Example #1
def varies(constraint, param, rang):
	varies("xc='BEEF' and name like '%Pd%'",'pw',range(500,1000,100)) 
		--> create jobs varying planewave_cutoff (500,600,...,1000) for all BEEF jobs with Pd
    jbs = []
    defaults = RELAXORLAT
    cnst = AND(defaults, constraint)
    output = db.queryCol('storage_directory', cnst)
    existing = manage.listOfIncompleteJobStrs()

    if ask('Do you want to vary %s over range %s for %d jobs?' %
           (param, str(rang), len(output))):
        for stordir in output:
            params = json.loads(misc.readOnSherOrSlac(stordir + 'params.json'))
            for v in rang:
                ps = copy.deepcopy(params)
                assert not (jobs.Job(ps).new(
                )), 'varying a job that isn\'t complete or doesn\'t exist'
                ps[param] = v
                job = jobs.Job(ps)
                if job.new(existing): jbs.append(job)

        if ask('Do you want to launch %d new jobs?' % len(jbs)):
            for j in jbs:
Example #2
def calculateBulkModulus(constraint="1"):

    cons = AND(LATTICEOPT,
               constraint)  # necessary for bulkmodulus calc to be valid
    output = db.query([
        'fwid', 'storage_directory', 'job_name', 'structure_ksb',
        'bulkvacancy_ksb', 'bulkscale_ksb', 'system_type_ksb',
        'planewave_cutoff', 'xc', 'kptden_ksb', 'psp_ksb', 'dwrat_ksb',
        'econv_ksb', 'mixing_ksb', 'nmix_ksb', 'maxstep_ksb', 'nbands_ksb',
        'sigma_ksb', 'fmax_ksb', 'dftcode'
    ], cons)
    existing = manage.listOfIncompleteJobStrs()

    question = 'Are you sure you want to calculate bulk modulus for %d structures?' % len(
    if ask(question):
        newjbs = []
        for fwid, stor_dir, name, structure, bvj, bsj, kind, pw, xc, kptden, psp, dwrat, econv, mixing, nmix, maxstep, nbands, sigma, fmax, dftcode in output:

            params = {
                'jobkind': 'bulkmod',
                'strain': 0.03,
                'name': name + '_bulkmod',
                'structure': structure,
                'bulkvacancy_json': bvj,
                'bulkscale_json': bsj,
                'kind': kind,
                'dftcode': dftcode,
                'pw': pw,
                'xc': xc,
                'kptden': kptden,
                'psp': psp,
                'dwrat': dwrat,
                'econv': econv,
                'mixing': mixing,
                'nmix': nmix,
                'maxstep': maxstep,
                'nbands': nbands,
                'sigma': sigma,
                'fmax': fmax,
                'parent': fwid
            job = jobs.Job(params)

            if job.new(existing): newjbs.append(job)
        if ask("launch %d new jobs?" % len(newjbs)):
            for j in newjbs:
Example #3
def molecule(molname=None):
	Give molecule name to choose initial structure, modify dictionary parameters for relaxation job

    existing = manage.listOfIncompleteJobStrs()

    for name, m in gas.aseMolDict.items():
        if molname is None or name == molname:
            mol = pickle.dumps(m)
            params = {
                'pw': 500,
                'xc': 'BEEF',
                'psp': 'gbrv15pbe',
                'fmax': 0.05,
                'dftcode': 'quantumespresso',
                'jobkind': 'relax',
                'inittraj_pckl': mol,
                'name': name,
                'relaxed': 0,
                'kind': 'molecule',
                1  #doesn't matter, will be ignored. Use 1 to be safe.
                'dwrat': 10,
                'econv': 5e-4,
                'mixing': 0.1,
                'nmix': 10,
                'maxstep': 500,
                'nbands': -12,
                'sigma': 0.1

            if molname is None or ask(
                    'Do you want to run a gas phase calculation with these params?\n%s'
                    % (misc.abbreviateDict(params))):

Example #4
def addInterstitial(constraint="1", emttol=0.2, vischeck=True, limit=1):
	Specify an interstitial and the number (up to which) you want to add them to the cell
	Filter duplicates via EMT-calculated energy (stipulate a tolerance)
	Assume final structure is triclinic

    inter, num = 'H', 2

    cons = AND(LATTICEOPT, QE, PW(500), KPTDEN(2), constraint)

    output = db.query(
            'system_type_ksb'  # generic parameters
            'dftcode'  # calc parameters
        limit=limit)  # bulk parameters

    existing = manage.listOfIncompleteJobStrs(
    )  # check currently running/fizzled jobs to avoid duplicates

    if ask('Are you sure you want to create interstitials for %d structures?' %
        newjbs, totJbs, totStruct = [], 0, 0  #initialize variables

        for fwid, stor_dir, name, kind, pw, xc, kptden, psp, dwrat, econv, mixing, nmix, maxstep, nbands, sigma, fmax, dftcode, bv, bs in output:

            params = {
                'jobkind': 'vcrelax',
                'kind': 'bulk',
                'dftcode': dftcode,
                'name': name,
                'pw': pw,
                'xc': xc,
                'kptden': kptden,
                'psp': psp,
                'bulkparent': fwid,
                'dwrat': dwrat,
                'econv': econv,
                'mixing': mixing,
                'nmix': nmix,
                'maxstep': maxstep,
                'nbands': nbands,
                'sigma': sigma,
                'fmax': fmax,
                'structure': 'triclinic',
                'bulkvacancy_json': bv,
                'bulkscale_json': bs
            }  #bulk

            ftraj = misc.storageDir2pckl(stor_dir)
            spnpl = any([
                x > 0
                for x in pickle.loads(ftraj).get_initial_magnetic_moments()

            trajs = [[(pickle.loads(ftraj), '')]]  # initial state

            for i in range(num):

                lastround = trajs[
                    -1]  # for all structures with n - 1 interstitials (note: initially there is only one, with 0 interstitials)
                )  # initialize container for all new structures with n interstitials
                for inputtraj, strname in lastround:
                    for newtraj, newname in interstitialFuncs.getInterstitials(
                            inputtraj, inter, spnpl):
                            (newtraj, strname + newname)
                        )  # add all new trajs found for all previous structures (append suffix to name)

            def modParams(
                    par, trj, nam
            ):  # For a given new traj and name, create input parameters
                p = copy.deepcopy(
                    par)  # All parameters common to all of these jobs
                p['name'] += nam  # Unique job name
                p['inittraj_pckl'] = pickle.dumps(trj)  # Initial structure
                return p

            def getEMT(x):
                a = pickle.loads(x['inittraj_pckl'])
                return a.get_potential_energy()

            onelevel = [
                modParams(params, item[0], item[1]) for sublist in trajs[1:]
                for item in sublist
            ]  #collapse list of lists to a single list of input parameters

            emtPairs = sorted(
                zip(map(getEMT, onelevel),
                    onelevel))  # pairs of (Energy,Params) ordered by energy

            emtCounter, jbs = 0, []
            for e, p in emtPairs:
                if e - emtCounter > emttol:
                    emtCounter = e

            newjbs.extend([x for x in jbs if x.new(existing)])
            totJbs += len(jbs)
            totStruct += len(onelevel)

        check = ask(
            'Do you want to check %d/%d new jobs? (%d filtered by emt)' %
            (len(newjbs), totStruct, totStruct - totJbs))
        if not check and ask('Do you want to exit?'): return 0
        for jb in newjbs:
            question = 'Does this structure look right?\n' + misc.abbreviateDict(
            if vischeck: viz.view(pickle.loads(jb.params['inittraj_pckl']))
            if not vischeck or ask(question): jb.submit()
Example #5
def getBareSlab(constraint="1", check=True):
    """Create a bare slab for some set of relaxed bulk structures. Alter parameters below as necessary"""

    facet = [1, 0, 0]
    xy = [1, 1]
    layers = 6
    constrained = 2
    symmetric = 1
    vacuum = 10
    vacancies = []

    output = db.query([
        'fwid', 'storage_directory', 'job_name', 'structure_ksb',
        'planewave_cutoff', 'xc', 'kptden_ksb', 'psp_ksb', 'dwrat_ksb',
        'econv_ksb', 'mixing_ksb', 'nmix_ksb', 'maxstep_ksb', 'nbands_ksb',
        'sigma_ksb', 'fmax_ksb', 'dftcode'
    ], cons)
    question = 'Are you sure you want to create bare slabs for %d structures?' % len(

    if ask(question):
        existing = manage.listOfIncompleteJobStrs()

        newjbs = []
        for fwid, stor_dir, name, structure, pw, xc, kptden, psp, dwrat, econv, mixing, nmix, maxstep, nbands, sigma, fmax, dftcode in output:
            ftraj = misc.readOnSherOrSlac(stor_dir + 'raw.pckl')

            surf, img = surfFuncs.bulk2surf(ftraj, facet, xy, layers,
                                            constrained, symmetric, vacuum,
            name += '_' + ','.join(map(str, facet)) + '_' + 'x'.join(
                map(str, (xy + [layers])))
            params = {
                'jobkind': 'relax',
                'inittraj_pckl': pickle.dumps(surf),
                'name': name,
                'kind': 'surface',
                'dftcode': dftcode,
                'structure': structure  # don't need bulk vacancies/scale?
                'pw': pw,
                'xc': xc,
                'kptden': kptden,
                'psp': psp,
                'bulkparent': fwid,
                'dwrat': dwrat,
                'econv': econv,
                'mixing': mixing,
                'nmix': nmix,
                'maxstep': maxstep,
                'nbands': nbands,
                'sigma': sigma,
                'fmax': fmax,
                'sites_base64': img,
                'facet_json': json.dumps(facet),
                'xy_json': json.dumps(xy),
                'layers': layers,
                'constrained': constrained,
                'symmetric': symmetric,
                'vacuum': vacuum,
                'vacancies_json': json.dumps(vacancies),
                'adsorbates_json': json.dumps({})

            job = jobs.Job(params)
            if job.new(existing):
                if check: viz.view(surf)
                question = 'Does this structure look right?\n' + misc.abbreviateDict(
                if not check or ask(question): job.submit()
Example #6
def getVibs(constraint="1"):
	Launch vibration calculation for all latticeopt or (vc-)relax jobs that meet some (SQL) constraint in the shared database
	Only (and all) nonmetal atoms will be vibrated (defined in misc.py)

    existing = manage.listOfIncompleteJobStrs()

    cons = AND(
        QE, RELAXORLAT, constraint
    )  #could we add a column to quickly filter things with nonmetals?

    output = db.query(
            'system_type_ksb'  # generic parameters
            'dftcode'  # calc parameters
            'bulkscale_ksb'  # possible bulk parameters
        cons)  # possible surf parameters

    question = 'Are you sure you want to calculate vibrations for %d structures?' % len(

    if ask(question):
        newjbs = []
        for fwid, stor_dir, name, kind, pw, xc, kptden, psp, dwrat, econv, mixing, nmix, maxstep, nbands, sigma, fmax, dftcode, structure, bv, bs, facet, xy, lay, const, sym, vac, vacan, ads, sites in output:
            inittraj_pckl = storageDir2pckl(stor_dir)
            atoms = pickle.loads(inittraj_pckl)

            nonmetal_inds = [
                i for i, x in enumerate(atoms.get_chemical_symbols())
                if x in misc.nonmetalSymbs

            if len(nonmetal_inds) > 0:
                params = {
                    'jobkind': 'vib',
                    'inittraj_pckl': inittraj_pckl,
                    'name': name + '_vib',
                    'kind': kind,
                    'dftcode': dftcode,
                    'structure': structure,
                    'pw': pw,
                    'xc': xc,
                    'kptden': kptden,
                    'psp': psp,
                    'dwrat': dwrat,
                    'econv': econv,
                    'mixing': mixing,
                    'nmix': nmix,
                    'maxstep': maxstep,
                    'nbands': nbands,
                    'sigma': sigma,
                    'fmax': fmax,
                    'structure': structure,
                    'bulkvacancy_json': bv,
                    'bulkscale_json': bs,
                    'facet_json': facet,
                    'xy_json': xy,
                    'layers': lay,
                    'constrained': const,
                    'symmetric': sym,
                    'vacuum': vac,
                    'vacancies_json': vacan,
                    'adsorbates_json': ads,
                    'sites_base64': sites,
                    'parent': fwid,
                    'vibids_json': json.dumps(nonmetal_inds),
                    'delta': 0.04

                job = jobs.Job(params)

                if job.new() and ask('does this look right %s' % str(params)):

        if ask("launch %d new jobs?" % len(newjbs)):
            for j in newjbs: