Example #1
 def test_table_to_workspace(self) -> None:
     r"""Test the conversion of a TableWorkspace containing the masked detector ID's to a MaskWorkspace object"""
     output_workspace = 'test_table_to_workspace_masked'
     # Have a fake mask table, masking bank 42
     mask_table = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=output_workspace)
     mask_table.addColumn(type='int', name='Detector ID')
     begin, end = 167936, 172030  # # Bank 42 has detector ID's from 167936 to 172030
     for detector_id in range(begin, 1 + end):
     # Convert to MaskWorkspace
     mask_table = _table_to_workspace(mask_table)
     # Check the output workspace is of type MaskWorkspace
     assert isinstance(mask_table, MaskWorkspace)
     # Check the output workspace has 1 on workspace indexes for bank 42, and 0 elsewhere
     mask_flags = mask_table.extractY().flatten()
     offset = 3  # due to the detector monitors, workspace_index = detector_id + offset
     masked_workspace_indexes = slice(begin + offset, 1 + end + offset)
     assert np.all(mask_flags[masked_workspace_indexes])  # all values are 1
     mask_flags = np.delete(mask_flags, masked_workspace_indexes)
     assert not np.any(mask_flags)  # no value is 1