def doInitInterfaces(self, *args, **kwargs): if bpio.Android(): lg.close_intercepted_log_file() lg.open_intercepted_log_file( os.path.join(settings.LogsDir(), 'android.log')) if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, 'initializer.doInitInterfaces') if settings.enableFTPServer(): try: from interface import ftp_server ftp_server.init() except: lg.exc() if settings.enableJsonRPCServer(): try: from interface import api_jsonrpc_server api_jsonrpc_server.init() except: lg.exc() if settings.enableRESTHTTPServer(): try: from interface import api_rest_http_server api_rest_http_server.init( port=settings.getRESTHTTPServerPort()) except: lg.exc() if settings.enableWebSocketServer(): try: from interface import api_web_socket api_web_socket.init(port=settings.getWebSocketServerPort()) except: lg.exc() reactor.callLater(0, self.automat, 'init-interfaces-done') # @UndefinedVariable
def init(): global _WSGIListener global _WSGIPort result = Deferred() if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, 'control.init') request_update() if _WSGIListener: if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, ' SKIP listener already exist') result.callback(0) return result try: import django # ver = django.get_version() # if not ver.startswith('1.7'): # if _Debug: # lg.out(_DebugLevel, ' Django version must be 1.7, skip!') # result.callback(0) # return result except: lg.exc() result.callback(0) return result if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel + 6, ' \n' + pprint.pformat(sys.path)) if _Debug: lg.out( _DebugLevel, ' setting environment DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=web.asite.settings' ) os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "web.asite.settings") from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django.core import management # from import changepassword if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, ' configuring WSGI bridge from Twisted to Django') wsgi_handler = get_wsgi_application() my_wsgi_handler = MyFakedWSGIHandler(wsgi_handler) pool = threadpool.ThreadPool() pool.start() reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('after', 'shutdown', pool.stop) resource = wsgi.WSGIResource(reactor, pool, my_wsgi_handler) root = DjangoRootResource(resource) root_static_dir = os.path.join(bpio.getExecutableDir(), "web") for sub in os.listdir(root_static_dir): static_path = os.path.join(root_static_dir, sub, 'static') if not os.path.isdir(static_path): continue node = static.File(static_path) root.putChild(sub, node) if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, ' added static dir: %s->%s' % (sub, static_path)) if sub == 'asite': admin_path = os.path.join(root_static_dir, sub, 'admin', 'static') node.putChild('admin', static.File(admin_path)) if _Debug: lg.out( _DebugLevel, ' added ADMIN static dir: admin->%s' % admin_path) site = server.Site(root) _WSGIPort = 8080 # TODO: read port num from settings if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, ' %s' % my_wsgi_handler) lg.out(_DebugLevel, ' %s' % resource) lg.out(_DebugLevel, ' %s' % site) verbosity = 0 if lg.is_debug(18): verbosity = 3 if lg.is_debug(12): verbosity = 2 if lg.is_debug(8): verbosity = 1 # lg.out(4, ' running django "flush" command') # management.call_command('flush', interactive=False, verbosity=verbosity) # lg.out(4, ' running django "createsuperuser" command') # management.call_command('createsuperuser', # interactive=False, verbosity=verbosity, # username="******", email="admin@localhost") # command = changepassword.Command() # command._get_pass = lambda *args: 'admin' # command.execute("admin") if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, ' running django "syncdb" command') management.call_command('syncdb', stdout=open( os.path.join(settings.LogsDir(), 'django-syncdb.log'), 'w'), interactive=False, verbosity=verbosity) _ShortPoolPort = 8081 # TODO: read port num from settings # shortpool.init(get_update_items, set_updated, _ShortPoolPort) if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, ' starting listener: %s' % site) result = start_listener(site) result.addCallback(lambda portnum: post_init(portnum)) return result
def doScanAndQueue(self, arg): global _ShutdownFlag if _Debug: lg.out( _DebugLevel, 'data_sender.doScanAndQueue _ShutdownFlag=%r' % _ShutdownFlag) if _Debug: log = open(os.path.join(settings.LogsDir(), 'data_sender.log'), 'w') log.write('doScanAndQueue %s\n' % time.asctime()) if _ShutdownFlag: if _Debug: log.write('doScanAndQueue _ShutdownFlag is True\n') self.automat('scan-done') if _Debug: log.flush() log.close() return for customer_idurl in contactsdb.known_customers(): if '' not in contactsdb.suppliers(customer_idurl): from storage import backup_matrix for backupID in misc.sorted_backup_ids( backup_matrix.local_files().keys(), True): packetsBySupplier = backup_matrix.ScanBlocksToSend( backupID) if _Debug: log.write('%s\n' % packetsBySupplier) for supplierNum in packetsBySupplier.keys(): supplier_idurl = contactsdb.supplier( supplierNum, customer_idurl=customer_idurl) if not supplier_idurl: lg.warn('?supplierNum? %s for %s' % (supplierNum, backupID)) continue for packetID in packetsBySupplier[supplierNum]: backupID_, _, supplierNum_, _ = packetid.BidBnSnDp( packetID) if backupID_ != backupID: lg.warn('?backupID? %s for %s' % (packetID, backupID)) continue if supplierNum_ != supplierNum: lg.warn('?supplierNum? %s for %s' % (packetID, backupID)) continue if io_throttle.HasPacketInSendQueue( supplier_idurl, packetID): if _Debug: log.write( '%s already in sending queue for %s\n' % (packetID, supplier_idurl)) continue if not io_throttle.OkToSend(supplier_idurl): if _Debug: log.write('ok to send %s ? - NO!\n' % supplier_idurl) continue customerGlobalID, pathID = packetid.SplitPacketID( packetID) # tranByID = gate.transfers_out_by_idurl().get(supplier_idurl, []) # if len(tranByID) > 3: # log.write('transfers by %s: %d\n' % (supplier_idurl, len(tranByID))) # continue customerGlobalID, pathID = packetid.SplitPacketID( packetID) filename = os.path.join( settings.getLocalBackupsDir(), customerGlobalID, pathID, ) if not os.path.isfile(filename): if _Debug: log.write('%s is not a file\n' % filename) continue if io_throttle.QueueSendFile( filename, packetID, supplier_idurl, my_id.getLocalID(), self._packetAcked, self._packetFailed, ): if _Debug: log.write( 'io_throttle.QueueSendFile %s\n' % packetID) else: if _Debug: log.write( 'io_throttle.QueueSendFile FAILED %s\n' % packetID) # lg.out(6, ' %s for %s' % (packetID, backupID)) # DEBUG # break self.automat('scan-done') if _Debug: log.flush() log.close()