Example #1
def eccentricity(im):
    ''' im should be a binary image with a single region '''
    c = mahotas.center_of_mass(im)
    m11 = mahotas.moments(im, 1, 1, c)
    m02 = mahotas.moments(im, 2, 0, c)
    m20 = mahotas.moments(im, 0, 2, c)
    l1 = (m20 + m02) / 2 + np.sqrt(4*m11**2 + (m20-m02)**2) / 2
    l2 = (m20 + m02) / 2 - np.sqrt(4*m11**2 + (m20-m02)**2) / 2
    e = np.sqrt(1 - l2 / l1)
    return e
Example #2
def _calc_orientation(img):
    com = mh.center_of_mass(img)

    mu00 = mh.moments(img, 0, 0, com)
    mu11 = mh.moments(img, 1, 1, com)
    mu20 = mh.moments(img, 2, 0, com)
    mu02 = mh.moments(img, 0, 2, com)

    mup_20 = mu20 / mu00
    mup_02 = mu02 / mu00
    mup_11 = mu11 / mu00

    theta_rad = 0.5 * math.atan(2 * mup_11 /
                                (mup_20 - mup_02))  # todo math -> numpy
    theta = theta_rad * (180 / math.pi)
    if (mup_20 - mup_02) > 0:
        theta += 90

    return theta
Example #3
def test_expression():
    import mahotas as mh
    import numpy as np
    im = (np.zeros((12, 16)) + np.arange(16))
    im -= im.mean()
    c0, c1 = 4, 7
    p0, p1 = 2, 3
    for p0, p1 in [(0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 2), (3, 2), (2, 0)]:
        sum_r = sum((im[i, j] * (i - c0)**p0 * (j - c1)**p1)
                    for i in range(im.shape[0]) for j in range(im.shape[1]))
        mm_r = mh.moments(im, p0, p1, cm=(c0, c1))
        assert np.abs(mm_r - sum_r) < 1.
    def _process_image(self, im):
        thresh = skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(im)

        labeled, seeds = mahotas.label(im > thresh)
        labeled = mahotas.labeled.remove_bordering(labeled)

        features = []
        for seed in range(1, seeds):
            precipitates = (labeled == seed).astype('int')

            m00 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 0, 0)
            m01 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 0, 1)
            m10 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 1, 0)
            m11 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 1, 1)
            m02 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 0, 2)
            m20 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 2, 0)

            xm = m10 / m00
            ym = m01 / m00

            u00 = 1.0
            u11 = m11 / m00 - xm * ym
            u20 = m20 / m00 - xm ** 2
            u02 = m02 / m00 - ym ** 2

            w1 = u00**2 / (2.0 * numpy.pi * (u20 + u02))
            w2 = u00**4 / (16.0 * numpy.pi * numpy.pi * (u20 * u02 - u11**2))

            if numpy.isnan(w1) or numpy.isnan(w2) or numpy.isinf(w1) or numpy.isinf(w2):

            features.append(((xm, ym), [numpy.sqrt(m00), w1, w2, u20, u02]))#

        return features
Example #5
def test_expression():
    import mahotas as mh
    import numpy as np
    im = (np.zeros((12,16)) + np.arange(16))
    im -= im.mean()
    c0,c1 = 4,7
    p0,p1 = 2, 3
    for p0,p1 in [(0,1),
        sum_r = sum((im[i,j] * (i - c0)**p0 * (j - c1)**p1) for i in range(im.shape[0]) for j in range(im.shape[1]))
        mm_r = mh.moments(im , p0, p1, cm=(c0,c1))
        assert np.abs(mm_r - sum_r) < 1.
def moment_feats(im):
    thresh = skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(im)

    #plt.imshow(im > thresh)

    labeled, seeds = mahotas.label(im > thresh)
    labeled = mahotas.labeled.remove_bordering(labeled)

    features = []
    for seed in range(1, seeds):
        precipitates = (labeled == seed).astype('int')

        m00 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 0, 0)
        m01 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 0, 1)
        m10 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 1, 0)
        m11 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 1, 1)
        m02 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 0, 2)
        m20 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 2, 0)
        #m12 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 1, 2)
        #m21 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 2, 1)
        #m22 = mahotas.moments(precipitates, 2, 2)


        xm = m10 / m00
        ym = m01 / m00

        #if m00 < 1e-5:
        #    continue

        #u00 = m00
        u00 = 1.0
        u11 = m11 / m00 - xm * ym
        u20 = m20 / m00 - xm ** 2
        u02 = m02 / m00 - ym ** 2

        w1 = u00**2 / (2.0 * numpy.pi * (u20 + u02))
        w2 = u00**4 / (16.0 * numpy.pi * numpy.pi * (u20 * u02 - u11**2))

        if w1 < 0.0 or w1 > 1.0 or w2 < 0.0 or w2 > 1.0 or numpy.isnan(w1) or numpy.isnan(w2):
            print m00, m01, m10, m11, m02, m20
            print xm
            print ym
            print u00, u11, u20, u02
            print w1, w2

        features.append([numpy.sqrt(m00)])#w1, w2, , u20, u02

    features = numpy.array(features)

    return features
Example #7
def get_mahotas_features(image, bin_image):
#    pdb.set_trace()
    zer = zernike.zernike_moments(image, len(image)/2)  #adding 25
    mm = []
    for i in range(7):
        for j in range(7):
            mm.append(np.log10(moments(image, i,j)))  #adding 49
    rou = features.roundness(bin_image)        #adding 1
    el1 = features.ellipse_axes(bin_image)[0]
    el2 = features.ellipse_axes(bin_image)[0]#adding 2
    exe = features.eccentricity(bin_image)    #adding 1
    pft = features.pftas(image)               #adding 54    
    hara = mahotas.features.haralick(image).reshape(-1)   #adding 52   
#    return np.concatenate((zer, np.array([rou]), np.array(ellip), hara.reshape(-1), lbps.reshape(-1)))
    #adding in total 184 features
    return np.concatenate((zer, np.array(mm), np.array([rou, el1, el2, exe]), pft, hara))
Example #8
def test_moments01():
    im = np.zeros((16,16))
    im += np.arange(16)
    im -= im.mean()
    assert np.abs(mh.moments(im , 1, 0)) < 0.1
Example #9
def test_moments01():
    im = np.zeros((16, 16))
    im += np.arange(16)
    im -= im.mean()
    assert np.abs(mh.moments(im, 1, 0)) < 0.1