Example #1
def upload(type):
    if context.user is None:
        raise HttpForbiddenError()
    # get photo service:
    provider = shared.get_setting('storage', 'photo_provider', '')
    if not provider:
        return __upload_result(
            403, '', '',
            'You do not configure a photo provider. Go to "Setting", "Storage" to configure a photo provider.'
    settings = shared.get_settings('storage')
    prefix = provider[:-len('PhotoProvider')].replace('.', '_')
    kw = {}
    for key in settings:
        if key.startswith(prefix):
            k = key[len(prefix):]
            v = settings[key]
            if isinstance(k, unicode):
                k = k.encode('utf8')
            if isinstance(v, unicode):
                v = v.encode('utf8')
            kw[k] = v
        module_name = provider[:-len('.PhotoProvider')]
        mod = __import__(module_name, globals(), locals(), ['PhotoProvider'])
        payload = context.request.get('NewFile')
        url = mod.PhotoProvider.upload(payload, 'title',
                                       'upload from ExpressMe', **kw)
        if 'photo_proxied' in settings and settings['photo_proxied'] == 'True':
            import util
            url = util.make_proxy(url)
        __upload_result(0, url, 'filename', '')
    except Exception, e:
        __upload_result(1, '', 'filename', 'Upload failed: %s' % str(e))
Example #2
def upload(type):
    if context.user is None:
        raise HttpForbiddenError()
    # get photo service:
    provider = shared.get_setting('storage', 'photo_provider', '')
    if not provider:
        return __upload_result(403, '', '', 'You do not configure a photo provider. Go to "Setting", "Storage" to configure a photo provider.')
    settings = shared.get_settings('storage')
    prefix = provider[:-len('PhotoProvider')].replace('.', '_')
    kw = {}
    for key in settings:
        if key.startswith(prefix):
            k = key[len(prefix):]
            v = settings[key]
            if isinstance(k, unicode):
                k = k.encode('utf8')
            if isinstance(v, unicode):
                v = v.encode('utf8')
            kw[k] = v
        module_name = provider[:-len('.PhotoProvider')]
        mod = __import__(module_name, globals(), locals(), ['PhotoProvider'])
        payload = context.request.get('NewFile')
        url = mod.PhotoProvider.upload(payload, 'title', 'upload from ExpressMe', **kw)
        if 'photo_proxied' in settings and settings['photo_proxied']=='True':
            import util
            url = util.make_proxy(url)
        __upload_result(0, url, 'filename', '')
    except Exception, e:
        __upload_result(1, '', 'filename', 'Upload failed: %s' % str(e))
Example #3
def __handle_get_theme():
    Display all themes under dir '/theme'
    themes = manage.get_themes()
    selected = shared.get_setting('theme', 'selected', '')
    if not selected in themes:
        selected = themes[0]
    return {'template': 'theme.html', 'themes': themes, 'selected': selected}
Example #4
def __handle_get_settings():
    show form of settings of wiki
    return {
            'template' : 'setting.html',
            'entry' : shared.get_setting('wiki', 'entry', 'Main Page'),
            'edit_level' : '',
            'approve_level' : ''
Example #5
def __handle_get_settings():
    show form of settings of wiki
    return {
        'template': 'setting.html',
        'entry': shared.get_setting('wiki', 'entry', 'Main Page'),
        'edit_level': '',
        'approve_level': ''
Example #6
def __handle_get_theme():
    Display all themes under dir '/theme'
    themes = manage.get_themes()
    selected = shared.get_setting('theme', 'selected', '')
    if not selected in themes:
        selected = themes[0]
    return {
            'template' : 'theme.html',
            'themes' : themes,
            'selected' : selected
Example #7
def update_model(rootpath, appname, model):

    # set current theme = 'simple':
    theme = shared.get_setting('theme', 'selected', '')
    if not theme:
        themes = manage.get_themes()
        theme = themes[0]
        shared.save_setting('theme', 'selected', theme)
    model['theme'] = theme
    # add widgets:
    instances = widget.get_widget_instances()
    all_settings = widget.get_all_instances_settings()
    widget.bind_instance_model(instances, all_settings)
    import logging
    model['widgets'] = instances
    model['show_widget__raw__'] = show_widget
    logging.warning('loaded ' + str(instances))
Example #8
def update_model(rootpath, appname, model):

    # set current theme = 'simple':
    theme = shared.get_setting('theme', 'selected', '')
    if not theme:
        themes = manage.get_themes()
        theme = themes[0]
        shared.save_setting('theme', 'selected', theme)
    model['theme'] = theme
    # add widgets:
    instances = widget.get_widget_instances()
    all_settings = widget.get_all_instances_settings()
    widget.bind_instance_model(instances, all_settings)
    import logging
    model['widgets'] = instances
    model['show_widget__raw__'] = show_widget
    logging.warning('loaded ' + str(instances))