class Application: def __init__(self): self.is_data_posted = False self.log = Log() # log file to test and debug (writes debug messages) self.log_data = LogData() # sensor data log (if no internet available) self.api = SamsApi() # Data Warehouse Plugin to send the data self.config = Config() # Configurations (/config/config.ini) self.config_data = self.config.get_config_data() self.repost_seconds = int(self.config_data['INTERVAL']['repost_seconds']) self.app_wait_time = int(self.config_data['INTERVAL']['app_wait_seconds']) self.dataset_taken = False self.dataset_taken_counter = 0 = Dataset() # collect all the data from sensors self.dataset = "" def take_dataset(self): self.dataset = "" # empty the dataset before take new data self.dataset = def start(self): while True: try: self.log.write_log("take dataset") self.take_dataset() # if stored data (/log/*.json) available, then try to send this data to the data warehouse if self.log_data.has_log_files(): self.log.write_log("has log files") self.log_data.post_log_files(self.dataset) # if not, take a new dataset to post else: response = # try to post data. If api status is 200 then everything is right if response == 200: self.log.write_log("dataset posted") # if no internet connection or the api do not allow to send, then store the data # if the status code from api is 500 then the log function will delete the file else: self.log.write_log("dataset posting failed. Statuscode: {0}".format(response)) self.is_data_posted = False # data where not posted self.log.write_log("log dataset") self.log_data.insert(self.dataset) # write new log file with the dataset # try to post every X seconds while the data is not posted (no internet connection) while not self.is_data_posted: self.is_data_posted = time.sleep(self.repost_seconds) self.log.write_log("wait: {}".format(self.app_wait_time)) self.dataset_taken = False time.sleep(int(self.app_wait_time)) # sleep X seconds before collecting the new data except Exception as e: print(e) self.log.write_log(e)
class SamsApi: def __init__(self): self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.token_config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.log = Log() self.config_file = '/boot/credentials.ini' self.token_config_file = '/home/pi/sams/data_logger/config/config.ini' self.secret_data = self.config['DEFAULT'] self.client_id = self.secret_data['client_id'] self.client_secret = self.secret_data['client_secret'] self.audience = self.secret_data['audience'] self.data_url = self.secret_data['data_url'] self.token_url = self.secret_data['token_url'] self.grant_type = self.secret_data['grant_type'] self.access_header = {'content-type': "application/json"} self.header = {} self.auth = {} self.token_payload = { "client_id": self.client_id, "client_secret": self.client_secret, "audience": self.audience, "grant_type": self.grant_type } def get_access_token(self): try: self.auth =, json=self.token_payload, headers=self.access_header).json() print(self.token_url) print(self.token_payload) token = self.auth['token_type'] + ' ' + self.auth['access_token'] print(token) self.write_token(token) return token except Exception as e: self.log.write_log("failed to take access token: {0}".format(e)) return False def send_data(self, payload, has_token=True): try: if has_token: token = self.read_token() else: token = self.get_access_token() self.header = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': token } resp =, json=payload, headers=self.header) print(resp.status_code) return resp.status_code except Exception as e: self.log.write_log("failed to send data: {0}".format(e)) return False def call(self, payload): print(payload) api_call = self.send_data(payload) if api_call == 401: second_call = self.send_data(payload, has_token=False) if second_call == 200: return second_call else: self.log.write_log( "send to api failed! Status code: {0}".format(second_call)) return False elif api_call == 200: return api_call else: self.log.write_log( "send to api failed! Status code: {0}".format(api_call)) return api_call def read_token(self): try: token_config_data = self.token_config['DEFAULT'] token = token_config_data['token'] return token except Exception as e: self.log.write_log("read token failed: {}".format(e)) def write_token(self, token): try: self.token_config.set("DEFAULT", "token", token) with open(self.token_config_file, 'w+') as configfile: self.token_config.write(configfile) except Exception as e: self.log.write_log("write token failed: {}".format(e))
class Dataset: def __init__(self): self.config = Config() self.config_data = self.config.get_config_data() try: self.dht22 = DHT22(int(self.config_data['DHT22']['pin'])) except Exception as e: self.log.write_log("Failed to initialize DHT22: {}".format(e)) try: self.scale = Scale() except Exception as e: self.log.write_log("Failed to initialize scale: {}".format(e)) try: self.DS18B20 = DS18B20() except Exception as e: self.log.write_log("Failed to initialize DS18B20: {}".format(e)) self.api = SamsApi() self.log = Log() self.median_interval = int(self.config_data['INTERVAL']['median']) self.wait_time = int(self.config_data['INTERVAL']['wait_time_seconds']) self.dataset = [] self.temp = [] self.hum = [] self.weight = [] self.ds_temp = [] self.median_temp = 0 self.median_hum = 0 self.median_weight = 0 self.median_ds_temp = 0 self.duration = int(self.config_data['AUDIO']['duration']) @staticmethod def get_time(): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') + now.strftime( '.%f')[:0] + 'Z' def error(self, device, error): if not device == "audio": self.dataset.append({ "sourceId": "{0}-{1}".format(device, self.api.client_id), "value": [ { "ts": self.get_time(), "value": 0 }, ] }) else: self.dataset.append({ "sourceId": "{0}-{1}".format("audio", self.api.client_id), "value": [ { "ts": self.get_time(), "value": [0, 0] }, ] }) self.log.write_log( "something went wrong by collecting the {0} dataset! Error: {1}". format(device, error)) def get_fft_data(self): n_window = pow(2, 12) n_overlap = n_window / 2 n_fft = n_window fs = 16000 try: audiodata = sd.rec(self.duration * fs, samplerate=fs, channels=1, dtype='float64') sd.wait() data = audiodata.transpose() [F, pxx] = scipy.signal.welch(data, fs=fs, window='hanning', nperseg=n_window, noverlap=n_overlap, nfft=n_fft, detrend=False, return_onesided=True, scaling='density') temp_data = np.array(pxx).astype(float) data = temp_data.tolist() self.dataset.append({ "sourceId": "audio-{0}".format(self.api.client_id), "values": [ { "ts": self.get_time(), "values": data[0] }, ] }) except Exception as e: self.error("audio", e) return True def get_ds18b20_data(self): sensor_counter = self.DS18B20.device_count() try: if sensor_counter != 0: for x in range(sensor_counter): self.median_ds_temp = [] for i in range(self.median_interval): value = self.DS18B20.tempC(x) if value == 998 or value == 85.0: self.log.write_log( "DS18B20 does not work properly...") else: self.ds_temp.append(self.DS18B20.tempC(x)) time.sleep(self.wait_time) if len(self.ds_temp) != 0: self.median_ds_temp = median(self.ds_temp) del self.ds_temp[:] self.dataset.append({ "sourceId": "dsb18b20-{0}-{1}".format(x, self.api.client_id), "values": [ { "ts": self.get_time(), "value": float(self.median_ds_temp) }, ] }) self.median_ds_temp = "" except Exception as e: self.error("ds18b20", e) def get_dht22_data(self): try: for i in range(self.median_interval): dhtdata = self.dht22.get_data() self.temp.append(dhtdata['temp']) self.hum.append(dhtdata['hum']) time.sleep(self.wait_time) self.median_temp = median(self.temp) self.median_hum = median(self.hum) self.dataset.append({ "sourceId": "dht22-temperature-{0}".format(self.api.client_id), "values": [ { "ts": self.get_time(), "value": float(self.median_temp) }, ] }) self.dataset.append({ "sourceId": "dht22-humidity-{0}".format(self.api.client_id), "values": [ { "ts": self.get_time(), "value": float(self.median_hum) }, ] }) del self.temp[:] del self.hum[:] except Exception as e: self.error("dht22", e) def get_scale_data(self): try: for i in range(self.median_interval): self.weight.append(self.scale.get_data()) print(self.weight) time.sleep(self.wait_time) self.median_weight = median(self.weight) del self.weight[:] self.dataset.append({ "sourceId": "scale-{0}".format(self.api.client_id), "values": [{ "ts": self.get_time(), "value": float(self.median_weight) }] }) except Exception as e: self.error("scale", e) def get_dataset(self): try: self.dataset[:] = [] # empty the dataset before take new data self.get_fft_data() self.get_scale_data() self.get_dht22_data() self.get_ds18b20_data() return self.dataset except Exception as e: self.log.write_log("Dataset error: {}".format(e)) return False
class LogData: def __init__(self): self.path = '/var/www/upload/data_logger/log/' self.api = SamsApi() self.status = [] self.files = os.listdir(self.path) self.log = Log() def insert(self, json_data): files = os.listdir(self.path) if len(files) != 0: file = int( len([ name for name in os.listdir(self.path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path, name)) ])) + 1 else: file = int(1) try: with open(self.path + str(file) + ".json", 'w') as f: json.dump(json_data, f) f.close() except Exception as e: print(e) def list_dir(self): self.files = os.listdir(self.path) self.files.sort() @staticmethod def read_file(path): with open(path) as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) return data def has_log_files(self): if not os.listdir(self.path): return False else: return True def post_log_files(self, dataset): try: self.log.write_log("log dataset...") self.insert(dataset) while self.has_log_files(): self.list_dir() for x in self.files: file = self.read_file(self.path + str(x)) self.log.write_log("try to post data") if == 200: self.log.write_log("status code ok! Delete file...") os.remove(self.path + str(x)) if == 500: self.log.write_log("File corrupted! Delete file...") os.remove(self.path + str(x)) time.sleep(5) return True except Exception as e: print(e) self.log.write_log(e)