Example #1
 def findWatershedMask(img, mask):
     img_mask = findCells(img, mask, init_smooth_sigma,
                          init_niblack_window_size, init_niblack_k)
     img_mask = mh.dilate(mh.dilate(img_mask),
                          Bc=np.ones((1, 3), dtype=np.bool))
     img_mask = sk.morphology.remove_small_objects(img_mask, min_size=4)
     return img_mask
Example #2
def test_fast_binary():
    # This test is based on an internal code decision: the fast code is only triggered for CARRAYs
    # Therefore, we test to see if both paths lead to the same result
    for i in range(8):
        f = np.random.random((128, 128)) > .9
        f2 = np.dstack([f, f, f])

        SEs = [
            np.ones((3, 3)),
            np.ones((5, 5)),
            np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]),
            np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]),
            np.array([[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]),
            np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0]]),
            np.array([[1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0]]),
        for Bc in SEs:
            assert np.all(
                mahotas.erode(f, Bc=Bc) == mahotas.erode(f2[:, :, 1], Bc=Bc))
            # For dilate, the border conditions are different;
            # This is not great, but it's actually the slow implementation
            # which has the most unsatisfactory behaviour:
            assert np.all(
                mahotas.dilate(f, Bc=Bc)[1:-1, 1:-1] == mahotas.dilate(
                    f2[:, :, 1], Bc=Bc)[1:-1, 1:-1])
Example #3
def test_se_zeros():
    f = np.random.random((128, 128)) > .9
    f2 = np.dstack([f, f, f])
    mahotas.erode(f, np.zeros((3, 3)))
    mahotas.dilate(f, np.zeros((3, 3)))
    mahotas.erode(f2[:, :, 1], np.zeros((3, 3)))
    mahotas.dilate(f2[:, :, 1], np.zeros((3, 3)))
Example #4
def test_se_zeros():
    f = np.random.random((128, 128)) > 0.9
    f2 = np.dstack([f, f, f])
    mahotas.erode(f, np.zeros((3, 3)))
    mahotas.dilate(f, np.zeros((3, 3)))
    mahotas.erode(f2[:, :, 1], np.zeros((3, 3)))
    mahotas.dilate(f2[:, :, 1], np.zeros((3, 3)))
Example #5
    def extract(self):
        '''Extracts neighbour features.

            extracted feature values for each object in `label_image`
        # Create an empty dataset in case no objects were detected
        logger.info('extract neighbour features')
        features = list()

        for obj in self.object_ids:
            pad = max(self.neighbour_distance, self.touching_distance)
            object_image = self._get_bbox_containing_neighbours(obj, pad)

            # dilate the current object
            object_image_dilate = mh.dilate(object_image == obj,

            # mask the corresponding region of the label image
            object_image_mask = np.copy(object_image)
            object_image_mask[object_image_dilate == 0] = 0
            object_image_mask[object_image == obj] = 0
            neighbour_ids = np.unique(object_image_mask)
            unique_values = neighbour_ids[np.nonzero(neighbour_ids)].tolist()
            neighbour_count = len(unique_values)

            # save these unique values as a string
            if neighbour_count == 0:
                neighbour_string = '.'
                neighbour_string = '.'.join(str(x) for x in unique_values)

            # create an inverted image of the surrounding cells
            neighbours = np.zeros_like(object_image)
            for n in unique_values:
                neighbours += mh.dilate(object_image == n)

            # calculate the distance from each pixel of object to neighbours
            dist = ndi.morphology.distance_transform_edt(
                np.invert(neighbours > 0))

            # select perimeter pixels whose distance to neighbours is
            # less than threshold touching distance
            perimeter_image = mh.bwperim(object_image == obj)
            dist[perimeter_image == 0] = 0
            dist[dist > self.touching_distance] = 0

            fraction_touching = np.count_nonzero(dist) / float(

            values = [neighbour_count, neighbour_string, fraction_touching]
        return pd.DataFrame(features,
Example #6
            def recreate_dyn_bnd(label1, label2, r=10):
                amount = r / 2

                dilated_label1 = np.array(label1)
                for i in range(amount):
                    dilated_label1 = mh.dilate(dilated_label1)

                dilated_label2 = np.array(label2)
                for i in range(amount):
                    dilated_label2 = mh.dilate(dilated_label2)

                dyn_bnd = np.logical_and(dilated_label1, dilated_label2)

                return dyn_bnd.astype(np.bool)
Example #7
def start(_argv):
    args = parseArgv(_argv)
    # expand all system paths
    homepath = lambda pathy: os.path.expanduser(pathy)
    realpath = lambda pathy: os.path.realpath(homepath(pathy))
    sharepath = lambda share, pathy: os.path.join(share, homepath(pathy))

    GROWN = args['grow']
    ROOTOUT = args['out']
    TOP_DEEP = args['deep']
    TILESIZE = args['size']
    N_TOP_IDS = args['number'] + 1
    DATA = realpath(args['ids'])
    IDS_OUT = sharepath(ROOTOUT, args['images'])
    # Count most spread or deep ids
    BIG_IDS, BIG_COUNTS = biggest.main(DATA,
                                       sharepath(ROOTOUT, 'spread_count.txt'),
    DEEP_IDS, DEEP_COUNTS = deepest.main(DATA,
                                         sharepath(ROOTOUT, 'deep_count.txt'),

    if not os.path.exists(ROOTOUT):
        print ROOTOUT, 'must exist'
        return -1
    if not os.path.exists(IDS_OUT):

    def savepng(zpath, black):
        grey = black.astype(np.uint8) * 255
        colorgrey = cv2.cvtColor(grey, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
        cv2.imwrite(zpath, colorgrey)
        print 'wrote', zpath

    with h5py.File(DATA, 'r') as df:
        vol = df[df.keys()[0]]
        for zed in range(vol.shape[0]):
            zpath = os.path.join(IDS_OUT, str(zed + 1).zfill(5) + '.png')
            if os.path.exists(zpath):

            plane = vol[zed, :, :]
            black = np.zeros(plane.shape, dtype=np.bool)
            is_all_black = np.zeros(len(ALL_IDS), dtype=np.bool)

            for idin, idy in enumerate(ALL_IDS):
                idy_in_plane = plane == idy
                if (not np.any(idy_in_plane)):
                    is_all_black[idin] = True
                black[idy_in_plane] = True

            if (not np.any(is_all_black)):
                savepng(zpath, black)

            for grow in range(GROWN):
                black = mh.dilate(black)
            savepng(zpath, black)
Example #8
def findneighborhoods(label, neighborhood):
    ''' given a labelled image, should return the adjacency list
        of particles, for a given neighborhood:
        The background (0), is kept as a particle neighbor 
        No fancy indexing
    #make the labels list
    labmax = label.max()
    #print labmax
    neighb_dic = {
    }  # a dictionnary containing particle label as key and neighborhood
    for i in range(1, labmax + 1):
        mask = (label == i)
        #print mask
        dilated = mh.dilate(mask, neighborhood)
        neighbor = np.logical_and(dilated, np.logical_not(mask))
        #print neighbor
        #         #Done without fancy indexing
        flatlab = np.ndarray.flatten(label)
        flatneighborhood = np.ndarray.flatten(neighbor)
        flatneighbors = flatlab[flatneighborhood]
        #set is a trick so that each value of the neighborhoods is present only once
        neighb_dic[i] = set(flatneighbors)
        #print np.nonzero(flatneighbors)
    return neighb_dic
Example #9
def findneighborhoods(label,neighborhood):
    ''' given a labelled image, should return the adjacency list
        of particles, for a given neighborhood:
        The background (0), is kept as a particle neighbor 
        No fancy indexing
    #make the labels list
    labmax = label.max()
    #print labmax
    neighb_dic = {} # a dictionnary containing particle label as key and neighborhood
    for i in range(1,labmax+1):
        mask = (label ==i)
        #print mask
        dilated = mh.dilate(mask,neighborhood)
        neighbor = np.logical_and(dilated, np.logical_not(mask))
        #print neighbor
#         #Done without fancy indexing
        flatlab = np.ndarray.flatten(label)
        flatneighborhood = np.ndarray.flatten(neighbor)        
        flatneighbors = flatlab[flatneighborhood]
        #set is a trick so that each value of the neighborhoods is present only once
        neighb_dic[i] = set(flatneighbors)
        #print np.nonzero(flatneighbors)
    return neighb_dic
Example #10
    def predict(self, filenames_list):
        if not isinstance(filenames_list, list):
            raise Exception('Input list of files is not a list actually')

        rectangles = []
        for filename in filenames_list:
            im = cv2.imread(filename)
            (h, w) = im[:, :, 0].shape
            ### PREPROCESS
            # Convert to HSV, yields better results than BGR
            if self.colorspace == 'hsv':
                im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
            elif self.colorspace == 'lab':
                im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB)
            elif self.colorspace == 'rgbn':
                im = (color.normalize_RGBratio(im) * 255).astype('uint8')
            # gets original image hist
            baseHist = hist.getHist(im)

            ### PROCESS
            # Perform region selection by histogram similarity.
            # Returns a mask on whole image
            hist.simHist(im, baseHist, stop=self.stop)

            ### POST
            # Erase smaller detected blobs
            kernel = np.ones((h // 51, h // 51), np.uint8)
            im = mahotas.erode(im[:, :, 0], kernel)
            im = mahotas.dilate(im, kernel)
            im = blob.largest_blob(im)

            ### Draw boundary rectangle

        return rectangles
Example #11
def border(W,Bc=None):
    B, neighbours, border_id = border(Regs,Bc=None)

    Label the borders between regions.

    B[y,x] = border_id[r0,r1]
    if (y,x) is on the border between regions (r0,r1).
    neighbours is a dict : (region) -> (list of regions)

    Regs:   A labeled image
    Bc:     A structuring element (default: 3x3 cross)
    bg = W.max()
    B = np.zeros_like(W)
    neighbours = defaultdict(set)
    border_id = defaultdict(xrange(1,W.max()**2).__iter__().next)
    for obji in xrange(1,W.max()):
        B_obji = (mahotas.dilate(W == obji,Bc)-(W==obji))
        for neighbour in np.unique(W[B_obji]):
            if neighbour == 0 or neighbour == bg: continue
            a1,a2 = obji,neighbour
            if a2 < a1: a1,a2 = a2,a1
            B[B_obji & (W==neighbour)] = border_id[a1,a2]
    return B, dict(neighbours), dict(border_id)
def create_fullContour_labels():
    for purpose in ['train','validate','test']:
        img_search_string = '/media/vkaynig/Data1/Cmor_paper_data/labels/' + purpose + '/*.tif'
        img_files = sorted( glob.glob( img_search_string ) )
        for img_index in xrange(np.shape(img_files)[0]):
            print 'reading image ' + img_files[img_index] + '.'
            label = mahotas.imread(img_files[img_index])
            #membranes = np.logical_and(label[:,:,0]==0, label[:,:,1]==255)
            boundaries = label == -1
            boundaries[0:-1,:] = np.logical_or(boundaries[0:-1,:], np.diff(label, axis=0)!=0)
            boundaries[:,0:-1] = np.logical_or(boundaries[:,0:-1], np.diff(label, axis=1)!=0)

            membranes = np.logical_or(boundaries, label[:,:]==0) 

            y,x = np.ogrid[-shrink_radius:shrink_radius+1, -shrink_radius:shrink_radius+1]
            disc = x*x + y*y <= (shrink_radius ** 2)
            non_membrane = 1-mahotas.dilate(membranes, disc)

            img_file_name = os.path.basename(img_files[img_index])[:-4]+ '.tif'         
            outputPath = '/media/vkaynig/Data1/Cmor_paper_data/labels/'
            print 'writing image: ' + img_file_name
            mahotas.imsave(outputPath + 'background_fullContour/' + purpose + '/' + img_file_name, np.uint8(non_membrane*255))
            mahotas.imsave(outputPath + 'membranes_fullContour/' + purpose + '/' + img_file_name, np.uint8(membranes*255))
Example #13
def watershed_adjusted_membranes(img_file_name, img_membrane_file_name):
    print 'reading image ' + img_file_name
    img = mahotas.imread(img_file_name)
    label_img = mahotas.imread(img_membrane_file_name)        
    blur_img = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, 1)

    #put boundaries as either extracellular/unlabeled space or gradient between two labeled regions into one image
    boundaries = label_img==0
    boundaries[0:-1,:] = np.logical_or(boundaries[0:-1,:], np.diff(label_img, axis=0)!=0)
    boundaries[:,0:-1] = np.logical_or(boundaries[:,0:-1], np.diff(label_img, axis=1)!=0)
    #erode to be sure we include at least one membrane
    y,x = np.ogrid[-shrink_radius:shrink_radius+1, -shrink_radius:shrink_radius+1]
    shrink_disc = x*x + y*y <= (shrink_radius ** 2)
    inside = mahotas.dilate(boundaries ==0, shrink_disc)

    #use watersheds to find the actual membranes (sort of)
    seeds = label_img.copy()
    seeds[np.nonzero(inside==0)] = 0
    seeds,_ = mahotas.label(seeds == 0)
    wsImage = 255-np.uint8(scale_to_unit_interval(blur_img)*255)
    grow = mahotas.cwatershed(wsImage, seeds)
    membrane = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    membrane[0:-1,:] = np.diff(grow, axis=0) != 0
    membrane[:,0:-1] = np.logical_or(membrane[:,0:-1], np.diff(grow,axis=1) != 0)

    return np.uint8(membrane*255)
def create_fullContour_labels():
    #img_search_string = '/media/vkaynig/NewVolume/IAE_ISBI2012/fullContours/I*_train.tif'
    img_search_string = '/media/vkaynig/NewVolume/Cmor_paper_data/labels/*.tif'
    img_files = sorted(glob.glob(img_search_string))

    for img_index in xrange(np.shape(img_files)[0]):
        print 'reading image ' + img_files[img_index] + '.'
        label = mahotas.imread(img_files[img_index])

        #membranes = np.logical_and(label[:,:,0]==0, label[:,:,1]==255)
        membranes = label[:, :] == 0

        shrink_radius = 5
        y, x = np.ogrid[-shrink_radius:shrink_radius + 1,
                        -shrink_radius:shrink_radius + 1]
        disc = x * x + y * y <= (shrink_radius**2)
        non_membrane = 1 - mahotas.dilate(membranes, disc)

        #fileName = "/media/vkaynig/NewVolume/IAE_ISBI2012/fullContours/"
        fileName = "/media/vkaynig/NewVolume/Cmor_paper_data/labels/"
        fileName_label = fileName + (
            img_files[img_index])[52:58] + "_fullContour.tif"
        fileName_background = fileName + (
            img_files[img_index])[52:58] + "_background.tif"

        print 'writing image' + fileName_label
        mahotas.imsave(fileName_label, np.uint8(membranes * 255))
        mahotas.imsave(fileName_background, np.uint8(non_membrane * 255))
Example #15
def fast_conditional_dilate(f, g, Bc=None, n=1):
    if Bc is None: Bc = pymorph.secross()
    f = pymorph.intersec(f,g)
    for i in xrange(n):
        prev = f
        f = pymorph.intersec(mahotas.dilate(f, Bc), g)
        if pymorph.isequal(f, prev): break
    return f
Example #16
def fast_conditional_dilate(f, g, Bc=None, n=1):
    if Bc is None: Bc = pymorph.secross()
    f = pymorph.intersec(f, g)
    for i in xrange(n):
        prev = f
        f = pymorph.intersec(mahotas.dilate(f, Bc), g)
        if pymorph.isequal(f, prev): break
    return f
def watershed(Image_Current_T, CellDiam):

    #If there are pixels above the threshold proceed to watershed
    if Image_Current_T.max() == True:

        #Create distance transform from thresholded image to help identify cell seeds
        Image_Current_Tdist = mh.distance(Image_Current_T)
        Image_Current_Tdist[Image_Current_Tdist < CellDiam * 0.3] = 0

        #Define Sure Background for watershed
        #Background is dilated proportional to cell diam.  Allows final cell sizes to be a bit larger at end.
        #Will not affect cell number but can influence overlap
        #See https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d3/db4/tutorial_py_watershed.html for tutorial that helps explain this
        Dilate_Iterations = int(CellDiam // 2)
        Dilate_bc = np.ones(
            (3, 3))  #Use square structuring element instead of cross
        Image_Current_SureBackground = Image_Current_T
        for j in range(Dilate_Iterations):
            Image_Current_SureBackground = mh.dilate(
                Image_Current_SureBackground, Bc=Dilate_bc)

        #Create seeds/foreground for watershed
        #See https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d3/db4/tutorial_py_watershed.html for tutorial that helps explain this
        Regmax_bc = np.ones((CellDiam, CellDiam))
        Image_Current_Seeds = mh.locmax(Image_Current_Tdist, Bc=Regmax_bc)
        Image_Current_Seeds[Image_Current_Tdist == 0] = False
        Image_Current_Seeds = mh.dilate(Image_Current_Seeds, np.ones((3, 3)))
        seeds, nr_nuclei = mh.label(Image_Current_Seeds, Bc=np.ones((3, 3)))
        Image_Current_Unknown = Image_Current_SureBackground.astype(
            int) - Image_Current_Seeds.astype(int)
        seeds += 1
        seeds[Image_Current_Unknown == 1] = 0

        #Perform watershed
        Image_Current_Watershed = mh.cwatershed(
            surface=Image_Current_SureBackground, markers=seeds)
        Image_Current_Watershed -= 1  #Done so that background value is equal to 0.
        Image_Current_Cells = Image_Current_Watershed

    #If there are no pixels above the threshold watershed procedure has issues.  Set cell count to 0.
    elif Image_Current_T.max() == False:
        Image_Current_Cells = Image_Current_T.astype(int)
        nr_nuclei = 0

    #return Image_Current_Seeds, nr_nuclei
    return Image_Current_Cells, nr_nuclei
Example #18
  def grab_neighbors(array, label):

      thresholded_array = Util.threshold(array, label)
      thresholded_array_dilated = mh.dilate(thresholded_array.astype(np.uint64))

      all_neighbors = np.unique(array[thresholded_array_dilated == thresholded_array_dilated.max()].astype(np.uint64))
      all_neighbors = np.delete(all_neighbors, np.where(all_neighbors == label))

      return all_neighbors   
Example #19
def test_sum_minlength_arg():
    for _ in range(8):
        f = mh.dilate(np.random.random_sample((64, 64)) > .8)
        labeled, n = mh.labeled.label(f)
        sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_sum(f, labeled)
        sizes2 = mh.labeled.labeled_sum(f, labeled, minlength=(n + 23))
        assert len(sizes) == (n + 1)
        assert len(sizes2) == (n + 23)
        assert np.all(sizes == sizes2[:n + 1])
Example #20
def mask_and_dilation(mask_path):

    :param mask_path:
    mask = fits.open(mask_path)[0].data > 0
    dil_mask = mh.dilate(mask > 0, Bc=np.ones((5, 5), dtype=bool))
    return mask, dil_mask
Example #21
def test_dilate_1():
    A = np.zeros((16,16), dtype=np.uint8)
    B = np.array([
        [1,3,0]], dtype=np.uint8)
    A[8,8] = 1
    D = mahotas.dilate(A, B)
    assert np.sum(D) == np.sum(B+(B>0))
Example #22
def test_sum_minlength_arg():
    for _ in range(8):
        f = mh.dilate(np.random.random_sample((64,64)) > .8)
        labeled, n = mh.labeled.label(f)
        sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_sum(f, labeled)
        sizes2 = mh.labeled.labeled_sum(f, labeled, minlength=(n+23))
        assert len(sizes) == (n+1)
        assert len(sizes2) == (n+23)
        assert np.all(sizes == sizes2[:n+1])
def test_dilate_1():
    A = np.zeros((16,16), dtype=np.uint8)
    B = np.array([
        [1,3,0]], dtype=np.uint8)
    A[8,8] = 1
    D = mahotas.dilate(A, B)
    assert np.sum(D) == np.sum(B+(B>0))
Example #24
def test_dilate_erode():
    A = np.zeros((128, 128), dtype=bool)
    Bc = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]], bool)
    A[32, 32] = True
    origs = []
    for i in range(12):
        A = mahotas.dilate(A, Bc)
    for i in range(12):
        A = mahotas.erode(A, Bc)
        assert np.all(A == origs[-i - 1])
Example #25
def test_dilate_erode():
    A = np.zeros((128, 128), dtype=bool)
    Bc = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]], bool)
    A[32, 32] = True
    origs = []
    for i in range(12):
        A = mahotas.dilate(A, Bc)
    for i in range(12):
        A = mahotas.erode(A, Bc)
        assert np.all(A == origs[-i - 1])
    def UpdateImage(self):
        sigma = self.Slider_Sigma.value()/2; dilate = self.Slider_Dilate.value()

        if self.Combo_ImageType.currentText() == 'DAPI':
            if self.Check_NoisyMode.isChecked():
                self.DAPI_mask = mh.dilate(self.img_array > self.T_mean, np.ones((dilate, dilate)));
                self.gaussian_f = mh.gaussian_filter(self.img_array.astype('int'), sigma)
                self.gaussian_f = mh.gaussian_filter(self.img_array.astype('float'), sigma)
                self.DAPI_mask = mh.dilate(self.gaussian_f > self.gaussian_f.mean(), np.ones((dilate, dilate)));

            if self.Check_SingleColor.isChecked():
                self.im_axes.imshow(mh.as_rgb(0, 0, self.DAPI_mask));
                plt.imshow(mh.as_rgb(np.maximum(self.img_array,self.gaussian_f), self.gaussian_f, self.gaussian_f > self.T_otsu))
            self.ClusterMap.setupUi(figure=self.im_figure, title='Image Display',
                                    xlabel='pixels (x)', ylabel='pixels(y)')
            self.Button_SNR.setEnabled(False); self.Check_TissueMaxima.setEnabled(False);
            self.DAPI_set_bool = True
            self.Text_Log.append('>Updated image;  DAPI; sigma=%.1f,dilate=%d\n' % (sigma, dilate))

        elif self.Combo_ImageType.currentText() == 'Fluorescence (Signal)':
            self.gaussian_f = mh.gaussian_filter(self.img_array.astype('float'), sigma)
            self.gT_mean = self.gaussian_f.mean()
            all_maximas = mh.regmax(self.gaussian_f)
            self.all_maximas = mh.dilate(all_maximas, np.ones((dilate, dilate)))

            if self.Check_TissueMaxima.isChecked():
                self.tissue_maxima = self.all_maximas*self.Tissue_Mask
                    np.maximum(255*self.tissue_maxima, self.gaussian_f),
                    self.gaussian_f, self.img_array > self.gT_mean))
                    np.maximum(255*self.all_maximas, self.gaussian_f), self.gaussian_f, self.img_array > self.gT_mean))
            self.ClusterMap.setupUi(figure=self.im_figure, title='Image Display',
                                    xlabel='pixels (x)', ylabel='pixels(y)')
            self.Text_Log.append('>Updated image; Mode: Fluor; sigma=%.1f,dilate=%d\n' % (sigma, dilate))
            if self.DAPI_set_bool:
                self.Button_SNR.setEnabled(True); self.Check_TissueMaxima.setEnabled(True)
Example #27
    def split(image, array, label):

        large_label = Util.threshold(array, label)

        label_bbox = mh.bbox(large_label)
        label = large_label[label_bbox[0]:label_bbox[1],
        image = image[label_bbox[0]:label_bbox[1], label_bbox[2]:label_bbox[3]]

        # smooth the image
        image = mh.gaussian_filter(image, 3.5)

        grad_x = np.gradient(image)[0]
        grad_y = np.gradient(image)[1]
        grad = np.add(np.abs(grad_x), np.abs(grad_y))
        #grad = np.add(np.abs(grad_x), np.abs(grad_y))
        grad -= grad.min()
        grad /= grad.max()
        grad *= 255
        grad = grad.astype(np.uint8)

        # we need 4 labels as output
        max_label = 0
        #while max_label!=3:

        coords = zip(*np.where(label == 1))

        seed1 = random.choice(coords)
        seed2 = random.choice(coords)
        seeds = np.zeros(label.shape, dtype=np.uint64)
        seeds[seed1] = 1
        seeds[seed2] = 2
        #         imshow(seeds)
        for i in range(10):
            seeds = mh.dilate(seeds)

        ws = mh.cwatershed(grad, seeds)
        ws[label == 0] = 0

        ws_relabeled = skimage.measure.label(ws.astype(np.uint64))
        max_label = ws_relabeled.max()
        #print max_label

        large_label = np.zeros(large_label.shape, dtype=np.uint64)
                    label_bbox[2]:label_bbox[3]] = ws
        return large_label
Example #28
 def countCones(self):
     if self.params['min_cone_size'] > 0:
         mask = np.ones((self.params['min_cone_size'],self.params['min_cone_size']))
         s,ncones = mh.label(self.ConeCounts.RegionalMaxima)
Example #29
def test_fast_binary():
    # This test is based on an internal code decision: the fast code is only triggered for CARRAYs
    # Therefore, we test to see if both paths lead to the same result
    for i in xrange(8):
        f = np.random.random((128,128)) > .9
        f2 = np.dstack([f,f,f])

        SEs = [
        for Bc in SEs:
            assert np.all(mahotas.erode(f,Bc=Bc) == mahotas.erode(f2[:,:,1],Bc=Bc))
            # For dilate, the border conditions are different;
            # This is not great, but it's actually the slow implementation
            # which has the most unsatisfactory behaviour:
            assert np.all(mahotas.dilate(f,Bc=Bc)[1:-1,1:-1] == mahotas.dilate(f2[:,:,1],Bc=Bc)[1:-1,1:-1])
Example #30
def test_dilate_erode():
    A = np.zeros((100,100))
    Bc = np.array([
        [0, 1, 0],
        [1, 1, 1],
        [0, 1, 0]], bool)
    A[30,30] = 1
    A = (A!=0)
    orig = A.copy()
    for i in xrange(12):
        A = mahotas.dilate(A, Bc)
    for i in xrange(12):
        A = mahotas.erode(A, Bc)
    assert np.all(A == orig)
Example #31
  def random_watershed(array, speed_image, border_seeds=False, erode=False):
    copy_array = np.array(array, dtype=np.bool)

    if erode:
      for i in range(10):
        copy_array = mh.erode(copy_array)

    seed_array = np.array(copy_array)
    if border_seeds:
      seed_array = mh.labeled.border(copy_array, 1, 0, Bc=mh.disk(7))

    coords = zip(*np.where(seed_array==1))

    if len(coords) == 0:
      # print 'err'
      return np.zeros(array.shape)

    seed1_ = None
    seed2_ = None
    max_distance = -np.inf

    for i in range(10):
      seed1 = random.choice(coords)
      seed2 = random.choice(coords)
      d = distance.euclidean(seed1, seed2)
      if max_distance < d:
        max_distance = d
        seed1_ = seed1
        seed2_ = seed2

    seeds = np.zeros(array.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    seeds[seed1_[0], seed1_[1]] = 1
    seeds[seed2_[0], seed2_[1]] = 2

    for i in range(8):
      seeds = mh.dilate(seeds)

    # Util.view(seeds,large=True)      
    # print speed_image.shape, seeds.shape
    ws = mh.cwatershed(speed_image, seeds)
    ws[array == 0] = 0

    return ws    
Example #32
    def grab_neighbors(array, label):

        thresholded_array = Util.threshold(array, label)
        thresholded_array_dilated = mh.dilate(

        copy = np.array(array)
        copy[thresholded_array_dilated != thresholded_array_dilated.max()] = 0
        copy[thresholded_array == 1] = 0

        copy_hist = Util.get_histogram(copy.astype(np.uint64))

        copy_hist[0] = 0  # ignore zeros
        # copy_hist[label] = 0 # ignore ourselves
        return np.where(copy_hist > 0)[0]
Example #33
def geodesic_reconstruction_1d(f, g):
    new = np.copy(f)
    while True:
        old = np.copy(new)
        print "old", old
        new = mahotas.dilate(g, np.asarray([1]))
        print "new", new
        changed = False
        for i in range(len(g)):
            new[i] = min(new[i], f[i])
            if new[i] != old[i]:
                changed = True
        print "newnew", new
        if not changed:
    print "---"
    print new
Example #34
    def dark_watershed(image, seed_image, threshold=50., dilate=True):

        coords = zip(*np.where(seed_image == threshold))
        print 'seeds:', len(coords)
        seeds = np.zeros(seed_image.shape, dtype=np.uint64)
        for c in coords:
            seeds[c[0], c[1]] = seeds.max() + 1

        if dilate:
            for i in range(8):
                seeds = mh.dilate(seeds)

        ws = mh.cwatershed(image, seeds)

        return seeds, ws
Example #35
def mahotas_clean_up_seg(input_jacobian, frame_num):
    import mahotas as mh
    dsk = mh.disk(7)
    thresh_r = 0.1
    thresh_g = 1
    size_cutoff = 200

    thresholded_jacobian = (np.int32(np.log(1+input_jacobian[frame_num][0])>thresh_r)+\
    thresholded_jacobian = mh.close_holes(thresholded_jacobian)
    thresholded_jacobian = mh.erode(thresholded_jacobian, dsk)
    labeled = mh.label(thresholded_jacobian)[0]
    sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(labeled)
    too_small = np.where(sizes < size_cutoff)
    labeled = mh.labeled.remove_regions(labeled, too_small)
    thresholded_jacobian = labeled > 0
    thresholded_jacobian = mh.dilate(thresholded_jacobian, dsk)
    return thresholded_jacobian
Example #36
def mahotas_clean_up_seg(input_jacobian,frame_num):
    import mahotas as mh
    dsk = mh.disk(7)
    thresh_r = 0.1
    thresh_g = 1
    size_cutoff = 200
    thresholded_jacobian = (np.int32(np.log(1+input_jacobian[frame_num][0])>thresh_r)+\
    thresholded_jacobian = mh.close_holes(thresholded_jacobian)
    thresholded_jacobian = mh.erode(thresholded_jacobian,dsk)
    labeled = mh.label(thresholded_jacobian)[0]
    sizes = mh.labeled.labeled_size(labeled)
    too_small = np.where(sizes < size_cutoff)
    labeled = mh.labeled.remove_regions(labeled, too_small)
    thresholded_jacobian = labeled>0
    thresholded_jacobian = mh.dilate(thresholded_jacobian,dsk)
    return thresholded_jacobian
Example #37
def show_segmentation_boundaries(input_image,seg_mask,frame_num,sizeX,sizeY):
    import mahotas as mh
    cmap = plt.get_cmap('gray')
    dsk = mh.disk(7)
    boundaries = mh.dilate(seg_mask,dsk)-seg_mask
    cmap_2_use = truncate_colormap(cmap,0.9,1)
    border2overlay = np.ma.masked_where(boundaries ==0, boundaries)

    x =mh.as_rgb(input_image[frame_num][0,:,:],input_image[frame_num][1,:,:],np.zeros((sizeY,sizeX)))

    slice2show = [slice(0,sizeY),slice(0,sizeX)]

Example #38
def test_grey_erode():
    from mahotas.tests.pymorph_copy import erode as slow_erode
    from mahotas.tests.pymorph_copy import dilate as slow_dilate
    for i in range(8):
        f = np.random.random_sample((128,128))
        f *= 255
        f = f.astype(np.uint8)
        B = (np.random.random_sample((3,3))*255).astype(np.uint8)
        B //= 4
        fast = mahotas.erode(f,B)
        slow = slow_erode(f,B)
        # mahotas & pymorph use different border conventions.
        assert np.all(fast[1:-1,1:-1] == slow[1:-1,1:-1])

        fast = mahotas.dilate(f,B)
        slow = slow_dilate(f,B)
        # mahotas & pymorph use different border conventions.
        assert np.all(fast[1:-1,1:-1] == slow[1:-1,1:-1])
Example #39
    def getMaximaImage(self):
        """returns an RGBA type array suitable for overlay"""
        r = self.params['display_cone_size'] + 1 #use this value for now....
        #generate a circle mask
        [y,x] = np.ogrid[-r:r,-r:r]
        mask = x*x + y*y <= r
        if np.count_nonzero(self.ConeCounts.Seeds) != self.ConeCounts.nPoints:
            #Some regional maxima are not points
            #this is a slow function, only required for display
        newImg = np.zeros(self.ConeCounts.Seeds.shape + (4,),dtype=np.uint8)   #create a new array of size orgImage but 4D
        newImg[:,:,1] = self.ConeCounts.Seeds > 0
        newImg[:,:,1] = mh.dilate(newImg[:,:,1],mask) * 255
        newImg[:,:,3][newImg[:,:,1]>0] = 1

        return np.float64(newImg)
Example #40
def test_grey_erode():
    from mahotas.tests.pymorph_copy import erode as slow_erode
    from mahotas.tests.pymorph_copy import dilate as slow_dilate
    for i in range(8):
        f = np.random.random_sample((128, 128))
        f *= 255
        f = f.astype(np.uint8)
        B = (np.random.random_sample((3, 3)) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
        B //= 4
        fast = mahotas.erode(f, B)
        slow = slow_erode(f, B)
        # mahotas & pymorph use different border conventions.
        assert np.all(fast[1:-1, 1:-1] == slow[1:-1, 1:-1])

        fast = mahotas.dilate(f, B)
        slow = slow_dilate(f, B)
        # mahotas & pymorph use different border conventions.
        assert np.all(fast[1:-1, 1:-1] == slow[1:-1, 1:-1])
Example #41
def segment(fname):
    dna = mh.imread(fname)
    dna = dna[:,:,0]

    sigma = 12.
    dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dna, sigma)

    T_mean = dnaf.mean()
    bin_image = dnaf > T_mean
    labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(bin_image)

    maxima = mh.regmax(mh.stretch(dnaf))
    maxima = mh.dilate(maxima, np.ones((5,5)))
    maxima,_ = mh.label(maxima)
    dist = mh.distance(bin_image)
    dist = 255 - mh.stretch(dist)
    watershed = mh.cwatershed(dist, maxima)
    watershed *= bin_image
    return watershed
Example #42
    def test_erode_dilate(self):
        binary = self.data.binary_img.astype(bool)[0]
        s = np.sum(binary)
        e = multi_erode(binary, 0)
        self.assertEqual(np.sum(e), s)

        eroded = multi_erode(binary, 1)
        self.assertLess(np.sum(eroded), s)
        self.assertArrayEqual(mh.erode(binary), eroded)

        dilated = multi_dilate(binary, 1)
        self.assertGreater(np.sum(dilated), s)
        self.assertArrayEqual(mh.dilate(binary), dilated)

        eroded = multi_erode(binary, 100)
        self.assertEqual(eroded.sum(), 0)

        dilated = multi_dilate(binary, 300)
        self.assertEqual(dilated.sum(), np.product(binary.shape))
Example #43
    def grab_neighbors(array, label):

        thresholded_array = Util.threshold(array, label)
        thresholded_array_dilated = mh.dilate(

        all_neighbors = np.unique(
            array[thresholded_array_dilated ==
        all_neighbors = np.delete(all_neighbors,
                                  np.where(all_neighbors == label))

        #     neighbors = {}

        #     for n in all_neighbors:
        #         border = mh.labeled.border(array, label, n)
        #         border_xy = np.where(border==True)
        #         neighbors[str(n)] = border_xy

        return all_neighbors
Example #44
def show_segmentation_boundaries(input_image, seg_mask, frame_num, sizeX,
    import mahotas as mh
    cmap = plt.get_cmap('gray')
    dsk = mh.disk(7)
    boundaries = mh.dilate(seg_mask, dsk) - seg_mask
    boundaries = boundaries > 0
    cmap_2_use = truncate_colormap(cmap, 0.9, 1)
    border2overlay = np.ma.masked_where(boundaries == 0, boundaries)

    x = mh.as_rgb(input_image[frame_num][0, :, :],
                  input_image[frame_num][1, :, :], np.zeros((sizeY, sizeX)))
    x[:, :, 1][x[:, :, 1] > 240] = 240
    x[:, :, 0][x[:, :, 0] > 240] = 240

    slice2show = [slice(0, sizeY), slice(0, sizeX)]

    plt.imshow(x[slice2show] / np.array([240., 240., 1]).reshape(1, 1, 3))
    plt.imshow(border2overlay[slice2show], cmap_2_use,
               alpha=0.8), plt.axis('off')
Example #45
def hemorrhages_detect(img):
    moat = moat_operator(img, sigma=5.0)
    show_image(moat); plt.axis('off'); plt.savefig('../presentation/pics/hemorrhages/1.png')
    m_clahe = skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist(moat)
    m_med = mh.median_filter(m_clahe, Bc=np.ones((5, 5)))
    show_image(m_med); plt.axis('off'); plt.savefig('../presentation/pics/hemorrhages/2.png')
    threshold_global_otsu = skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(m_med)
    print 'Otsu threshold:', threshold_global_otsu
    segmented = m_med <= 0.9 * threshold_global_otsu
    show_image(segmented); plt.axis('off'); plt.savefig('../presentation/pics/hemorrhages/3.png')
    #vessels = od.detect_vessels_3(img)
    vessels = detect_vessels_3(m_med, one_channel_img=True, gabor_perc=88.0)
    vessels = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(vessels, min_size=150)
    segmented[mh.dilate(vessels, Bc=np.ones((10, 10)))] = False
    show_image(segmented); plt.axis('off'); plt.savefig('../presentation/pics/hemorrhages/4.png')
    segm_label = skimage.measure.label(segmented)
    segm_eccen = np.array(map(attrgetter('eccentricity'), skimage.measure.regionprops(segm_label + 1)))
    segm_area = cl_areas(segm_label)
    #segm_circ = cf.cl_circularity(segm_label)
    segm_filtered = leave_segments_by_mask(segm_label, (segm_eccen < 0.85) & (segm_area < 30000), 
                                           replace_value=0) != 0
    return segm_filtered
def segment_tissue2d(input_file, output_file, voxel_xy):
    # load image
    img = io.imread(input_file)

    # normalize image
    img = ndimage.median_filter(img, 3)
    img = img * 255. / img.max()

    ##segment kidney tissue

    sizefactor = 10.
    small = ndimage.interpolation.zoom(
        img, 1. / sizefactor)  # scale the image to a smaller size

    imgf = ndimage.gaussian_filter(small, 3. / voxel_xy)  # Gaussian filter
    median = np.percentile(imgf, 40)  # 40-th percentile for thresholding

    kmask = imgf > median * 1.5  # thresholding
    kmask = mahotas.dilate(kmask, mahotas.disk(5))
    kmask = mahotas.close_holes(kmask)  # closing holes
    kmask = mahotas.erode(kmask, mahotas.disk(5)) * 255

    # remove objects that are darker than 2*percentile
    l, n = ndimage.label(kmask)
    llist = np.unique(l)
    if len(llist) > 2:
        means = ndimage.mean(imgf, l, llist)
        bv = llist[np.where(means < median * 2)]
        ix = np.in1d(l.ravel(), bv).reshape(l.shape)
        kmask[ix] = 0

    kmask = ndimage.interpolation.zoom(kmask,
                                       sizefactor)  # scale back to normal size
    kmask = normalize(kmask)
    kmask = (kmask > mahotas.otsu(kmask.astype(np.uint8))
             )  # remove artifacts of interpolation

    tifffile.imsave(output_file, img_as_ubyte(kmask), compress=5)
Example #47
import readmagick
import pymorph
import mahotas
dna = readmagick.readimg('dna-0.xcf[0]').max(2)
dna2 = readmagick.readimg('dna-1.xcf[0]').max(2)
borders = readmagick.readimg('dna-0.xcf[1]')
borders = borders[:,:,0] > borders[:,:,1]
for i in xrange(2): borders = mahotas.dilate(borders, np.ones((3,3)))
readmagick.writeimg(pymorph.overlay(dna, borders), 'dna.png')
readmagick.writeimg(pymorph.overlay(dna2, borders), 'dna2.png')

Example #48
from pylab import imshow
import mahotas
wally = mahotas.imread('data/DepartmentStore.jpg')
wfloat = wally.astype(float)
r,g,b = wfloat.transpose((2,0,1))
w = wfloat.mean(2)
pattern = np.ones((24,16), float)
for i in xrange(2):
    pattern[i::4] = -1
v = mahotas.convolve(r-w, pattern)
mask = (v == v.max())
mask = mahotas.dilate(mask, np.ones((48,24)))
wally -= .8*wally * ~mask[:,:,None]

def grab_patch(image,
               patch_size=(75, 75),

    borders = mh.labeled.border(segmentation, l, n)

    # treat interrupted borders separately
    borders_labeled = skimage.measure.label(borders)

    border_bbox = mh.bbox(borders)

    patch_centers = []
    border_yx = indices = zip(*np.where(borders == 1))

    if len(border_yx) < 2:
        return []

    # always sample the middle point
    border_center = (border_yx[len(border_yx) / (2)][0],
                     border_yx[len(border_yx) / (2)][1])

    if sample_rate > 1 or sample_rate == -1:
        if sample_rate > len(border_yx) or sample_rate == -1:
            samples = 1
            samples = len(border_yx) / sample_rate

        for i, s in enumerate(border_yx):

            if i % samples == 0:

                sample_point = s

                if distance.euclidean(patch_centers[-1],
                                      sample_point) < patch_size[0]:
                    # sample to close
                    # print 'sample to close', patch_centers[-1], sample_point


    borders_w_center = np.array(borders.astype(np.uint8))

    for i, c in enumerate(patch_centers):

        borders_w_center[c[0], c[1]] = 10 * (i + 1)
        # print 'marking', c, borders_w_center.shape

    # if debug:
    #     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
    #     fig.text(0,1,'\n\n\n\n\nAll borders '+str(l)+','+str(n))#+'\n\n'+str(np.round(_matrices[u], 2)))
    #     plt.imshow(borders_labeled[border_bbox[0]:border_bbox[1], border_bbox[2]:border_bbox[3]], interpolation='nearest')
    #     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
    #     fig.text(0,1,'\n\n\n\n\nWith center(s) '+str(l)+','+str(n))#+'\n\n'+str(np.round(_matrices[u], 2)))
    #     plt.imshow(borders_w_center[border_bbox[0]:border_bbox[1], border_bbox[2]:border_bbox[3]], interpolation='nearest')#, cmap='ocean')

    patches = []

    for i, c in enumerate(patch_centers):

        #         for border_center in patch_centers:

        # check if border_center is too close to the 4 edges
        new_border_center = [c[0], c[1]]

        if new_border_center[0] < patch_size[0] / 2:
            # print 'oob1', new_border_center
            # return None
        if new_border_center[0] + patch_size[0] / 2 >= segmentation.shape[0]:
            # print 'oob2', new_border_center
            # return None
        if new_border_center[1] < patch_size[1] / 2:
            # print 'oob3', new_border_center
            # return None
        if new_border_center[1] + patch_size[1] / 2 >= segmentation.shape[1]:
            # print 'oob4', new_border_center
            # return None
        # print new_border_center, patch_size[0]/2, border_center[0] < patch_size[0]/2

        # continue

        bbox = [
            new_border_center[0] - patch_size[0] / 2,
            new_border_center[0] + patch_size[0] / 2,
            new_border_center[1] - patch_size[1] / 2,
            new_border_center[1] + patch_size[1] / 2

        ### workaround to not sample white border of probability map
        if skip_boundaries:
            if bbox[0] <= 33:

            if bbox[1] >= segmentation.shape[0] - 33:

            if bbox[2] <= 33:

            if bbox[3] >= segmentation.shape[1] - 33:


        # threshold for label1
        array1 = _metrics.Util.threshold(segmentation, l).astype(np.uint8)
        # threshold for label2
        array2 = _metrics.Util.threshold(segmentation, n).astype(np.uint8)
        merged_array = array1 + array2

        # dilate for overlap
        dilated_array1 = np.array(array1)
        dilated_array2 = np.array(array2)
        for o in range(10):
            dilated_array1 = mh.dilate(dilated_array1.astype(np.uint64))
            dilated_array2 = mh.dilate(dilated_array2.astype(np.uint64))
        overlap = np.logical_and(dilated_array1, dilated_array2)
        overlap[merged_array == 0] = 0

        output = {}
        output['id'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
        output['image'] = image[bbox[0]:bbox[1] + 1, bbox[2]:bbox[3] + 1]

        output['prob'] = prob[bbox[0]:bbox[1] + 1, bbox[2]:bbox[3] + 1]

        output['l'] = l
        output['n'] = n
        output['bbox'] = bbox
        output['border'] = border_yx
        output['border_center'] = new_border_center
        output['binary1'] = array1[bbox[0]:bbox[1] + 1,
                                   bbox[2]:bbox[3] + 1].astype(np.bool)
        # output['binary2'] = array2[bbox[0]:bbox[1] + 1, bbox[2]:bbox[3] + 1].astype(np.bool)
        output['overlap'] = overlap[bbox[0]:bbox[1] + 1,
                                    bbox[2]:bbox[3] + 1].astype(np.bool)
        output['borders_labeled'] = borders_labeled[
            border_bbox[0]:border_bbox[1], border_bbox[2]:border_bbox[3]]
        output['borders_w_center'] = borders_w_center[
            border_bbox[0]:border_bbox[1], border_bbox[2]:border_bbox[3]]


    return patches
from pylab import imshow
import numpy as np
import mahotas

wally = mahotas.imread('waldo.jpg')

wfloat = wally.astype(float)
r,g,b = wfloat.transpose((2,0,1)) # split into rgb channels, better to use floats
w = wfloat.mean(2)	# w is the white channel

pattern = np.ones((24,16),float)
for i in xrange(2):
	pattern[i::4] = -1 # build a pattern of +1,+1,-1,-1 on vertical axis -> Wally's shirt.

v = mahotas.convolve(r-w, pattern) # convolve red-white, will give strong response where shirt
mask = (v == v.max())
mask = mahotas.dilate(mask,np.ones((48,24))) # look for max and dilate it to make it visible

wally -= .8*wally * ~mask[:,:,None]
imshow(wally)# imshow(wally)
Example #51
def _classify(path, name, frames, channels, target, choices, CellObject):
    #whole images take up a lot of memory so we need to coordinate this. 
    # if you're not using the notebook or a script make sure to shutdown or restart the notebook
    # you can use nvidia-smi in terminal to see what process are running on the GPU
    gnp._useGPUid = 0
    #protein localization categories
    localizationTerms=['ACTIN', 'BUDNECK', 'BUDTIP', 'CELLPERIPHERY', 'CYTOPLASM',
    #normalization values (don't need to change)
    norm_vals = np.load('/home/morphology/mpg4/OrenKraus/Data_Sets/Yeast_Protein_Localization/Yolanda_Chong/overal_mean_std_for_single_cell_crops_based_on_Huh.npz')

    #may change to better model (constatly training bgnumpy.track_memory_usage=Trueetter networks)
    model_path = '/home/okraus/mil_models_backup/mil_models/Yeast_Protein_Localization/Yeast_NAND_a_10_scratch_Dropout_v5_MAP_early_stopping_best_model.npz'

    #load model and set evaluation type (MIL convolves across whole images)
    #change size

    curImages, sizes = getImageData(path, frames, channels)
    curImages = normalize_by_constant_values(curImages,norm_vals['means'],norm_vals['stdevs'])

    nn = modelEvalFunctions.loadResizedModel(model_path,sizeY,sizeX)
    model = modelEvalFunctions.evaluateModel_MIL(nn,localizationTerms,outputLayer='loc')


    #values of prediction maps above
    pred_maps = nn._layers['MIL_pool'].Z[target-1].as_numpy_array()
    #calculate relative activation of each map
    area = pred_maps.sum(1).sum(1) / pred_maps.sum()
    #calculate absolute area of each map (optional)
    area2 = pred_maps.sum(1).sum(1) / (pred_maps.shape[1]*pred_maps.shape[2])
    #plot relative activations per class, use area or area2
    area_lib = {}

    jacobian = getJacobian(nn,frames)
    loc = str(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/classes/' + name.split('.')[0]+"_FULL0")
    mahotas_segmentation = mahotas_clean_up_seg(jacobian,target-1)
    loc = str(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/classes/' + name.split('.')[0]+"_FULL1")

    show_segmentation_boundaries(curImages,mahotas_segmentation,target-1,sizeX, sizeY)
    loc = str(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/classes/' + name.split('.')[0]+"_FULL2")

    top5indices = np.argsort(area)[::-1][:5]
    del jacobian
    del mahotas_segmentation

    for i in range(len(localizationTerms)):
        if i in top5indices:
            area_lib[localizationTerms[i]] = area[i]
            jacobian_per_class = getJacobian_per_class(nn,i,frames)
            im2show = mahotas_clean_up_seg(jacobian_per_class, target-1)
            overlay(curImages,im2show,target-1,sizeX, sizeY)
            loc = str(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/classes/' + name.split('.')[0]+"_"+localizationTerms[i])
            np.save(loc, im2show)
        if localizationTerms[i] not in choices:
        area_lib[localizationTerms[i]] = area[i]
        jacobian_per_class = getJacobian_per_class(nn,i,frames)[target-1]
        im2show = np.int8(np.log(1+jacobian_per_class[0])>0.1+np.int8(np.log(1+jacobian_per_class[1])>1))>0
        im2show = mh.dilate(mh.dilate(mh.dilate(mh.erode(mh.erode(mh.erode(im2show>0))))))
        overlay(curImages,im2show,target-1,sizeX, sizeY)
        loc = str(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/classes/' + name.split('.')[0]+"_"+localizationTerms[i])
        np.save(loc, im2show)
    del nn
    del model
    f = [['Class', 'Area']]
    for key in area_lib:
        f.append([str(key), area_lib[key]])
    CellObject.activations = f
    from openpyxl import Workbook
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.active
    for arr in f:
    wb.save(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/classes/' + name.split('.')[0] + '.xlsx')
    if CellObject.email != '':
        send_mail('Deep Cell Vision', 'Your image has been classified. Go to http://deepcellvision.com/results/' +CellObject.name + ' to see your results' , '*****@*****.**',
    [CellObject.email], fail_silently=False)
# This code is supporting material for the book
# Building Machine Learning Systems with Python
# by Willi Richert and Luis Pedro Coelho
# published by PACKT Publishing
# It is made available under the MIT License

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import mahotas as mh
image = mh.imread('../1400OS_10_01.jpeg')
image = mh.colors.rgb2gray(image, dtype=np.uint8)
image = image[::4, ::4]
thresh = mh.sobel(image)
filtered = mh.sobel(image, just_filter=True)

thresh = mh.dilate(thresh, np.ones((7, 7)))
filtered = mh.dilate(mh.stretch(filtered), np.ones((7, 7)))

h, w = thresh.shape
canvas = 255 * np.ones((h, w * 2 + 64), np.uint8)
canvas[:, :w] = thresh * 255
canvas[:, -w:] = filtered

mh.imsave('../1400OS_10_09+.jpg', canvas)
Example #53
    def addCell(self, eventTuple):
        if self.maskOn:
            if self.data.ndim == 2:
                self.aveData = self.data.copy()
                self.aveData = self.data.mean(axis=2)

            x, y = eventTuple
            localValue = self.currentMask[x, y]
            print str(self.mode) + " " + "x: " + str(x) + ", y: " + str(y) + ", mask val: " + str(localValue)

            # ensure mask is uint16
            self.currentMask = self.currentMask.astype("uint16")


            ########## NORMAL MODE
            if self.mode is None:
                if localValue > 0 and localValue != self.currentMaskNumber:
                    print "we are altering mask at at %d, %d" % (x, y)

                    # copy the old mask
                    newMask = self.currentMask.copy()

                    # make a labeled image of the current mask
                    labeledCurrentMask = mahotas.label(newMask)[0]
                    roiNumber = labeledCurrentMask[x, y]

                    # set that ROI to zero
                    newMask[labeledCurrentMask == roiNumber] = self.currentMaskNumber
                    newMask = newMask.astype("uint16")

                    self.currentMask = self.listOfMasks[-1]
                elif localValue > 0 and self.data.ndim == 3:
                    # update info panel
                    labeledCurrentMask = mahotas.label(self.currentMask.copy())[0]
                    roiNumber = labeledCurrentMask[x, y]

                elif localValue == 0:

                    xmin = int(x - self.diskSize)
                    xmax = int(x + self.diskSize)
                    ymin = int(y - self.diskSize)
                    ymax = int(y + self.diskSize)

                    sub_region_image = self.aveData[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax].copy()
                    # threshold = mahotas.otsu(self.data[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax].astype('uint16'))

                    # do a gaussian_laplacian filter to find the edges and the center

                    g_l = nd.gaussian_laplace(
                        sub_region_image, 1
                    )  # second argument is a free parameter, std of gaussian
                    g_l = mahotas.dilate(mahotas.erode(g_l >= 0))
                    g_l = mahotas.label(g_l)[0]
                    center = g_l == g_l[g_l.shape[0] / 2, g_l.shape[0] / 2]
                    # edges = mahotas.dilate(mahotas.dilate(mahotas.dilate(center))) - center

                    newCell = np.zeros_like(self.currentMask)
                    newCell[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax] = center
                    newCell = mahotas.dilate(newCell)

                    if self.useNMF:
                        modes, thresh_modes, fit_data, this_cell, is_cell, nmf_limits = self.doLocalNMF(x, y, newCell)

                        for mode, mode_thresh, t, i in zip(modes, thresh_modes, this_cell, is_cell):
                            # need to place it in the right place
                            # have x and y
                            mode_width, mode_height = mode_thresh.shape
                            mode_thresh_fullsize = np.zeros_like(newCell)
                                nmf_limits[0] : nmf_limits[1], nmf_limits[2] : nmf_limits[3]
                            ] = mode_thresh

                            # need to add all modes belonging to this cell first,
                            # then remove the ones nearby.

                            if i:
                                if t:
                                    valid_area = np.logical_and(
                                    newCell = np.logical_or(newCell.astype(bool), valid_area)
                                    newCell = np.logical_and(
                                        newCell.astype(bool), np.logical_not(mahotas.dilate(mode_thresh_fullsize))

                        newCell = mahotas.close_holes(newCell.astype(bool))
                        self.excludePixels(newCell, 2)

                    newCell = newCell.astype(self.currentMask.dtype)

                    # remove all pixels in and near current mask and filter for ROI size
                    newCell[mahotas.dilate(self.currentMask > 0)] = 0
                    newCell = self.excludePixels(newCell, 10)

                    newMask = (newCell * self.currentMaskNumber) + self.currentMask
                    newMask = newMask.astype("uint16")

                    self.currentMask = newMask.copy()

            elif self.mode is "OGB":
                # build structuring elements
                se = pymorph.sebox()
                se2 = pymorph.sedisk(self.cellRadius, metric="city-block")
                seJunk = pymorph.sedisk(max(np.floor(self.cellRadius / 4.0), 1), metric="city-block")
                seExpand = pymorph.sedisk(self.diskSize, metric="city-block")

                # add a disk around selected point, non-overlapping with adjacent cells
                dilatedOrignal = mahotas.dilate(self.currentMask.astype(bool), Bc=se)
                safeUnselected = np.logical_not(dilatedOrignal)

                # tempMask is
                tempMask = np.zeros_like(self.currentMask, dtype=bool)
                tempMask[x, y] = True
                tempMask = mahotas.dilate(tempMask, Bc=se2)
                tempMask = np.logical_and(tempMask, safeUnselected)

                # calculate the area we should add to this disk based on % of a threshold
                cellMean = self.aveData[tempMask == 1.0].mean()
                allMeanBw = self.aveData >= (cellMean * float(self.contrastThreshold))

                tempLabel = mahotas.label(np.logical_and(allMeanBw, safeUnselected).astype(np.uint16))[0]
                connMeanBw = tempLabel == tempLabel[x, y]

                connMeanBw = np.logical_and(np.logical_or(connMeanBw, tempMask), safeUnselected).astype(np.bool)
                # erode and then dilate to remove sharp bits and edges

                erodedMean = mahotas.erode(connMeanBw, Bc=seJunk)
                dilateMean = mahotas.dilate(erodedMean, Bc=seJunk)
                dilateMean = mahotas.dilate(dilateMean, Bc=seExpand)

                modes, thresh_modes, fit_data, this_cell, is_cell, limits = self.doLocaNMF(x, y)

                newCell = np.logical_and(dilateMean, safeUnselected)
                newMask = (newCell * self.currentMaskNumber) + self.currentMask
                newMask = newMask.astype("uint16")

                self.currentMask = newMask.copy()

            ########## SQUARE MODE
            elif self.mode is "square":
                self.modeData.append((x, y))
                if len(self.modeData) == 2:
                    square_mask = np.zeros_like(self.currentMask)
                    xstart = self.modeData[0][0]
                    ystart = self.modeData[0][1]

                    xend = self.modeData[1][0]
                    yend = self.modeData[1][1]

                    square_mask[xstart:xend, ystart:yend] = 1

                    # check if square_mask interfers with current mask, if so, abort
                    if np.any(np.logical_and(square_mask, self.currentMask)):
                        return None

                    # add square_mask to mask
                    newMask = (square_mask * self.currentMaskNumber) + self.currentMask
                    newMask = newMask.astype("uint16")

                    self.currentMask = self.listOfMasks[-1]

                    # clear current mode data

            ########## CIRCLE MODE
            elif self.mode is "circle":
                # make a strel and move it in place to make circle_mask
                if self.diskSize < 1:
                    return None

                if self.diskSize is 1:
                    se = np.ones((1, 1))
                elif self.diskSize is 2:
                    se = pymorph.secross(r=1)
                    se = pymorph.sedisk(r=(self.diskSize - 1))

                se_extent = int(se.shape[0] / 2)
                circle_mask = np.zeros_like(self.currentMask)
                circle_mask[x - se_extent : x + se_extent + 1, y - se_extent : y + se_extent + 1] = se * 1.0
                circle_mask = circle_mask.astype(bool)

                # check if circle_mask interfers with current mask, if so, abort
                if np.any(np.logical_and(circle_mask, mahotas.dilate(self.currentMask.astype(bool)))):
                    return None

                # add circle_mask to mask
                newMask = (circle_mask * self.currentMaskNumber) + self.currentMask
                newMask = newMask.astype("uint16")

                self.currentMask = self.listOfMasks[-1]

            ########## POLY MODE
            elif self.mode is "poly":
                self.modeData.append((x, y))

Example #54
    def doLocalNMF(self, x, y, roi, n_comp=7, diskSizeMultiplier=3):
        # do NMF decomposition
        n = NMF(n_components=n_comp, tol=1e-1)

        xmin_nmf = max(0, int(x - self.diskSize * diskSizeMultiplier))
        xmax_nmf = min(int(x + self.diskSize * diskSizeMultiplier), self.data.shape[0])
        ymin_nmf = max(0, int(y - self.diskSize * diskSizeMultiplier))
        ymax_nmf = min(int(y + self.diskSize * diskSizeMultiplier), self.data.shape[1])

        xcenter_nmf = (xmax_nmf - xmin_nmf) / 2
        ycenter_nmf = (ymax_nmf - ymin_nmf) / 2

        reshaped_sub_region_data = self.data_white[xmin_nmf:xmax_nmf, ymin_nmf:ymax_nmf, :].reshape(
            xmax_nmf - xmin_nmf * ymax_nmf - ymin_nmf, self.data.shape[2]
        n.fit(reshaped_sub_region_data - reshaped_sub_region_data.min())
        transformed_sub_region_data = n.transform(reshaped_sub_region_data - reshaped_sub_region_data.min())
        modes = transformed_sub_region_data.reshape(xmax_nmf - xmin_nmf, ymax_nmf - ymin_nmf, n_comp).copy()

        modes = [m for m in np.rollaxis(modes, 2, 0)]
        params = []
        this_cell = []
        is_cell = []
        thresh_modes = []
        fit_data = []
        for i, mode in enumerate(modes):
            # threshold mode
            uint16_mode = (mode / mode.max() * 2 ** 16).astype("uint16")
            uint16_mode = mahotas.dilate(mahotas.erode(uint16_mode))
            uint16_mode = nd.gaussian_filter(uint16_mode, 1)
            thresh_mode = uint16_mode > mahotas.otsu(uint16_mode)
            # exclude all pixels less than 75% of typical size
            smallest_roi = 0.75 * self.diskSize * self.diskSize * np.pi
            thresh_mode = self.excludePixels(thresh_mode, smallest_roi).astype(int)

            #            thresh_mode = (mode.astype('uint16') > mahotas.otsu(mode.astype('uint16'))).astype(int)

            # fit thresholded mode
            fit_parameters = self.fitgaussian(thresh_mode)
            fit_height, fit_xcenter, fit_ycenter, fit_xwidth, fit_ywidth = fit_parameters

            # is cell-like?
            if 1 <= np.abs(fit_xwidth) <= 2 * self.diskSize and 1 <= np.abs(fit_ywidth) <= 2 * self.diskSize:
                if 0.02 <= thresh_mode.sum() / float(thresh_mode.size) <= 0.40:

            # is this cell?
            if (
                np.linalg.norm(np.array([xcenter_nmf, ycenter_nmf]) - np.array([fit_xcenter, fit_ycenter]))
                < self.diskSize * 1.5

            fit_gaussian = self.gaussian(*fit_parameters)
            xcoords = np.mgrid[0 : xmax_nmf - xmin_nmf, 0 : ymax_nmf - ymin_nmf][0]
            ycoords = np.mgrid[0 : xmax_nmf - xmin_nmf, 0 : ymax_nmf - ymin_nmf][1]
            fit_data.append(fit_gaussian(xcoords, ycoords))

        #       print 'this cell', this_cell
        #       print 'is cell', is_cell
        #       print ' '

        return (
            (xmin_nmf, xmax_nmf, ymin_nmf, ymax_nmf),
Example #55
def test_dilate_slice():
    for i in range(16):
        f = (np.random.random_sample((256,256))*255).astype(np.uint8)
        assert np.all(mahotas.dilate(f[:3,:3]) == mahotas.dilate(f[:3,:3].copy()))
Example #56
def python_nuvolatools(timg, tdrawable, mangaoptype=0, lowlevelnumber=0, highlevelnumber=255,
                     samplethreshold=90, minblobarea=1, maxblobarea=10, otsuon=0, fancyproc=0, cbrregistry=0, numberOfDilations=1):

####CBR Registry section
###note CBR registry is meant to become a very compact way of specifying multiple values (i.e. for multiple operations, even as binary values) and should be processed in this section to initialize the necessary variables. This has priority over everything else passed as arguments to the present function

####variables init

    width = tdrawable.width
    height = tdrawable.height
    swidth = tdrawable.mask_bounds[2] - tdrawable.mask_bounds[0]
    sheight = tdrawable.mask_bounds[3] - tdrawable.mask_bounds[1]
    soffsetX = tdrawable.mask_bounds[0]
    soffsetY = tdrawable.mask_bounds[1]
    sselectionBox = tdrawable.mask_bounds

    shapedetfillratio = 0.0
    shapedetfillrange = 0.0
    shapedethwratio = 0.0
    shapedethwrange = 0.0
    shapeselectex = 1
    shapeinvertpic = 0
    radiusoperation = 0
    radiuspixel = 1
    uniqueExtension = ""
    if ((cbrregistry & 16)== 16):
    	dateNow = datetime.datetime.now()
    	uniqueExtension = str(time.mktime(dateNow.timetuple()))

    if ((mangaoptype==2) or (mangaoptype==3) or (mangaoptype==4)):

    	if ((cbrregistry & 4)== 4):
    		extradata = readdialogdatafromshm()		

    	root = Tk()
    	if ((cbrregistry & 4)!= 4):
    		d = MyDialog(root)
	    	extradata = d.result
    		print "Extra parameters input result:", extradata

	print "EXTRA PARAMETERS RAW", extradata
    	shapedetfillratio = float(extradata[0])
    	shapedethwratio = float(extradata[1])
    	shapedetfillrange = float(extradata[2])
    	shapedethwrange = float(extradata[3])
    	shapeselectex = int(extradata[4])
    	shapeinvertpic = int(extradata[5])
   	radiusoperation = int(extradata[6])
   	radiuspixel = int(extradata[7])
    	#basically, invertpic means setting the whitepores operation... so:
    	# (shapeinvertpic) complements the whitepores condition ~_~

    scropBox = (swidth,sheight,soffsetX,soffsetY)

####creating work image (currently the imgg is NOT USED)

    imgg = gimp.Image(width, height, GRAY)
    layer_imgg = gimp.Layer(imgg, "work layer", width, height, GRAY_IMAGE, 100, NORMAL_MODE)
    imgg.add_layer(layer_imgg, 0)
    ##imggpastelayer = pdb.gimp_edit_paste(layer_imgg, True)
    ##imgg.add_layer(imggpastelayer, 1)
    ##imggreturnlayer = pdb.gimp_image_flatten(imgg)

    wdrawable = tdrawable.copy()
    if (fancyproc):
    	timg.add_layer(wdrawable, 0)
    	pdb.gimp_layer_set_name(wdrawable,"nuvola work layer")

#### FANCY OPERATIONS (work layer)

    if (fancyproc):
	### this is a preset known to work well for me ~_~ ...doing two passes! (I should make this optonal tho)
	## excluding the gaussian blur, useless for now.
	#pdb.plug_in_gauss_rle(timg, wdrawable, maxblurrad***, 1, 1)  #mablurrad will give error since this variable has been removed
    	pdb.gimp_levels(wdrawable, 0, 0, highlevelnumber, 1, 0, 255) #first let's minimize the background
    	pdb.plug_in_unsharp_mask(timg, wdrawable, 5, 0.5, 0) # only then, more crispness
    	#pdb.plug_in_unsharp_mask(timg, wdrawable, 5, 0.5, 0) ###maybe this is excessive, let's comment it
    	pdb.gimp_levels(wdrawable, 0, lowlevelnumber, 255, 1, 0, 255) #then, further darken the blacks
    	pdb.plug_in_antialias(timg, wdrawable) # a touch of antialias~

####conversion to numpy array
    #pdb.file_png_save(timg, tdrawable, "/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-pngtimgfile.png", "pngtimgfile.png", 0, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

    #img = makenparrayfromfile("/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-pngtimgfile.png", sselectionBox, uniqueExtension)
    #pdb.file_gif_save(timg, tdrawable, "/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-pngtimgfile.gif", "pngtimgfile.gif", 0, 0, 0, 0)

    #img = makenparrayfromfile("/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-pngtimgfile.gif", sselectionBox, uniqueExtension)

    pdb.file_tiff_save(timg, tdrawable, "/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-pngtimgfile.tif", "pngtimgfile.tif", 1)

    print "calling nparrayfrom pngtimgfile"
    img = makenparrayfromfile("/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-pngtimgfile.tif", sselectionBox, uniqueExtension)

    #pdb.file_png_save(timg, wdrawable, "/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-wpngtimgfile.png", "wpngtimgfile.png", 0, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

    #wimg = makenparrayfromfile("/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-wpngtimgfile.png", sselectionBox, uniqueExtension) <-- only if fancyproc
    if (fancyproc):
    	print "calling nparrayfrom wpngtimgfile"
    	pdb.file_tiff_save(timg, wdrawable, "/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-wpngtimgfile.tif", "wpngtimgfile.tif",1)
    	wimg = makenparrayfromfile("/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-wpngtimgfile.tif", sselectionBox, uniqueExtension)

#### thresholding and labeling

    imglabel, labelnum, imgbin, imgbinneg, img, imgneg, imgotsu, imgtosaveotsu, imgotsuneg = imagepreprocesslabel(img, mangaoptype, otsuon, samplethreshold, shapeinvertpic)

    if (fancyproc):
    	wimglabel, wlabelnum, wimgbin, wimgbinneg, wimg, wimgneg, wimgotsu, wimgtosaveotsu, wimgotsuneg = imagepreprocesslabel(wimg, mangaoptype, otsuon, samplethreshold, shapeinvertpic)

#### special for the shapedetector: we are actually using the work layer since it should give a much better shape separation 

    if ((mangaoptype==2) and (fancyproc)):
    	imglabel = wimglabel
    	labelnum = wlabelnum
    	imgbin = wimgbin
    	imgbinneg = wimgbinneg
    	img = wimg
    	imgneg = wimgneg
    	imgotsu = wimgotsu
    	imgtosaveotsu = wimgtosaveotsu
    	imgotsuneg = wimgotsuneg

####blob measurement via pymorph, parameter maxblobarea

    pdb.gimp_progress_set_text('Measuring specks sizes.. (may take some time)')
    imgblobdata = measurefromlabel(imglabel, tdrawable, fancyproc)
    print imgblobdata, len(imgblobdata)
    #len of data == number of labels, of course.

#### speckles operation start
    if ((mangaoptype==0) or (mangaoptype==1)):
	#print "making measurement from labels"
    	imgspeckles = img; #create a copy of the original nparray
	imgspecklesres = makefromlabel(imgbinneg, imgspeckles, imglabel, imgblobdata,minblobarea,maxblobarea,fancyproc, shapedetfillratio, shapedetfillrange, shapedethwratio, shapedethwrange, shapeselectex, radiusoperation, radiuspixel, mangaoptype, uniqueExtension)
    if (mangaoptype==2):
	imgspeckles = img; #create a copy of the original nparray
	### for now, fancyproc is needed true if we want to match specific shapes
    	fancyproc = True
	print "pre-call shape det parameters", shapedetfillratio, shapedetfillrange, shapedethwratio, shapedethwrange, shapeselectex, radiusoperation, radiuspixel
    	imgspecklesres = makefromlabel(imgbinneg, imgspeckles, imglabel, imgblobdata,minblobarea,maxblobarea,fancyproc, shapedetfillratio, shapedetfillrange, shapedethwratio, shapedethwrange, shapeselectex, radiusoperation, radiuspixel, mangaoptype, uniqueExtension)

#### Fancy operation: dilation 

    #if (mangaoptype==1):
    #	propagate_mode=1
    print "processing dilations"
    for i in range(numberOfDilations):
    	imgspecklesresdil = mahotas.dilate(imgspecklesres)
    	imgspecklesres = imgspecklesresdil

#### Fancy operation: thinning skeleton from mahotas when processing lineart

    print "thinning skeleton, this may take some minutes for very large pictures!"

    if ((fancyproc) and (mangaoptype == 3)):
    #if ((mangaoptype == 0)):
    	#if (not fancyproc): # wimgbinneg is not declared if fancyproc is false, so for debugging purposes we assign it
	#	wimgbinneg = imgbinneg #preliminary results show a *less crisp* starting picture is MUCH desirable ~_~

    	#wimgbinneg=mahotas.erode(wimgbinneg)  ###this has a very positive effect of stabilizing certain aspects of the picture, however it's also altering it greatly. Commented for the time being.

    	print "processing segment at", wbinnegindex, "/",wbinneglen
	while (wbinnegindex<=wbinneglen):
    		pdb.gimp_progress_set_text("processing segment at "+str(wbinnegindex)+"/"+str(wbinneglen))
		wbinnegindex=wbinnegindex-minoverlap ###makes it 25% more computationally expensive, but pays with no artifacts
    		if (wbinnegindex+minsegment <= wbinneglen):
    		if (wbinnegindex+minsegment > wbinneglen):
    		#print imgthin[0]
    		#print imgthinpart[0]
    		imgthin=np.append(imgthin[0:wbinnegindex+minoverlap/2],imgthinpart[minoverlap/2:], axis=0)

    	print "skeleton thinned"

    	io.imsave('/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-imgthin.png', imgthin*255)

	### a word of wisdom: this damn fails with "memory error" for VERY large pictures ~_~

    	###skel, distance = medial_axis(wimgbinneg, return_distance=True)

    	###print "medialaxis done"


    	###io.imsave('/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-medialaxis2.png', skeldist)

#### if whitepores = True or (shapeinvertpic), invert the picture
    if ((mangaoptype==1) or (shapeinvertpic)):
        imgnegres = pymorph.neg(imgspecklesres)
        imgspecklesres = imgnegres

####saving numpy intermediates
    #io.imsave('/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-imgtosaveotsu.png', imgtosaveotsu)
    #io.imsave('/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-imgbinneg.png', imgbinneg*255)
    io.imsave('/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-imgbin.png', imgbin*255)
    if (otsuon == 1):


####creating spare GIMP layers
    layer_specks = gimp.Layer(timg, "negative specks", swidth, sheight, GRAY_IMAGE, 100, NORMAL_MODE)

####loading specks as layer
    layer_specks = pdb.gimp_file_load_layer(timg, '/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-imgspecklesres.png')
    timg.add_layer(layer_specks, 0)
    pdb.gimp_layer_set_name(layer_specks,"speckles remover")
    #### if whitepores = True or (shapeinvertpic), use the correct layer name
    if ((mangaoptype==1) or (shapeinvertpic)):
    	pdb.gimp_layer_set_name(layer_specks,"white pores filler")

    print tdrawable.mask_bounds, tdrawable.mask_bounds[2]-tdrawable.mask_bounds[0], tdrawable.mask_bounds[3]-tdrawable.mask_bounds[1], tdrawable.mask_bounds[0], tdrawable.mask_bounds[1]

#### removing background and publishing

    #layer_specks.resize(tdrawable.mask_bounds[2]-tdrawable.mask_bounds[0], tdrawable.mask_bounds[3]-tdrawable.mask_bounds[1], tdrawable.mask_bounds[0], tdrawable.mask_bounds[1])

    pdb.gimp_by_color_select(layer_specks, gimpcolor.RGB(0,0,0), 0, CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE, False, False, 0, False)

#### if whitepores = True, invert the selection
    if ((mangaoptype==1) or (shapeinvertpic)):
        pdb.gimp_by_color_select(layer_specks, gimpcolor.RGB(255,255,255), 0, CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE, False, False, 0, False)

    #print dir(layer_specks)
    #print dir(pdb)
    ##layer_two = layer_one.copy()
    ##layer_two.mode = MULTIPLY_MODE
    ##layer_two.name = "Y Dots"
    ##timg.add_layer(layer_two, 0)


    ##bump_layer = imgg.active_layer

    layer_specks.translate(soffsetX, soffsetY)
####sending back layers

    #layer_one.image = imgtosaveotsu
    #timg.add_layer(layer_one, 0)

    if ((cbrregistry & 1)== 1):
	print "matched cbr registry 1 -> clearing wdrawable"

    if ((cbrregistry & 2)== 2):
	print "saving current picture in xcf format"
	print timgname, timgfilename
	print timgnames,timgfilenames

#### Final

    if ((cbrregistry & 8)== 8):
    	os.system("rm -v /dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-*")
    	os.system("rm -f /dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-*")
