Example #1
def perf_func(col_name, entries, col_funcs, grouping=None):
    Given a dictionary of column functions mapping to column name, perform
    column function on column entries. Do it by groups if there is grouping
    :param col_name: string column name
    :param entries: a list of values
    :param col_funcs: a dict {col_name: func_name}
    :param grouping: a list of [indexes], each sublist is a equivalence class
    :return: a list of entries [val1, val2...]
    if grouping:
        # there are grouping
        if col_funcs.get(col_name):
            func_name = col_funcs[col_name]
            # Perform column function on each grouping of the entries
            perf_entries = [eva.FUNC[func_name](man.get_entries(entries, grp))
                            for grp in grouping]
            # No column function, return the first element of each group
            perf_entries = [entries[grp[0]] for grp in grouping]
        # There are no grouping
        if col_funcs.get(col_name):
            # There is column function for the column
            # Get the name of the column function
            func_name = col_funcs[col_name]
            # perform col functions on column entries
            perf_entries = [eva.FUNC[func_name](entries)]
            # if there's no need to perform col func, return entries as it is
            perf_entries = entries
    return perf_entries
Example #2
def filter_grps(line, tb, grouping):
    Filter out groups that do not meet filter condition before performing
    column functions on groups in do_col_func_two
    :param line: a TENIENDO condition without ' TENIENDO ' and '()'
    :param tb: a dict {col_name: [entries]}
    :param grouping: a list of [indexes], each sublist is an equivalence class
    :return: a list of [indexes], each equivalence class meets the condition
    # split the line into var1, operator, var2
    var1, oper, var2 = split_clauses(line)
    if '(' in var1:
        col_str = var1
        val_str = var2
        col_str = var2
        val_str = var1
    # Get the list of function names
    func_keys = list(eva.FUNC.keys())
    col, func = [(strip_func(col_str), func) for func in func_keys
                 if func + '(' in col_str][0]
    if tb.get(col) is None:
        raise hpr.InvalidQueryError('Table do not have column: {0}'.format(col))
    # Get the list of entry values of each group after performing function
    values = [eva.FUNC[func](man.get_entries(tb[col], grp)) for grp in grouping]
    # Filter list of values by the var2 using operator, return a list of group
    # ids of groups that passed filter condition
    if col_str == var1:
        filtered_grps = [grp_id for grp_id, val in enumerate(values)
                         if eva.OPER[oper](var1=val,
        filtered_grps = [grp_id for grp_id, val in enumerate(values)
                         if eva.OPER[oper](var1=hpr.parse_val(val_str),
    return [grouping[i] for i in filtered_grps]