def test_function_existing_function_can_be_unsubscribed(self):
     nfuncs_before = len(FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames())
     available_functions = FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames()
     self.assertEquals(nfuncs_before - 1, len(available_functions))
     self.assertTrue("TestFunctionCorrectForm" not in available_functions)
Example #2
 def test_function_existing_function_can_be_unsubscribed(self):
     nfuncs_before = len(FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames())
     available_functions = FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames()
     self.assertEquals(nfuncs_before - 1, len(available_functions))
     self.assertTrue("TestFunctionCorrectForm" not in available_functions)
 def test_function_subscription(self):
     nfuncs_orig = len(FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames())
     new_funcs = FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames()
     self.assertEquals(nfuncs_orig+1, len(new_funcs))
     self.assertTrue("TestFunction" in new_funcs)
     new_funcs = FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames()
     self.assertEquals(nfuncs_orig, len(new_funcs))
     self.assertTrue("TestFunction" not in new_funcs)
Example #4
    def test_function_subscription(self):
        nfuncs_orig = len(FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames())
        new_funcs = FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames()
        self.assertEquals(nfuncs_orig+1, len(new_funcs))
        self.assertTrue("TestFunction" in new_funcs)

        new_funcs = FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames()
        self.assertEquals(nfuncs_orig, len(new_funcs))
        self.assertTrue("TestFunction" not in new_funcs)
        # Get the trial values
        f_trial = self.function1D(xvals)

        # Now return to the orignial
        for i in range(self.numParams()):
            self.setParameter(i, c[i])
        return f_trial

    # Construction the Jacobian (df) for the function
    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian, eps=1.e-3):
        f_int = self.function1D(xvals)
        # Fetch parameters into array c
        c = np.zeros(self.numParams())
        for i in range(self.numParams()):
            c[i] = self.getParamValue(i)
        nc =
        for k in range(nc):
            dc = np.zeros(nc)
            if k == 1 or k == 2:
                epsUse = 1.e-3
                epsUse = eps
            dc[k] = max(epsUse, epsUse * c[k])
            f_new = self.function1DDiffParams(xvals, c + dc)
            for i, dF in enumerate(f_new - f_int):
                jacobian.set(i, k, dF / dc[k])

Example #6
        c = np.zeros(self.numParams())
        for i in range(self.numParams()):
            c[i] = self.getParamValue(i)
            self.setParameter(i, trialc[i])

        # Get the trial values
        f_trial = self.function1D(xvals)

        # Now return to the orignial
        for i in range(self.numParams()):
            self.setParameter(i, c[i])
        return f_trial

    # Construction the Jacobian (df) for the function
    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian, eps=1.e-3):
        f_int = self.function1D(xvals)
        #Fetch parameters into array c
        c = np.zeros(self.numParams())
        for i in range(self.numParams()):
            c[i] = self.getParamValue(i)
        nc =
        for k in range(nc):
            dc = np.zeros(nc)
            dc[k] = max(eps,eps*c[k])
            f_new = self.function1DDiffParams(xvals,c+dc)
            for i,dF in enumerate(f_new-f_int):

Example #7
#     NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source
#     & Institut Laue - Langevin
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, anomalous-backslash-in-string, attribute-defined-outside-init

from mantid.api import IFunction1D, FunctionFactory
import numpy as np
import scipy.special as sp

class ModOsc(IFunction1D):

    def category(self):
        return "Muon\\MuonSpecific"

    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("A0", 0.2)
        self.declareParameter("Freq", 1.0, 'Oscillation Frequency (MHz)')
        self.declareParameter("ModFreq", 0.1, 'Modulation Frequency (MHz)')
        self.declareParameter("Phi", 0.0, 'Phase')

    def function1D(self, x):
        A0 = self.getParameterValue("A0")
        Freq = self.getParameterValue("Freq")
        ModFreq = self.getParameterValue("ModFreq")
        phi = self.getParameterValue("Phi")
        return A0 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * Freq * x + phi) * sp.j0(2 * np.pi * ModFreq * x + phi)

Example #8
            Function values
        zs = self.getParameterValue('R') * np.asarray(xvals)
        return self.getParameterValue('A') * np.square(3 * self.vecbessel(zs))

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        r"""Calculate the partial derivatives

        xvals : sequence of floats
          The domain where to evaluate the function
        jacobian: 2D array
          partial derivatives of the function with respect to the fitting
          parameters, evaluated at the domain.
        amplitude = self.getParameterValue('A')
        radius = self.getParameterValue('R')
        i = 0
        for x in xvals:
            z = radius * x
            j = j1(z)/z
            jacobian.set(i, 0, np.square(3 * j))
            jacobian.set(i,1, amplitude * 2 * 9 * j * (j1d(z) - j) / radius)
            i += 1

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #9
 def test_instance_can_be_created_from_factory(self):
     func_name = Times2.__name__
     func = FunctionFactory.createFunction(func_name)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(func, IFunction1D))
        N = int(emax / de)
        dt = (float(N) / (2 * N + 1)) * (self._h / emax)  # extent to negative times and t==0
        sampled_times = dt * np.arange(-N, N + 1)  # len( sampled_times ) < 64000
        exponent = -(np.abs(sampled_times) / p["tau"]) ** p["beta"]
        freqs = de * np.arange(-N, N + 1)
        fourier = p["height"] * np.abs(scipy.fftpack.fft(np.exp(exponent)).real)
        fourier = np.concatenate((fourier[N + 1 :], fourier[0 : N + 1]))
        interpolator = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(freqs, fourier)
        fourier = interpolator(xvals - p["Origin"])
        return fourier

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        """Numerical derivative"""
        p = self.validateParams()
        f0 = self.function1D(xvals)
        dp = {}
        for (key, val) in p.items():
            dp[key] = 0.1 * val  # modify by ten percent
            if val == 0.0:
                dp[key] = 1e-06  # some small, supposedly, increment
        for name in self._parmset:
            pp = copy.copy(p)
            pp[name] += dp[name]
            df = (self.function1D(xvals, **pp) - f0) / dp[name]
            ip = self._parm2index[name]
            for ix in range(len(xvals)):
                jacobian.set(ix, ip, df[ix])

FunctionFactory.subscribe(StretchedExpFT)  # Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #11
        height = self.getParameterValue("Height")
        msd = self.getParameterValue("MSD")
        sigma = self.getParameterValue("Sigma")

        xvals = np.array(xvals)
        i1 = np.exp(-1.0 / (6.0 * xvals**2 * msd))
        i2 = 1.0 + (np.power(xvals, 4) * sigma / 72.0)
        intensity = height * i1 * i2

        return intensity

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        height = self.getParameterValue("Height")
        msd = self.getParameterValue("MSD")
        sigma = self.getParameterValue("Sigma")

        for i, x in enumerate(xvals):
            q = msd * x**2
            f1 = math.exp(-1.0 / (6.0 * q))
            df1 = f1 / (6.0 * x * q)
            x4 = math.pow(x, 4)
            f2 = 1.0 + (x4 * sigma / 72.0)
            df2 = x4 / 72.0
            jacobian.set(i, 0, f1 * f2)
            jacobian.set(i, 1, height * df1 * f2)
            jacobian.set(i, 2, height * f1 * df2)

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #12
        xvals = np.array(xvals)
        i1 = 1.0 + (msd * xvals**2 / (6.0 * beta))
        i2 = np.power(i1, beta)
        intensity = height / i2
        return intensity

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        height = self.getParameterValue("Height")
        msd = self.getParameterValue("Msd")
        beta = self.getParameterValue("Beta")

        for i, x in enumerate(xvals):
            x_sq = x**2
            q = msd * x_sq
            q6 = q / 6
            a1 = 1.0 + q6 / beta
            a = 1.0 / math.pow(a1, beta)
            b1 = q6 * x / beta + 1
            b = -(x_sq / 6) * math.pow(b1, (-beta - 1))
            cqx = q6 + beta
            c1 = math.pow((cqx / beta), -beta)
            c2 = q6 - cqx * math.log(cqx / beta)
            c = c1 * c2 / cqx
            jacobian.set(i, 0, a)
            jacobian.set(i, 1, b * height)
            jacobian.set(i, 2, c * height)

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import kn
from mantid.api import IFunction1D, FunctionFactory

import numpy as np

class DiluteSpheres(IFunction1D):

    def category(self):
        return "SESANS"
    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("Radius", 1.0)
        self.declareParameter("Const", 0.003)
    def function1D(self, x):
        R = self.getParameterValue("Radius")
        C = self.getParameterValue("Const")
        z = np.array(x/R, dtype=np.complex128)
        first = np.sqrt(1-(z/2)**2)*(1+1/8.0*z**2)
        second = 0.5*z**2*(1-(z/4)**2)*np.log(z/(2+np.sqrt(4-z**2)))
        return C*np.array(np.real(first+second-1), dtype=np.float64)
Example #14
        #Get the trial values
        f_trial = self.function1D(xvals)

        #Now return to the orignial
        for i in range(self.numParams()):
            self.setParameter(i, c[i])
        return f_trial

    # Construction the Jacobian (df) for the function
    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian, eps=1.e-3):
        f_int = self.function1D(xvals)
        #Fetch parameters into array c
        c = np.zeros(self.numParams())
        for i in range(self.numParams()):
            c[i] = self.getParamValue(i)
        nc =
        for k in range(nc):
            dc = np.zeros(nc)
            if k == 1 or k == 2:
                epsUse = 1.e-3
                epsUse = eps
            dc[k] = max(epsUse,epsUse*c[k])
            f_new = self.function1DDiffParams(xvals,c+dc)
            for i,dF in enumerate(f_new-f_int):

Example #15
        xvals : sequence of floats
          The domain where to evaluate the function
        jacobian: 2D array
          partial derivative of the function with respect to the fitting
          parameters evaluated at the domain.

            Function values
        radius = self.getParameterValue('R')
        length = self.getParameterValue('L')
        x = np.asarray(xvals)  # Q values
        z = length * np.outer(x, self.cos_theta)
        # EISF along cylinder Z-axis
        a = np.square(np.where(z < 1e-9, 1 - z * z / 6, np.sin(z) / z))
        z = radius * np.outer(x, self.sin_theta)
        #  EISF on cylinder cross-section (diffusion on a disc)
        b = np.square(np.where(z < 1e-6, 1 - z * z / 10,
                               3 * (np.sin(z) - z * np.cos(z)) / (z * z * z)))
        # integrate in theta
        eisf = self.d_theta * np.sum(self.sin_theta * a * b, axis=1)
        return self.getParameterValue('A') * eisf

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #16
        return "QuasiElastic"

    def init(self):
        # Active fitting parameters
        self.declareParameter("Tau", 1.0, 'Residence time')
        self.declareParameter("L", 0.2, 'Jump length')
    def function1D(self, xvals):
        tau = self.getParameterValue("Tau")
        l = self.getParameterValue("L")

        xvals = np.array(xvals)
        hwhm = (1.0 - np.exp( -l * xvals * xvals )) / tau

        return hwhm
    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        tau = self.getParameterValue("Tau")
        l = self.getParameterValue("L")

        i = 0
        for x in xvals:
            ex = math.exp(-l*x*x)
            h = (1.0-ex)/tau
            i += 1

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #17
 def test_category_with_no_override_returns_default_category(self):
     func = FunctionFactory.createFunction("NoCatgeoryFunction")
     self.assertEquals("General", func.category())
Example #18
        boundaries = (xvals[1:] + xvals[:-1]) / 2  # internal bin boundaries
        boundaries = np.insert(boundaries, 0, 2 * xvals[0] -
                               boundaries[0])  # external lower boundary
        boundaries = np.append(boundaries, 2 * xvals[-1] -
                               boundaries[-1])  # external upper boundary
        primitive = np.cumsum(fourier) * (denergies /
                                          (rf * de))  # running Riemann sum
        transform = np.interp(boundaries[1:] - parms['Centre'], energies, primitive) - \
            np.interp(boundaries[:-1] - parms['Centre'], energies, primitive)
        return transform * parms['Height']

    def fillJacobian(self, xvals, jacobian, partials):
        """Fill the jacobian object with the dictionary of partial derivatives
        :param xvals: domain where the derivatives are to be calculated
        :param jacobian: jacobian object
        :param partials: dictionary with partial derivates with respect to the
        fitting parameters

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        """Numerical derivative except for Height parameter"""
        # partial derivatives with respect to the fitting parameters

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #19
 def test_category_override_returns_overridden_result(self):
     func = FunctionFactory.createFunction("Times2")
     self.assertEquals("SimpleFunction", func.category())
Example #20
                dsf = Dsf()
                dsf.SetIntensities( mtd[ self._InputWorkspaces[idsf] ].dataY(self._WorkspaceIndex) )
                dsf.errors = None # do not incorporate error data
                if self._LoadErrors:
                    dsf.SetErrors(mtd[ self._InputWorkspaces[idsf] ].dataE(self._WorkspaceIndex))
                dsf.SetFvalue( self._ParameterValues[idsf] )
            # Create the interpolator
            from dsfinterp.channelgroup import ChannelGroup
            self._channelgroup = ChannelGroup()
            if self._LocalRegression:
                self._channelgroup.InitializeInterpolator(running_regr_type=self._RegressionType, windowlength=self._RegressionWindow)
        # channel group has been initialized, so evaluate the interpolator
        dsf = self._channelgroup(p['TargetParameter'])
        # Linear interpolation between the energies of the channels and the xvalues we require
        # NOTE: interpolator evaluates to zero for any of the xvals outside of the domain defined by self._xvalues
        intensities_interpolator = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(self._xvalues, p['Intensity']*dsf.intensities, kind='linear')
        return intensities_interpolator(xvals)  # can we pass by reference?

# Required to have Mantid recognize the new function
#pylint: disable=unused-import
    import dsfinterp
except ImportError:
    logger.debug('Failed to subscribe fit function DSFinterp1DFit. '+\
                 'Python package dsfinterp may be missing (')
Example #21
    def category(self):
        return "SANS"

    def init(self):
        # Active fitting parameters
        self.declareParameter("Scale", 1.0, 'Scale')
        self.declareParameter("Rg", 60.0, 'Radius of gyration')

    def function1D(self, xvals):
            Evaluate the model
            @param xvals: numpy array of q-values
        return self.getParameterValue("Scale") * np.exp(-(self.getParameterValue('Rg')*xvals)**2/3.0 )

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
            Evaluate the first derivatives
            @param xvals: numpy array of q-values
            @param jacobian: Jacobian object
        i = 0
        rg = self.getParameterValue('Rg')
        for x in xvals:
            jacobian.set(i,0, math.exp(-(rg*x)**2/3.0 ) )
            jacobian.set(i,1, -self.getParameterValue("Scale") * math.exp(-(rg*x)**2/3.0 )*2.0/3.0*rg*x*x )
            i += 1

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #22
    def category(self):
        return "QuasiElastic"

    def init(self):
        # Active fitting parameters
        self.declareParameter("Height", 1.0, 'Height')
        self.declareParameter("MSD", 0.05, 'Mean square displacement')

    def function1D(self, xvals):
        height = self.getParameterValue("Height")
        msd = self.getParameterValue("MSD")

        xvals = np.array(xvals)
        intensity = height * np.exp(-msd * xvals**2)

        return intensity

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        height = self.getParameterValue("Height")
        msd = self.getParameterValue("MSD")

        for i, x in enumerate(xvals):
            e = math.exp(-msd * x**2)
            jacobian.set(i, 0, e)
            jacobian.set(i, 1, -(x**2) * e * height)
            i += 1

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #23

class ZFelectronDipole(IFunction1D):
    def category(self):
        return "Muon\\MuonSpecific"

    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("A0", 0.2)
        self.declareParameter("Radius", 10, 'Radius (Angstrom)')
        self.declareParameter("LambdaTrans", 0.2, 'Lambda-Trans (MHz)')
        self.addConstraints("Radius > 0")
        self.addConstraints("LambdaTrans > 0")

    def function1D(self, x):
        A0 = self.getParameterValue("A0")
        radius = self.getParameterValue("Radius")
        LambdaTrans = self.getParameterValue("LambdaTrans")
        gmu = 2 * np.pi * 0.01355342
        if radius > 0:
            B = 8290 / (radius**3)
            B = 0
        Omega = gmu * B
        return A0 * (1. /
                     6) * (1 + np.exp(-LambdaTrans * x) *
                           (np.cos(Omega * x) + 2 * np.cos(1.5 * Omega * x) +
                            2 * np.cos(0.5 * Omega * x)))

Example #24
        return "Muon\\MuonSpecific"

    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("A0", 0.2, 'Asymmetry')
            "Width", 0.1,
            'Half-width half maximum of the local field Lorentzian Distribution'
        self.declareParameter("Nu", 1, 'Rate of Markovian modulation')
        self.declareParameter("Q", 0.1, 'Order Parameter')
        self.addConstraints("Nu > 0")
        self.addConstraints("0 < Q < 1")

    def function1D(self, x):
        A0 = self.getParameterValue("A0")
        a = self.getParameterValue("Width")
        nu = self.getParameterValue("Nu")
        q = self.getParameterValue("Q")
        x = x[1:np.size(x)]
        term1 = 4 * (a**2) * (1 - q) * x / nu
        term2 = q * (a**2) * (x**2)
        term13 = np.exp(-np.sqrt(term1))
        term23 = (1 - (term2 / np.sqrt(term1 + term2))) * \
            np.exp(- np.sqrt(term1 + term2))
        SpinGlass = A0 * ((1. / 3.) * term13 + (2. / 3.) * term23)
        SpinGlass = np.insert(SpinGlass, 0, A0)
        return SpinGlass

Example #25
# Mantid Repository :
# Copyright &copy; 2019 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI,
#     NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source
#     & Institut Laue - Langevin
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, anomalous-backslash-in-string, attribute-defined-outside-init

from mantid.api import IFunction1D, FunctionFactory

class Redfield(IFunction1D):
    def category(self):
        return "Muon\\MuonModelling"

    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("A0", 1)
        self.declareParameter("Hloc", 0.1, "Local magnetic field (G)")
        self.declareParameter("Tau", 0.1,
                              "Correlation time of muon spins (microsec)")

    def function1D(self, x):
        A0 = self.getParameterValue("A0")
        Hloc = self.getParameterValue("Hloc")
        tau = self.getParameterValue("Tau")
        gmu = 0.01355342
        return A0 * 2 * (gmu * Hloc)**2 * tau / (1 + (gmu * x * tau)**2)

Example #26
class FmuF(IFunction1D):
    def category(self):
        return "Muon\\MuonSpecific"

    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("A0", 0.5, 'Amplitude')
        self.declareParameter("FreqD", 0.2,
                              'Dipolar interaction frequency (MHz)')
        self.declareParameter("Lambda", 0.1, 'Exponential decay rate')
        self.declareParameter("Sigma", 0.2, 'Gaussian decay rate')

    def function1D(self, x):
        A0 = self.getParameterValue("A0")
        FreqD = self.getParameterValue("FreqD")
        Lambda = self.getParameterValue("Lambda")
        Sigma = self.getParameterValue("Sigma")
        OmegaD = FreqD * 2 * np.pi
        Gauss = np.exp(-(Sigma * x)**2 / 2)
        Lor = np.exp(-Lambda * x)
        term1 = np.cos(np.sqrt(3) * OmegaD * x)
        term2 = (1 - 1 / np.sqrt(3)) * \
            np.cos(0.5 * (3 - np.sqrt(3)) * OmegaD * x)
        term3 = (1 + 1 / np.sqrt(3)) * \
            np.cos(0.5 * (3 + np.sqrt(3)) * OmegaD * x)
        G = (3 + term1 + term2 + term3) / 6
        return A0 * Gauss * Lor * G

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import kn
from mantid.api import IFunction1D, FunctionFactory

import numpy as np

class BesselFunction(IFunction1D):

    def category(self):
        return "SESANS"
    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("length_scale", 0.2)
        self.declareParameter("Const", 1)
    def function1D(self, x):
        c = self.getParameterValue("length_scale")
        C = self.getParameterValue("Const")
        kappa = c*x**2
        return C*kappa*kn(1, kappa)
Example #28
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, anomalous-backslash-in-string, attribute-defined-outside-init

from mantid.api import IFunction1D, FunctionFactory
import numpy as np

class GauBroadGauKT(IFunction1D):
    def category(self):
        return "Muon\\MuonSpecific"

    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("A0", 0.2)
        self.declareParameter("R", 0.1, 'Broadening ratio')
        self.declareParameter("Delta0", 0.1, 'Central Field width')
        self.addConstraints("Delta0 >= 0")

    def function1D(self, x):
        A0 = self.getParameterValue("A0")
        R = self.getParameterValue("R")
        Delta = self.getParameterValue("Delta0")
        omega = R * Delta
        DeltaEff = np.sqrt(Delta**2 + omega**2)
        denom = 1 + R**2 + R**2 * DeltaEff**2 * x**2
        term1 = (DeltaEff * x)**2 / denom
        return A0 * (1. / 3. + 2. / 3. * ((1 + R**2) / denom)**1.5 *
                     (1 - term1) * np.exp(-term1 / 2))

Example #29
        return "QuasiElastic"

    def init(self):
        # Active fitting parameters
        self.declareParameter("Tau", 1.0, 'Residence time')
        self.declareParameter("L", 1.5, 'Jump length')

    def function1D(self, xvals):
        tau = self.getParameterValue("Tau")
        length = self.getParameterValue("L")
        xvals = np.array(xvals)

        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
            hwhm = self.hbar*(1.0 - np.sin(xvals * length)
                              / (xvals * length))/tau
        return hwhm

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        tau = self.getParameterValue("Tau")
        length = self.getParameterValue("L")

        for i, x in enumerate(xvals, start=0):
            s = 1.0 - np.sinc(x*length/np.pi)
            hwhm = self.hbar*s/tau
            jacobian.set(i, 0, -hwhm/tau)
            jacobian.set(i, 1, (math.cos(x*length)-s)/(length*tau))

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #30
        Nmax = 16000 # increase short-times resolution, increase the resolution of the structure factor tail
        while ( emax / de ) < Nmax:
            emax = 2 * emax
        N = int( emax / de )
        dt = ( float(N) / ( 2 * N + 1 ) ) * (self._h / emax)  # extent to negative times and t==0
        sampled_times = dt * np.arange(-N, N+1) # len( sampled_times ) < 64000
        exponent = -(np.abs(sampled_times)/p['tau'])**p['beta']
        freqs = de * np.arange(-N, N+1)
        fourier = p['height']*np.abs( scipy.fftpack.fft( np.exp(exponent) ).real )
        fourier = np.concatenate( (fourier[N+1:],fourier[0:N+1]) )
        interpolator = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(freqs, fourier)
        fourier = interpolator(xvals)
        return fourier
    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        '''Numerical derivative'''
        p = self.validateParams()
        f0 = self.function1D(xvals)
        dp = {}
        for (key,val) in p.items(): dp[key] = 0.1 * val #modify by ten percent
        for name in self._parmset:
            pp = copy.copy(p)
            pp[name] += dp[name]
            df = (self.function1D(xvals, **pp) - f0) / dp[name]
            ip = self._parm2index[name]
            for ix in range(len(xvals)):
                jacobian.set(ix, ip, df[ix])  

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #31
        N = int(emax / de)
        dt = (float(N) / (2 * N + 1)) * (self._h / emax)  # extent to negative times and t==0
        sampled_times = dt * np.arange(-N, N + 1)  # len( sampled_times ) < 64000
        exponent = -(np.abs(sampled_times) / p['tau']) ** p['beta']
        freqs = de * np.arange(-N, N + 1)
        fourier = p['height'] * np.abs(scipy.fftpack.fft(np.exp(exponent)).real)
        fourier = np.concatenate((fourier[N + 1:], fourier[0:N + 1]))
        interpolator = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(freqs, fourier)
        fourier = interpolator(xvals - p['Origin'])
        return fourier

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        """Numerical derivative"""
        p = self.validateParams()
        f0 = self.function1D(xvals)
        dp = {}
        for (key, val) in p.items():
            dp[key] = 0.1 * val  # modify by ten percent
            if val == 0.0:
                dp[key] = 1E-06  # some small, supposedly, increment
        for name in self._parmset:
            pp = copy.copy(p)
            pp[name] += dp[name]
            df = (self.function1D(xvals, **pp) - f0) / dp[name]
            ip = self._parm2index[name]
            for ix in range(len(xvals)):
                jacobian.set(ix, ip, df[ix])

FunctionFactory.subscribe(StretchedExpFT)  # Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #32
        c = np.zeros(self.numParams())
        for i in range(self.numParams()):
            c[i] = self.getParamValue(i)
            self.setParameter(i, trialc[i])

        # Get the trial values
        f_trial = self.function1D(xvals)

        # Now return to the orignial
        for i in range(self.numParams()):
            self.setParameter(i, c[i])
        return f_trial

    # Construction the Jacobian (df) for the function
    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian, eps=1.e-3):
        f_int = self.function1D(xvals)
        # Fetch parameters into array c
        c = np.zeros(self.numParams())
        for i in range(self.numParams()):
            c[i] = self.getParamValue(i)
        nc =
        for k in range(nc):
            dc = np.zeros(nc)
            dc[k] = max(eps, eps*c[k])
            f_new = self.function1DDiffParams(xvals, c+dc)
            for i, dF in enumerate(f_new-f_int):
                jacobian.set(i, k, dF/dc[k])

Example #33
            from dsfinterp.channelgroup import ChannelGroup
            self._channelgroup = ChannelGroup()
            if self._LocalRegression:
        # channel group has been initialized, so evaluate the interpolator
        dsf = self._channelgroup(p['TargetParameter'])
        # Linear interpolation between the energies of the channels and the xvalues we require
        # NOTE: interpolator evaluates to zero for any of the xvals outside of the domain defined by self._xvalues
        intensities_interpolator = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(self._xvalues,
                                                              p['Intensity'] *
        return intensities_interpolator(xvals)  # can we pass by reference?

# Required to have Mantid recognize the new function
#pylint: disable=unused-import
    import dsfinterp  # noqa
except ImportError:
        'Failed to subscribe fit function DSFinterp1DFit. ' +
        'Python package dsfinterp may be missing ('
Example #34
    def init(self):
        # Active fitting parameters
        self.declareParameter("Scale", 1.0, 'Scale')
        self.declareParameter("Length", 50.0, 'Length')
        self.declareParameter("Background", 0.0, 'Background')

    def function1D(self, xvals):
            Evaluate the model
            @param xvals: numpy array of q-values
        return self.getParameterValue("Scale") / (1.0 + np.power(xvals*self.getParameterValue('Length'), 2)) + self.getParameterValue('Background')

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
            Evaluate the first derivatives
            @param xvals: numpy array of q-values
            @param jacobian: Jacobian object
        i = 0
        for x in xvals:
            jacobian.set(i,0, 1.0 / (1.0 + np.power(x*self.getParameterValue('Length'), 2)))
            denom = math.pow(1.0 + math.pow(x*self.getParameterValue('Length'), 2), -2)
            jacobian.set(i,1, -2.0 * self.getParameterValue("Scale") * x * x * self.getParameterValue('Length') * denom)
            jacobian.set(i,2, 1.0)
            i += 1

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function

Example #35
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, anomalous-backslash-in-string, attribute-defined-outside-init

from mantid.api import IFunction1D, FunctionFactory
import numpy as np

class PCRmagnetZFKT(IFunction1D):
    def category(self):
        return "Muon\\MuonSpecific"

    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("A0", 0.2)
        self.declareParameter("Delta", 0.1)
        self.declareParameter("H0", 10)
        self.declareParameter("Toff", 0.1)

    def function1D(self, x):
        A0 = self.getParameterValue("A0")
        delta = self.getParameterValue("Delta")
        H0 = self.getParameterValue("H0")
        Toff = self.getParameterValue("Toff")
        gmu = 2 * np.pi * 0.01355342
        w = H0 * gmu
        x = x - Toff
        return A0 * (1. / 3 + 2. / 3 * np.exp(-(delta * x)**2 / 2) *
                     (np.cos(w * x) - (delta)**2 * x / w * np.sin(w * x)))

Example #36
        return "SANS"

    def init(self):
        # Active fitting parameters
        self.declareParameter("Scale", 1.0, 'Scale')
        self.declareParameter("Background", 0.0, 'Background')

    def function1D(self, xvals):
            Evaluate the model
            @param xvals: numpy array of q-values
        return self.getParameterValue("Scale") * np.power(
            xvals, -4) + self.getParameterValue('Background')

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
            Evaluate the first derivatives
            @param xvals: numpy array of q-values
            @param jacobian: Jacobian object
        i = 0
        for x in xvals:
            jacobian.set(i, 0, math.pow(x, -4))
            jacobian.set(i, 1, 1.0)
            i += 1

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #37
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, anomalous-backslash-in-string, attribute-defined-outside-init

from mantid.api import IFunction1D, FunctionFactory
import numpy as np

class RFresonance(IFunction1D):
    def category(self):
        return "Muon\\MuonSpecific"

    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("A0", 0.2)
        self.declareParameter("Boffset", 10, 'Relaxation rate (G)')
        self.declareParameter("B1", 10, 'Fluctuation (G)')
        self.declareParameter("B1GauWidth", 0.2, 'Width of resonance (MHz)')

    def function1D(self, x):
        A0 = self.getParameterValue("A0")
        Bcentre = self.getParameterValue("Boffset")
        B = self.getParameterValue("B1")
        width = self.getParameterValue("B1GauWidth")
        gmu = 0.0135538817 * 2 * np.pi
        Beff = np.sqrt(Bcentre**2 + B**2)
        RelAmp = (B / Beff)**2
        return A0 * (
            1 +
            (np.cos(Beff * gmu * x) * np.exp(-(width * x)**2) - 1) * RelAmp)

Example #38
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

File change history is stored at: <>
Code Documentation is available at: <>

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
from mantid.api import IFunction1D, FunctionFactory

class FickDiffusion(IFunction1D):

    def category(self):
        return "QuasiElastic"

    def init(self):
        # Active fitting parameters
        self.declareParameter("D", 1.0, 'Diffusion constant')

    def function1D(self, xvals):
        return self.getParameterValue("D")*xvals*xvals

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        i = 0
        for x in xvals:
            i += 1

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #39
        # Active fitting parameters
        self.declareParameter("Tau", 1.0, 'Residence time')
        self.declareParameter("L", 0.2, 'Jump length')

    def function1D(self, xvals):
        tau = self.getParameterValue("Tau")
        l = self.getParameterValue("L")
        l = l**2 / 2

        xvals = np.array(xvals)
        hwhm = (1.0 - np.exp( -l * xvals * xvals )) / tau

        return hwhm

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        tau = self.getParameterValue("Tau")
        l = self.getParameterValue("L")
        l = l**2 / 2

        i = 0
        for x in xvals:
            ex = math.exp(-l*x*x)
            h = (1.0-ex)/tau
            i += 1

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #40
    def fwhm(self):
        Return what should be considered the 'fwhm' of this function.
        return 2.0*math.sqrt(2.0*math.log(2.0))*self.getParameterValue("Sigma")

    def setCentre(self, new_centre):
        Called by an external entity, probably a GUI, in response to a mouse click
        that gives a guess at the centre.

    def setHeight(self, new_height):
        Called by an external entity, probably a GUI, in response to a user guessing
        the height.
        self.setParameter("Height", new_height)

    def setFwhm(self, new_fwhm):
        Called by an external entity, probably a GUI, in response to a user guessing
        the height.
        sigma = new_fwhm/(2.0*math.sqrt(2.0*math.log(2.0)))

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #41
    def category(self):
        return "SANS"

    def init(self):
        # Active fitting parameters
        self.declareParameter("Scale", 1.0, 'Scale')
        self.declareParameter("Background", 0.0, 'Background')

    def function1D(self, xvals):
            Evaluate the model
            @param xvals: numpy array of q-values
        return self.getParameterValue("Scale") * np.power(xvals, -4) + self.getParameterValue('Background')

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
            Evaluate the first derivatives
            @param xvals: numpy array of q-values
            @param jacobian: Jacobian object
        i = 0
        for x in xvals:
            jacobian.set(i,0, math.pow(x, -4))
            jacobian.set(i,1, 1.0)
            i += 1

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #42
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, anomalous-backslash-in-string, attribute-defined-outside-init

from mantid.api import IFunction1D, FunctionFactory
import numpy as np

class PCRmagRedfield(IFunction1D):
    def category(self):
        return "Muon\\MuonSpecific"

    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("A0", 0.2, 'Amplitude')
        self.declareParameter("Delta", 0.2)
        self.declareParameter("Nu", 0.2)

    def function1D(self, x):
        A0 = self.getParameterValue("A0")
        Delta = self.getParameterValue("Delta")
        Nu = self.getParameterValue("Nu")
        W = 2 * np.pi * Delta
        Q = (Nu**2 + Delta**2) * Nu
        if Q > 0:
            Lambda = Delta**4 / Q
            Lambda = 0
        return A0 * (1. / 3 + 2. / 3 * np.exp(-Lambda * x) * np.cos(W * x))

Example #43
    def init(self):
        # Active fitting parameters
        self.declareParameter("Tau", 1.0, 'Residence time')
        self.declareParameter("L", 1.5, 'Jump length')

    def function1D(self, xvals):
        tau = self.getParameterValue("Tau")
        length = self.getParameterValue("L")
        length = length**2

        xvals = np.array(xvals)
        hwhm = xvals * xvals * length / (tau * (1 + xvals * xvals * length))

        return hwhm

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        tau = self.getParameterValue("Tau")
        length = self.getParameterValue("L")
        length = length**2

        i = 0
        for x in xvals:
            h = x*x*length/(tau*(1+x*x*length))
            i += 1

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #44
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, anomalous-backslash-in-string, attribute-defined-outside-init

from mantid.api import IFunction1D, FunctionFactory
import numpy as np

class MuMinusExpTF(IFunction1D):
    def category(self):
        return "Muon\\MuonSpecific"

    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("A", 1)
        self.declareParameter("Lambda", 0.1, 'Decay rate of oscillating term')
        self.declareParameter("N0", 1)
        self.declareParameter("Tau", 5.0)
        self.declareParameter("Phi", 0.3, 'Phase')
        self.declareParameter("Nu", 0.2, 'Oscillating frequency (MHz)')

    def function1D(self, x):
        A = self.getParameterValue("A")
        Lambda = self.getParameterValue("Lambda")
        N0 = self.getParameterValue("N0")
        tau = self.getParameterValue("Tau")
        phi = self.getParameterValue("Phi")
        nu = self.getParameterValue("Nu")
        return N0 * np.exp(-x / tau) * (
            1 + A * np.exp(-Lambda * x) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * nu * x + phi))

Example #45
        self.declareParameter("A0", 0.2, 'Amplitude')
        self.declareParameter("Freq", 2, 'ZF Frequency (MHz)')
            "Angle", 50, 'Angle of internal field w.r.t. to applied field (degrees)')
        self.declareParameter("Field", 10, 'Applied Field (G)')
        self.declareParameter("Phi", 0.0, 'Phase (rad)')

    def function1D(self, x):
        A0 = self.getParameterValue("A0")
        Freq = self.getParameterValue("Freq")
        theta = self.getParameterValue("Angle")
        B = self.getParameterValue("Field")
        phi = self.getParameterValue("Phi")
        FreqInt = Freq
        FreqExt = 0.01355 * B
        theta = np.pi / 180 * theta
        omega1 = 2 * np.pi * \
            np.sqrt(FreqInt ** 2 + FreqExt ** 2 + 2 *
                    FreqInt * FreqExt * np.cos(theta))
        omega2 = 2 * np.pi * \
            np.sqrt(FreqInt ** 2 + FreqExt ** 2 - 2 *
                    FreqInt * FreqExt * np.cos(theta))
        a1 = (FreqInt * np.sin(theta)) ** 2 / ((FreqExt + FreqInt *
                                                np.cos(theta)) ** 2 + (FreqInt * np.sin(theta)) ** 2)
        a2 = (FreqInt * np.sin(theta)) ** 2 / ((FreqExt - FreqInt *
                                                np.cos(theta)) ** 2 + (FreqInt * np.sin(theta)) ** 2)
        return A0 * ((1 - a1) + a1 * np.cos(omega1 * x + phi) + (1 - a2) + a2 * np.cos(omega2 * x + phi)) / 2

Example #46
 def test_function_with_expected_attrs_subscribes_successfully(self):
     nfuncs_orig = len(FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames())
     new_funcs = FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames()
     self.assertEquals(nfuncs_orig + 1, len(new_funcs))
     self.assertTrue("TestFunctionCorrectForm" in new_funcs)
Example #47
            Evaluate the model
            @param xvals: numpy array of q-values
        # parameters
        scale = self.getParameterValue('Scale')
        bgd = self.getParameterValue('Background')

        output = np.zeros(len(xvals), dtype=float) 
        for i in range(len(xvals)):
            output[i] = scale * self._guinier_porod_core(xvals[i]) + bgd
        return output

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
            Evaluate the first derivatives
            @param xvals: numpy array of q-values
            @param jacobian: Jacobian object
        i = 0
        for x in xvals:
            jacobian.set(i,0, self._guinier_porod_core(x))
            jacobian.set(i,1, self._first_derivative_dim(x))
            jacobian.set(i,2, self._first_derivative_rg(x))
            jacobian.set(i,3, self._first_derivative_m(x))
            jacobian.set(i,4, 1.0)
            i += 1

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #48
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, anomalous-backslash-in-string, attribute-defined-outside-init

from mantid.api import IFunction1D, FunctionFactory
import numpy as np

class ZFdipole(IFunction1D):
    def category(self):
        return "Muon\\MuonSpecific"

    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("A0", 0.2)
        self.declareParameter("BDip", 10)
        self.declareParameter("LambdaTrans", 0.2, 'Lambda-Trans (MHz)')
        self.addConstraints("BDip > 0")
        self.addConstraints("LambdaTrans > 0")

    def function1D(self, x):
        A0 = self.getParameterValue("A0")
        BDip = self.getParameterValue("BDip")
        LambdaTrans = self.getParameterValue("LambdaTrans")
        gmu = 2 * np.pi * 0.01355342
        Omega = gmu * BDip
        return A0 * (1. /
                     6) * (1 + np.exp(-LambdaTrans * x) *
                           (np.cos(Omega * x) + 2 * np.cos(1.5 * Omega * x) +
                            2 * np.cos(0.5 * Omega * x)))

Example #49
from mantid.api import IFunction1D, FunctionFactory
import numpy as np

class MuH(IFunction1D):
    def category(self):
        return "Muon\\MuonSpecific"

    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("A0", 0.5, 'Amplitude')
        self.declareParameter("NuD", 0.5, 'Oscillating Frequency (MHz)')
        self.declareParameter("Lambda", 0.3, 'Exponential decay rate')
        self.declareParameter("Sigma", 0.05, 'Gaussian decay rate')
        self.declareParameter("Phi", 0.0, 'Phase (rad)')

    def function1D(self, x):
        A0 = self.getParameterValue("A0")
        NuD = self.getParameterValue("NuD")
        Lambda = self.getParameterValue("Lambda")
        sigma = self.getParameterValue("Sigma")
        phi = self.getParameterValue("Phi")
        OmegaD = NuD * 2 * np.pi
        gau = np.exp(-0.5 * (x * sigma)**2)
        Lor = np.exp(-Lambda * x)
        return A0 * gau * Lor * (1 + np.cos(OmegaD * x + phi) +
                                 2 * np.cos(0.5 * OmegaD * x + phi) +
                                 2 * np.cos(1.5 * OmegaD * x + phi)) / 6

Example #50
        See ExamplePeakFunction for more on attributes
        # Active fitting parameters

    def function1D(self, xvals):
        Computes the function on the set of values given and returns
        the answer as a numpy array of floats
        return self.getParameterValue("A0") +  self.getParameterValue("A1")*xvals

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        Computes the partial derivatives of the function on the set of values given
        and the sets these values in the given jacobian. The Jacobian is essentially
        a matrix where jacobian.set(iy,ip,value) takes 3 parameters:
            iy = The index of the data value whose partial derivative this corresponds to
            ip = The index of the parameter value whose partial derivative this corresponds to
            value = The value of the derivative
        i = 0
        for x in xvals:
            i += 1

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #51
class ZFprotonDipole(IFunction1D):
    def category(self):
        return "Muon\\MuonSpecific"

    def init(self):
        self.declareParameter("A0", 0.5)
        self.declareParameter("Radius", 2, 'Radius (Angstrom)')
        self.declareParameter("LambdaTrans", 0.2, 'Lambda-Trans (MHz)')
        self.addConstraints("Radius > 0")
        self.addConstraints("LambdaTrans > 0")

    def function1D(self, x):
        A0 = self.getParameterValue("A0")
        radius = self.getParameterValue("Radius")
        LambdaTrans = self.getParameterValue("LambdaTrans")
        gmu = 2 * np.pi * 0.01355342
        proton_moment = 2.792847351
        nuclear_moment = 5.05088370
        if radius > 0:
            B = 2 * proton_moment * nuclear_moment / (radius**3)
            B = 0
        Omega = gmu * B
        return A0 * (1. /
                     6) * (1 + np.exp(-LambdaTrans * x) *
                           (np.cos(Omega * x) + 2 * np.cos(1.5 * Omega * x) +
                            2 * np.cos(0.5 * Omega * x)))

Example #52
    def category(self):
        return "QuasiElastic"

    def init(self):
        # Active fitting parameters
        self.declareParameter("Tau", 1.0, 'Residence time')
        self.declareParameter("L", 1.5, 'Jump length')

    def function1D(self, xvals):
        tau = self.getParameterValue("Tau")
        length = self.getParameterValue("L")

        xvals = np.array(xvals)
        hwhm = (1.0 - np.sin(xvals * length) / (xvals * length)) / tau

        return hwhm

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        tau = self.getParameterValue("Tau")
        length = self.getParameterValue("L")
        i = 0
        for x in xvals:
            s = math.sin(x*length)/(x*length)
            h = (1.0-s)/tau
            i += 1

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #53
    def function1D(self, xvals):
        height = self.getParameterValue("Height")
        msd = self.getParameterValue("Msd")
        sigma = self.getParameterValue("Sigma")

        xvals = np.array(xvals)
        i1 = np.exp((-1.0 / 6.0) * xvals * xvals * msd)
        i2 = 1.0 + (np.power(xvals, 4) * sigma / 72.0)
        intensity = height * i1 * i2

        return intensity

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
        height = self.getParameterValue("Height")
        msd = self.getParameterValue("Msd")
        sigma = self.getParameterValue("Sigma")

        for i, x in enumerate(xvals):
            f1 = math.exp((-1.0 / 6.0) * x * x * msd)
            df1 = -f1 * ((2.0 / 6.0) * x * msd)
            x4 = math.pow(x, 4)
            f2 = 1.0 + (x4 * sigma / 72.0)
            df2 = x4 / 72.0
            jacobian.set(i, 0, f1 * f2)
            jacobian.set(i, 1, height * df1 * f2)
            jacobian.set(i, 2, height * f1 * df2)

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Example #54
    def category(self):
        return "SANS"

    def init(self):
        # Active fitting parameters
        self.declareParameter("Scale", 1.0, 'Scale')
        self.declareParameter("Rg", 60.0, 'Radius of gyration')

    def function1D(self, xvals):
            Evaluate the model
            @param xvals: numpy array of q-values
        return self.getParameterValue("Scale") * np.exp(-(self.getParameterValue('Rg')*xvals)**2/3.0 )

    def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
            Evaluate the first derivatives
            @param xvals: numpy array of q-values
            @param jacobian: Jacobian object
        i = 0
        rg = self.getParameterValue('Rg')
        for x in xvals:
            jacobian.set(i,0, math.exp(-(rg*x)**2/3.0 ) )
            jacobian.set(i,1, -self.getParameterValue("Scale") * math.exp(-(rg*x)**2/3.0 )*2.0/3.0*rg*x*x );
            i += 1

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
 def test_function_with_expected_attrs_subscribes_successfully(self):
     nfuncs_orig = len(FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames())
     new_funcs = FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames()
     self.assertEquals(nfuncs_orig+1, len(new_funcs))
     self.assertTrue("TestFunctionCorrectForm" in new_funcs)