def simulate_main(triple): fast_search = 'true' obj_a = Argument(triple[1].lower().strip()) obj_b = Argument(triple[2].lower().strip()) aspects = [Aspect(triple[3].lower(), 5)] model = 'bow' # model = 'infersent' load_config() if aspects: json_compl_triples = request_es_triple(obj_a, obj_b, aspects) json_compl = request_es_ML(fast_search, obj_a, obj_b) if aspects: all_sentences = extract_sentences(json_compl_triples) all_sentences.extend(extract_sentences(json_compl)) else: all_sentences = extract_sentences(json_compl) remove_questions(all_sentences) prepared_sentences = prepare_sentence_DF(all_sentences, obj_a, obj_b) classification_results = classify_sentences(prepared_sentences, model) final_dict = evaluate(all_sentences, prepared_sentences, classification_results, obj_a, obj_b, aspects) a_aspect_score = 0 if triple[3] in final_dict['object1']['points']: a_aspect_score = final_dict['object1']['points'][triple[3]] b_aspect_score = 0 if triple[3] in final_dict['object2']['points']: b_aspect_score = final_dict['object2']['points'][triple[3]] return [a_aspect_score, b_aspect_score]
def test_build_object_urlpart2(self): obj_a = Argument('') obj_b = Argument('gorilla') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context: build_object_urlpart(obj_a, obj_b) self.assertTrue('Please enter both objects!' in str(context.exception))
def test_what_is_better11(self): obj_a = Argument('coca1-cola light') obj_b = Argument('pepsi light') self.assertEqual( what_is_better('Coca1-Cola™ light tastes better than Pepsi™ light', obj_a, obj_b), { 'marker_cnt': 1, 'winner': obj_a })
def test_clear_sentences9(self): obj_a = Argument('coca-cola light') obj_b = Argument('pepsi light') s = [ Sentence('Coca Cola™ light tastes better than Pepsi™ light', 20, '', '') ] s = clear_sentences(s, obj_a, obj_b) self.assertTrue(s)
def test_build_object_urlpart1(self): obj_a = Argument('ape') obj_b = Argument('gorilla') url = build_object_urlpart(obj_a, obj_b) self.assertTrue( url == '"ape"%20AND%20"gorilla"' or url == '"ape"%20AND%20"gorilla"' )
def test_sentence_preparation_ML(self): sentenceA = [ Sentence( 'Coca-Cola tastes better than pepsi, because of its ingredients', 20, '', ''), Sentence( 'Pepsi is worse than Coca-cola, because of the better sweeteners', 20, '', '') ] df = prepare_sentence_DF(sentenceA, Argument('coca-cola'), Argument('pepsi')) self.assertNotEqual(df.loc[0]['object_a'], df.loc[1]['object_a'])
def test_extract_main_links(self): sentencesA = [ Sentence('ObjA is better than ObjB because of more time', 10, '', '') ] sentencesB = [ Sentence('ObjA is worse than ObjB because of less power', 10, '', '') ] obj_a = Argument('ObjA') obj_b = Argument('ObjB') self.assertEqual( extract_main_links(sentencesA, sentencesB, obj_a, obj_b), { 'A': ['time'], 'B': ['power'] })
def buildURLs(pairs): ''' Builds a list of urls using the Backend functions 'build_object_urlpart' and 'add_marker_urlpart' @param pairs: all unic pairs @return list of len(pairs) urls ''' urls = [] for pair in pairs: objectA = Argument(pair[0]) objectB = Argument(pair[1]) url = es_requester.build_object_urlpart(objectA, objectB) url = es_requester.add_marker_urlpart(url, 'false') urls.append(url) return urls
def test_extract_main_links3(self): sentencesA = [ Sentence( 'Coca-Cola™ tastes better than pepsi, because of its ingredients', 20, '', '') ] sentencesB = [ Sentence( 'Pepsi is worse than Coca-cola™, because of the better sweeteners', 20, '', '') ] obj_a = Argument('coca-cola') obj_b = Argument('pepsi light') self.assertEqual( extract_main_links(sentencesA, sentencesB, obj_a, obj_b), { 'A': ['ingredients'], 'B': ['sweeteners'] })
def calculateWinner(self, preprocessed, pairsSentences): ''' Goes through the assigned preprocessed comparisons, reads the aspects and calls a Backend function (find_winner) to compute the scores of the given pair with respect to the aspects @param preprocessed: the preprocessed comparisons @param pairsSentences: a dictionary where the sentences of a pair can be accessed by the pair as key @returns a list containing the computed scores ['id', 'object_a', 'object_b', 'gold_label', 'score_a', 'score_b'] ''' resultList = [] for comparison in preprocessed: result = comparison[:4] objectA = comparison[1] objectB = comparison[2] pair = objectA + "," + objectB reversedPair = objectB + "," + objectA tempAspects = [x for x in comparison[5].split(', ')] aspects = [Aspect(aspect, 5) for aspect in tempAspects] sentences = pairsSentences[ pair] if pair in pairsSentences else pairsSentences[ reversedPair] if reversedPair in pairsSentences else {} finalDict = find_winner(sentences, Argument(objectA), Argument(objectB), aspects) scoreA = finalDict['score object 1'] scoreB = finalDict['score object 2'] print(result[0]) result.extend([scoreA, scoreB]) resultList.append(result) return resultList
def requestSentences(self, pairs, threadName): ''' Builds the urls and calls the function to request. Uses the functions of the Backend to extract and clear the sentences: 'extract_sentences' and 'clear_sentences' @param pairs: all unic pairs extracted from file @param threadName: name of the thread @returns list of results, an entry per pair which consists of the pair itself, the requested sentences and the corresponding scores of the sentences ''' resultList = [] urls = buildURLs(pairs) for i in range(0, len(urls), 1): objectA = pairs[i][0] objectB = pairs[i][1] jsonResult = self.sendRequest(urls[i]) allSentences = es_requester.extract_sentences(jsonResult) allSentences = clear_sentences( allSentences, Argument(objectA), Argument(objectB)) sentences = [] scores = [] for key in allSentences: sentences.append(key) scores.append(allSentences[key]) resultList.append([objectA, objectB]) resultList[len(resultList)-1].extend(sentences) resultList[len(resultList)-1].extend(scores) return resultList
class Test(unittest.TestCase): ''' Testing different cases of possible object positioning as well as the presense of the better/worse markers and negation (not excluded case)of the what_is_better method ''' objA = Argument('dog') objB = Argument('cat') def test_what_is_better1(self): self.assertEqual( what_is_better('Dog is better than cat', self.objA, self.objB), { 'winner': self.objA, 'marker_cnt': 1 }) def test_what_is_better2(self): self.assertEqual( what_is_better('not Dog is better than cat ', self.objA, self.objB), { 'winner': self.objA, 'marker_cnt': 1 }) def test_what_is_better3(self): self.assertEqual( what_is_better('Dog is not better than cat ', self.objA, self.objB), { 'winner': self.objB, 'marker_cnt': 1 }) def test_what_is_better5(self): self.assertEqual(what_is_better('Dog is a cat', self.objA, self.objB), { 'winner': self.objB, 'marker_cnt': 0 }) def test_what_is_better6(self): self.assertEqual( what_is_better('Dog is worse than cat', self.objA, self.objB), { 'winner': self.objB, 'marker_cnt': 1 }) def test_what_is_better7(self): self.assertTrue( what_is_better('Dog is worse than cat', self.objB, self.objA)) def test_what_is_better8(self): self.assertEqual( what_is_better('Dog is a cat solid', self.objB, self.objA), { 'marker_cnt': 0, 'winner': self.objB }) def test_what_is_better9(self): self.assertEqual( what_is_better( 'This tortoise sculpture is made of hammer formed copper sheet metal and filled solid with concrete.', self.objB, self.objA), { 'marker_cnt': 0, 'winner': self.objA }) def test_what_is_better10(self): obj_a = Argument('coca-cola light') obj_b = Argument('pepsi light') self.assertEqual( what_is_better('Coca Cola light tastes better than pepsi light', obj_a, obj_b), { 'marker_cnt': 1, 'winner': obj_a }) def test_what_is_better11(self): obj_a = Argument('coca1-cola light') obj_b = Argument('pepsi light') self.assertEqual( what_is_better('Coca1-Cola™ light tastes better than Pepsi™ light', obj_a, obj_b), { 'marker_cnt': 1, 'winner': obj_a }) ''' Testing if the removal of the following sentences work: 1.containing '?' 2.containing two markers of different types between the objects 3.containing no markers between the object ''' def test_clear_sentences1(self): s = [Sentence('Dog is worse than cat?', 20, '', '')] s = clear_sentences(s, self.objA, self.objB) self.assertFalse(s) def test_clear_sentences2(self): s = [ Sentence('Dog is worse than cat', 20, '', ''), Sentence('Dog didn\'t look better than cat', 20, '', '') ] s = clear_sentences(s, self.objA, self.objB) self.assertTrue('Dog didn\'t look better than cat' in [sentence.text for sentence in s]) def test_clear_sentences3(self): s = [ Sentence( 'snowboarding is harder to learn but easier to master than skiing', 20, '', '') ] s = clear_sentences(s, self.objA, self.objB) self.assertFalse(s) def test_clear_sentences4(self): s = [ Sentence('A better cat is still no dog', 20, '', ''), Sentence('Cat are worse than dog', 20, '', '') ] s = clear_sentences(s, self.objA, self.objB) self.assertFalse('A better cat is still no dog' in [sentence.text for sentence in s]) self.assertTrue(s) def test_clear_sentences5(self): s = [ Sentence('Cat and dog work well together', 10, '', ''), Sentence('Cat are worse than dog', 20, '', '') ] s = clear_sentences(s, self.objA, self.objB) self.assertFalse('Cats and dogs work well together' in [sentence.text for sentence in s]) self.assertTrue(s) def test_clear_sentences6(self): s = [ Sentence('Cat is worse than dog', 10, '', ''), Sentence( 'Cat are more beautiful, but are harder to raise than dog', 20, '', '') ] s = clear_sentences(s, self.objA, self.objB) self.assertFalse('Cat are wiser, but are harder to raise than dog' in [sentence.text for sentence in s]) self.assertTrue(s) def test_clear_sentences7(self): obj_a = Argument('cola light') obj_b = Argument('pepsi light') s = [Sentence('Cola light tastes better than pepsi light', 20, '', '')] s = clear_sentences(s, obj_a, obj_b) self.assertTrue(s) def test_clear_sentences8(self): obj_a = Argument('coca-cola light') obj_b = Argument('pepsi light') s = [ Sentence('Coca Cola light tastes better than pepsi light', 20, '', '') ] s = clear_sentences(s, obj_a, obj_b) self.assertTrue(s) def test_clear_sentences9(self): obj_a = Argument('coca-cola light') obj_b = Argument('pepsi light') s = [ Sentence('Coca Cola™ light tastes better than Pepsi™ light', 20, '', '') ] s = clear_sentences(s, obj_a, obj_b) self.assertTrue(s) ''' Testing if all parts of the find_winner method work properly ''' def test_find_winner1(self): s = [ Sentence('Dog is better than cat', 10, '', 5), Sentence('Cat is beautiful better than dog', 10, '', 7), Sentence('Dogs are way better than cat', 10, '', 6) ] result = find_winner(s, self.objA, self.objB, []) obj_1 = result['object1'] obj_2 = result['object2'] self.assertEqual(obj_1['name'], self.assertEqual(obj_2['name'], self.assertEqual(obj_1['totalPoints'], 2.0) self.assertEqual(obj_2['totalPoints'], 1.0) self.assertEqual(obj_1['points'], {'none': 2.0}) self.assertEqual(obj_2['points'], {'none': 1.0}) sentences1 = [sentence['text'] for sentence in obj_1['sentences']] sentences2 = [sentence['text'] for sentence in obj_2['sentences']] self.assertEqual( sorted(sentences1), sorted(['Dog is better than cat', 'Dogs are way better than cat'])) self.assertEqual(sorted(sentences2), sorted(['Cat is beautiful better than dog'])) self.assertEqual(result['winner'], self.assertEqual(result['sentenceCount'], 3.0) def test_build_object_urlpart1(self): obj_a = Argument('ape') obj_b = Argument('gorilla') url = build_object_urlpart(obj_a, obj_b) self.assertTrue( url == '"ape"%20AND%20"gorilla"' or url == '"ape"%20AND%20"gorilla"' ) def test_build_object_urlpart2(self): obj_a = Argument('') obj_b = Argument('gorilla') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context: build_object_urlpart(obj_a, obj_b) self.assertTrue('Please enter both objects!' in str(context.exception)) def test_extract_main_links(self): sentencesA = [ Sentence('ObjA is better than ObjB because of more time', 10, '', '') ] sentencesB = [ Sentence('ObjA is worse than ObjB because of less power', 10, '', '') ] obj_a = Argument('ObjA') obj_b = Argument('ObjB') self.assertEqual( extract_main_links(sentencesA, sentencesB, obj_a, obj_b), { 'A': ['time'], 'B': ['power'] }) def test_extract_main_links2(self): sentencesA = [ Sentence( 'Coca Cola tastes better than pepsi, because of its ingredients', 20, '', '') ] sentencesB = [ Sentence( 'Pepsi is worse than Coca-cola, because of the better sweeteners', 20, '', '') ] obj_a = Argument('coca-cola') obj_b = Argument('pepsi light') self.assertEqual( extract_main_links(sentencesA, sentencesB, obj_a, obj_b), { 'A': ['ingredients'], 'B': ['sweeteners'] }) def test_extract_main_links3(self): sentencesA = [ Sentence( 'Coca-Cola™ tastes better than pepsi, because of its ingredients', 20, '', '') ] sentencesB = [ Sentence( 'Pepsi is worse than Coca-cola™, because of the better sweeteners', 20, '', '') ] obj_a = Argument('coca-cola') obj_b = Argument('pepsi light') self.assertEqual( extract_main_links(sentencesA, sentencesB, obj_a, obj_b), { 'A': ['ingredients'], 'B': ['sweeteners'] }) ''' Test the ML parts ''' def test_sentence_preparation_ML(self): sentenceA = [ Sentence( 'Coca-Cola tastes better than pepsi, because of its ingredients', 20, '', ''), Sentence( 'Pepsi is worse than Coca-cola, because of the better sweeteners', 20, '', '') ] df = prepare_sentence_DF(sentenceA, Argument('coca-cola'), Argument('pepsi')) self.assertNotEqual(df.loc[0]['object_a'], df.loc[1]['object_a'])