def split_emails(text, fileids): emails = [] reg_header = r'<.*?@.*?>\nType' headers = re.findall(reg_header, text) ind = 0 for i in range(0, len(headers) - 1): start_h = text.find(headers[i]) end_h = text.find('Abstract') header = text[start_h:end_h] start_b = end_h end_b = text.find(headers[i + 1]) body = text[start_b:end_b] emails.append(Email(header.strip(), body.strip(), fileids[ind])) text = text[end_b:] ind += 1 end_h = text.find('Abstract') header = text[:end_h] body = text[end_h:] emails.append(Email(header, body, fileids[ind])) return emails
def SendSnapshot(self, send_option): """Send snapshot /tmp/snapshot.jpg send options are: 1 ... Telegram bot 2 ... Email""" if send_option == 1: try: bot = MyTelegramBot() response = bot.send_photo( "%s/data/plugins/synology/snapshot.jpg" % self.installfolder) if response == True:"<INFO> Photo sent to Telegram!") return True else:"<ERROR> Photo NOT sent to Telegram!") return False except: return False elif send_option == 2: try: m = Email() m.SendAttachment( "Snapshot", "Greetings from your Loxberry", "%s/data/plugins/synology/snapshot.jpg" % self.installfolder) except:"<INFO> sending email not implemented yet") return False else:"<ERROR> no valid send option!") return False
def run(self): """Run device and agent checks""" # Main loop devices = self.api.get_devices() for device in devices: # Begin device = Device(device, self.results) logger.debug('---- Device: %s ----', # Device checks if device.is_inactive(): logger.debug(' Device is archived or paused') continue device.run_device_checks() if device.is_offline: logger.debug( ' Device is offline; skipping remaining checks') continue # Agent checks asset_details = self.api.get_asset_details(device.serial_number) for agent in asset_details: agent = Agent(self.api, agent, device, self.results, self.include_unprotected) logger.debug(' ---- Agent: %s ----', if agent.is_inactive(): logger.debug(' ' * 8 + 'Agent is archived or paused') continue agent.run_agent_checks() self.api.session_close()'All checks complete') # Main loop done; send report if config.EMAIL_TO: mailer = Email() d = subject = 'Daily Datto Check: {}'.format(d.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')) report = mailer.build_html_report(self.results.results) mailer.send_email(config.EMAIL_TO, config.EMAIL_FROM, subject, report, config.EMAIL_CC)
def tag_time(email): header = email.header body = email.body reg_time = r'\[0-9]+:[0-9][0-9]|[0-9]+:[0-9][0-9] +[APap]\.?[mM]' reg_line = r'Time.*\n' # Tag header times = [] times_tag = [] try: # Get line which contains time info line = re.findall(reg_line, header)[0] times = re.findall(reg_time, line) if len(times) == 1: times_tag.append('<stime>' + times[0] + '</stime>') else: times_tag.append('<stime>' + times[0] + '</stime>') times_tag.append('<etime>' + times[1] + '</etime>') for i in range(0, len(times)): line = re.sub(times[i], times_tag[i], line) header = re.sub(reg_line, line, header) except: pass # Tag times in body if len(times) > 0: # Strip times from header to contain only digits for i in range(0, len(times)): times[i] = re.findall(r'[0-9]+:[0-9][0-9]', times[i])[0] # Get all times from body times_b = re.findall(reg_time, body) times_b_tag = list(times_b) # Tag the times from body based on header time tags for i in range(0, len(times_b)): if times[0] in times_b[i]: times_b_tag[i] = '<stime>' + times_b[i] + '</stime>' if len(times) > 1: for i in range(0, len(times_b)): if times[1] in times_b[i]: times_b_tag[i] = '<etime>' + times_b[i] + '</etime>' # Put tagged times in body for i in range(0, len(times_b)): body = re.sub(times_b[i], times_b_tag[i], body) return Email(header, body, email.fileid)
def add(cls, title, description, email, image_url, visible): content_tag = tags.analyze_entities(title) p = Poll(title=title, description=description, email=email, image_url=image_url, delete_key=str(uuid.uuid4()), tag=content_tag, visible=visible) p.put() # Add to datastore # don't check hidden polls if visible: # add a job to a task queue that will check the poll for bad language taskqueue.add(queue_name='filter-queue', url='/admin/worker/checkpoll', params={'poll': p.get_id()}) if email: Email.send_mail(email, p.get_id(), p.delete_key, title, image_url) events.poll_created_event(p) return p
def main(): sensor = 16 #PIR sensor set at GPIO pin 16 sensorState = 0 #sensorState refers to signal sent from videoDevice = 0 #0 is the default videoDevice fps = 30 #fps of video device print("preparing sensor") #setup Pi's GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) #sets up GPIO's pin numbering to BOARD GPIO.setup(sensor, GPIO.IN) #inits pin of sensor as input print("preparing webcam") cam = Webcam(videoDevice, fps) print("preparing email") #setup email, see "" for more information myEmail = Email("myemail", "mypassword") #return an email object myEmail.initSMTP("", 587) #connect to gmail's SMTP on port 587 subject = "Intruder Alert" recipient = "recipient@email" #image file path for webcam screen capture imgPath = "images/intruder.jpg" print("listening to sensor...") try: while True: time.sleep(2) sensorState = GPIO.input(sensor) print(sensorState) if sensorState == GPIO.HIGH: #check if sensor sends a signal date = time.strftime("Date: %x Time(24Hour): %X") print("taking pic") cam.takePicture(imgPath) print("sending email") myEmail.sendEmail(recipient, subject, date, imgPath) print("sent") time.sleep(60) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: print("exiting...") GPIO.cleanup() #exit GPIO cleanly cam.closeWebcam() myEmail.closeSMTP() #close connection to SMTP server
def listen(self) -> NoReturn: """Continuously loop while checking for due plans and unread email.""" while True: # Check Plans plans = for plan in plans: if plan.due_date <= arrow.utcnow(): self.db.write(filter(lambda p: plan != p, plans)) Notification.toast('Butler', f'{} is due.') # Check Messages for mail in Email.get(self.username, self.password): Notification.toast(mail.subject, mail.body)
def tag_sents(email): # Remove the 'Abstract:' part body = email.body[9:] body_sents = sent_tokenize(body) body_sents = [re.sub(r'\n', '', b) for b in body_sents] body = email.body for s in body_sents: if (not s.startswith(' ')) and s[0].isalnum(): ns = '<sentence>' + s + ' </sentence>' body = body.replace(s, ns) return Email(email.header, body, email.fileid)
def __init__(self): ''' Initialising the detectron2 model and setting computation to GPU. Returns ------- None. ''' self.comp = 'cuda' if (torch.cuda.is_available()) else 'cpu' self.cfg = get_cfg() self.cfg.MODEL.DEVICE=self.comp self.cfg.merge_from_file(model_zoo.get_config_file("COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_C4_3x.yaml")) self.cfg.MODEL.ROI_HEADS.SCORE_THRESH_TEST = 0.9 # set threshold for this model self.cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = model_zoo.get_checkpoint_url("COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_C4_3x.yaml") self.predictor = DefaultPredictor(self.cfg) self.num_processes = 6 self.db = database.DataBase() = Email() tz = pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata') tz = = str(tz.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M'))
def dict_to_email(d): msgid = d['mid'] author_email = d[GMAIL.AUTHOR][-1]['email_addr'] author_name = decode(d[GMAIL.AUTHOR][-1].get('from_text', '')) subject = decode(d[GMAIL.SUBJECT][-1]) snippet = decode(d[GMAIL.SNIPPET][-1]) attachments = [Storage(name=a) for a in d[GMAIL.ATTACHMENTS]] labels = [decode(l) for l in d[GMAIL.LABELS] if not l.startswith('^')] return Email(id=('%x' % msgid), fromname=author_name, fromemail=author_email, sendtime=datetime.fromtimestamp(d["time"] // 1000), subject=subject, content=snippet, attachments=attachments, labels=labels)
'Corn':'CHRIS/CME_C1', 'Dax':'CHRIS/EUREX_FDAX1', 'FTSE100':'CHRIS/LIFFE_Z1', 'Eurodollar':'CHRIS/CME_ED1', 'Euro':'CHRIS/CME_EC1', 'GBP':'CHRIS/CME_BP1', 'Gold':'CHRIS/CME_EC1' } data_index=pd.DataFrame() for m in mkts.keys(): try: data_index[m]=quandl.get(mkts[m],authtoken=token).Last except: data_index[m]=quandl.get(mkts[m],authtoken=token).Settle data_pct=data_index.dropna().pct_change() data=data_pct.dropna() number=data.count().iloc[1] window=20 results=pd.DataFrame() for i in range(window+1,number): pca = PCA(n_components=5)[i-window:i]) results[data.iloc[i].name]=pd.Series(pca.explained_variance_)**.5 results.T['2018':].plot(kind='area',colormap='magma',title='Vol Explained').get_figure().savefig('vol_explained.png') e=Email(subject='Morning Update: Volatility explained by compoents') e.add_attachment('vol_explained.png') e.send()
sys.path.insert(0, PATH + '/module') from getpass import getpass, getuser from checker import Checker from mail import Email name = os.environ.get('PYMAIL_ADR') if not name: name = raw_input('User : '******'Sorry .. retry') psw = getpass() e = Email(name, psw) try: e.send() except: print('\nSomething went wrong, retry') else: if e.failed: print('Failed sending to ' + str(e.failed)) else: print('Sent') except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\nTerminated') sys.exit(0)
} data_index = pd.DataFrame() for i in indices.keys(): file = '' + indices[ i] data_index[i] = pd.read_csv(file, sep='\t', index_col=0, parse_dates=[0], usecols=[0, 1]).ix[:, 0] data_pct = data_index.pct_change() ax1 = data_pct['2019':].cumsum().ffill().plot(colormap='jet') ax1.set_xlabel("") ax1.get_figure().savefig('socgen.png') plt.gcf().clear() df = pd.DataFrame() df['CTA'] = data_index.CTA df['SP500'] = quandl.get('CHRIS/CME_SP1', authtoken=token).Last df = df.dropna().pct_change() ax2 = pd.ewmcorr(df.CTA, df['SP500'], 20)['2019':].plot( colormap='jet', title='20 Day Rolling Correlation: CTA index to S&P 500') ax2.set_xlabel("") ax2.get_figure().savefig('socgen_corr.png') e = Email(subject='Morning Update: Soc Gen Indices') e.add_attachments(['socgen.png', 'socgen_corr.png']) e.send()
'GBP': 'CHRIS/CME_BP1', #'Gold':'CHRIS/CME_EC1' } data_index = pd.DataFrame() for m in mkts.keys(): try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).Last except: try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).Settle except: try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).Value except: try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).value except: try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).Rate except: print(m) data_pct = data_index.pct_change() data_pct['2019':].cumsum().ffill().plot( colormap='brg').get_figure().savefig('YTD.png') e = Email(subject='Morning Update: Macro YTD Email') e.add_attachment('YTD.png') e.send()
def setup_mail(to, files): email = Email() email.prepare_msg(to) email.attach_msg(email.set_msg(files)) email.send_email()
data_index[m]=quandl.get(mkts[m],authtoken=token).Value except: try: data_index[m]=quandl.get(mkts[m],authtoken=token).value except: data_index[m]=quandl.get(mkts[m],authtoken=token).Rate data_pct=data_index.pct_change() s=calc_ts_pairwise_correlation(data_pct) s.dropna().to_csv('pairwise_c.csv') s['2000':].plot(colormap='jet').get_figure().savefig('pairwise.png') e=Email(subject='Morning Update: Pairwise Correlation') e.add_attachment('pairwise.png') e.send() data_pct['2019':].cumsum().ffill().plot(colormap='brg').get_figure().savefig('YTD.png') e=Email(subject='Morning Update: Macro YTD Email') e.add_attachment('YTD.png') e.send() def get_sector_data(): sp=SectorPerformances (key=key, output_format='pandas')
link = "" + hyper.get("href") mail_context += "<br>\r\n".join([title, link, '\r\n']) if not new_term: mail_context += "No new schoarship today & yesterday. <br>\r\n You may want to visit" mail_context += "<br>" return mail_context if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Tongqu Crawler") parser.add_argument("-r", "--recipient", type=str, default="*****@*****.**") args = parser.parse_args() msg1 = "" msg2 = "" try: msg1 = crawl_tongqu() except Exception as e: print(e) try: msg2 = crawl_scholarship() except Exception as e: print(e) email = Email(recipient=args.recipient, text=msg1 + msg2)
data_index = pd.DataFrame() for i in indices.keys(): file = '' + indices[ i] data_index[i] = pd.read_csv(file, sep='\t', index_col=0, parse_dates=[0], usecols=[0, 1]).ix[:, 0] data_pct = data_index.pct_change() ax1 = data_pct['2018':].cumsum().ffill().plot(colormap='jet') ax1.set_xlabel("") ax1.get_figure().savefig('socgen.png') plt.gcf().clear() df = pd.DataFrame() df['CTA'] = data_index.CTA df['SP500'] = quandl.get('CHRIS/CME_SP1', authtoken=token).Last df = df.dropna().pct_change() ax2 = pd.ewmcorr(df.CTA, df['SP500'], 20)['2018':].plot( colormap='jet', title='20 Day Rolling Correlation: CTA index to S&P 500') ax2.set_xlabel("") ax2.get_figure().savefig('socgen_corr.png') e = Email(to='*****@*****.**', subject='Morning Update: Soc Gen Indices') e.add_attachments(['socgen.png', 'socgen_corr.png']) e.send()
class Main: def __init__(self): self.wechat = WeChat() self.openldap = OpenLdap() self.e_mail = Email() def get_wechat_uid_info(self, uid): #根据uid获取企业微信中该用户的属性值 wechat_user_list = self.wechat.get_user_list() for info in wechat_user_list: for k_info, v_info in info.items(): if k_info == 'userid': v = v_info.lower() if v == uid: return info def get_wechat_gid_info(self, gid): #跟据部门id获取企业微信中该部门的属性值 wechat_department_list = self.wechat.get_department_list() for info in wechat_department_list: for k_info, v_info in info.items(): if k_info == 'id': if v_info == gid: return info def get_wechat_ugid(self, uid): #根据uid获取企业微信的部门id,用于排除添加某部门用户 wechat_user_list = self.wechat.get_user_list() for info in wechat_user_list: for k_info, v_info in info.items(): if k_info == 'userid': v = v_info.lower() if v == uid: dep_id = info.get('department') return dep_id def add_user(self): ldap_uid = self.openldap.get_ldap_uid() ldap_gid = self.openldap.get_ldap_gid() wechat_uid = self.wechat.get_wechat_userid() wechat_gid = self.wechat.get_wechat_gid() #添加用户组 for w_gid in wechat_gid: #判断微信部门是否已经存在ldap组中 if w_gid not in ldap_gid: #列表[id]转成字符串id gid = [str(x) for x in w_gid] gid_new = "".join(gid) wechat_gid_info = self.get_wechat_gid_info(int(gid_new)) print(wechat_gid_info) # 不存在则向ldap添加部门信息 def f(id, name): return self.openldap.ldap_add_group(id, name) f(**wechat_gid_info) #添加用户 for w_uid in wechat_uid: # 判断微信账号是否已经存在ldap中 if w_uid not in ldap_uid: # 不存在则向ldap添加账号信息 # 列表[uid]转成字符串'uid' uid = "".join(w_uid) #判断用户是否属于排除添加的部门:合作伙伴(:40) exclude = [40] wechat_dep_id = self.get_wechat_ugid(uid) if wechat_dep_id not in exclude: #添加用户 wechat_uid_info = self.get_wechat_uid_info(uid) def f(userid, name, mobile, email, position, department): print('开始添加ldap用户:%s' % userid) if self.openldap.ldap_add_user(userid, name, mobile, email, position, department): print('开始发送邮件') self.e_mail.send_mail(email, userid, name) f(**wechat_uid_info)
def __init__(self): self.wechat = WeChat() self.openldap = OpenLdap() self.e_mail = Email()
tfs = TfsUtils(url, auth) items = tfs.find_stored_query() name = set() for item_id in items: work_item = tfs.find_work_item(item_id) if work_item["24"] not in name: rest_time = work_item["10000"] - 8 used_time = work_item["10052"] + 8 data = { u"10000": rest_time, u"10052": used_time } tfs.update_work_item(item_id, data) name.add(work_item["24"]) print item_id except Exception, e: # print exception info print Exception, ":", e subject = "TFS报工失败" text = "失败原因" + str(e) traceback.print_exc() # Email notification email = Email(config) email.send(subject, text)
import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.switch_backend('agg') from mail import Email from lab import * sns.set_context("poster") sns.set(font_scale=1) sp = get_sp_future() pct_returns = sp.pct_change() short_days = 1 long_days = 60 z = (pd.Series.ewm(pct_returns, short_days).mean() - pd.Series.ewm(pct_returns, long_days).mean()) / (pd.Series.ewm( pct_returns, long_days).std()) if z.abs().iloc[-1] > 1: df = pd.DataFrame() df['SP'] = sp df['Z score'] = z ax = df['2018':].plot(secondary_y='SP') ax.get_figure().savefig('zscore_sp.png') e = Email(subject='Morning Update: S&P 500 1sd Move') e.add_attachments(['zscore_sp.png']) e.send() else: print('No email')
def emailFromString(uid, s, sendtime_if_error): 'Email RFC822 string -> Email object' return Email.fromEmailMessage(uid, DecodedEmail(email.message_from_string(s)), sendtime_if_error)
from urllib.request import urlopen from mail import Email quote_page = '' page = urlopen(quote_page) soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser') msg = '' for l in soup.find_all(sho='83'): msg = msg + '<p><a href="' + l.find('button').get('mp3') + '">Diaspora</a>' for l in soup.find_all(sho='72'): msg = msg + '<p><a href="' + l.find('button').get( 'mp3') + '">Global Revolution</a>' for l in soup.find_all(sho='21'): msg = msg + '<p><a href="' + l.find('button').get( 'mp3') + '">Entertainment</a>\n' for l in soup.find_all(sho='62'): msg = msg + '<p><a href="' + l.find('button').get( 'mp3') + '">Journeys Into Jazz</a>\n' for l in soup.find_all(sho='43'): msg = msg + '<p><a href="' + l.find('button').get( 'mp3') + '">Something Wonderful</a>\n' e = Email(subject='Weekly Update: Music Email', to=['*****@*****.**']) e.add_text(msg) e.send()
import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.switch_backend('agg') from mail import Email from alpha_vantage.timeseries import TimeSeries from alpha_vantage.sectorperformance import SectorPerformances key = 'B22889019-EABCFEE1' sns.set_context("poster") def get_sector_data(): sp = SectorPerformances(key=key, output_format='pandas') data, _ = sp.get_sector() df = pd.DataFrame() df['1M Performane'] = data['Rank D: Month Performance'] df['YTD Performance'] = data['Rank F: Year-to-Date (YTD) Performance'] df['1Y Performance'] = data['Rank G: Year Performance'] df['3Y Performance'] = (data['Rank H: Year Performance'] + 1)**.33333333 - 1 df['10Y Performance'] = (data['Rank J: Year Performance'] + 1)**.1 - 1 return df get_sector_data().plot( kind='bar', colormap='jet', title='Performance (Long term Annualized)').get_figure().savefig( 'sector.png', bbox_inches='tight') e = Email(subject='Morning Update: Sector Performance') e.add_attachment('sector.png') e.send()
def sendEmail(self, updatedPostViews): email = Email() email.send(updatedPostViews)
data_index = pd.DataFrame() for m in mkts.keys(): try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).Last except: try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).Settle except: try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).Value except: try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).value except: try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).Rate except: print(m) data_pct = data_index.pct_change() mu = pd.ewma(data_pct, 260) sd = pd.ewmstd(data_pct, 260) zscores = (data_pct - mu) / sd last = zscores.iloc[-2].dropna().sort_values() last.plot(kind='barh', colormap='jet', ylim=[-3, 3]).get_figure().savefig('zscore.png', bbox_inches='tight') e = Email(subject='Morning Update: Macro Dashboard') e.add_attachment('zscore.png') e.send()
from mail import Email if __name__ == '__main__': mail = Email(to='*****@*****.**', subject='Follow-up') ctx = {'username': '******'} mail.text('followup.txt', ctx) mail.html('followup.html', ctx) # Optional mail.send()
for m in mkts.keys(): try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).Last except: try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).Settle except: try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).Value except: try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).value except: try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).Rate except: print(m) data_pct = data_index.pct_change() mu = pd.ewma(data_pct, 60) sd = pd.ewmstd(data_pct, 60) zscores = (data_pct - mu) / sd last = zscores.iloc[-2].dropna().sort_values() last.plot(kind='barh', colormap='jet', ylim=[-3, 3]).get_figure().savefig('zscore.png', bbox_inches='tight') e = Email(to='*****@*****.**', subject='Morning Update: Macro Dashboard') e.add_attachment('zscore.png') e.send()
mkts = { 'SP 500': 'CHRIS/CME_SP1', 'Natural Gas': 'CHRIS/CME_NG1', 'US 10Y': 'CHRIS/CME_TY1', 'Crude Oil': 'CHRIS/CME_CL1', 'Eurostoxx 50': 'CHRIS/EUREX_FESX1', 'Dollar Index': 'CHRIS/ICE_DX1', 'Wheat': 'CHRIS/CME_W7', 'Corn': 'CHRIS/CME_C1', 'Dax': 'CHRIS/EUREX_FDAX1', 'FTSE100': 'CHRIS/LIFFE_Z1', 'Eurodollar': 'CHRIS/CME_ED1', 'Euro': 'CHRIS/CME_EC1', 'GBP': 'CHRIS/CME_BP1', 'Gold': 'CHRIS/CME_EC1' } data_index = pd.DataFrame() for m in mkts.keys(): try: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).Last except: data_index[m] = quandl.get(mkts[m], authtoken=token).Settle data_pct = data_index.pct_change() s = calc_ts_pairwise_correlation(data_pct) s['2000':].plot(colormap='jet').get_figure().savefig('pairwise.png') e = Email(subject='Morning Update: Pairwise Correlation') e.add_attachment('pairwise.png') e.send()
sys.path.insert( 0, PATH + '/module' ) from getpass import getpass, getuser from checker import Checker from mail import Email name = os.environ.get('PYMAIL_ADR') if not name: name = raw_input('User : '******'Sorry .. retry') psw = getpass() e = Email( name, psw ) try: e.send() except: print('\nSomething went wrong, retry') else: if e.failed: print('Failed sending to ' + str(e.failed)) else: print('Sent') except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\nTerminated') sys.exit(0)
SENT_VIA = 0 MINISERVER = global_cfg.get("MINISERVER1", "IPADDRESS") INSTALLFOLDER = global_cfg.get("BASE", "INSTALLFOLDER")"<INFO> loading configuration...")"<INFO> DiskStation - " + DS_HOST + ", " + DS_PORT + ", " + DS_USER + ", " + EMAIL)"<INFO> Camera IDs - " + CIDS)"<INFO> Miniserver - " + MINISERVER) while True: data, addr = sock.recvfrom( 1024) # read data with buffer size of 1024 bytes"<INFO> received message from %s: %s" % (addr[0], data)) if (str(data).__contains__("TestMail")): email = Email() response = email.SendMsg( "Test from Loxberry", "This message was sent sucessfully from your Loxberry! \nHave fun :-) " ) if response == True:"<INFO> successful executed \"%s\" " % data) else:"<ERROR> %s not executed" % data) continue if (addr[0] == MINISERVER or addr[0] == "" ): # only the miniserver is allowed to send commands # create DS object and login ds = DiskStation(DS_USER, DS_PWD, DS_HOST, DS_PORT, EMAIL, INSTALLFOLDER)
'could not process areas.json file make sure that areas.json exists') except KeyError: raise BaseException('areas key is not specified in areas.json') # init the Email try: sender_address = environ['EMAIL_ADDRESS'] receiver_address = environ['EMAIL_ADDRESS'] sender_pass = environ['PASSWORD'] except KeyError as e: print( 'please make sure that you set the environment variables EMAIL_ADDRESS and PASSWORD correctly' ) raise email = Email(sender_address, receiver_address, sender_pass) print('found {} areas in areas.json file'.format(len(AREAS))) print('---------------------------------') def get_inst_rain_average(file_path: str) -> Dict[str, float]: ''' function to get the average rain over a grid for locations specified in areas.json :param file_path x: file path to a grib file :return: data row including (name: area name, area_max: max rain, area_min: min rain, area_average: average rain for all areas specified in areas.json file) ''' grbs = grb = grbs[1]
from mail import Email if __name__ == '__main__': mail = Email(to='*****@*****.**', subject='Adaptation Complete') ctx = {'username': '******'} mail.text('adaptation.txt', ctx) mail.html('adaptation.html', ctx) # Optional mail.send()
#!/usr/bin/python #coding:utf-8 import os import sys from datetime import * from urlparse import urlparse from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from mail import Email if __name__ == "__main__": # get data log_result = # generate using jinja2 template env = Environment(loader = FileSystemLoader('%s/templates' % os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) template = env.get_template('') html_content = template.render(result = log_result) # mail email = Email(smtp = '') email.send(sender = '*****@*****.**', receiptors = ["*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"], cc = '*****@*****.**', subject = 'email subject', content = html_content, content_subtype = 'html', attachment = ['/file/path/to/attachment'])