def setUnit(self, new_y_unit):
        if self.checkUnit(new_y_unit):
            old_unit = self.getUnits()[1]
            self.__units[1] = new_y_unit
            coeff = self.findCoeff('V', new_y_unit)
            self.__y = self.getF(coeff * self.getX())
            print("Unit of signal changed form {} to {}. Y-axis value are now {} time bigger that the original signal "
                  "(unit with coeff 1).".format(old_unit, new_y_unit, coeff))
            msg = "We use the function, not the y value to change the curve !"

            msg = "Incorrect unit value, unit of y-axis is currently {}.".format(self.getUnits()[1])
    def __init__(self, name, units, x, y=None, f=None):
        # Name
        self.__name = str(name)

        # Units
        if len(units) == 2:
            self.__units = units
            msg = "Units must be a list of size 2 (for x and y axis). Please define units !"
            self.__units = None

        # x-axis
        self.__x = np.array(x)

        # Axis Names
        self.__axisNames = self.findAxisNames()

        # y axis and relation
        if f is not None and y is None:
            self.__f = f
            self.__y = f(x)

        # Equation and y : compare and ask witch are the good
        elif f is not None and y is not None:
            self.__f = f
            self.__y = y

        # Not equation and y : create y
        elif f is None and y is not None:
            self.__y = y
            self.__f = None
            msg = "No function has been defined."

        # Not equation and not y : say and None
            msg = "No possibility to interpret the signal. Neither the ordinates nor a function has been defined. " \
                  "Please define at least one of the two parameters"
            self.__y = None
            self.__f = None
    def findAxisNames(self):
        axis_names = ['Unknown', 'Unknown']
        if 's' in self.getUnits()[0]:
            axis_names[0] = 'Temps'

            axis_names[1] = self.__units_d[self.getUnits()[1][-1]]
        except KeyError:
            msg = "y-axis name can not be define, please define them manually."

        return axis_names
 def setName(self, new_name):
     Change the name of the object and check that the length of the new name is behind 144 charters.
     :param new_name: New name for the title of the plot
     :type new_name: str
     :return: Nothing, it just change the instance variable __name
     if len(new_name) <= 144:
         old_name = self.getName()
         self.__name = str(new_name)
         print('Name {} is change by {}.'.format(old_name, self.getName()))
         msg = "The requested name has a length of more than 144 characters, please change the name."
Example #5
def plot_signals(x, signals, signals_names, x_label="", y_label="", title="", saving=False):
    Plot the different signals of the signals list as function of x
    :param x: List of dimension n containing the abscissas at which the signals are evaluated
    :type x: numpy.ndarray
    :param signals: List m by n of m signals evaluate in n points (the points of x list)
    :type signals: list of numpy.ndarray
    :param signals_names: List of dimension m containing all the names of the signals
    :type signals_names: list of str
    :param x_label: Name of horizontal axis
    :type x_label: str
    :param y_label: Name of the vertical axis
    :type y_label: str
    :param title: Title of the plot figure
    :type title: str
    :param saving: To know of the plot will be save or not
    :type saving: bool
    :return: Show a plot of all the signals into a unique graph
    # Size of parameters
    n = len(x)
    m = len(signals)

    # Errors
    if len(signals_names) != m:
        raise ValueError("'signals' and 'signals_name' must have the same size")

    # Plot and errors
    for i in range(m):
        if len(signals[i]) != n:
            msg = "WARNING : All signal of 'signals' must by have a length equals to {} (length of x vector). Error " \
                  "occurred for signal {}".format(n, i)
        plt.plot(x, signals[i], label=signals_names[i])

    if title is not False:
    if saving:
        frame = str(input('Frame : '))
        trans = bool(input('Transparent image ? (bool) : '))
        datas = str(input('Data\'s ? (False or str) : '))
        plt.savefig(frame, transparent=trans, metadata={'Description': datas})
Example #6
 def setPreferredUnit(self, unit):
     Changes the unit used to represent the graphs. What is most important is the prefix and therefore the order of
     magnitude. Be careful not to change the unit itself, otherwise the names of the axes will also be changed. It
     also check that the unit is correct and usable (see the definition of the class).
     :param unit: New unit to use
     :type unit: str
     if self.checkUnit(unit):
         old_unit = self.getPreferredUnit()
         self.__preferredUnit = unit
         self.__axisUnits = self.findAxisUnits()
         print('Preferred unit {} is change by {}.'.format(
             old_unit, self.getPreferredUnit()))
         msg = "This unit is not usable. Please change the unit. Current unit: {}".format(
 def compareSignals(self, *args, title=False, saving=False):
     :param args:
     :type args: Signal
     signals_names = [self.getName()]
     signals = [self.getY()]
     for arg in args:
         if len(arg.getY()) == len(self.getX()):
             msg = "Signal {} have not a length of {}, comparaison can not be done. This signal is ignored". \
                 format(arg.getName(), len(self.getX()))
     plot_signals(self.getX(), signals, signals_names, x_label=self.getAxisLabels()[0],
                  y_label=self.getAxisLabels()[1], title=title, saving=saving)
Example #8
    def findAxisNames(self):
        Find the name of each axis. The name of x axis is the name that is given bt the CSV file (first word at first
        line => see CSV structure that is use in the class description). The name of y axis is deduced from the unit of
        :return: The name of x and y axis
        :rtype: list
        # x-axis
        with open(self.getPath(), 'r') as file:
            x_axis_name = file.readline().strip().split(';')[0]

        # y-axis
            y_axis_name = self.__units[self.getPreferredUnit()[-1]]
            y_axis_name = 'Error !'
            msg = "y-axis name can not be define, please define them manually."

        return [x_axis_name, y_axis_name]
    def autoCompareSignal(self):
        msg = "An equation and a value of y have been given. Here is the comparison of the 2."

        plot_signals(self.getX(), [self.getY(), self.getF(self.getX())], ['Y list', 'Function'],
                     x_label=self.getAxisLabels()[0], y_label=self.getAxisLabels()[1])