def printMailboxContent(conn) :
    msgList = pop_helpers.listMessages(conn)
    numMessages = len(msgList)
    print "There are %i messages (via POP)." % (numMessages,)
    for (sid, emailObj) in pop_helpers.iterMessages(conn, msgList) :
        #emailObj = email.message_from_string(rawMail)
        for headerType, headerTrunc in mail_helpers.iterEmailHeaders(emailObj, truncateAt = 70) :
            if mail_helpers.IsBaseHeader(headerType) :
                headerDisplay = mail_helpers.RemoveLineBreaks(headerTrunc)
                print "    %-30s %s" % (headerType, headerDisplay,)
def printPopMailboxContent(conn) :
    Reads the latest mail via POP.
    msgList = pop_helpers.listMessages(conn)
    numMessages = len(msgList)
    if 0 :
        print("There are %i messages (via POP)." % (numMessages,))
    newestMailObj = None

    for (sid, emailObj) in pop_helpers.iterMessages(conn, msgList, newestFirst = True) :
        if 0 :
            print("ID = %r" % (sid,))
            for headerType, headerTrunc in mail_helpers.iterEmailHeaders(emailObj, truncateAt = 70) :
                if mail_helpers.IsBaseHeader(headerType) :
                    headerDisplay = mail_helpers.RemoveLineBreaks(headerTrunc)
                    print("    %-30s %s" % (headerType, headerDisplay,))
            print() # empty line

        newestMailObj = emailObj

    # show informations of the newest mail
    if newestMailObj is None :
        print("Could not access POP server.", file=sys.stderr)
        return None

    # print all parts of a multipart mail
    if 0 :
        for (i, msg) in enumerate(newestMailObj.get_payload()) :
            print("PART", i)
            print("  charset =", msg.get_charset())
            print("  contentType =", msg.get_content_type())
            print("  contentMainType =", msg.get_content_maintype())
            print("  contentSubType =", msg.get_content_subtype())
            print("  defaultType =", msg.get_default_type())
            print("  filename =", msg.get_filename())
            print("  boundary =", msg.get_boundary())
            print("  contentCharset =", msg.get_content_charset())
            print("  charsets =", msg.get_charsets())
            print("  <CONTENT>")
            print("  </CONTENT>")


    return newestMailObj
def printMailboxContent(conn, mailbox, **keywords) :
    @keyword uniqueIdentifier: If True (default) use UID instead of sequentialID
    @type    uniqueIdentifier: bool

    @keyword newestFirst: If True sort from newest to oldest. Default is False
    @type    newestFirst: bool
    (okSelect, msgCountList) =, readonly = True)
    mailboxPretty = decodeMailboxName(mailbox)

    print("%(mailboxPretty)s" % locals())
    prettyMailbox = decodeMailboxName(mailbox)

    for id, emailObj in iterMailboxContent(conn, mailbox, **keywords) :
        print("ID = %(id)s" % locals())

        #emailTo = emailObj['To']
        #emailFrom = email.utils.parseaddr(emailObj['From'])

        for headerType, headerTrunc in mail_helpers.iterEmailHeaders(emailObj, truncateAt = 70) :
            if mail_helpers.IsBaseHeader(headerType) :
                headerDisplay = mail_helpers.RemoveLineBreaks(headerTrunc)
                print("    %-30s %s" % (headerType, headerDisplay,))

        if 0 :
            # note that if you want to get text content (body) and the email contains
            # multiple payloads (plaintext/ html), you must parse each message separately.
            # use something like the following: (taken from a stackoverflow post)
            def get_first_text_block(self, email_message_instance):
                maintype = email_message_instance.get_content_maintype()
                if maintype == 'multipart':
                    for part in email_message_instance.get_payload():
                        if part.get_content_maintype() == 'text':
                            return part.get_payload()
                elif maintype == 'text':
                    return email_message_instance.get_payload()
