def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
     if self._start_position is not None:
         # v_rot = v*cos(theta)+(wxv)*sin(theta)+w*(w.v)*(1-cos(theta))
         # v is our vector
         # w is the unit vector to rotate around
         # theta is the angle to rotate
         if self._start_position[0] == event.x() and self._start_position[1] == event.y():
         centre_point = calculateCentroid(self._plane.getRotationPoint(), self._plane.getNormal(), self._get_dimension_method())
         centre_widget = self._zinc_view.project(centre_point[0], centre_point[1], centre_point[2])
         a = sub(centre_widget, [event.x(), -event.y(), centre_widget[2]])
         b = sub(centre_widget, [self._start_position[0], -self._start_position[1], centre_widget[2]])
         c = dot(a, b)
         d = magnitude(a) * magnitude(b)
         theta = acos(min(c / d, 1.0))
         if theta != 0.0:
             g = cross(a, b)
             lookat, eye, up, angle = self._zinc_view.getViewParameters()
             w = normalize(sub(lookat, eye))
             if copysign(1, dot(g, [0, 0, 1])) < 0:
                 theta = -theta
             v = up
             p1 = mult(v, cos(theta))
             p2 = mult(cross(w, v), sin(theta))
             p3a = mult(w, dot(w, v))
             p3 = mult(p3a, 1 - cos(theta))
             v_rot = add(p1, add(p2, p3))
             self._zinc_view.setViewParameters(lookat, eye, v_rot, angle)
             self._start_position = [event.x(), event.y()]
         super(Abstract2DHandler, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
Example #2
def calculateLinePlaneIntersection(pt1, pt2, point_on_plane, plane_normal):
    line_direction = sub(pt2, pt1)
    d = dot(sub(point_on_plane, pt1), plane_normal) / dot(line_direction, plane_normal)
    intersection_point = add(mult(line_direction, d), pt1)
    if abs(dot(sub(point_on_plane, intersection_point), plane_normal)) < 1e-08:
        return intersection_point

    return None
Example #3
    def _convertXi(self, ori, e1, e2, e3):
        Use average point as the origin 
        for new basis.
        converted = []

        for v in self._xi:
            diff = sub(v, ori)
            bv = [dot(diff, e1), dot(diff, e2)]

        return converted
Example #4
    def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
        if self._glyph.getMaterial().getName(
        ) == self._selected_material.getName():
            pos = getGlyphPosition(self._glyph)
            screen_pos = self._zinc_view.project(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
            global_cur_pos = self._zinc_view.unproject(event.x(), -event.y(),
            global_old_pos = self._zinc_view.unproject(
                -self._previous_mouse_position[1], screen_pos[2])
            global_pos_diff = sub(global_cur_pos, global_old_pos)

            n = self._plane.getNormal()
            proj_n = mult(n, dot(global_pos_diff, n))
            new_pos = add(pos, proj_n)
            scene = self._glyph.getScene()

            plane_centre = calculateCentroid(new_pos, self._plane.getNormal(),
            if plane_centre is not None:
                setGlyphPosition(self._glyph, plane_centre)

            self._previous_mouse_position = [event.x(), event.y()]
            super(Normal, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
Example #5
def calculateCentroid(point_on_plane, plane_normal, cuboid_dimensions):
    Takes a description of a plane as a point on the plane 
    and a normal of the plane with a cuboids dimensions, with 
    one corner defined by [0, 0, 0] and the opposite by 
    cuboid_dimensions, and calculates the centroid formed by the
    given plane intersecting with the cuboid.
    tol = 1e-08
    dim = cuboid_dimensions
#         print(point_on_plane, plane_normal)
    axes = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
    coordinate_set = [[0, 0, 0], [dim[0], 0, 0], [0, dim[1], 0], [dim[0], dim[1], 0], [0, 0, dim[2]], [dim[0], 0, dim[2]], [0, dim[1], dim[2]], [dim[0], dim[1], dim[2]]]

    ipts = []
    for axis in axes:
        den = dot(axis, plane_normal)
        if abs(den) < tol:

        for corner in coordinate_set:
            num = dot(sub(point_on_plane, corner), plane_normal)
            d = num / den

            ipt = add(mult(axis, d), corner)
            # check if all intersections are valid, taking care to be aware of minus signs.
            ipt_0 = checkRange(ipt[0], 0.0, dim[0])
            ipt_1 = checkRange(ipt[1], 0.0, dim[1])
            ipt_2 = checkRange(ipt[2], 0.0, dim[2])

            if ipt_0 and ipt_1 and ipt_2:

    unique_ipts = []
    for p in ipts:
        insert = True
        for u in unique_ipts:
            vdiff = sub(p, u)
            if sqrt(dot(vdiff, vdiff)) < tol:
                insert = False
        if insert:

    ca = CentroidAlgorithm(unique_ipts)
#         wa = WeiszfeldsAlgorithm(unique_ipts)
    plane_centre = ca.compute()
    return plane_centre
Example #6
    def compute(self):
        init_yi = self._average()
        yi = init_yi
        converged = False
        it = 0
        while not converged:

            diffi = [sub(xj, yi) for xj in self._xi]
            normi = [sqrt(dot(di, di)) for di in diffi]
            weight = sum([1 / ni for ni in normi])
            val = [div(self._xi[i], normi[i]) for i in range(len(self._xi))]

            yip1 = _weightedAverage(val, weight)
            diff = sub(yip1, yi)
            yi = yip1
            it += 1
#             print(it)
            if sqrt(dot(diff, diff)) < self._eps:
                converged = True

        return yi
def boundCoordinatesToCuboid(pt1, pt2, cuboid_dimensions):
    Takes two points and a cuboids dimensions, with 
    one corner defined by [0, 0, 0] and the opposite by 
    cuboid_dimensions, and returns a point that is inside the 
    cuboid.  pt2 *must* be inside the cuboid.
    bounded_pt = pt1[:]
    axes = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
    coordinate_set = [[0, 0, 0], [cuboid_dimensions[0], cuboid_dimensions[1], cuboid_dimensions[2]]]
    outside = [False, False, False]

    for i, axis in enumerate(axes):
        v1 = sub(pt1, coordinate_set[0])
        v2 = sub(pt1, coordinate_set[1])
        dir1 = dot(v1, axis)
        dir2 = dot(v2, axis)
        if copysign(1, dir1) == copysign(1, dir2):
            if copysign(1, dir1) < 0:
                outside[i] = 1
                outside[i] = 2

    if any(outside):
        indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(outside) if x]
        ipt = None
        for index in indices:
            if outside[index] == 1:
                ipt = calculateLinePlaneIntersection(pt1, pt2, coordinate_set[0], axes[index])
                ipt = calculateLinePlaneIntersection(pt1, pt2, coordinate_set[1], axes[index])

            ipt_0 = checkRange(ipt[0], coordinate_set[0][0], coordinate_set[1][0])
            ipt_1 = checkRange(ipt[1], coordinate_set[0][1], coordinate_set[1][1])
            ipt_2 = checkRange(ipt[2], coordinate_set[0][2], coordinate_set[1][2])

            if ipt_0 and ipt_1 and ipt_2:
                bounded_pt = ipt

    return bounded_pt
 def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
     if self._start_position is not None:
         # v_rot = v*cos(theta)+(wxv)*sin(theta)+w*(w.v)*(1-cos(theta))
         # v is our vector
         # w is the unit vector to rotate around
         # theta is the angle to rotate
         if self._start_position[0] == event.x(
         ) and self._start_position[1] == event.y():
         centre_point = calculateCentroid(self._plane.getRotationPoint(),
         centre_widget = self._zinc_view.project(centre_point[0],
         a = sub(centre_widget, [event.x(), -event.y(), centre_widget[2]])
         b = sub(centre_widget, [
             self._start_position[0], -self._start_position[1],
         c = dot(a, b)
         d = magnitude(a) * magnitude(b)
         theta = acos(min(c / d, 1.0))
         if theta != 0.0:
             g = cross(a, b)
             lookat, eye, up, angle = self._zinc_view.getViewParameters()
             w = normalize(sub(lookat, eye))
             if copysign(1, dot(g, [0, 0, 1])) < 0:
                 theta = -theta
             v = up
             p1 = mult(v, cos(theta))
             p2 = mult(cross(w, v), sin(theta))
             p3a = mult(w, dot(w, v))
             p3 = mult(p3a, 1 - cos(theta))
             v_rot = add(p1, add(p2, p3))
             self._zinc_view.setViewParameters(lookat, eye, v_rot, angle)
             self._start_position = [event.x(), event.y()]
         super(Abstract2DHandler, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
Example #9
def pointOutsideCuboid(pt, cuboid_dimensions):
    Determine if the given point is outside the cuboid and 
    return a number determining which planes it is outside of.
    0 indicates that the pt is inside the cuboid.
    outside = 0

    axes = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
    coordinate_set = [[0, 0, 0], [cuboid_dimensions[0], cuboid_dimensions[1], cuboid_dimensions[2]]]
    for i, axis in enumerate(axes):
        v1 = sub(pt, coordinate_set[0])
        v2 = sub(pt, coordinate_set[1])
        dir1 = dot(v1, axis)
        dir2 = dot(v2, axis)
        if copysign(1, dir1) == copysign(1, dir2):
            if copysign(1, dir1) < 0:
                outside += 2 ** (2 * i)
                outside += 2 ** (2 * i + 1)

    return outside
Example #10
def boundCoordinatesToCuboid(pt1, pt2, cuboid_dimensions):
    Takes two points and a cuboids dimensions, with 
    one corner defined by [0, 0, 0] and the opposite by 
    cuboid_dimensions, and returns a point that is inside the 
    cuboid.  pt2 *must* be inside the cuboid.
    bounded_pt = pt1[:]
    axes = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
    coordinate_set = [[0, 0, 0], [cuboid_dimensions[0], cuboid_dimensions[1], cuboid_dimensions[2]]]
    outside = [False, False, False]

    for i, axis in enumerate(axes):
        v1 = sub(pt1, coordinate_set[0])
        v2 = sub(pt1, coordinate_set[1])
        dir1 = dot(v1, axis)
        dir2 = dot(v2, axis)
        if copysign(1, dir1) == copysign(1, dir2):
            if copysign(1, dir1) < 0:
                outside[i] = 1
                outside[i] = 2

    if any(outside):
        indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(outside) if x]
        for index in indices:
            if outside[index] == 1:
                ipt = calculateLinePlaneIntersection(pt1, pt2, coordinate_set[0], axes[index])
                ipt = calculateLinePlaneIntersection(pt1, pt2, coordinate_set[1], axes[index])

            ipt_0 = checkRange(ipt[0], coordinate_set[0][0], coordinate_set[1][0])
            ipt_1 = checkRange(ipt[1], coordinate_set[0][1], coordinate_set[1][1])
            ipt_2 = checkRange(ipt[2], coordinate_set[0][2], coordinate_set[1][2])

            if ipt_0 and ipt_1 and ipt_2:
                bounded_pt = ipt

    return bounded_pt
Example #11
    def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
        if self._glyph.getMaterial().getName() == self._selected_material.getName():
            pos = getGlyphPosition(self._glyph)
            screen_pos = self._zinc_view.project(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
            global_cur_pos = self._zinc_view.unproject(event.x(), -event.y(), screen_pos[2])
            global_old_pos = self._zinc_view.unproject(self._previous_mouse_position[0], -self._previous_mouse_position[1], screen_pos[2])
            global_pos_diff = sub(global_cur_pos, global_old_pos)

            n = self._plane.getNormal()
            proj_n = mult(n, dot(global_pos_diff, n))
            new_pos = add(pos, proj_n)
            scene = self._glyph.getScene()

            plane_centre = calculateCentroid(new_pos, self._plane.getNormal(), self._get_dimension_method())
            if plane_centre is not None:
                setGlyphPosition(self._glyph, plane_centre)

            self._previous_mouse_position = [event.x(), event.y()]
            super(Normal, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
    def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
        scene = self._glyph.getScene()
#         super(Orientation, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
        if self._glyph.getMaterial().getName() == self._selected_material.getName():
            x = event.x()
            y = event.y()
            far_plane_point = self._zinc_view.unproject(x, -y, -1.0)
            near_plane_point = self._zinc_view.unproject(x, -y, 1.0)
            point_on_plane = calculateLinePlaneIntersection(near_plane_point, far_plane_point, self._plane.getRotationPoint(), self._plane.getNormal())
            if point_on_plane is not None:
                dimensions = self._get_dimension_method()
                centroid = calculateCentroid(self._plane.getRotationPoint(), self._plane.getNormal(), dimensions)
                point_on_plane = boundCoordinatesToCuboid(point_on_plane, centroid, dimensions)
                setGlyphPosition(self._glyph, point_on_plane)
            width = self._zinc_view.width()
            height = self._zinc_view.height()
            radius = min([width, height]) / 2.0
            delta_x = float(event.x() - self._previous_mouse_position[0])
            delta_y = float(event.y() - self._previous_mouse_position[1])
            tangent_dist = sqrt((delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y))
            if tangent_dist > 0.0:
                dx = -delta_y / tangent_dist;
                dy = delta_x / tangent_dist;

                d = dx * (event.x() - 0.5 * (width - 1)) + dy * ((event.y() - 0.5 * (height - 1)))
                if d > radius: d = radius
                if d < -radius: d = -radius

                phi = acos(d / radius) - 0.5 * pi
                angle = 1.0 * tangent_dist / radius

                eye, lookat, up, _ = self._zinc_view.getViewParameters()

                b = up[:]
                b = normalize(b)
                a = sub(lookat, eye)
                a = normalize(a)
                c = cross(b, a)
                c = normalize(c)
                e = [None, None, None]
                e[0] = dx * c[0] + dy * b[0]
                e[1] = dx * c[1] + dy * b[1]
                e[2] = dx * c[2] + dy * b[2]
                axis = [None, None, None]
                axis[0] = sin(phi) * a[0] + cos(phi) * e[0]
                axis[1] = sin(phi) * a[1] + cos(phi) * e[1]
                axis[2] = sin(phi) * a[2] + cos(phi) * e[2]

                plane_normal = self._plane.getNormal()
                point_on_plane = self._plane.getRotationPoint()

                plane_normal_prime_1 = mult(plane_normal, cos(angle))
                plane_normal_prime_2 = mult(plane_normal, dot(plane_normal, axis) * (1 - cos(angle)))
                plane_normal_prime_3 = mult(cross(axis, plane_normal), sin(angle))
                plane_normal_prime = add(add(plane_normal_prime_1, plane_normal_prime_2), plane_normal_prime_3)

                self._plane.setPlaneEquation(plane_normal_prime, point_on_plane)

                self._previous_mouse_position = [event.x(), event.y()]
Example #13
    def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
        scene = self._glyph.getScene()
        #         super(Orientation, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
        if self._glyph.getMaterial().getName(
        ) == self._selected_material.getName():
            x = event.x()
            y = event.y()
            far_plane_point = self._zinc_view.unproject(x, -y, -1.0)
            near_plane_point = self._zinc_view.unproject(x, -y, 1.0)
            point_on_plane = calculateLinePlaneIntersection(
                near_plane_point, far_plane_point,
                self._plane.getRotationPoint(), self._plane.getNormal())
            if point_on_plane is not None:
                dimensions = self._get_dimension_method()
                centroid = calculateCentroid(self._plane.getRotationPoint(),
                point_on_plane = boundCoordinatesToCuboid(
                    point_on_plane, centroid, dimensions)
                setGlyphPosition(self._glyph, point_on_plane)
            width = self._zinc_view.width()
            height = self._zinc_view.height()
            radius = min([width, height]) / 2.0
            delta_x = float(event.x() - self._previous_mouse_position[0])
            delta_y = float(event.y() - self._previous_mouse_position[1])
            tangent_dist = sqrt((delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y))
            if tangent_dist > 0.0:
                dx = -delta_y / tangent_dist
                dy = delta_x / tangent_dist

                d = dx * (event.x() - 0.5 *
                          (width - 1)) + dy * (event.y() - 0.5 * (height - 1))
                if d > radius: d = radius
                if d < -radius: d = -radius

                phi = acos(d / radius) - 0.5 * pi
                angle = 1.0 * tangent_dist / radius

                eye, lookat, up, _ = self._zinc_view.getViewParameters()

                b = up[:]
                b = normalize(b)
                a = sub(lookat, eye)
                a = normalize(a)
                c = cross(b, a)
                c = normalize(c)
                e = [None, None, None]
                e[0] = dx * c[0] + dy * b[0]
                e[1] = dx * c[1] + dy * b[1]
                e[2] = dx * c[2] + dy * b[2]
                axis = [None, None, None]
                axis[0] = sin(phi) * a[0] + cos(phi) * e[0]
                axis[1] = sin(phi) * a[1] + cos(phi) * e[1]
                axis[2] = sin(phi) * a[2] + cos(phi) * e[2]

                plane_normal = self._plane.getNormal()
                point_on_plane = self._plane.getRotationPoint()

                plane_normal_prime_1 = mult(plane_normal, cos(angle))
                plane_normal_prime_2 = mult(
                    dot(plane_normal, axis) * (1 - cos(angle)))
                plane_normal_prime_3 = mult(cross(axis, plane_normal),
                plane_normal_prime = add(
                    add(plane_normal_prime_1, plane_normal_prime_2),


                self._previous_mouse_position = [event.x(), event.y()]