def create(self, request):
        """Create an SMPP Client Connector.
        Required parameter: cid (connector id)
        # YAML
        omit_serializer: true
        - name: cid
          description: Connector identifier
          required: true
          type: string
          paramType: form
        telnet = request.telnet

        telnet.sendline('smppccm -a')
        updates =
        for k, v in updates.items():
            if not ((type(updates) is dict) and (len(updates) >= 1)):
                raise JasminSyntaxError('updates should be a a key value array')
            telnet.sendline("%s %s" % (k, v))
            matched_index = telnet.expect([
                r'.*(Unknown SMPPClientConfig key:.*)' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT,
                r'.*(Error:.*)' + STANDARD_PROMPT,
                r'.*' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT,
                r'.+(.*)(' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT + '|' + STANDARD_PROMPT + ')',
            if matched_index != 2:
                raise JasminSyntaxError(
                    detail=" ".join(
        telnet.expect(r'.*' + STANDARD_PROMPT)
        return JsonResponse({'cid':['cid']})
Example #2
    def partial_update(self, request, uid):
        """Update some user attributes

        JSON requests only. The updates parameter is a list of lists.
        Each list is a list of valid arguments to user update. For example:

        * ["gid", "mygroup"] will set the user's group to mygroup
        * ["mt_messaging_cred", "authorization", "smpps_send", "False"]
        will remove the user privilege to send SMSs through the SMPP API.
        # YAML
        omit_serializer: true
        - name: updates
          description: Items to update
          required: true
          type: array
          paramType: body
        telnet = request.telnet
        telnet.sendline('user -u ' + uid)
        matched_index = telnet.expect([
            r'.*Updating User(.*)' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT,
            r'.*Unknown User: (.*)' + STANDARD_PROMPT,
            r'.+(.*)(' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT + '|' + STANDARD_PROMPT + ')',
        if matched_index == 1:
            raise UnknownError(detail='Unknown user:'******'updates should be a list')
        for update in updates:
            if not ((type(update) is list) and (len(update) >= 1)):
                raise JasminSyntaxError("Not a list: %s" % update)
            telnet.sendline(" ".join([x for x in update]))
            matched_index = telnet.expect([
                r'.*(Unknown User key:.*)' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT,
                r'.*(Error:.*)' + STANDARD_PROMPT,
                r'.*' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT,
                r'.+(.*)(' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT + '|' + STANDARD_PROMPT + ')',
            if matched_index != 2:
                raise JasminSyntaxError(
                    detail=" ".join(
        ok_index = telnet.expect([
            r'(.*)' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT,
            r'.*' + STANDARD_PROMPT,
        if ok_index == 0:
            raise JasminSyntaxError(
                detail=" ".join(
        #Not sure why this needs to be repeated
        telnet.expect(r'.*' + STANDARD_PROMPT)
        return JsonResponse({'user': self.get_user(telnet, uid)})
Example #3
    def partial_update(self, request, cid):
        """Update some SMPP connector attributes

        JSON requests only. The updates parameter is a key value array
        # YAML
        omit_serializer: true
        - name: updates
          description: Items to update
          required: true
          type: array
          paramType: body
        telnet = request.telnet
        telnet.sendline('smppccm -u ' + cid)
        matched_index = telnet.expect([
            r'.*Updating connector(.*)' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT,
            r'.*Unknown connector: (.*)' + STANDARD_PROMPT,
            r'.+(.*)(' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT + '|' + STANDARD_PROMPT + ')',
        if matched_index == 1:
            raise UnknownError(detail='Unknown connector:' + cid)
        if matched_index != 0:
            raise JasminError(detail=" ".join(
        updates =
        for k, v in updates.items():
            if not ((type(updates) is dict) and (len(updates) >= 1)):
                raise JasminSyntaxError(
                    'updates should be a a key value array')
            telnet.sendline("%s %s" % (k, v))
            matched_index = telnet.expect([
                r'.*(Unknown SMPPClientConfig key:.*)' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT,
                r'.*(Error:.*)' + STANDARD_PROMPT,
                r'.*' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT,
                r'.+(.*)(' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT + '|' + STANDARD_PROMPT + ')',
            if matched_index != 2:
                raise JasminSyntaxError(
                    detail=" ".join(
        ok_index = telnet.expect([
            r'.*(Error:.*)' + STANDARD_PROMPT,
            r'(.*)' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT,
            r'.*' + STANDARD_PROMPT,
        if ok_index == 0:
            raise JasminSyntaxError(
                detail=" ".join(
        #Not sure why this needs to be repeated, just as with user
        telnet.expect(r'.*' + STANDARD_PROMPT)

        return JsonResponse(
            {'connector': self.get_smppccm(telnet, cid, silent=False)})
Example #4
    def create(self, request):
        """Create an HTTP Client Connector.
        Required parameter: cid (connector id)
        # YAML
        omit_serializer: true
        - name: cid
          description: Connector identifier
          required: true
          type: string
          paramType: form
        - name: url
          description: URL to be called with message parameters
          required: true
          type: string
          paramType: form
        - name: method
          description: Calling method (GET or POST)
          required: true
          type: string
          paramType: form
        telnet = request.telnet

        telnet.sendline('httpccm -a')
        data =

        for k, v in data.items():
            telnet.sendline("%s %s" % (k, v))
        matched_index = telnet.expect([
            r'.*(HttpConnector url syntax is invalid.*)' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT,
            r'.*(HttpConnector method syntax is invalid, must be GET or POST.*)'
            r'.*' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT,
            r'.+(.*)(' + INTERACTIVE_PROMPT + '|' + STANDARD_PROMPT + ')',
        if matched_index != 2:
            raise JasminSyntaxError(
                detail=" ".join(
        telnet.expect(r'.*' + STANDARD_PROMPT)
        return JsonResponse({'cid':['cid']})