Example #1
    def validateAndSanitizeOptions(self, options):

        MantaWorkflowOptionsBase.validateAndSanitizeOptions(self, options)

        def safeLen(x):
            if x is None: return 0
            return len(x)

        if ((safeLen(options.normalBamList) == 0)
                and (safeLen(options.tumorBamList) == 0)):
            raise OptParseException(
                "No normal or tumor sample alignment files specified")

        if (safeLen(options.tumorBamList) > 1):
            raise OptParseException("Can't accept more then one tumor sample")

        if ((safeLen(options.tumorBamList) > 0)
                and (safeLen(options.normalBamList) > 1)):
            raise OptParseException(
                "Can't accept multiple normal samples for tumor subtraction")

        if options.isRNA:
            if ((safeLen(options.normalBamList) != 1)
                    or (safeLen(options.tumorBamList) != 0)):
                raise OptParseException(
                    "RNA mode currently requires exactly one normal sample")
            if options.isUnstrandedRNA:
                raise OptParseException(
                    "Unstranded only applied for RNA inputs")

        if options.existingAlignStatsFile is not None:
            options.existingAlignStatsFile = validateFixExistingFileArg(
                options.existingAlignStatsFile, "existing align stats")

        groomBamList(options.normalBamList, "normal sample")
        groomBamList(options.tumorBamList, "tumor sample")

        bamSetChecker = BamSetChecker()
        if safeLen(options.normalBamList) > 0:
            bamSetChecker.appendBams(options.normalBamList, "Normal")
        if safeLen(options.tumorBamList) > 0:
            bamSetChecker.appendBams(options.tumorBamList, "Tumor")
        bamSetChecker.check(options.htsfileBin, options.referenceFasta)
Example #2
    def validateAndSanitizeOptions(self,options) :


        def safeLen(x) :
            if x is None : return 0
            return len(x)

        if ((safeLen(options.normalBamList) == 0) and
                (safeLen(options.tumorBamList) == 0)) :
            raise OptParseException("No normal or tumor sample alignment files specified")

        if (safeLen(options.tumorBamList) > 1) :
            raise OptParseException("Can't accept more then one tumor sample")

        if ((safeLen(options.tumorBamList) > 0) and (safeLen(options.normalBamList) > 1)) :
            raise OptParseException("Can't accept multiple normal samples for tumor subtraction")

        if options.isRNA :
            if ((safeLen(options.normalBamList) != 1) or
                    (safeLen(options.tumorBamList) != 0)) :
                raise OptParseException("RNA mode currently requires exactly one normal sample")
        else :
            if options.isUnstrandedRNA :
                raise OptParseException("Unstranded only applied for RNA inputs")

        if options.existingAlignStatsFile is not None :
            options.existingAlignStatsFile=validateFixExistingFileArg(options.existingAlignStatsFile,"existing align stats")

        groomBamList(options.normalBamList,"normal sample")
        groomBamList(options.tumorBamList, "tumor sample")

        bamSetChecker = BamSetChecker()
        if safeLen(options.normalBamList) > 0 :
        if safeLen(options.tumorBamList) > 0 :