def handle_game1(self, args): self.layout = MapClientLayout(mapclient = self) self.container.clear_widgets() self.container.add_widget(self.layout)
class MapClient(KalScenarioClient): def __init__(self, *largs): super(MapClient, self).__init__(*largs) self.count = 0 self.timeout = 0 self.layout = None self.logo = '' Clock.schedule_interval(self.update_graphics_timer, 1 / 10.) # RECEIVE COMMANDS FROM SERVER def handle_selector(self, args): self.layout.create_selector() for val in self.layout.selector.buttons.itervalues(): val.bind(on_release = self.validate) def handle_removeselector(self, args): self.layout.remove_selector() def handle_clear(self, args): pass def handle_waitready(self, args): pass def handle_time(self, args): self.timedelta, self.timeout = map(int, args.split()) self.timedelta = time() - self.timedelta # apply that delta to timeout self.timeout += self.timedelta self.timelimit = self.timeout - time() def handle_color(self, args): self.layout.color = map(lambda x: int(x) / 255., args.split()) def handle_logo(self, args): self.layout.logo = args def handle_layer(self, args): self.layout.layers = args def handle_mapsize(self, args): self.layout.mapsize = map(lambda x: int(x), args.split()) def handle_mappos(self, args): self.layout.mappos = map(lambda x: int(x), args.split()) #(x,y) def handle_game(self,args): pass def handle_game1(self, args): self.layout = MapClientLayout(mapclient = self) self.container.clear_widgets() self.container.add_widget(self.layout) def handle_map(self, args): self.imagemap = imagemap = self.layout.imagemap = self.layout.create_map() self.imagemap.update_images(0) for mapitem in imagemap.children[:] : mapitem.bind(flag_id = self.send_flag_change) #control the main map rotation with a controler self.map_handler = self.layout.create_map_handler() self.map_handler.bind(rotation = self.send_rotatemap) def handle_game2(self, args): self.layout.auto_color_thumbs() def handle_game3(self, args): self.layout.lock_thumbs(True) self.layout.hide_places() def handle_give(self, args): # create thumbnail in the gridlayout self.count += 1 #print args index = int(args) item = self.layout.create_and_add_item(index) if item is not None : item.bind(mapitem = self.send_pos) #def handle_give2(self, args): #threaded version # thread.start_new_thread(self.handle_give,(args, )) def handle_layoutall(self,args): self.layout.do_layout_all() def handle_thnotvalid(self, args): index = int(args) thumb = self.layout.get_thumb_from_index(index) if not thumb: return thumb.update_color(False) #shake ! thumb.shake() def handle_thvalid(self, args): index = int(args) thumb = self.layout.get_thumb_from_index(index) if not thumb: return thumb.update_color(True) thumb.locked = True def handle_hideth(self, args): return index = int(args) thumb = self.layout.get_thumb_from_index(index) if not thumb: return self.layout.remove_widget(thumb) def handle_displayth(self, args): index = int(args) thumb = self.layout.get_thumb_from_index(index) if not thumb: return self.layout.add_widget(thumb) def handle_displaymapitem(self, args): filename = str(args) self.layout.imagemap.display_mapitem(filename, True, (1,1,1,1)) def handle_hidemapitem(self, args): return filename = str(args) self.layout.imagemap.hide_mapitem(filename) def handle_placethumbs(self, args): self.layout.place_thumbs() #send pos to server then for th in self.layout.items: th.locked = True self.send_pos(th,0) self.send_color(th,0) def handle_clear(self, args): self.layout.clear() # SEND TO SERVER def validate(self, instance): scenario = instance.text print scenario + ' scenario was selected' if scenario == 'all': index = -1 else : index = self.layout.layers.index(scenario) #send index to server self.send('SCENARIO %d' % int(index)) def send_pos(self, instance, value): value = if value is None: value = (-1,-1) return x,y = value x -= self.layout.imagemap.pos[0] y -= self.layout.imagemap.pos[1] self.send('POS %d %d %d' % (instance.index, x, y)) #print "CLIENT : send POS" def send_color(self, instance, value): value = instance.color self.send('COLOR %d %d %d %d' % (instance.index, value[0]*255,value[1]*255,value[2]*255) ) def send_flag_change(self, mapitem, flag_id): if flag_id is None: flag_id = -1 filename_index = self.filename2index(mapitem.filename) self.send('FLAGCHANGE %d %d' % (filename_index,flag_id) ) #print "CLIENT : flag change : "+str(mapitem.filename) +' '+ str(flag_id) def filename2index(self,filename): #trick to pass mapitem.filename (string) as a integer (protocol blocks strings..) index = 0 for i in : if i['filename'] == filename : return index index +=1 def update_graphics_timer(self, dt): if not self.layout: return t = self.timeout - time() if t < 0: t = 0 self.layout.time = t try: self.layout.timelimit = self.timelimit except: return def send_rotatemap(self, instance, value): value = int(value) delta = value - self.layout.map_handler.last_rotation self.layout.map_handler.last_rotation = value if delta != 0 : self.send('ROTATE %d' % delta ) def send_thheld(self, instance, th_index): pass def handle_thheld(self, instance, th_index): pass