Example #1
def test_sessions():
    a = Malt()

    def dump_session(request):
        old_sess = dict(request.session)
        request.session['a'] = 2
        return jsonify(old_sess)

    wsgi = a.wsgi_app({'SESSIONS': True, 'SECRET_KEY': 'abc'})

    # Capture response headers
    headers = [None]

    def start_response(_, h):
        headers[0] = h

    # Send with a valid session
    session_token = 'eyJhIjoxfQ.2XFQKMS-erhoKkSGsezDxFsim6YctUnzxaiiMP1wzFs'
    environ = {
        'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET',
        'PATH_INFO': '/',
        'HTTP_COOKIE': 'session=' + session_token,

    rv = wsgi(environ, start_response)

    rv_text = next(iter(rv)).decode('utf-8')
    assert json.loads(rv_text) == {'a': 1}

    # Check response session cookie
    set_cookie = next(v for k, v in headers[0] if k.lower() == 'set-cookie')
    expected = 'eyJhIjoyfQ.WW2DtOr1pkaM9nrC9sw2kHW3Cxd57hDhLie--g46DjE'
    assert set_cookie == 'session=' + expected
Example #2
def test_config():
    a = Malt()

    def dump_config(request):
        return jsonify(request.config)

    wsgi = a.wsgi_app({'a': 'b'})

    environ = {
        'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET',
        'PATH_INFO': '/',
    rv = wsgi(environ, lambda status, headers: None)
    rv_text = next(iter(rv)).decode('utf-8')
    assert json.loads(rv_text)['a'] == 'b'
Example #3
def test_default_handler():
    app = Malt()

    def divide(a, b):
        return a / b

    def raise_exc(status=None, msg=None):
        raise HTTPException(status, msg)

    for args in ((divide, 1, 0), (raise_exc, ), (raise_exc, -1),
                 (raise_exc, 418.), (raise_exc, 500)):
        response = app.get_response(*args)
        assert '<h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1>' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, 418)
    assert '<h1>418 I\'m a teapot</h1>' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, 418, 'Good Stuff')
    assert '<h1>418 Good Stuff</h1>' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, 418., 'Bad Stuff')
    assert '<h1>500 Bad Stuff</h1>' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, -1, 'Worse Stuff')
    assert '<h1>500 Worse Stuff</h1>' in response.response[0]
Example #4
def test_custom_handler():
    app = Malt()

    def handle(exc):
        return Response('%d\n%s' % (exc.status_code, exc.message),

    def divide(a, b):
        return a / b

    def raise_exc(status=None, msg=None):
        raise HTTPException(status, msg)

    for args in ((divide, 1, 0), (raise_exc, ), (raise_exc, -1),
                 (raise_exc, 418.), (raise_exc, 500)):
        response = app.get_response(*args)
        assert '500\nInternal Server Error' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, 418)
    assert '418\nI\'m a teapot' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, 418, 'Good Stuff')
    assert '418\nGood Stuff' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, 418., 'Bad Stuff')
    assert '500\nBad Stuff' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, -1, 'Worse Stuff')
    assert '500\nWorse Stuff' in response.response[0]
Example #5
def test_error_in_response():
    """A response that errors when iterated should still get returned.

    We'll let the WSGI server deal with errors mid-way through iterating
    through a response object.
    app = Malt()

    def secretly_bad_response():
        def gen():
            for i in range(10):
                if i == 9:
                    raise Exception()
                yield str(i)

        return Response(gen())

    response = app.get_response(secretly_bad_response)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
Example #6
def test_error_in_response():
    """A response that errors when iterated should still get returned.

    We'll let the WSGI server deal with errors mid-way through iterating
    through a response object.
    app = Malt()

    def secretly_bad_response():
        def gen():
            for i in range(10):
                if i == 9:
                    raise Exception()
                yield str(i)

        return Response(gen())

    response = app.get_response(secretly_bad_response)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
Example #7
def test_bad_custom_handler():
    app = Malt()

    def dont_actually_handle(exc):
        raise exc

    def divide(a, b):
        return a / b

    def raise_exc(status=None, msg=None):
        raise HTTPException(status, msg)

    for args in ((divide, 1, 0), (raise_exc, ), (raise_exc, -1),
                 (raise_exc, 418.), (raise_exc, 500), (raise_exc, 418),
                 (raise_exc, 418, 'Good Stuff'),
                 (raise_exc, 418., 'Bad Stuff'), (raise_exc, -1,
                                                  'Worse Stuff')):
        response = app.get_response(*args)
        assert '<h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1>' in response.response[0]
Example #8
def test_default_handler():
    app = Malt()

    def divide(a, b):
        return a / b

    def raise_exc(status=None, msg=None):
        raise HTTPException(status, msg)

    for args in ((divide, 1, 0),
                 (raise_exc, -1),
                 (raise_exc, 418.),
                 (raise_exc, 500)):
        response = app.get_response(*args)
        assert '<h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1>' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, 418)
    assert '<h1>418 I\'m a teapot</h1>' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, 418, 'Good Stuff')
    assert '<h1>418 Good Stuff</h1>' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, 418., 'Bad Stuff')
    assert '<h1>500 Bad Stuff</h1>' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, -1, 'Worse Stuff')
    assert '<h1>500 Worse Stuff</h1>' in response.response[0]
Example #9
def test_custom_handler():
    app = Malt()

    def handle(exc):
        return Response('%d\n%s' % (exc.status_code, exc.message),

    def divide(a, b):
        return a / b

    def raise_exc(status=None, msg=None):
        raise HTTPException(status, msg)

    for args in ((divide, 1, 0),
                 (raise_exc, -1),
                 (raise_exc, 418.),
                 (raise_exc, 500)):
        response = app.get_response(*args)
        assert '500\nInternal Server Error' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, 418)
    assert '418\nI\'m a teapot' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, 418, 'Good Stuff')
    assert '418\nGood Stuff' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, 418., 'Bad Stuff')
    assert '500\nBad Stuff' in response.response[0]

    response = app.get_response(raise_exc, -1, 'Worse Stuff')
    assert '500\nWorse Stuff' in response.response[0]
Example #10
def test_bad_custom_handler():
    app = Malt()

    def dont_actually_handle(exc):
        raise exc

    def divide(a, b):
        return a / b

    def raise_exc(status=None, msg=None):
        raise HTTPException(status, msg)

    for args in ((divide, 1, 0),
                 (raise_exc, -1),
                 (raise_exc, 418.),
                 (raise_exc, 500),
                 (raise_exc, 418),
                 (raise_exc, 418, 'Good Stuff'),
                 (raise_exc, 418., 'Bad Stuff'),
                 (raise_exc, -1, 'Worse Stuff')):
        response = app.get_response(*args)
        assert '<h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1>' in response.response[0]
Example #11
from malt import Malt, json
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server

app = Malt()

def err_response(exc):
    return json({
        'msg': exc.message,
    }, pretty=True, code=exc.status_code)

def headers_dict(headers):
    data = {}
    for key in headers:
        data[key] = headers[key]
    return data

def ip(request):
    return json({
        'origin': request.remote_addr,
    }, pretty=True)

def user_agent(request):
    return json({
Example #12
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from malt import Malt, Response, HTTPException, json
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server

app = Malt()

tasks = [
        'id': 0,
        'name': 'Buy groceries'
        'id': 1,
        'name': 'Clean the patio'
        'id': 2,
        'name': 'Take over the world'

def print_url(request):
    return Response(request.url + '\n')

def list_tasks(request):
    return json({'tasks': tasks})
Example #13
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Test that the package exists and has specified metadata."""

from malt import Malt, Request, Response, HTTPException, json as jsonify
import json
import pytest

app = Malt()

def before(request):
    if request.path == '/before':
        return Response(u'before_request returned\n')

def after(request, response):
    if request.path == '/after':
        return Response(u'after_request returned\n')
    return response

def handle(error):
    return Response('%s\n' % error.message, code=error.status_code)

def root(request):
    return Response('Hello World!\n')