def update_tlds(): """ Calls the Namecheap API to update the list of recognized and registerable top-level domains. This is currently initiated manually via the administration panel. """ params = AdminSetting.get_api_params() params.append((u'Command', u'')) r = requests.get(AdminSetting.get_api_url(), params=params) rtext = r.text send_mail( u'Domain Checker - TLD Update', u'The following response was received from the TLD update (using %s):\n\n%s' % (AdminSetting.get_api_url(), rtext), AdminSetting.get_value(u'noreply_address'), [AdminSetting.get_value(u'admin_address')]) parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding=u'utf-8') header_len = len('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>') rtext = rtext[header_len:] rtree = etree.fromstring(rtext, parser=parser) rels = rtree.findall( u'./{}CommandResponse/{}Tlds/{}Tld' ) rels = dict([(r.attrib[u'Name'], r) for r in rels]) tlds = TLD.objects.all() with transaction.atomic(): for tld in tlds: if tld.domain in rels.keys(): rel = rels[tld.domain] tld.is_recognized = True tld.is_api_registerable = ( rel.attrib[u'IsApiRegisterable'] == u'true') tld.description = rel.text tld.type = rel.attrib[u'Type'] else: tld.is_recognized = False tld.is_api_registrable = False tld.type = u'unknown' tld.description = None for ncd, rel in rels.items(): if len(TLD.objects.filter(domain=ncd)) == 0: new_tld = TLD(domain=ncd, is_recognized=True, is_api_registerable=( rel.attrib['IsApiRegisterable'] == True), description=rel.text, type=rel.attrib['Type']) print u'New TLD added: %s' % ncd print u'Finished processing tlds.'
def update_tlds(): """ Calls the Namecheap API to update the list of recognized and registerable top-level domains. This is currently initiated manually via the administration panel. """ params = AdminSetting.get_api_params() params.append((u'Command', u'')) r = requests.get(AdminSetting.get_api_url(), params=params) rtext = r.text send_mail(u'Domain Checker - TLD Update', u'The following response was received from the TLD update (using %s):\n\n%s' % (AdminSetting.get_api_url(), rtext), AdminSetting.get_value(u'noreply_address'), [AdminSetting.get_value(u'admin_address')]) parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding=u'utf-8') rtree = etree.fromstring(rtext, parser=parser) rels = rtree.findall(u'./{}CommandResponse/{}Tlds/{}Tld') rels = dict([(r.attrib[u'Name'], r) for r in rels]) tlds = TLD.objects.all() with transaction.atomic(): for tld in tlds: if tld.domain in rels.keys(): rel = rels[tld.domain] tld.is_recognized = True tld.is_api_registerable = (rel.attrib[u'IsApiRegisterable'] == u'true') tld.description = rel.text tld.type = rel.attrib[u'Type'] else: tld.is_recognized = False tld.is_api_registrable = False tld.type = u'unknown' tld.description = None for ncd, rel in rels.items(): if len(TLD.objects.filter(domain=ncd)) == 0: new_tld = TLD(domain=ncd, is_recognized=True, is_api_registerable=(rel.attrib['IsApiRegisterable'] == True), description=rel.text, type=rel.attrib['Type']) print u'New TLD added: %s' % ncd print u'Finished processing tlds.'
def handle(self, *args, **options): tld_filename = 'tld_list.txt' exclusion_filename = 'exclusion_domains.txt' settings_filename = 'clean_admin.txt' tldf = open(tld_filename) tlds = [line.strip() for line in tldf if line[0] not in '/\n'] tldf.close() exf = open(exclusion_filename) exl = [line.strip() for line in exf] exf.close() sf = open(settings_filename) ss = [line.strip() for line in sf] sf.close() tic = 0 for tld in tlds: try: t = TLD.objects.get(domain=tld) except TLD.DoesNotExist: t = TLD() t.domain = tld t.is_recognized = False t.is_api_registerable = False t.description = None t.type = '' tic += 1 self.stdout.write('TLDs: Inserted %d row(s) (out of %d TLDs)' % (tic, len(tlds))) eic = 0 for exd in exl: try: ed = ExcludedDomain.objects.get(domain=exd) except ExcludedDomain.DoesNotExit: ed = ExcludedDomain() ed.domain = exd eic += 1 self.stdout.write( 'Excluded domains: Inserted %d row(s) (out of %d listed domains)' % (eic, len(exl))) sic = 0 for s in ss: if len(s) == 0: continue vals = s.split('\t') key = vals[0] value = vals[1] valtype = vals[2] choices = None if len(vals) > 3: choices = vals[4] try: aso = AdminSetting.objects.get(key=key) except AdminSetting.DoesNotExist: aso = AdminSetting() aso.key = key aso.value = value aso.type = valtype aso.choices = choices sic += 1 self.stdout.write( 'Admin settings: Inserted %d row(s) (out of %d listed settings)' % (sic, len(ss)))
def handle(self, *args, **options): tld_filename = 'tld_list.txt' exclusion_filename = 'exclusion_domains.txt' settings_filename = 'clean_admin.txt' tldf = open(tld_filename) tlds = [line.strip() for line in tldf if line[0] not in '/\n'] tldf.close() exf = open(exclusion_filename) exl = [line.strip() for line in exf] exf.close() sf = open(settings_filename) ss = [line.strip() for line in sf] sf.close() tic = 0 for tld in tlds: try: t = TLD.objects.get(domain=tld) except TLD.DoesNotExist: t = TLD() t.domain = tld t.is_recognized = False t.is_api_registerable = False t.description = None t.type = '' tic += 1 self.stdout.write('TLDs: Inserted %d row(s) (out of %d TLDs)' % (tic, len(tlds))) eic = 0 for exd in exl: try: ed = ExcludedDomain.objects.get(domain=exd) except ExcludedDomain.DoesNotExit: ed = ExcludedDomain() ed.domain = exd eic += 1 self.stdout.write('Excluded domains: Inserted %d row(s) (out of %d listed domains)' % (eic, len(exl))) sic = 0 for s in ss: if len(s) == 0: continue vals = s.split('\t') key = vals[0] value = vals[1] valtype = vals[2] choices = None if len(vals) > 3: choices = vals[4] try: aso = AdminSetting.objects.get(key=key) except AdminSetting.DoesNotExist: aso = AdminSetting() aso.key = key aso.value = value aso.type = valtype aso.choices = choices sic += 1 self.stdout.write('Admin settings: Inserted %d row(s) (out of %d listed settings)' % (sic, len(ss)))