Example #1
    def prepare_workers(config, session, daemons=False):
        # Set globals from config first...
        mailpile.util.APPEND_FD_CACHE_SIZE = config.sys.fd_cache_size

        if not config.background:
            # Create a silent background session
            config.background = Session(config)
            config.background.ui = BackgroundInteraction(config)

        # Start the workers
        if config.slow_worker == config.dumb_worker:
            config.slow_worker = Worker('Slow worker', session)
        if daemons and not config.cron_worker:
            config.cron_worker = Cron('Cron worker', session)

            # Schedule periodic rescanning, if requested.
            rescan_interval = config.prefs.rescan_interval
            if rescan_interval:
                def rescan():
                    if 'rescan' not in config._running:
                        rsc = Rescan(session, 'rescan')
                        rsc.serialize = False
                        config.slow_worker.add_task(None, 'Rescan', rsc.run)
                config.cron_worker.add_task('rescan', rescan_interval, rescan)

        if daemons and not config.http_worker:
            # Start the HTTP worker if requested
            sspec = (config.sys.http_host, config.sys.http_port)
            if sspec[0].lower() != 'disabled' and sspec[1] >= 0:
                config.http_worker = HttpWorker(session, sspec)
Example #2
    def prepare_workers(config, session=None, daemons=False):
        # Set globals from config first...
        import mailpile.util

        # Make sure we have a silent background session
        if not config.background:
            config.background = Session(config)
            config.background.ui = BackgroundInteraction(config)

        # Start the workers
        if daemons:
            if config.slow_worker == config.dumb_worker:
                config.slow_worker = Worker('Slow worker', session)
            if not config.cron_worker:
                config.cron_worker = Cron('Cron worker', session)
            if not config.http_worker:
                # Start the HTTP worker if requested
                sspec = (config.sys.http_host, config.sys.http_port)
                if sspec[0].lower() != 'disabled' and sspec[1] >= 0:
                    config.http_worker = HttpWorker(session, sspec)
            if not config.other_workers:
                import mailpile.plugins
                for worker in mailpile.plugins.WORKERS:
                    w = worker(session)

        # Update the cron jobs, if necessary
        if config.cron_worker:
            session = session or config.background

            # Schedule periodic rescanning, if requested.
            rescan_interval = config.prefs.rescan_interval
            if rescan_interval:

                def rescan():
                    if 'rescan' not in config._running:
                        rsc = Rescan(session, 'rescan')
                        rsc.serialize = False
                        config.slow_worker.add_task(session, 'Rescan', rsc.run)

                config.cron_worker.add_task('rescan', rescan_interval, rescan)

            # Schedule plugin jobs
            import mailpile.plugins

            def interval(i):
                if isinstance(i, (str, unicode)):
                    i = config.walk(i)
                return int(i)

            for job, (i, f) in mailpile.plugins.FAST_PERIODIC_JOBS.iteritems():
                config.cron_worker.add_task(job, interval(i),
                                            lambda: f(session))
            for job, (i, f) in mailpile.plugins.SLOW_PERIODIC_JOBS.iteritems():

                def wrap():
                    config.slow_worker.add_task(session, job,
                                                lambda: f(session))

                config.cron_worker.add_task(job, interval(i), wrap)