def LoadSettings(self): """Loads the goddamn stuff from the db.""" key_list = [ ('hotkey-play', self.tc_play), ('hotkey-stop', self.tc_stop), ('hotkey-next', self.tc_next), ('hotkey-volume-up', self.tc_volume_up), ('hotkey-volume-down', self.tc_volume_down), #('hotkey-modifier',self.tc_acc_modifier), ('hotkey-previous', self.tc_previous), ('hotkey-volume-mute', self.tc_volume_mute), ('hotkey-repeat', self.tc_repeat), ('hotkey-shuffle', self.tc_shuffle), ('acc-play', self.tc_acc_play), ('acc-stop', self.tc_acc_stop), ('acc-next', self.tc_acc_next), ('acc-volume-up', self.tc_acc_volume_up), ('acc-volume-down', self.tc_acc_volume_down), #('hotkey-modifier',self.tc_acc_modifier), ('acc-previous', self.tc_acc_previous), ('acc-volume-mute', self.tc_acc_volume_mute), ('acc-repeat', self.tc_acc_repeat), ('acc-shuffle', self.tc_acc_shuffle), ] for key_name in key_list: y = options.GetSetting(key_name[0], self.FILEDB) if y: key_name[1].SetValue(y) rb = options.GetSetting('hotkey-modifier-type', self.FILEDB) if rb: self.rb_modifier.SetSelection(int(rb)) ch = options.GetSetting('hotkey-modifier', self.FILEDB) if ch: self.ch_modifier.SetSelection(int(ch))
def FillSearchListLocal(self, query_results, query): # search field, then search counter = 0 # calc how many time to run through the loop, based on 8 items per result #times_to_run = divmod(len(query_results), 8)[0] #print times_to_run self.lc_search.DeleteAllItems() for x in query_results: if len(x) > 0: found_exact_match = False # put results that match exactly at the top of the list if query.upper() == (x[0] + ' ' + x[1]).upper(): found_exact_match = True if found_exact_match == True: #add artist, song, album, path, add at top index = self.lc_search.InsertStringItem(0, '') self.lc_search.SetStringItem(0, 1, x[0]) self.lc_search.SetStringItem(0, 2, x[1]) self.lc_search.SetStringItem(0, 3, x[2]) if options.GetSetting('search-results-drop-id', self.FILEDB) != '1': self.lc_search.SetStringItem(0, 4, x[3]) else: #add artist, song, album, path index = self.lc_search.InsertStringItem(counter, '') self.lc_search.SetStringItem(counter, 1, x[0]) self.lc_search.SetStringItem(counter, 2, x[1]) self.lc_search.SetStringItem(counter, 3, x[2]) if options.GetSetting('search-results-drop-id', self.FILEDB) != '1': self.lc_search.SetStringItem(counter, 4, x[3]) counter = counter + 1 self.ResizeColumns()
def OnMyLastWebClick(self, event): # open website lw = '' if len(self.tc_mylast_search_user.GetValue()) > 0: address = lw + self.tc_mylast_search_user.GetValue() elif options.GetSetting('lastfm-username', self.FILEDB): address = lw + options.GetSetting('lastfm-username', self.FILEDB) else: address = lw default_app_open.dopen(address)
def FillSearchList(self, event): # search field, then search counter = 0 # calc how many time to run through the loop, based on 8 items per result #times_to_run = divmod(len(query_results), 8)[0] #print times_to_run self.lc_search.DeleteAllItems() for x in self.parent.SetNetworkStatus('grooveshark', 0) if len(x) > 0: #print counter #split_array = x.split('; ') if len(x) > 5: play_url = x['SongID']#split_array[1] # # artist index = self.lc_search.InsertStringItem(counter, '') self.lc_search.SetStringItem(counter, 1, x['ArtistName']) # title self.lc_search.SetStringItem(counter, 2, x['SongName']) #album self.lc_search.SetStringItem(counter, 3, x['AlbumName']) if options.GetSetting('search-results-drop-id', self.FILEDB) != '1': #print play_url self.lc_search.SetStringItem(counter, 4, str(play_url)) self.lc_search.SetStringItem(counter, 6, x['ArtistID']) else: index = self.lc_search.InsertStringItem(counter, '') # title self.lc_search.SetStringItem(counter, 1, 'No Results Found') counter = counter + 1 self.ResizeColumns()
def OnMyLastNeighClick(self, event): # search for user self.user = options.GetSetting( 'lastfm-username', self.FILEDB) # self.parent.tc_options_username.GetValue() if self.user: self.MyLastThread('neighbours') self.get_type = 'neighbours'
def OnMyLastLovedClick(self, event): #grab your loved tracks self.user = self.tc_mylast_search_user.GetValue() if self.user == '': self.user = options.GetSetting( 'lastfm-username', self.FILEDB) # self.parent.tc_options_username.GetValue() if self.user: self.MyLastThread('loved_songs') self.get_type = 'loved_songs'
def RegisterHotkeys(self, modc, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, h8, h9): #assign the keys the_keys = [h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, h8, h9] mod_type = options.GetSetting('hotkey-modifier-type', self.FILEDB) if (mod_type == '1'): counter = 100 for x in the_keys: try: self.parent.RegisterHotKey(counter, 0, int(x)) except Exception, expt: print str(Exception) + str(expt) counter = counter + 1
def LoadOptions(self): """ load options from file, populate options tabs """ for x in OP_ARR: setting_value = options.GetSetting(x[0].rsplit('_', 1)[1], self.FILEDB) if setting_value: try: xrc.XRCCTRL(self, x[0]).SetValue(setting_value) except TypeError: #print xrc.XRCCTRL(self, x[0]) if setting_value == 'False': setting_value = '0' if setting_value == 'True': setting_value = '1' xrc.XRCCTRL(self, x[0]).SetValue(int(setting_value))
def SetBioText(self, bio_text, artist): """ sets the biography text """ # get albumcover for artist/song from bio_text_str = StripTags(bio_text) tranny = 'en' lang_set = options.GetSetting('language-selected', self.parent.FILEDB) if (lang_set != False): #& (lang != None): tranny = wx.Locale(int(lang_set)).GetCanonicalName()[0:2] if tranny != 'en': try: bio_text_str = google_translation.translate(bio_text_str, to=tranny) except Exception, expt: print "biography_tab:" + str(Exception) + str(expt)
def OnMyLastMeClick(self, event): # search for user self.user = options.GetSetting( 'lastfm-username', self.FILEDB) #self.parent.tc_options_username.GetValue() tperiod = self.rx_mylast_period.GetSelection() period = PER_TIMES[tperiod] page = 1 if self.user: if period == 'recent': self.MyLastThread('user') self.get_type = 'user' else: self.MyLastThread('user_top_tracks', page, period) self.get_type = 'user_top_tracks'
def run(self): """ plays a god-damn song """ #local mp3 playback print self.file_name.encode('utf-8') self.parent.current_song.status = 'loading' while os.path.isfile(self.file_name) != True: time.sleep(1) get_buffer = options.GetSetting('buffer-size-bytes', self.parent.FILEDB) if get_buffer != False: buffer_sz = int(get_buffer) else: buffer_sz = BUFFER_SIZE while os.path.getsize(self.file_name) < buffer_sz: time.sleep(2) #print os.path.getsize(file_name) self.parent.time_count = -1 self.parent.current_song.status = 'playing' card = int(self.output_device) rate = 1 tt = -1 #dm= muxer.Demuxer( str.split( name, '.' )[ -1 ].lower() ) dm = muxer.Demuxer('mp3') snds = sound.getODevices() if card not in range(len(snds)): raise 'Cannot play sound to non existent device %d out of %d' % ( card + 1, len(snds)) f = open(self.file_name, 'rb') self.snd = resampler = dec = None s = t = 0 while (len(s)): #print self.local_play_status frames = dm.parse(s) if frames: for fr in frames: # Assume for now only audio streams if dec == None: #print dm.getHeaderInfo(), dm.streams dec = acodec.Decoder(dm.streams[fr[0]]) r = dec.decode(fr[1]) if r and if self.snd == None: #print 'Opening sound with %d channels -> %s' % ( r.channels, snds[ card ][ 'name' ] ) self.snd = sound.Output(int(r.sample_rate * rate), r.channels, sound.AFMT_S16_LE, card) #print r.channels if rate < 1 or rate > 1: resampler = sound.Resampler( (r.sample_rate, r.channels), (int(r.sample_rate / rate), r.channels)) #print 'Sound resampling %d->%d' % ( r.sample_rate, r.sample_rate/rate ) data = if resampler: data = resampler.resample(data) if EMULATE: # Calc delay we should wait to emulate d = len(data) / float( r.sample_rate * r.channels * 2) time.sleep(d) #if int( t+d )!= int( t ): # print 'playing: %d sec\r' % ( t+d ), t += d else: #print snd.getPosition() if tt > 0: if self.snd and self.snd.getPosition() < tt: break s = if self.local_play_status == False: break while self.snd.isPlaying(): time.sleep(0.05)
def GetSavedHotkeys(self): #grabbed the saved keys from the settings db, or not self.FILEDB = system_files.GetDirectories(self).DatabaseLocation() # hotkey-modifier, hotkey-previous, hotkey-play, hotkey-next, hotkey-stop hotkey_modifier = options.GetSetting('hotkey-modifier', self.FILEDB) if hotkey_modifier == '0': if == 'nt': hotkey_modifier = win32con.MOD_CONTROL else: hotkey_modifier = wx.MOD_CONTROL if hotkey_modifier == '1': if == 'nt': hotkey_modifier = win32con.MOD_SHIFT else: hotkey_modifier = wx.MOD_SHIFT if hotkey_modifier == '2': if == 'nt': hotkey_modifier = win32con.MOD_WIN else: hotkey_modifier = wx.MOD_WIN h1 = options.GetSetting('hotkey-previous', self.FILEDB) h2 = options.GetSetting('hotkey-play', self.FILEDB) h3 = options.GetSetting('hotkey-stop', self.FILEDB) h4 = options.GetSetting('hotkey-next', self.FILEDB) h5 = options.GetSetting('hotkey-volume-down', self.FILEDB) h6 = options.GetSetting('hotkey-volume-up', self.FILEDB) h7 = options.GetSetting('hotkey-volume-mute', self.FILEDB) h8 = options.GetSetting('hotkey-shuffle', self.FILEDB) h9 = options.GetSetting('hotkey-repeat', self.FILEDB) if (hotkey_modifier == False) & (h1 == False): #use defaults if == 'nt': modc = win32con.MOD_CONTROL h1 = win32con.VK_F1 h2 = win32con.VK_F2 h3 = win32con.VK_F3 h4 = win32con.VK_F4 h5 = win32con.VK_F5 h6 = win32con.VK_F6 h7 = win32con.VK_F7 h8 = win32con.VK_F9 h9 = win32con.VK_F10 else: modc = wx.MOD_CONTROL h1 = wx.WXK_F1 h2 = wx.WXK_F2 h3 = wx.WXK_F3 h4 = wx.WXK_F4 h5 = wx.WXK_F5 h6 = wx.WXK_F6 h7 = wx.WXK_F7 h8 = wx.WXK_F9 h9 = wx.WXK_F10 self.RegisterHotkeys(str(modc), h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, h8, h9) else: #use stored values self.RegisterHotkeys(hotkey_modifier, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, h8, h9)
def SetHotkeys(self): backID = 701 playID = 702 stopID = 703 forwID = 704 #saveID = 705 #loadID = 706 randID = 707 reapID = 708 vlupID = 709 vldnID = 7010 #tbupID = 7012 muteID = 7011 #tbdnID = 7011 #ctrldID = 801 #ctrlrID = 802 #ctrlbID = 803 #ctrl9ID = 910 #ctrl8ID = 911 #ctrlfID = 804 #ctrlmID = 805 #ctrlgID = 806 #ctrlperiodID = 807 self.FILEDB = system_files.GetDirectories(self).DatabaseLocation() h1 = options.GetSetting('acc-previous', self.FILEDB) if h1: h1 = int(h1) else: h1 = wx.WXK_F1 h2 = options.GetSetting('acc-play', self.FILEDB) if h2: h2 = int(h2) else: h2 = wx.WXK_F2 h3 = options.GetSetting('acc-stop', self.FILEDB) if h3: h3 = int(h3) else: h3 = wx.WXK_F3 h4 = options.GetSetting('acc-next', self.FILEDB) if h4: h4 = int(h4) else: h4 = wx.WXK_F4 h5 = options.GetSetting('acc-volume-down', self.FILEDB) if h5: h5 = int(h5) else: h5 = wx.WXK_F5 h6 = options.GetSetting('acc-volume-up', self.FILEDB) if h6: h6 = int(h6) else: h6 = wx.WXK_F6 h7 = options.GetSetting('acc-volume-mute', self.FILEDB) if h7: h7 = int(h7) else: h7 = wx.WXK_F7 h8 = options.GetSetting('acc-shuffle', self.FILEDB) if h8: h8 = int(h8) else: h8 = wx.WXK_F9 h9 = options.GetSetting('acc-repeat', self.FILEDB) if h9: h9 = int(h9) else: h9 = wx.WXK_F10 #clear acc table aTable = wx.NullAcceleratorTable self.parent.SetAcceleratorTable(aTable) self.parent.album_viewer.SetAcceleratorTable(aTable) self.parent.aTable_values = [ (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, h1, backID), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, h2, playID), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, h3, stopID), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, h4, forwID), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, h5, vldnID), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, h6, vlupID), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, h7, muteID), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, h8, randID), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, h9, reapID), #(wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('.'), ctrlperiodID) ] ###self.SetMenuAccel(h1, backID) counter = 0 for menu_item in self.parent.parent.menu_playback.GetMenuItems(): #print menu_item if counter == 9: break self.SetMenuAccel(menu_item, self.parent.aTable_values[counter][1], self.parent.aTable_values[counter][2]) counter = counter + 1 aTable = wx.AcceleratorTable(self.parent.aTable_values) #add to main program ####self.parent.SetAcceleratorTable(aTable) #add to album viewer window too self.parent.album_viewer.SetAcceleratorTable(aTable) wx.EVT_MENU(self.parent, backID, self.parent.OnBackwardClick) wx.EVT_MENU(self.parent, playID, self.parent.OnPlayClick) wx.EVT_MENU(self.parent, stopID, self.parent.OnStopClick) wx.EVT_MENU(self.parent, forwID, self.parent.OnForwardClick) #wx.EVT_MENU(self, saveID, self.OnSavePlaylistClick) #wx.EVT_MENU(self, loadID, self.OnLoadPlaylistClick) wx.EVT_MENU(self.parent, randID, self.parent.OnRandomClick) wx.EVT_MENU(self.parent, reapID, self.parent.OnRepeatClick) wx.EVT_MENU(self.parent, vldnID, self.parent.OnVolumeDown) wx.EVT_MENU(self.parent, vlupID, self.parent.OnVolumeUp) wx.EVT_MENU(self.parent, muteID, self.parent.OnMuteClick)
def OnMyLastFriendsClick(self, event): # search for user self.user = options.GetSetting('lastfm-username', self.FILEDB) if self.user: self.MyLastThread('friends') self.get_type = 'friends'