def make_maps(args): """Compile the stated (or all) tilemaps into .tmap files suitable for inclusion within the compressed tilemap banks.""" charmap = mainscript_text.parse_charmap(args.charmap) #We Are Number One but a python script compiles everything #YouTube: Our Cancer Has Cancer. for i, filename in enumerate(args.filenames): objname = os.path.join(args.output, os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".tmap") with open(filename, "r") as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile) csv_data = [] for row in csvreader: nrow = [] for cell in row: try: nrow.append(int(cell, 10)) except ValueError: pass csv_data.append(nrow) print("Compiling " + filename) with open(objname, "wb") as objfile: objfile.write(encode_tilemap(csv_data))
def asm(args): """Generate the ASM for string tables. This operation needs to be performed once, plus Generated ASM will be printed to console. This portion of the script is intended to be piped into a file.""" charmap = mainscript_text.parse_charmap(args.charmap) tablenames = parse_tablenames(args.tablenames) for table in tablenames: print('SECTION "' + table["symbol"] + ' Section", ' + mainscript_text.format_sectionaddr_rom(mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], table["baseaddr"]))) print(table["symbol"] + '::') print('\tINCBIN "' + os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]).replace("\\", "/") + '"') print(table["symbol"] + '_END') print('')
def asm(args): """Generate an ASM file for the metatables and tables present within the compressed tilemap system. This process needs to be run at least once, to convert the compressed tilemap names into imports that the assembler and linker can use. Changes to that file can be mirrored into the ASM by re-running this command, or manually doing so.""" charmap = mainscript_text.parse_charmap(args.charmap) datas, datas_index, banks, bank_index = parse_mapnames(args.mapnames) with open(args.rom, 'rb') as rom: #Extract the table so we know what order to reference data. metatable = extract_metatable(rom, args.metatable_length, args.metatable_loc) metatable_attribs = extract_metatable(rom, args.metatable_length, args.metatable_loc_attribs) bank_tables = {"tilemap": [], "attrib": []} bank_datas = {"tilemap": [], "attrib": []} for i, bank in enumerate(metatable): this_bank_data, this_bank_table = decompress_bank( rom, 0x4000 * bank) bank_tables["tilemap"].append(this_bank_table) bank_datas["tilemap"].append(this_bank_data) for i, bank in enumerate(metatable_attribs): this_bank_data, this_bank_table = decompress_bank( rom, 0x4000 * bank) bank_tables["attrib"].append(this_bank_table) bank_datas["attrib"].append(this_bank_data) #Generate ASM for the metatables for category_name, category_index in list(datas_index.items()): if category_name == "attrib": print('SECTION "' + category_name + ' Section", ' + mainscript_text.format_sectionaddr_rom( args.metatable_loc_attribs)) print('RLEAttribmapBanks::') elif category_name == "tilemap": print( 'SECTION "' + category_name + ' Section", ' + mainscript_text.format_sectionaddr_rom(args.metatable_loc)) print('RLETilemapBanks::') for bank_id, bank_table_index in list(category_index.items()): bank = banks[bank_index[category_name][bank_id]] print('\tdb BANK(' + bank["symbol"] + ')') print('') print('') #Generate ASM for each individual table. for category_name, category_index in list(datas_index.items()): for bank_id, _ in list(category_index.items()): bank = banks[bank_index[category_name][bank_id]]["flataddr"]) print('SECTION "' + category_name + ' Bank {0}'.format(bank_id) + '", ' + mainscript_text.format_sectionaddr_rom(bank["flataddr"])) print(bank["symbol"] + '::') #Print out the table in the order we extracted it from baserom for table_index in bank_tables[category_name][bank_id]: #Detect if a table pointer refers to the end of the table is_junk = False if table_index >= len(datas_index[category_name][bank_id]): data_meta = datas[datas_index[category_name][bank_id][ table_index - 1]] print('\tdw ' + data_meta["symbol"] + "_END") else: data_meta = datas[datas_index[category_name][bank_id] [table_index]] print('\tdw ' + data_meta["symbol"]) print('') #Print out all the data blocks in the table. for tmap_id, _ in enumerate( bank_datas[category_name][bank_id]): #Prevent spitting out nonexistent data here if tmap_id >= len(datas_index[category_name][bank_id]): continue data_meta = datas[datas_index[category_name][bank_id] [tmap_id]] print(data_meta["symbol"] + '::') print('\tincbin "' + os.path.join( args.output, data_meta["objname"]).replace("\\", "/") + '"') print(data_meta["symbol"] + '_END') print('') print('')
def make_tbl(args): charmap = mainscript_text.parse_charmap(args.charmap) tablenames = parse_tablenames(args.tablenames) for table in tablenames: #Indexes are compiled in a second pass if table["format"] == "index": continue #If filenames are specified, only export banks that are mentioned there if len(args.filenames) > 0 and table["objname"] not in args.filenames: continue print("Compiling " + table["filename"]) #Open and parse the data with open(os.path.join(args.input, table["filename"]), "r", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile) headers = None rows = [] for row in csvreader: if headers is None: headers = row else: rows.append(row) #Determine what column we want index_col = headers.index("#") try: str_col = headers.index(args.language) except ValueError: str_col = index_col #Pack our strings packed_strings = [] baseaddr = table["baseaddr"] entries = [] reverse_entries = {} for i, row in enumerate(rows): if str_col >= len(row): print("WARNING: ROW {} IS MISSING IT'S TEXT!!!".format(i)) packed_strings.append(b"") continue packed = mainscript_text.pack_text(row[str_col], specials, charmap[0], None, args.window_width, 1, memory_widths, True) if "stride" in table: if len(packed) > table["stride"]: print("WARNING: Row {} is too long for the current string table stride of {} in table {}.".format(i, table["stride"], table["filename"])) packed = packed[0:table["stride"]] else: #Pad the string out with E0s. packed = packed + bytes([0xE0] * (table["stride"] - len(packed))) elif b"\xe0" not in packed: #Any data beyond an E0 is understood to be trash bytes; thus, #it does not recieve the implicit terminator. packed = packed + b"\xe0" packed_strings.append(packed) reverse_entries[mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], baseaddr)] = len(entries) entries.append(mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], baseaddr)) baseaddr += len(packed) #Save these for later table["entries"] = entries table["reverse_entries"] = reverse_entries #Write the data out to the object files. We're done here! if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]))): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]))) with open(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]), "wb") as objfile: for line in packed_strings: objfile.write(line) for table in tablenames: #Now's the time to compile indexes if table["format"] != "index": continue #If filenames are specified, only export banks that are mentioned there if len(args.filenames) > 0 and table["objname"] not in args.filenames: continue print("Compiling " + table["filename"]) foreign_ptrs = tablenames[table["foreign_id"]]["entries"] packed_strings = [] entries = [] reverse_entries = {} #Open and parse the data with open(os.path.join(args.input, table["filename"]), "r", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile) for row in csvreader: for cell in row: packed_strings.append(mainscript_text.PTR.pack(foreign_ptrs[int(cell, 10) - 1] % 0x4000 + 0x4000)) #Write the data out to the object files. We're done here! with open(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]), "wb") as objfile: for line in packed_strings: objfile.write(line)
def extract(args): charmap = mainscript_text.parse_charmap(args.charmap) tablenames = parse_tablenames(args.tablenames) with open(args.rom, 'rb') as rom: #Extract a list of pointers each index is expecting #This is used for trash byte detection later for table in tablenames: if table["format"] != "index": continue try: all_ptrs = tablenames[table["foreign_id"]]["expected_ptrs"] except KeyError: all_ptrs = []["basebank"], table["baseaddr"])) for i in range(table["count"]): ptr = mainscript_text.PTR.unpack([0] addr = mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], ptr) if addr not in all_ptrs: all_ptrs.append(addr) all_ptrs.sort() tablenames[table["foreign_id"]]["expected_ptrs"] = all_ptrs for table in tablenames: #Indexes are extracted in a second pass if table["format"] == "index": continue entries = [] reverse_entries = {} try: expected_ptrs = table["expected_ptrs"] except KeyError: expected_ptrs = None csvdir = os.path.join(args.input, table["basedir"]) csvpath = os.path.join(args.input, table["filename"]) mainscript_text.install_path(csvdir) with open(csvpath, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as table_csvfile: csvwriter = csv.writer(table_csvfile) csvwriter.writerow(["#", args.language]) if table["format"] == "table": for i in range(table["count"]):["basebank"], table["baseaddr"] + i * table["stride"])) reverse_entries[rom.tell()] = len(entries) entries.append(rom.tell()) data = extract_string(rom, charmap, table["stride"], expected_ptrs).encode("utf-8") idx = "{0}".format(i + 1).encode("utf-8") csvwriter.writerow([idx, data]) elif table["format"] == "block":["basebank"], table["baseaddr"])) for i in range(table["count"]): reverse_entries[rom.tell()] = len(entries) entries.append(rom.tell()) data = extract_string(rom, charmap, None, expected_ptrs).encode("utf-8") idx = "{0}".format(i + 1).encode("utf-8") csvwriter.writerow([idx, data]) #Save these for later table["entries"] = entries table["reverse_entries"] = reverse_entries #OK, now we can extract the indexes for table in tablenames: if table["format"] != "index": continue foreign_ptrs = tablenames[table["foreign_id"]]["reverse_entries"]["basebank"], table["baseaddr"])) csvdir = os.path.join(args.input, table["basedir"]) csvpath = os.path.join(args.input, table["filename"]) mainscript_text.install_path(csvdir) with open(csvpath, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as table_csvfile: csvwriter = csv.writer(table_csvfile) pretty_row_length = math.ceil(math.sqrt(table["count"])) cur_row = [] for i in range(table["count"]): ptr = mainscript_text.PTR.unpack([0] addr = mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], ptr) cur_row.append("{0}".format(foreign_ptrs[addr] + 1).encode("utf-8")) if len(cur_row) >= pretty_row_length: csvwriter.writerow(cur_row) cur_row = [] if len(cur_row) > 0: csvwriter.writerow(cur_row)
def make_tbl(args): charmap = mainscript_text.parse_charmap(args.charmap) tablenames = parse_tablenames(args.tablenames) for table in tablenames: #Indexes are compiled in a second pass if table["format"] == "index": continue #If filenames are specified, only export banks that are mentioned there if len(args.filenames) > 0 and table["objname"] not in args.filenames: continue print("Compiling " + table["filename"]) #Open and parse the data with open(os.path.join(args.input, table["filename"]), "r", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile) headers = None rows = [] for row in csvreader: if headers is None: headers = row else: rows.append(row) #Determine what column we want index_col = headers.index("#") try: str_col = headers.index(args.language) except ValueError: str_col = index_col #Pack our strings packed_strings = [] baseaddr = table["baseaddr"] entries = [] reverse_entries = {} for i, row in enumerate(rows): if str_col >= len(row): print("WARNING: ROW {} IS MISSING IT'S TEXT!!!".format(i)) packed_strings.append(b"") continue packed = mainscript_text.pack_text(row[str_col], specials, charmap[0], None, args.window_width, 1, memory_widths, True) if "stride" in table: if len(packed) > table["stride"]: print("WARNING: Row {} is too long for the current string table stride of {} in table {}.".format(i, table["stride"], table["filename"])) packed = packed[0:table["stride"]] else: #Pad the string out with E0s. packed = packed + bytes([0xE0] * (table["stride"] - len(packed))) elif b"\xe0" not in packed: #Any data beyond an E0 is understood to be trash bytes; thus, #it does not recieve the implicit terminator. packed = packed + b"\xe0" packed_strings.append(packed) reverse_entries[mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], baseaddr)] = len(entries) entries.append(mainscript_text.flat(table["basebank"], baseaddr)) baseaddr += len(packed) #Save these for later table["entries"] = entries table["reverse_entries"] = reverse_entries #Write the data out to the object files. We're done here! if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]))): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]))) except FileExistsError: pass with open(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]), "wb") as objfile: for line in packed_strings: objfile.write(line) for table in tablenames: #Now's the time to compile indexes if table["format"] != "index": continue #If filenames are specified, only export banks that are mentioned there if len(args.filenames) > 0 and table["objname"] not in args.filenames: continue print("Compiling " + table["filename"]) foreign_ptrs = tablenames[table["foreign_id"]]["entries"] packed_strings = [] entries = [] reverse_entries = {} #Open and parse the data with open(os.path.join(args.input, table["filename"]), "r", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile) for row in csvreader: for cell in row: packed_strings.append(mainscript_text.PTR.pack(foreign_ptrs[int(cell, 10) - 1] % 0x4000 + 0x4000)) #Write the data out to the object files. We're done here! with open(os.path.join(args.output, table["objname"]), "wb") as objfile: for line in packed_strings: objfile.write(line)
def asm(args): """Generate an ASM file for the metatables and tables present within the compressed tilemap system. This process needs to be run at least once, to convert the compressed tilemap names into imports that the assembler and linker can use. Changes to that file can be mirrored into the ASM by re-running this command, or manually doing so.""" charmap = mainscript_text.parse_charmap(args.charmap) datas, datas_index, banks, bank_index = parse_mapnames(args.mapnames) with open(args.rom, 'rb') as rom: #Extract the table so we know what order to reference data. metatable = extract_metatable(rom, args.metatable_length, args.metatable_loc) metatable_attribs = extract_metatable(rom, args.metatable_length, args.metatable_loc_attribs) bank_tables = {"tilemap": [], "attrib": []} bank_datas = {"tilemap": [], "attrib": []} for i, bank in enumerate(metatable): this_bank_data, this_bank_table = decompress_bank(rom, 0x4000 * bank) bank_tables["tilemap"].append(this_bank_table) bank_datas["tilemap"].append(this_bank_data) for i, bank in enumerate(metatable_attribs): this_bank_data, this_bank_table = decompress_bank(rom, 0x4000 * bank) bank_tables["attrib"].append(this_bank_table) bank_datas["attrib"].append(this_bank_data) #Generate ASM for the metatables for category_name, category_index in list(datas_index.items()): if category_name == "attrib": print('SECTION "' + category_name + ' Section", ' + mainscript_text.format_sectionaddr_rom(args.metatable_loc_attribs)) print('RLEAttribmapBanks::') elif category_name == "tilemap": print('SECTION "' + category_name + ' Section", ' + mainscript_text.format_sectionaddr_rom(args.metatable_loc)) print('RLETilemapBanks::') for bank_id, bank_table_index in list(category_index.items()): bank = banks[bank_index[category_name][bank_id]] print('\tdb BANK(' + bank["symbol"] + ')') print('') print('') #Generate ASM for each individual table. for category_name, category_index in list(datas_index.items()): for bank_id, _ in list(category_index.items()): bank = banks[bank_index[category_name][bank_id]]["flataddr"]) print('SECTION "' + category_name + ' Bank {0}'.format(bank_id) + '", ' + mainscript_text.format_sectionaddr_rom(bank["flataddr"])) print(bank["symbol"] + '::') #Print out the table in the order we extracted it from baserom for table_index in bank_tables[category_name][bank_id]: #Detect if a table pointer refers to the end of the table is_junk = False if table_index >= len(datas_index[category_name][bank_id]): data_meta = datas[datas_index[category_name][bank_id][table_index - 1]] print('\tdw ' + data_meta["symbol"] + "_END") else: data_meta = datas[datas_index[category_name][bank_id][table_index]] print('\tdw ' + data_meta["symbol"]) print('') #Print out all the data blocks in the table. for tmap_id, _ in enumerate(bank_datas[category_name][bank_id]): #Prevent spitting out nonexistent data here if tmap_id >= len(datas_index[category_name][bank_id]): continue data_meta = datas[datas_index[category_name][bank_id][tmap_id]] print(data_meta["symbol"] + '::') print('\tincbin "' + os.path.join(args.output, data_meta["objname"]).replace("\\", "/") + '"') print(data_meta["symbol"] + '_END') print('') print('')