def polygonize(dir_base_name, base_name): args = parser.parse_args() chunksize = args.chunksize currentchunk = 0 totalsubsets = 0 outputgdal = dir_base_name + "-gdal-tmp.tif" # QGIS POLYGONIZE print "" print "Polygonizing (coarse):" print "----------------------" shapefile = dir_base_name + '.shp' if (not os.path.isfile(shapefile)): command = ' ' + outputgdal + ' -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + shapefile + ' ' + base_name logging.debug(command) # print command os.system(command) # Split resulting megapolygon file into smaller chunks # most code from: print "" print "Splitting megapolygon file into chunks" print "--------------------------------------" ##### # 2 get the shapefile driver driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') # 3 open the input data source and get the layer inDS = driver.Open(shapefile, 0) #shows cover at given points if inDS is None: print 'Could not open shapefile' sys.exit(1) inLayer = inDS.GetLayer() # 5 get the FieldDefn's for the id and cover fields in the input shapefile feature = inLayer.GetFeature(0) idFieldDefn = feature.GetFieldDefnRef('DN') # 7 loop through the input features inFeature = inLayer.GetNextFeature() while inFeature: if currentchunk == 0 or currentchunk >= chunksize: currentchunk = 0 totalsubsets = totalsubsets + 1 # this is a new temp file # 4 create a new data source and layer fn = dir_base_name + '-tmp-' + str(totalsubsets) + '.shp' if os.path.exists(fn): driver.DeleteDataSource(fn) outDS = driver.CreateDataSource(fn) if outDS is None: print 'Could not create temp shapefile' sys.exit(1) outLayer = outDS.CreateLayer(base_name, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) #create new field in the output shapefile outLayer.CreateField(idFieldDefn) # 6 get the FeatureDefn for the output layer featureDefn = outLayer.GetLayerDefn() # create a new feature outFeature = ogr.Feature( featureDefn) #using featureDefn created in step 6 # set the geometry geom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef() outFeature.SetGeometry(geom) #move it to the new feature # set the attributes DN = inFeature.GetField('DN') outFeature.SetField('DN', DN) #move it to the new feature # add the feature to the output layer outLayer.CreateFeature(outFeature) # destroy the output feature outFeature.Destroy() # destroy the input feature and get a new one inFeature.Destroy() inFeature = inLayer.GetNextFeature() currentchunk = currentchunk + 1 # close the data sources inDS.Destroy() outDS.Destroy() #flush out the last changes here print "" print "Produced " + str(totalsubsets) + " temporary shapefiles" print "" return totalsubsets
def process_file(inputfile, basedir=""): """NOTE: This still needs a lot of work for when dealing with subfolders and such. Best case is image file is located in same dir as """ args = parser.parse_args() gimp_path = args.gimp_path print "\n\nProcessing file: " + inputfile # right now assuming vectorizer, simplifier and input are in the same folder fullpath = os.path.abspath(__file__) base_name = inputfile[:inputfile.find(".tif")] base_name = base_name[base_name.rfind("/") + 1:] # create a folder to store all this if basedir != '': directory = basedir + '/' + base_name inputfile = basedir + '/' + inputfile else: directory = base_name if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) path = os.path.abspath( directory ) #fullpath[:fullpath.find("/")] + '/' + directory # GIMP processing dir_base_name = os.path.join(directory, base_name) # create a log file # logfile = open(directory + "/py-log.txt", "w") logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.join(directory, "py-log.txt"), format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) logging.debug("Log file for " + inputfile + " with colors:\n\n") logging.debug(str(args.vectorize_config['basecolors']) + "\n\n") thresholdize(inputfile, dir_base_name) totalsubsets = polygonize(dir_base_name, base_name) simplify(path, base_name, totalsubsets) consolidate(inputfile, path, dir_base_name, base_name) print "" print "Creating GeoJSON output..." print "--------------------------" jsonfile = dir_base_name + '-traced.json' shapefile = dir_base_name + '-traced.shp' command = 'ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 -s_srs EPSG:3857 -f "GeoJSON" ' + jsonfile + ' ' + shapefile logging.debug(command) # print command os.system(command) # Cleaning print "" print "Cleaning..." print "-----------" os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-gdal-tmp.tif") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-wsg-tmp.tif") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-threshold-tmp.tif") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-tmp-*.shp") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-tmp-*.dbf") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-tmp-*.shx") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-tmp-*.prj") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-tmp*.tif") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + ".*") # close log file logging.shutdown()
def main(): args = parser.parse_args() for i, (ff, inputfile) in enumerate(list_tiffs(args.inputfile)): process_file(ff, inputfile) print('Processed %d file(s)' % (i + 1))
def consolidate(inputfile, path, dir_base_name, base_name): # Now combine all subsets into a macroset # 4 create a new data source and layer fn = dir_base_name + '-traced.shp' # 2 get the shapefile driver driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') # 3 open the input data source and get the layer shapefile = dir_base_name + '.shp' inDS = driver.Open(shapefile, 0) #shows cover at given points if inDS is None: print 'Could not open shapefile' sys.exit(1) inLayer = inDS.GetLayer() # 5 get the FieldDefn's for the id and cover fields in the input shapefile feature = inLayer.GetFeature(0) idFieldDefn = feature.GetFieldDefnRef('DN') if os.path.exists(fn): driver.DeleteDataSource(fn) outDS = driver.CreateDataSource(fn) if outDS is None: print 'Could not create final shapefile' sys.exit(1) outLayer = outDS.CreateLayer(base_name, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) #create new field in the output shapefile outLayer.CreateField(idFieldDefn) # 6 get the FeatureDefn for the output layer featureDefn = outLayer.GetLayerDefn() # new field definitions for this shapefile # color definition colorDefn = ogr.FieldDefn("Color", ogr.OFTInteger) colorDefn.SetWidth(2) colorDefn.SetPrecision(0) outLayer.CreateField(colorDefn) # dot count definition dotCountDefn = ogr.FieldDefn("DotCount", ogr.OFTInteger) dotCountDefn.SetWidth(2) dotCountDefn.SetPrecision(0) outLayer.CreateField(dotCountDefn) # dot type definition dotTypeDefn = ogr.FieldDefn("DotType", ogr.OFTInteger) dotTypeDefn.SetWidth(1) dotTypeDefn.SetPrecision(0) outLayer.CreateField(dotTypeDefn) # cross count definition crossCountDefn = ogr.FieldDefn("CrossCount", ogr.OFTInteger) crossCountDefn.SetWidth(2) crossCountDefn.SetPrecision(0) outLayer.CreateField(crossCountDefn) # cross data definition crossDataDefn = ogr.FieldDefn("CrossData", ogr.OFTString) crossDataDefn.SetWidth(255) outLayer.CreateField(crossDataDefn) # add lat/lon as OFTReal attributes outLayer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn("CentroidY", ogr.OFTReal)) outLayer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn("CentroidX", ogr.OFTReal)) polygonfiles = [] for files in os.listdir(path): if files.endswith(".shp") and files.find('-polygon') != -1: polygonfile = path + "/" + files # apply a projection so gdalwarp doesnt complain polygonfilename = files[:files.find(".shp")] os.system("cp " + dir_base_name + ".prj " + path + "/" + polygonfilename + ".prj") extractedfile = path + "/" + polygonfilename + "-extracted.tif" # extract bitmap from original command = "gdalwarp -q -t_srs EPSG:3785 -cutline " + polygonfile + " -crop_to_cutline -of GTiff " + inputfile + " " + extractedfile logging.debug(command) # print command os.system(command) # calculate color # shrink to 1x1 and find value # logging.debug( string.join(["convert", "-quiet", os.path.abspath(extractedfile), "-resize", "1x1","txt:-"]) ) # pixelvalue = subprocess.Popen(["convert", "-quiet", os.path.abspath(extractedfile), "-resize", "1x1","txt:-"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] # pattern = re.compile(r"0,0: \(([\s0-9]*),([\s0-9]*),([\s0-9]*).*") # values = pattern.findall(pixelvalue) extractedpath = os.path.abspath(extractedfile) if os.path.exists(extractedpath) == False: continue values = average_color(extractedpath) if len(values) > 0: red = int(values[0]) green = int(values[1]) blue = int(values[2]) nearest = 100000 nearestcolor = [] nearestcolorindex = -1 args = parser.parse_args() basecolors = args.vectorize_config['basecolors'] for i, color in enumerate(basecolors): dred = (color[0] - red) * (color[0] - red) dgreen = (color[1] - green) * (color[1] - green) dblue = (color[2] - blue) * (color[2] - blue) dist = dred + dgreen + dblue if dist < nearest: nearest = dist nearestcolor = color nearestcolorindex = i # only add if NOT paper if nearestcolor != basecolors[0]: # check for dots circle_data = cv_feature_detect(extractedfile) # add to array polygonfiles.append( [polygonfile, nearestcolorindex, circle_data]) else: logging.debug("Ignored (paper color): " + polygonfilename + "\n") else: logging.debug("Ignored (regex match error): " + polygonfilename + "\n") for files in polygonfiles: # 3 open the input data source and get the layer tempfile = files[ 0] #dir_base_name + '-tmp-' + str(currentsubset) + '-traced.shp' inDS = driver.Open(tempfile, 0) #shows cover at given points if inDS is None: print 'Could not open temporary shapefile' break inLayer = inDS.GetLayer() # 7 loop through the input features inFeature = inLayer.GetNextFeature() while inFeature: # create a new feature outFeature = ogr.Feature( featureDefn) #using featureDefn created in step 6 # set the geometry geom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef() outFeature.SetGeometry(geom) #move it to the new feature DN = inFeature.GetField('DN') outFeature.SetField('DN', DN) #move it to the new feature outFeature.SetField('Color', int(files[1])) outFeature.SetField('DotCount', int(files[2]["count"])) outFeature.SetField('DotType', int(files[2]["is_outline"])) outFeature.SetField('CrossCount', int(files[2]["cross_count"])) outFeature.SetField('CrossData', str(files[2]["cross_data"])) source_srs = osr.SpatialReference() source_srs.ImportFromEPSG(3785) # NOTE: notice this is hardcoded target_srs = osr.SpatialReference() target_srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # NOTE: notice this is hardcoded transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(source_srs, target_srs) centroid = geom.Centroid() centroid.Transform(transform) outFeature.SetField('CentroidY', centroid.GetY()) outFeature.SetField('CentroidX', centroid.GetX()) # outFeature.SetField('circle_count', files[2]["circle_count"]) # outFeature.SetField('circle_type', files[2]["is_outline"]) # add the feature to the output layer outLayer.CreateFeature(outFeature) # destroy the output feature outFeature.Destroy() # destroy the input feature and get a new one inFeature.Destroy() inFeature = inLayer.GetNextFeature() # close the data sources inDS.Destroy() outDS.Destroy() #flush out the last changes here print "" print "Applying projection file to result..." print "-------------------------------------" os.system("cp " + dir_base_name + ".prj " + dir_base_name + "-traced.prj")
def thresholdize(inputfile, dir_base_name): args = parser.parse_args() brightness = args.vectorize_config['brightness'] contrast = args.vectorize_config['contrast'] thresholdblack = args.vectorize_config['thresholdblack'] thresholdwhite = args.vectorize_config['thresholdwhite'] thresholdfile = dir_base_name + "-threshold-tmp.tif" gimp_path = args.gimp_path print "\n\n" print "Thresholdizing:" print "---------------" print inputfile + " into threshold file: " + thresholdfile contraststring = '(gimp-brightness-contrast drawable ' + str( brightness) + ' ' + str(contrast) + ')' thresholdstring = '(gimp-threshold drawable ' + str( thresholdblack) + ' ' + str(thresholdwhite) + ')' gimpcommand = '(let* ((image (car (file-tiff-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE "' + inputfile + '" "' + inputfile + '"))) (drawable (car (gimp-image-get-layer-by-name image "Background")))) (gimp-selection-none image) ' + contraststring + ' ' + thresholdstring + ' (gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable "' + thresholdfile + '" "' + thresholdfile + '") (gimp-image-delete image))' if (not os.path.isfile(thresholdfile)): command = gimp_path + ' -i -b \'' + gimpcommand + '\' -b \'(gimp-quit 0)\'' logging.debug(command) # print command os.system(command) outputwsg = dir_base_name + "-wsg-tmp.tif" outputgdal = dir_base_name + "-gdal-tmp.tif" # first get geotiff data from original logging.debug(string.join(["gdalinfo", os.path.abspath(inputfile)])) geoText = subprocess.Popen( ["gdalinfo", os.path.abspath(inputfile)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] pattern = re.compile( r"Upper Left\s*\(\s*([0-9\-\.]*),\s*([0-9\-\.]*).*\n.*\n.*\nLower Right\s*\(\s*([0-9\-\.]*),\s*([0-9\-\.]*).*" ) geoMatch = pattern.findall(geoText) # print pattern print "\n" print "Geodata obtained:" print "-----------------" print "W", geoMatch[0][0] print "N", geoMatch[0][1] print "E", geoMatch[0][2] print "S", geoMatch[0][3] print "\n" W = geoMatch[0][0] N = geoMatch[0][1] E = geoMatch[0][2] S = geoMatch[0][3] print "Applying to destination:" print "------------------------" # print outputgdal if (not os.path.isfile(outputwsg)): command = 'gdal_translate -a_srs "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84" -of GTiff -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -a_ullr ' + W + ' ' + N + ' ' + E + ' ' + S + ' ' + thresholdfile + ' ' + outputwsg logging.debug(command) # print command os.system(command) print "" if (not os.path.isfile(outputgdal)): command = 'gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:3785 -r bilinear ' + outputwsg + ' ' + outputgdal logging.debug(command) # print command os.system(command)
def polygonize(dir_base_name, base_name): args = parser.parse_args() chunksize = args.chunksize currentchunk = 0 totalsubsets = 0 outputgdal = dir_base_name + "-gdal-tmp.tif" # QGIS POLYGONIZE print "" print "Polygonizing (coarse):" print "----------------------" shapefile = dir_base_name + '.shp' if (not os.path.isfile(shapefile)): command = ' ' + outputgdal + ' -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + shapefile + ' ' + base_name logging.debug(command) # print command os.system(command) # Split resulting megapolygon file into smaller chunks # most code from: print "" print "Splitting megapolygon file into chunks" print "--------------------------------------" ##### # 2 get the shapefile driver driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') # 3 open the input data source and get the layer inDS = driver.Open(shapefile, 0) #shows cover at given points if inDS is None: print 'Could not open shapefile' sys.exit(1) inLayer = inDS.GetLayer() # 5 get the FieldDefn's for the id and cover fields in the input shapefile feature = inLayer.GetFeature(0) idFieldDefn = feature.GetFieldDefnRef('DN') # 7 loop through the input features inFeature = inLayer.GetNextFeature() while inFeature: if currentchunk == 0 or currentchunk >= chunksize: currentchunk = 0 totalsubsets = totalsubsets + 1 # this is a new temp file # 4 create a new data source and layer fn = dir_base_name + '-tmp-' + str(totalsubsets) + '.shp' if os.path.exists(fn):driver.DeleteDataSource(fn) outDS = driver.CreateDataSource(fn) if outDS is None: print 'Could not create temp shapefile' sys.exit(1) outLayer = outDS.CreateLayer(base_name, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) #create new field in the output shapefile outLayer.CreateField(idFieldDefn) # 6 get the FeatureDefn for the output layer featureDefn = outLayer.GetLayerDefn() # create a new feature outFeature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn)#using featureDefn created in step 6 # set the geometry geom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef() outFeature.SetGeometry(geom) #move it to the new feature # set the attributes DN = inFeature.GetField('DN') outFeature.SetField('DN', DN) #move it to the new feature # add the feature to the output layer outLayer.CreateFeature(outFeature) # destroy the output feature outFeature.Destroy() # destroy the input feature and get a new one inFeature.Destroy() inFeature = inLayer.GetNextFeature() currentchunk = currentchunk + 1 # close the data sources inDS.Destroy() outDS.Destroy() #flush out the last changes here print "" print "Produced " + str(totalsubsets) + " temporary shapefiles" print "" return totalsubsets
def main(): args = parser.parse_args() for i, (ff, inputfile) in enumerate(list_tiffs(args.inputfile)): process_file(ff, inputfile) print('Processed %d file(s)' % (i+1))
def process_file(inputfile, basedir = ""): """NOTE: This still needs a lot of work for when dealing with subfolders and such. Best case is image file is located in same dir as """ args = parser.parse_args() gimp_path = args.gimp_path print "\n\nProcessing file: " + inputfile # right now assuming vectorizer, simplifier and input are in the same folder fullpath = os.path.abspath(__file__) base_name = inputfile[:inputfile.find(".tif")] base_name = base_name[base_name.rfind("/")+1:] # create a folder to store all this if basedir != '': directory = basedir + '/' + base_name inputfile = basedir + '/' + inputfile else: directory = base_name if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) path = os.path.abspath(directory)#fullpath[:fullpath.find("/")] + '/' + directory # GIMP processing dir_base_name = os.path.join(directory, base_name) # create a log file # logfile = open(directory + "/py-log.txt", "w") logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.join(directory, "py-log.txt"), format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',level=logging.DEBUG) logging.debug("Log file for " + inputfile + " with colors:\n\n") logging.debug(str(args.vectorize_config['basecolors']) + "\n\n") thresholdize(inputfile, dir_base_name) totalsubsets = polygonize(dir_base_name, base_name) simplify(path, base_name, totalsubsets) consolidate(inputfile, path, dir_base_name, base_name) print "" print "Creating GeoJSON output..." print "--------------------------" jsonfile = dir_base_name + '-traced.json' shapefile = dir_base_name + '-traced.shp' command = 'ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 -s_srs EPSG:3857 -f "GeoJSON" ' + jsonfile + ' ' + shapefile logging.debug(command) # print command os.system(command) # Cleaning print "" print "Cleaning..." print "-----------" os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-gdal-tmp.tif") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-wsg-tmp.tif") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-threshold-tmp.tif") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-tmp-*.shp") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-tmp-*.dbf") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-tmp-*.shx") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-tmp-*.prj") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + "-tmp*.tif") os.system("rm " + dir_base_name + ".*") # close log file logging.shutdown()
def thresholdize(inputfile, dir_base_name): args = parser.parse_args() brightness = args.vectorize_config['brightness'] contrast = args.vectorize_config['contrast'] thresholdblack = args.vectorize_config['thresholdblack'] thresholdwhite = args.vectorize_config['thresholdwhite'] thresholdfile = dir_base_name + "-threshold-tmp.tif" gimp_path = args.gimp_path print "\n\n" print "Thresholdizing:" print "---------------" print inputfile + " into threshold file: " + thresholdfile contraststring = '(gimp-brightness-contrast drawable ' + str(brightness) + ' ' + str(contrast) + ')' thresholdstring = '(gimp-threshold drawable ' + str(thresholdblack) + ' ' + str(thresholdwhite) + ')' gimpcommand = '(let* ((image (car (file-tiff-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE "' + inputfile + '" "' + inputfile + '"))) (drawable (car (gimp-image-get-layer-by-name image "Background")))) (gimp-selection-none image) ' + contraststring + ' ' + thresholdstring + ' (gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable "' + thresholdfile + '" "' + thresholdfile + '") (gimp-image-delete image))' if (not os.path.isfile(thresholdfile)): command = gimp_path + ' -i -b \'' + gimpcommand + '\' -b \'(gimp-quit 0)\'' logging.debug(command) # print command os.system(command) outputwsg = dir_base_name + "-wsg-tmp.tif" outputgdal = dir_base_name + "-gdal-tmp.tif" # first get geotiff data from original logging.debug( string.join(["gdalinfo", os.path.abspath(inputfile)]) ) geoText = subprocess.Popen(["gdalinfo", os.path.abspath(inputfile)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] pattern = re.compile(r"Upper Left\s*\(\s*([0-9\-\.]*),\s*([0-9\-\.]*).*\n.*\n.*\nLower Right\s*\(\s*([0-9\-\.]*),\s*([0-9\-\.]*).*") geoMatch = pattern.findall(geoText) # print pattern print "\n" print "Geodata obtained:" print "-----------------" print "W", geoMatch[0][0] print "N", geoMatch[0][1] print "E", geoMatch[0][2] print "S", geoMatch[0][3] print "\n" W = geoMatch[0][0] N = geoMatch[0][1] E = geoMatch[0][2] S = geoMatch[0][3] print "Applying to destination:" print "------------------------" # print outputgdal if (not os.path.isfile(outputwsg)): command = 'gdal_translate -a_srs "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84" -of GTiff -co "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" -a_ullr ' + W + ' ' + N + ' ' + E + ' ' + S + ' ' + thresholdfile + ' ' + outputwsg logging.debug(command) # print command os.system(command) print "" if (not os.path.isfile(outputgdal)): command = 'gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:3785 -r bilinear ' + outputwsg + ' ' + outputgdal logging.debug(command) # print command os.system(command)
def consolidate(inputfile, path, dir_base_name, base_name): # Now combine all subsets into a macroset # 4 create a new data source and layer fn = dir_base_name + '-traced.shp' # 2 get the shapefile driver driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') # 3 open the input data source and get the layer shapefile = dir_base_name + '.shp' inDS = driver.Open(shapefile, 0) #shows cover at given points if inDS is None: print 'Could not open shapefile' sys.exit(1) inLayer = inDS.GetLayer() # 5 get the FieldDefn's for the id and cover fields in the input shapefile feature = inLayer.GetFeature(0) idFieldDefn = feature.GetFieldDefnRef('DN') if os.path.exists(fn):driver.DeleteDataSource(fn) outDS = driver.CreateDataSource(fn) if outDS is None: print 'Could not create final shapefile' sys.exit(1) outLayer = outDS.CreateLayer(base_name, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) #create new field in the output shapefile outLayer.CreateField(idFieldDefn) # 6 get the FeatureDefn for the output layer featureDefn = outLayer.GetLayerDefn() # new field definitions for this shapefile # color definition colorDefn = ogr.FieldDefn("Color", ogr.OFTInteger) colorDefn.SetWidth(2) colorDefn.SetPrecision(0) outLayer.CreateField( colorDefn ) # dot count definition dotCountDefn = ogr.FieldDefn("DotCount", ogr.OFTInteger) dotCountDefn.SetWidth(2) dotCountDefn.SetPrecision(0) outLayer.CreateField( dotCountDefn ) # dot type definition dotTypeDefn = ogr.FieldDefn("DotType", ogr.OFTInteger) dotTypeDefn.SetWidth(1) dotTypeDefn.SetPrecision(0) outLayer.CreateField( dotTypeDefn ) # cross count definition crossCountDefn = ogr.FieldDefn("CrossCount", ogr.OFTInteger) crossCountDefn.SetWidth(2) crossCountDefn.SetPrecision(0) outLayer.CreateField( crossCountDefn ) # cross data definition crossDataDefn = ogr.FieldDefn("CrossData", ogr.OFTString) crossDataDefn.SetWidth(255) outLayer.CreateField( crossDataDefn ) # add lat/lon as OFTReal attributes outLayer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn("CentroidY", ogr.OFTReal)) outLayer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn("CentroidX", ogr.OFTReal)) polygonfiles = [] for files in os.listdir(path): if files.endswith(".shp") and files.find('-polygon') != -1: polygonfile = path + "/" + files # apply a projection so gdalwarp doesnt complain polygonfilename = files[:files.find(".shp")] os.system("cp " + dir_base_name + ".prj " + path + "/" + polygonfilename + ".prj") extractedfile = path + "/" + polygonfilename + "-extracted.tif" # extract bitmap from original command = "gdalwarp -q -t_srs EPSG:3785 -cutline " + polygonfile + " -crop_to_cutline -of GTiff " + inputfile + " " + extractedfile logging.debug(command) # print command os.system(command) # calculate color # shrink to 1x1 and find value # logging.debug( string.join(["convert", "-quiet", os.path.abspath(extractedfile), "-resize", "1x1","txt:-"]) ) # pixelvalue = subprocess.Popen(["convert", "-quiet", os.path.abspath(extractedfile), "-resize", "1x1","txt:-"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] # pattern = re.compile(r"0,0: \(([\s0-9]*),([\s0-9]*),([\s0-9]*).*") # values = pattern.findall(pixelvalue) extractedpath = os.path.abspath(extractedfile) if os.path.exists(extractedpath) == False: continue values = average_color(extractedpath) if len(values) > 0: red = int(values[0]) green = int(values[1]) blue = int(values[2]) nearest = 100000 nearestcolor = [] nearestcolorindex = -1 args = parser.parse_args() basecolors = args.vectorize_config['basecolors'] for i, color in enumerate(basecolors): dred = (color[0] - red) * (color[0] - red) dgreen = (color[1] - green) * (color[1] - green) dblue = (color[2] - blue) * (color[2] - blue) dist = dred + dgreen + dblue if dist < nearest: nearest = dist nearestcolor = color nearestcolorindex = i # only add if NOT paper if nearestcolor != basecolors[0]: # check for dots circle_data = cv_feature_detect(extractedfile) # add to array polygonfiles.append([polygonfile, nearestcolorindex, circle_data]) else: logging.debug("Ignored (paper color): " + polygonfilename + "\n") else: logging.debug("Ignored (regex match error): " + polygonfilename + "\n") for files in polygonfiles: # 3 open the input data source and get the layer tempfile = files[0] #dir_base_name + '-tmp-' + str(currentsubset) + '-traced.shp' inDS = driver.Open(tempfile, 0) #shows cover at given points if inDS is None: print 'Could not open temporary shapefile' break inLayer = inDS.GetLayer() # 7 loop through the input features inFeature = inLayer.GetNextFeature() while inFeature: # create a new feature outFeature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) #using featureDefn created in step 6 # set the geometry geom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef() outFeature.SetGeometry(geom) #move it to the new feature DN = inFeature.GetField('DN') outFeature.SetField('DN', DN ) #move it to the new feature outFeature.SetField('Color', int(files[1]) ) outFeature.SetField('DotCount', int(files[2]["count"]) ) outFeature.SetField('DotType', int(files[2]["is_outline"]) ) outFeature.SetField('CrossCount', int(files[2]["cross_count"]) ) outFeature.SetField('CrossData', str(files[2]["cross_data"]) ) source_srs = osr.SpatialReference() source_srs.ImportFromEPSG(3785) # NOTE: notice this is hardcoded target_srs = osr.SpatialReference() target_srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # NOTE: notice this is hardcoded transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(source_srs, target_srs) centroid = geom.Centroid() centroid.Transform(transform) outFeature.SetField('CentroidY', centroid.GetY()) outFeature.SetField('CentroidX', centroid.GetX()) # outFeature.SetField('circle_count', files[2]["circle_count"]) # outFeature.SetField('circle_type', files[2]["is_outline"]) # add the feature to the output layer outLayer.CreateFeature(outFeature) # destroy the output feature outFeature.Destroy() # destroy the input feature and get a new one inFeature.Destroy() inFeature = inLayer.GetNextFeature() # close the data sources inDS.Destroy() outDS.Destroy() #flush out the last changes here print "" print "Applying projection file to result..." print "-------------------------------------" os.system("cp " + dir_base_name + ".prj " + dir_base_name + "-traced.prj")