiException as err: if err.status == 404: pass else: raise exception.KubernetesAPIFailed(err=err)
def rc_show(self, context, rc_ident, bay_ident): LOG.debug("rc_show %s", rc_ident) # Since bay identifier is specified verify whether its a UUID # or Name. If name is specified as bay identifier need to extract # the bay uuid since its needed to get the k8s_api object. if not utils.is_uuid_like(bay_ident): bay = objects.Bay.get_by_name(context, bay_ident) bay_ident = bay.uuid bay_uuid = bay_ident self.k8s_api = k8s.create_k8s_api_rc(context, bay_uuid) if utils.is_uuid_like(rc_ident): rc = objects.ReplicationController.get_by_uuid(context, rc_ident, bay_uuid, self.k8s_api) else: rc = objects.ReplicationController.get_by_name(context, rc_ident, bay_uuid, self.k8s_api) return rc
def rc_create(self, context, rc): LOG.debug("rc_create") self.k8s_api = k8s.create_k8s_api_rc(context, rc.bay_uuid) manifest = k8s_manifest.parse(rc.manifest) try: resp = self.k8s_api.create_namespaced_replication_controller( body=manifest, namespace='default') except rest.ApiException as err: raise exception.KubernetesAPIFailed(err=err) if resp is None: raise exception.ReplicationControllerCreationFailed( bay_uuid=rc.bay_uuid) rc['uuid'] = resp.metadata.uid rc['name'] = rc['images'] = [c.image for c in resp.spec.template.spec.containers] rc['labels'] = ast.literal_eval(resp.metadata.labels) rc['replicas'] = resp.status.replicas return rc
def rc_update(self, context, rc_ident, bay_ident, manifest): LOG.debug("rc_update %s", rc_ident) # Since bay identifier is specified verify whether its a UUID # or Name. If name is specified as bay identifier need to extract # the bay uuid since its needed to get the k8s_api object. if not utils.is_uuid_like(bay_ident): bay = objects.Bay.get_by_name(context, bay_ident) bay_ident = bay.uuid bay_uuid = bay_ident self.k8s_api = k8s.create_k8s_api_rc(context, bay_uuid) if utils.is_uuid_like(rc_ident): rc = objects.ReplicationController.get_by_uuid(context, rc_ident, bay_uuid, self.k8s_api) else: rc = objects.ReplicationController.get_by_name(context, rc_ident, bay_uuid, self.k8s_api) try: resp = self.k8s_api.replace_namespaced_replication_controller( name=str(, body=manifest, namespace='default') except rest.ApiException as err: raise exception.KubernetesAPIFailed(err=err) if resp is None: raise exception.ReplicationControllerNotFound(rc=rc.uuid) rc['uuid'] = resp.metadata.uid rc['name'] = rc['project_id'] = context.project_id rc['user_id'] = context.user_id rc['images'] = [c.image for c in resp.spec.template.spec.containers] rc['bay_uuid'] = bay_uuid rc['labels'] = ast.literal_eval(resp.metadata.labels) rc['replicas'] = resp.status.replicas return rc
def rc_list(self, context, bay_ident): # Since bay identifier is specified verify whether its a UUID # or Name. If name is specified as bay identifier need to extract # the bay uuid since its needed to get the k8s_api object. if not utils.is_uuid_like(bay_ident): bay = objects.Bay.get_by_name(context, bay_ident) bay_ident = bay.uuid bay_uuid = bay_ident self.k8s_api = k8s.create_k8s_api_rc(context, bay_uuid) try: resp = self.k8s_api.list_namespaced_replication_controller( namespace='default') except rest.ApiException as err: raise exception.KubernetesAPIFailed(err=err) if resp is None: raise exception.ReplicationControllerListNotFound( bay_uuid=bay_uuid) rcs = [] for entry in resp._items: rc = {} rc['uuid'] = entry.metadata.uid rc['name'] = rc['project_id'] = context.project_id rc['user_id'] = context.user_id rc['images'] = [ c.image for c in entry.spec.template.spec.containers] rc['bay_uuid'] = bay_uuid # Convert string to dictionary rc['labels'] = ast.literal_eval(entry.metadata.labels) rc['replicas'] = entry.status.replicas rc_obj = objects.ReplicationController(context, **rc) rcs.append(rc_obj) return rcs