def test_add_path(self): t1 = ATree(self.dbm, 'test_add_path_1') t1.graph.add_path([ATree.root_id, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5']) t1_id = t2 = ATree(self.dbm, 'test_add_path_2') t2.add_path([ATree.root_id, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5']) t2_id = self.assertDictEqual(self.dbm.get(t1_id, ATree).graph.adj, self.dbm.get(t2_id, ATree).graph.adj)
def test_save_retrieve(self): t1 = ATree(self.dbm, 'test_tree') t1.graph.add_edges_from([(ATree.root_id, '1'), ('1', '1.1'), ('1', '1.2'), ('1', '1.3'), ('1.1', '1.1.1')]) t1.graph.add_path([ATree.root_id, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) t1_adj = t1.graph.adj t1_id = t2 = self.dbm.get(t1_id, ATree) self.assertDictEqual(t1_adj, t2.graph.adj)
def test_add_path_with_data(self): t = ATree(self.dbm, 'data_paths_test') path = [('a', {'a': 1}), ('b', {'b': 2}), ('c', {'c': 3, 'c1': 4})] t.add_root_path(path) id = t2 = self.dbm.get(id, ATree) for node, data in path: self.assertDictEqual(t2.get_data_for(node), data)
def test_get_node_data(self): t1 = ATree(self.dbm, 'data_test_tree') t1.add_root_path(['1', '2', '3']) ddict = {'1': 1, '2': 2} t1.set_data_for('1', ddict) id = t2 = self.dbm.get(id, ATree) self.assertDictEqual(ddict, t2.get_data_for('1'))
def node_data_with_non_string_keys_should_raise_valueerror(self): t = ATree(self.dbm, 'test_tree') t.add_root_pat('a') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): t.set_data_for('a', {1: 1}) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): t.set_data_for('a', {'1': 1, 1: 1})
def test_get_paths(self): t = ATree(self.dbm, 'paths_test') t.add_path([ATree.root_id, '1', '2', '3']) t.add_path(['1', '1.1']) expected = [['1'], ['1', '2'], ['1', '2', '3'], ['1', '1.1']] tree_paths = t.get_paths() for p in expected: self.assertIn(p, tree_paths)
def test_ancestors_of(self): t = ATree(self.dbm, 'children_test') t.add_root_path(['a', 'b', 'c']) id = t2 = self.dbm.get(id, ATree) self.assertEqual(t2.ancestors_of('a'), []) self.assertEqual(t2.ancestors_of('b'), ['a']) self.assertEqual(t2.ancestors_of('c'), ['a', 'b']) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): t2.ancestors_of('not-in-tree')
def test_parent_of(self): t = ATree(self.dbm, 'children_test') t.add_root_path(['a', 'b', 'c']) id = t2 = self.dbm.get(id, ATree) self.assertIsNone(t2.parent_of(t2.root_id)) self.assertEqual(t2.parent_of('a'), t2.root_id) self.assertEqual(t2.parent_of('c'), 'b') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): t2.parent_of('not-in-tree')
def test_get_leaf_paths(self): t = ATree(self.dbm, 'leaf_paths_test') paths = [(ATree.root_id, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), (ATree.root_id, '1', '2', '3', '4')] for p in paths: t.add_path(p) tree_paths = t.get_leaf_paths() for p in [list(p[1:]) for p in paths]: self.assertIn(p, tree_paths)
def test_add_path_bad_args(self): # blank path with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): t = ATree(self.dbm, '_test_tree') t.add_path(None) # path is not a sequence with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): t = ATree(self.dbm, '_test_tree') t.add_path('foo') # path is not a sequence with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): t = ATree(self.dbm, '_test_tree') t.add_path(1) # first path item not in graph with self.assertRaises(ValueError): t = ATree(self.dbm, '_test_tree') t.add_path(['1', '2', '3', '4'])
def non_string_node_should_raise_valueerror(self): t = ATree(self.dbm, 'test_tree') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): t.add_root_path([1]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): t.add_root_path([{1: 1}]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): t.add_root_path([None]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): t.add_root_path(['a', 1, 'c'])
def test_get_children(self): t = ATree(self.dbm, 'children_test') t.add_root_path(['a', 'b']) children = ['c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4'] children.sort() for c in children: t.add_child('b', c) id = t2 = self.dbm.get(id, ATree) self.assertEqual(t2.children_of('a'), ['b']) self.assertEqual(sorted(t2.children_of('b')), children) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): t2.children_of('not-in-tree')
def test_add_child(self): t = ATree(self.dbm, 'child_test') t.add_child(t.root_id, 'foo') t.add_child('foo', 'bar') t.add_child('foo', 'baz') t.add_child('bar', 'bunk') id = t2 = self.dbm.get(id, ATree) expected = [['foo'], ['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'baz'], ['foo', 'bar', 'bunk']] expected.sort() paths = t2.get_paths() self.assertEqual(sorted(paths), expected) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): t2.add_child('not-in-tree', 'foo')
def test_instantiation(self): t1 = ATree(self.dbm, 'test_tree') self.assertIsInstance(t1, ATree)