Example #1
 def _create_data_validation(self, field):
     allow_blank = not util_model.is_mandatory(field)
     dv = None
     if util_model.is_lookup_field(field) and util_model.has_related_objects(field):
         # here we expect that the lookup has been registered as named range.
         # The name of the lookup is the lookup model name (see _write_lookups)
         strict = util_model.is_strict_lookup_field(field)
         lookup_name = util_model.get_field_lookup_model_name(field)
         dv = util_xls.create_list_validation(lookup_name, strict=strict, allow_blank=allow_blank)
     elif util_model.has_choices(field):
         # Should we also add the choices in the Lookups sheet?
         values = [str(choice[1]) for choice in util_model.get_field_choices(field)]
         strict = True
         dv = util_xls.create_list_validation(values, strict=strict, allow_blank=allow_blank)
     elif util_model.is_boolean_field(field):
         allow_blank = True  # blank is False
         values = ['Y', 'N']
         strict = False
         dv = util_xls.create_list_validation(values, strict=strict, allow_blank=allow_blank)
     # species. Hack! Last minute update. We want species data validation on animals only
     elif util_model.is_species_observation_field(field)\
             and self.file_species is not None \
             and field.model._meta.app_label == 'animals':
         # we expect here that a range call species has been registered (see _write_species)
         strict = False
         dv = util_xls.create_list_validation('species', strict=strict, allow_blank=allow_blank)
     return dv
Example #2
def to_choice_raise(field, value):
        validate only against the display_name, the second part of a Django choice (internal, display_name)
        case insensitive
    if not util_model.has_choices(field):
        raise FieldErrorException("The field {field} has no choices".format(field.verbose_name))
    if is_blank(value):
        return field.default
    value = str(value)
    choices = util_model.get_field_choices(field)
    return to_model_choice(choices, value)
Example #3
def to_choice_raise(field, value):
        validate only against the display_name, the second part of a Django choice (internal, display_name)
        case insensitive
    if not util_model.has_choices(field):
        raise FieldErrorException("The field {field} has no choices".format(field.verbose_name))
    if is_blank(value):
        return field.default
    value = str(value)
    choices = util_model.get_field_choices(field)
    choice = next((c[0] for c in choices if c[1].lower() == value.lower()), None)
    if choice is None:
        message = "{value} not an authorized choice. Should be one of: {values}" \
            .format(value=value, values=[str(c[1]) for c in choices])
        raise FieldErrorException(message)
    return choice