Nblobs = sum([x.Nblobs for x in bodies])
    max_angle_shift = max_translation / max_body_length
    accepted_moves = 0
    acceptance_ratio = 0.5

    # Create blobs coordinates array
    sample_r_vectors = get_blobs_r_vectors(bodies, Nblobs)

    # begin MCMC
    # get energy of the current state before jumping into the loop
    start_time = time.time()
    current_state_energy = many_body_potential_pycuda.compute_total_energy(

    # quaternion to be used for disturbing the orientation of each body
    quaternion_shift = Quaternion(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]))

    # for each step in the Markov chain, disturb each body's location and orientation and obtain the new list of r_vectors
    # of each blob. Calculate the potential of the new state, and accept or reject it according to the Markov chain rules:
    # 1. if Ej < Ei, always accept the state  2. if Ej < Ei, accept the state according to the probability determined by
    # exp(-(Ej-Ei)/kT). Then record data.
    # Important: record data also when staying in the same state (i.e. when a sample state is rejected)
    for step in range(read.initial_step, read.n_steps):
        blob_index = 0
  Nblobs = sum([x.Nblobs for x in bodies])
  max_angle_shift = max_translation / max_body_length
  accepted_moves = 0
  acceptance_ratio = 0.5

  # Create blobs coordinates array
  sample_r_vectors = get_blobs_r_vectors(bodies, Nblobs)

  # begin MCMC
  # get energy of the current state before jumping into the loop
  start_time = time.time()
  current_state_energy = many_body_potential_pycuda.compute_total_energy(bodies,
                                                                         periodic_length = periodic_length,
                                                                         debye_length_wall = read.debye_length_wall,
                                                                         repulsion_strength_wall = read.repulsion_strength_wall,
                                                                         debye_length = read.debye_length,
                                                                         repulsion_strength = read.repulsion_strength,
                                                                         weight = weight,
                                                                         blob_radius = blob_radius)

  # quaternion to be used for disturbing the orientation of each body
  quaternion_shift = Quaternion(np.array([1,0,0,0]))

  # for each step in the Markov chain, disturb each body's location and orientation and obtain the new list of r_vectors
  # of each blob. Calculate the potential of the new state, and accept or reject it according to the Markov chain rules:
  # 1. if Ej < Ei, always accept the state  2. if Ej < Ei, accept the state according to the probability determined by
  # exp(-(Ej-Ei)/kT). Then record data.
  # Important: record data also when staying in the same state (i.e. when a sample state is rejected)
  for step in range(read.initial_step, read.n_steps):
    blob_index = 0