async def compare(self, ctx, arg=None): ''' Give the user scores on the lastest beatmap in the chat. Parameters: ctx (obj): context for the bot arg (int/str): username or id of the play to compare (can be blank if username was already set) Returns: embed : Contains every information for the score ''' if arg == None: connection = sqlite3.connect('data/Users.db') cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT osu_id FROM osuset WHERE discord_id=?", (, )) databaseSection = cursor.fetchone() if databaseSection != None: arg = databaseSection[0] else: await ctx.send( "Enter your username or set your osu profile using the osuset command! : m!osuset {username}" ) res = osuApiCall.get_scores(beatmap_id=self.beatmap_id, username=arg) score = res[0] res2 = osuApiCall.get_beatmaps(beatmap_id=self.beatmap_id) beatmap = res2[0] mapLink = "" + str( beatmap.beatmapset_id) + "#osu/" + str(beatmap.beatmap_id) elementList = {} i = 0 elementList["NaN_decorator:✦" + str(i)] = str(i + 1) + "." elementList["NaN_noDecoration_bracketLeft_" + str(i)] = beatmap.artist elementList["separator:-" + str(i)] = "" elementList["NaN_title" + str(i)] = beatmap.title elementList["separator:|" + str(i)] = "" elementList["NaN_beatmapVersion_bracketRight" + str(i)] = beatmap.version elementList["link" + str(i)] = mapLink elementList["NaN_modsUsed_decorator:▸_" + str(i)] = res[i].enabled_mods elementList["NaN_pp_newline_decorator:▸" + str(i)] = str(int(round(res[i].pp, 0))) + "pp" elementList["NaN_owncombo_decorator:▸" + str(i)] = res[i].maxcombo elementList["NaN_comboseparator:/" + str(i)]: "" elementList["NaN_mapcombo_" + str(i)] = beatmap.max_combo elementList["NaN_accuracy_decorator:▸_suffix:%" + str(i)] = round( score.accuracy(mode=osuapi.enums.OsuMode.osu) * 100, 2) elementList["NaN_count300_bracketLeft_decorator:▸" + str(i)] = score.count300 elementList["NaN_300/100parator:/" + str(i)]: "" elementList["NaN_count100" + str(i)] = score.count100 elementList["NaN_100/50parator:/" + str(i)]: "" elementList["NaN_count50" + str(i)] = score.count50 elementList["NaN_50/missparator:/" + str(i)]: "" elementList["NaN_countmiss+bracketRight" + str(i)] = score.countmiss elementList["newline_" + str(i)] = "" newEmbed = embedHandler(elementList, embedType=1, color=0xFF748C) newEmbed.setAuthor(name="Top osu plays for " + str(arg)) newEmbed.setFooter(text="ill see") DaEmbed = newEmbed.getEmbed() await ctx.send(embed=DaEmbed)
def userTop(self, arg, gamemode): if type(arg) == int: pass else: if arg.isdigit(): arg = int(arg) if gamemode == "standard": res = osuApiCall.get_user_best(username=arg) user = osuApiCall.get_user(username=arg)[0] print("user : "******"taiko": res = osuApiCall.get_user_best(arg, mode=osuapi.enums.OsuMode.taiko) if gamemode == "ctb": res = osuApiCall.get_user_bestr(arg, mode=osuapi.enums.OsuMode.ctb) if gamemode == "mania": res = osuApiCall.get_user_best(arg, mode=osuapi.enums.OsuMode.mania) elementList = {} i = 0 while i < 5: beatmap = osuApiCall.get_beatmaps(beatmap_id=res[i].beatmap_id)[0] score = osuApiCall.get_scores(username=arg, beatmap_id=res[i].beatmap_id)[0] mapLink = "" + str( beatmap.beatmapset_id) + "#osu/" + str(beatmap.beatmap_id) elementList["NaN_decorator:✦" + str(i)] = str(i + 1) + "." elementList["NaN_noDecoration_bracketLeft_" + str(i)] = beatmap.artist elementList["separator:-" + str(i)] = "" elementList["NaN_title" + str(i)] = beatmap.title elementList["separator:|" + str(i)] = "" elementList["NaN_beatmapVersion_bracketRight" + str(i)] = beatmap.version elementList["link" + str(i)] = mapLink elementList["NaN_modsUsed_decorator:▸_" + str(i)] = res[i].enabled_mods.shortname elementList["NaN_pp_newline_decorator:▸" + str(i)] = str(int(round(res[i].pp, 0))) + "pp" elementList["NaN_owncombo_decorator:▸" + str(i)] = res[i].maxcombo elementList["NaN_comboseparator:/" + str(i)]: "" elementList["NaN_mapcombo_" + str(i)] = beatmap.max_combo elementList["NaN_accuracy_decorator:▸_suffix:%" + str(i)] = round( score.accuracy(mode=osuapi.enums.OsuMode.osu) * 100, 2) elementList["NaN_count300_bracketLeft_decorator:▸" + str(i)] = score.count300 elementList["NaN_300/100parator:/" + str(i)]: "" elementList["NaN_count100" + str(i)] = score.count100 elementList["NaN_100/50parator:/" + str(i)]: "" elementList["NaN_count50" + str(i)] = score.count50 elementList["NaN_50/missparator:/" + str(i)]: "" elementList["NaN_countmiss+bracketRight" + str(i)] = score.countmiss elementList["newline_" + str(i)] = "" i = i + 1 newEmbed = embedHandler(elementList, embedType=1, color=0xFF748C) newEmbed.setAuthor(name=str(user.username) + "'s " + gamemode + " toplays", url=user.url, icon_url=user.profile_image) newEmbed.setFooter(text="yea") return newEmbed.getEmbed()
def setBeatmapInformation(self, message, redownload=None): ''' Set the beatmap_id and OppaiMapInfo as an class attribute. Parameters: message* (obj): The message with the associated information *need to be a link redownloa : by default it set to None, so each map get download, if it's set to something the mapset don't get redownloaded Return: Nothing, this function simply sets attributes ''' # Detects if modes where added after the link space = message.find(" ") if space != -1: self.mods = message[space+1:] self.mods = self.mods.upper() space = 1 else: self.mods = None space = 0 # set beatmap_id as an attribute for the whole class index = message.rindex("/") if self.mods != None: self.beatmap_id = message[index+1:-len(self.mods)-space] else : self.beatmap_id = message[index+1:] res = osuApiCall.get_beatmaps(beatmap_id=self.beatmap_id) beatmap = res[0] resMapset= osuApiCall.get_beatmaps(beatmapset_id=beatmap.beatmapset_id) mapsetUnsorted = {} for v in resMapset: mapsetUnsorted[v]=v.difficultyrating self.mapset=list(dict(sorted(mapsetUnsorted.items(),key= lambda x:x[1]))) # Before downloading the mapset we will remove the existing files and then we'll download the mapset if redownload == None: for file in os.listdir('C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/osu-mocha/map_cache/'): os.remove(os.path.join('C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/osu-mocha/map_cache/', file)) url = '' + str(beatmap.beatmapset_id), 'C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/osu-mocha/map_cache/' + str(beatmap.beatmapset_id) + ".osz") # osz are compressed files, we can basically open them with zip pathFile = "" with ZipFile('C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/osu-mocha/map_cache/' + str(beatmap.beatmapset_id) + '.osz', 'r') as zip: for filename in zip.namelist(): if filename.endswith('.osu') and filename.find(beatmap.version) != -1: zip.extract(filename,'C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/osu-mocha/map_cache/') pathFile = 'C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/osu-mocha/map_cache/' + filename self.oppaiMapInfo = oppadc.OsuMap(file_path=pathFile)
def userRecent(self, arg, gamemode): def playedOn(dateInUTC): now = hours = now.hour + 4 minutes = now.minute secondes = now.second print(hours, minutes, secondes) d = 24 - dateInUTC.hour print(hours + d) return "4" if type(arg) == int: pass else: if arg.isdigit(): arg = int(arg) if gamemode == "standard": recent = osuApiCall.get_user_recent(username=arg)[0] user = osuApiCall.get_user(username=arg)[0] beatmap = osuApiCall.get_beatmaps(beatmap_id=recent.beatmap_id)[0] print("user : "******"taiko": res = osuApiCall.get_user_recent(arg, mode=osuapi.enums.OsuMode.taiko) if gamemode == "ctb": res = osuApiCall.get_user_recent(arg, mode=osuapi.enums.OsuMode.ctb) if gamemode == "mania": res = osuApiCall.get_user_recent(arg, mode=osuapi.enums.OsuMode.mania) mapLink = "" + str( beatmap.beatmapset_id) + "#osu/" + str(beatmap.beatmap_id) cogMap ="map") cogMap.setBeatmapInformation(mapLink) #need a separator without space between, meanwhile : combo = str(recent.maxcombo) + "/" + str(beatmap.max_combo) count = "[" + str(recent.count300) + "/" + str( recent.count100) + "/" + str(recent.count50) + "/" + str( recent.countmiss) + "]" print(len("M2U & Gentle Stick - Hades in the Heaven [Aquosity]")) elementList = { "NaN_decorator:✦": "", "NaN_noDecoration_bracketLeft": beatmap.artist, "separator:-": "", "NaN_title": beatmap.title, "NaN_beatmapVersion_bracketRight": "[" + str(beatmap.version) + "]", "link": mapLink, "NaN_modsUsed_decorator:▸": recent.enabled_mods, "NaN_rank_newline_decorator:▸": recent.rank, "NaN_score_decorator:▸": recent.score, "NaN_pp_decorator:▸": str( round( cogMap.oppaiMapInfo.getPP(n300=recent.count300, n100=recent.count100, n50=recent.count50, misses=recent.countmiss, combo=recent.maxcombo).total_pp, 2)) + "pp", "NaN_combo_decorator:▸": combo, "NaN_accuracy_decorator:▸_suffix:%": round(recent.accuracy(mode=osuapi.enums.OsuMode.osu) * 100, 2), "NaN_count300m!_decorator:▸_box": count, "Played on ": playedOn(, } newEmbed = embedHandler(elementList, embedType=1, color=0xFF748C) newEmbed.setAuthor(name=str(user.username) + "'s " + gamemode + " most recent play", url=user.url, icon_url=user.profile_image) newEmbed.setFooter(text="gg bg") newEmbed.setThumbnail(url=beatmap.cover_thumbnail) return newEmbed.getEmbed()
def mapEmbed(self): ''' Create the embed containg the beatmap informations. Returns: Embed, containing the beatmap informations. ''' def diffEmote(starRating): ''' Apply the correct difficulty emote depending on the star rating of the map. Parameters: starRating (float): Star rating of the current map Returns: emote (str): discord emote reprensting the difficulty of the map ''' if starRating < 2: return "<:easy:837747972099014717>" elif starRating < 2.70: return "<:normal:837748258838544474>" elif starRating < 4.00: return "<:hard:837748285690871871>" elif starRating < 5.30: return "<:insane:837748311573397546>" elif starRating < 6.50: return "<:expert:837748338501353532>" elif starRating >= 6.5: return "<:expertplus:837748363797200927>" def lengthFormat(length): ''' Convert the map length from seconds to minutes and seconds Parameters: length (int): Lenght of the map in seconds Returns: minute:seconds (str): Lenght displayed as minutes:seconds ''' if self.mods != None: if self.mods.find("DT") != -1 or self.mods.find("NC") != -1: length = length * 2/3 elif self.mods.find("HT") != -1: length = length * 4/3 min = length //60 sec = length - min*60 sec = round(sec,0) # to avoid having .0 if type(min) != int: if min.is_integer(): min = int(min) if type(sec) != int: if sec.is_integer(): sec = int(sec) if sec == 0: sec = "00" if sec < 10: sec = "0" + str(sec) return "{}:{}".format(min,sec) def statusOnDate(status,date): ''' Output the status of the map alongside the date corresponding to that status. Parameters: status (obj): the status of the map date (obj): a date format Returns: status:date (str): status of the map alongside the date ''' approvedStatus = {4:"Loved", 3:"Qualified", 2:"Approved", 1 : "Ranked", 0 : "Pending", -1 : "WIP", -2 :" Graveyard"} status = approvedStatus[status.value] return "{} on {}".format(status, def showMods(mods): ''' Output the mods applied to the map. (it's to avoid displaying mods that dont exist) Parameters: mods (str/None): the mods used Returns: mods (string): the mods that will show on the embed. * Known issues, if multiple mods are combined and one have an error it still shows them ex: FLAE --> map will be calculated with FL but it still shows "AE" ''' if type(mods) != str: return "NM" else: modsDisplay = ["NF", "EZ", "HD", "HR", "DT", "NC" "SD", "FL", "SO"] for v in modsDisplay: if mods.find(v) != -1: return "+" + mods else: return "NM" res = osuApiCall.get_beatmaps(beatmap_id=self.beatmap_id) beatmap = res[0] mapLink= "" + str(beatmap.beatmapset_id) + "#osu/" + str(beatmap.beatmap_id) # *this is needed, we can't set specifics mods for the getStats so I'm putting it here and the sr takes it with the mods applied. self.oppaiMapInfo.getPP(Mods=self.mods) elementList = {"NaN_artist_bracketLeft_decorator:✦":beatmap.artist, "separator:-":"", "NaN_title":beatmap.title, "NaN_by":"by", "NaN_mapper_bracketRight":beatmap.creator, "link":mapLink, "newline":"", "NaN_diffemote":diffEmote(beatmap.difficultyrating), "separator:-_1":"", "NaN_diffname":beatmap.version, "NaN_box":showMods(self.mods), "Difficulty":round(self.oppaiMapInfo.getStats().total,2), "Length_noNewline":lengthFormat(beatmap.total_length), "BPM":beatmap.bpm, "Max Combo_noNewline":beatmap.max_combo, "AR":round(self.oppaiMapInfo.getDifficulty().ar,2), "OD_noDecoration_noNewline":round(self.oppaiMapInfo.getDifficulty().od,2), "HP_noDecoration_noNewline":round(self.oppaiMapInfo.getDifficulty().hp,2), "CS_noDecoration_noNewline":round(self.oppaiMapInfo.getDifficulty().cs,2), "PP":" ", "95%_noNewline_noDecorator":str(round(self.oppaiMapInfo.getPP(Mods=self.mods, accuracy=95.00).total_pp,2)), "99%_noNewline_noDecorator":str(round(self.oppaiMapInfo.getPP(Mods=self.mods, accuracy=99.00).total_pp,2)), "100%_noNewline_noDecorator":str(round(self.oppaiMapInfo.getPP(Mods=self.mods, accuracy=100.00).total_pp,2))} newEmbed = embedHandler(elementList,embedType=1,color=0xFF748C) i = 0 while i < len(self.mapset): if self.mapset[i].version == beatmap.version: break i = i + 1 newEmbed.setAuthor(name= "Map information") newEmbed.setFooter(text=" {0} | {1} ♡ | {2}".format(statusOnDate(beatmap.approved,beatmap.approved_date),beatmap.favourite_count, "Map " + str(i+1) + " on " + str(len(self.mapset)))) newEmbed.setImage(url=beatmap.cover_image) return newEmbed.getEmbed()