def makeCombinations(self):
        # Make a line for the different objects and their rooms:
        self.roomsOfTheObjectsLine = "object,room1,room2\n"
        numberOfObjects = len(self.roomsOfTheObjects)
        objectsProcessed = 0
        for object in self.roomsOfTheObjects:
            self.roomsOfTheObjectsLine += object + "," \
                                          + self.roomsOfTheObjects[object][0] + "," \
                                          + self.roomsOfTheObjects[object][1]

            objectsProcessed += 1
            if objectsProcessed != numberOfObjects:  # if this is not the last item, add a linebreak
                self.roomsOfTheObjectsLine += "\n"

        # Make a line for the different rooms and their objects:
        self.objectsOfTheRoomsLine = "room,object1,object2\n"
        numberOfRooms = len(self.objectsOfTheRooms)
        roomsProcessed = 0
        for room in self.objectsOfTheRooms:
            self.objectsOfTheRoomsLine += room + "," \
                                          + self.objectsOfTheRooms[room][0] + "," \
                                          + self.objectsOfTheRooms[room][1]

            roomsProcessed += 1
            if roomsProcessed != numberOfRooms:  # if this is not the last item, add a linebreak
                self.objectsOfTheRoomsLine += "\n"

        self.totalCombinations = self.roomsOfTheObjectsLine + "\n\n\n" + self.objectsOfTheRoomsLine

        # Making into a CSV #
        makeIntoCSV(csvName=self.pathToParticipantDirectory + self.participantID + "_combinations.csv",
    def makeExperimentResults(self):

        # Making just the experiment results into a CSV #
        makeIntoCSV(csvName=self.pathToParticipantDirectory + self.participantID + "_experimentResults.csv",

        # Making the experiment results combined to the demographics into a CSV #

        # Creating a new first line:
        self.demographicsAndResults = "id,age,gender,education,student,fieldOfStudy,timeToCompleteDemographics," \
                                      "quizAttempts,phaseType,isPractice,blockNb,trialNb,trialType,postType,leftObjects," \
                                      "rightObjects,responseSide,responseTime,ghostSelected,ghostRejected,room1," \

        # Taking all but the first line of the experiment results
        experimentResults = self.experimentResults.split("\n")
        experimentResults = experimentResults[1:]

        # Taking all but the first line of the demographics
        demographics = self.demographicsLine.split("\n")
        demographics = demographics[1:]

        # Putting all the parts together
        for i in range(len(experimentResults) - 1):  # for some reason the last line is empty so we must get rid of that
            self.demographicsAndResults += self.participantID + "," \
                                           + demographics[0] + "," \
                                           + self.quizAttempts + "," \
                                           + experimentResults[i]
            if i != (len(experimentResults) - 2):  # if this is not the last line (before empty line) add a line break
                self.demographicsAndResults += "\n"

        # Making the CSV
        makeIntoCSV(csvName=self.pathToParticipantDirectory + self.participantID + "_demographicsAndResults.csv",
    def generateExperimentSetUp(self):
        # prepare the experiment set up information:
        self.experimentSetUp = {
            "standardPractice": {
                "trials": int(self.window.standardPracticeTrialsSpinBox.text())
            "standardExperimental": {
            "tripletPractice": {
                "blocks": int(self.window.tripletPracticeBlocksSpinBox.text()),
                "trials": int(self.window.tripletPracticeTrialsSpinBox.text())
            "tripletExperimental": {

        # quiz 100% accuracy:
        if self.window.quizYes.isChecked():
            self.quiz100 = True  # This variable is used for the setting of the quiz
            quizForFile = "yes"  # This variable is used for the settings.csv file
        else:  # not checked
            self.quiz100 = False
            quizForFile = "no"

        # If this is a new experiment (there is no settings file for it) create one:
        self.experimentID = self.window.expIDLine.text()
        if self.experimentID + "_settings.csv" not in self.window.files:
            # the header and value lines are created here:
            settingsText = f"id,quiz100,standardPracticeBlocks,standardPracticeTrials,standardExperimentalBlocks," \
                           f"standardExperimentalTrials,tripletPracticeBlocks,tripletPracticeTrials," \
                           f"tripletExperimentalBlocks,tripletExperimentalTrials\n" \
                           f"{self.experimentID}," \
                           f"{quizForFile}," \
                           f"{self.window.standardPracticeBlocksSpinBox.text()}," \
                           f"{self.window.standardPracticeTrialsSpinBox.text()}," \
                           f"{self.window.standardExperimentalBlocksSpinBox.text()}," \
                           f"{self.window.standardExperimentalTrialsSpinBox.text()}," \
                           f"{self.window.tripletPracticeBlocksSpinBox.text()}," \
                           f"{self.window.tripletPracticeTrialsSpinBox.text()}," \
                           f"{self.window.tripletExperimentalBlocksSpinBox.text()}," \
            makeIntoCSV(csvName="experimentFormats/" + self.experimentID +
    def makeDemographics(self):
        # Make a line with all the demographics information:
        self.demographicsLine = "age,gender,education,student,fieldOfStudy,timeToCompleteDemographics\n"
        numberOfDemographicItems = len(self.demographics)
        itemsProcessed = 0
        for key in self.demographics:
            self.demographicsLine += self.demographics[key]

            itemsProcessed += 1
            if itemsProcessed != numberOfDemographicItems:  # if this is not the last item, add a comma
                self.demographicsLine += ","

        # Making into a CSV #
        makeIntoCSV(csvName=self.pathToParticipantDirectory + self.participantID + "_demographics.csv",
    def updateAllResultsFile(self):
        # if the total file already exits...
        if self.totalFileName in self.allFilesInResults:
            # ...we want to take the demographics and results of the participant without the column names:
            demographicsAndResults = self.demographicsAndResults.split("\n")
            demographicsAndResults = demographicsAndResults[1:]
            demographicsAndResults = "\n".join(demographicsAndResults)
            demographicsAndResults = "\n" + demographicsAndResults
        # Otherwise we do want the column names:
            demographicsAndResults = self.demographicsAndResults

        # Append this participant's data to the total results data file: #
        # If there is no previous data file, opening with "a" will create a new one
        makeIntoCSV(csvName=self.pathToResults + self.totalFileName,
 def makeQuizAttempts(self):
     makeIntoCSV(csvName=self.pathToParticipantDirectory + self.participantID + "_quizAttempts.csv",