Example #1
def splat_handler(request, splat):
    slugs = filter(lambda x: x, splat.split("/"))
    current_node = topic_tools.get_topic_tree()
    while current_node:
        match = [ch for ch in (current_node.get('children') or []) if request.path.startswith(ch["path"])]
        if len(match) > 1:  # can only happen for leaf nodes (only when one node is blank?)
            match = [m for m in match if request.path == m["path"]]
        if not match:
            raise Http404
        current_node = match[0]
        if request.path == current_node["path"]:

    if current_node["kind"] == "Topic":
        return topic_handler(request, cached_nodes={"topic": current_node})
    elif current_node["kind"] == "Video":
        prev, next = get_neighbor_nodes(current_node, neighbor_kind=current_node["kind"])
        return video_handler(request, cached_nodes={"video": current_node, "prev": prev, "next": next})
    elif current_node["kind"] == "Exercise":
        cached_nodes = topic_tools.get_related_videos(current_node, limit_to_available=False)
        cached_nodes["exercise"] = current_node
        cached_nodes["prev"], cached_nodes["next"] = get_neighbor_nodes(current_node, neighbor_kind=current_node['kind'])
        return exercise_handler(request, cached_nodes=cached_nodes)
        raise Http404
Example #2
    def refresh_topic_cache_wrapper_fn(request, cached_nodes={}, force=False, *args, **kwargs):
        Centralized logic for how to refresh the topic cache, for each type of object.

        When the object is desired to be used, this code runs to refresh data,
        balancing between correctness and efficiency.
        if not cached_nodes:
            cached_nodes = {"topics": topic_tools.get_topic_tree()}

        def has_computed_urls(node):
            return "subtitles" in node.get("availability", {}).get("en", {})

        for node in cached_nodes.values():
            if not node:
            has_children = bool(node.get("children"))

            # Propertes not yet marked
            if node["kind"] == "Video":
                if force or not has_computed_urls(node):
                    recount_videos_and_invalidate_parents(get_parent(node), force=True, stamp_urls=True)

            elif node["kind"] == "Exercise":
                for video in topic_tools.get_related_videos(exercise=node).values():
                    if not has_computed_urls(node):
                        stamp_availability_on_video(video, force=True)  # will be done by force below

            elif node["kind"] == "Topic":
                bottom_layer_topic =  "Topic" not in node["contains"]
                # always run do_video_counts_need_update_question_mark(), to make sure the (internal) counts stay up to date.
                force = do_video_counts_need_update_question_mark() or force or bottom_layer_topic

        return handler(request, *args, **kwargs)