def handle_label(self, filename, **options): # Add the CodeType if options['commit']: code_type, _ = CodeType.objects.update_or_create( code='local-authority-canonical', defaults={ 'description': "Canonical authority codes for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland" }) else: code_type = CodeType(code='local-authority-canonical') # Add Codes data_file = csv.DictReader(open(filename)) for line in data_file: try: gss_code = Code.objects.get(code=line['gss-code'], type__code='gss') except Code.DoesNotExist: print( "Unknown code {} for '{}' (may be old GSS code for area)". format(line['gss-code'], line['local-authority-code']), file=self.stderr) continue if options['commit']: Code.objects.get_or_create(code=line['local-authority-code'], type=code_type, area=gss_code.area)
def handle_label(self, filename, **options): err = False for k in ['generation_id','area_type_code','name_type_code','country_code']: if options[k]: continue print "Missing argument '--%s'" % k err = True if err: sys.exit(1) generation_id = options['generation_id'] area_type_code = options['area_type_code'] name_type_code = options['name_type_code'] country_code = options['country_code'] name_field = options['name_field'] or 'Name' code_field = options['code_field'] code_type_code = options['code_type'] encoding = options['encoding'] or 'utf-8' if len(area_type_code)>3: print "Area type code must be 3 letters or fewer, sorry" sys.exit(1) if (code_field and not code_type_code) or (not code_field and code_type_code): print "You must specify both code_field and code_type, or neither." sys.exit(1) try: area_type = Type.objects.get(code=area_type_code) except: type_desc = raw_input('Please give a description for area type code %s: ' % area_type_code) area_type = Type(code=area_type_code, description=type_desc) if options['commit']: try: name_type = NameType.objects.get(code=name_type_code) except: name_desc = raw_input('Please give a description for name type code %s: ' % name_type_code) name_type = NameType(code=name_type_code, description=name_desc) if options['commit']: try: country = Country.objects.get(code=country_code) except: country_name = raw_input('Please give the name for country code %s: ' % country_code) country = Country(code=country_code, name=country_name) if options['commit']: if code_type_code: try: code_type = CodeType.objects.get(code=code_type_code) except: code_desc = raw_input('Please give a description for code type %s: ' % code_type_code) code_type = CodeType(code=code_type_code, description=code_desc) if options['commit']: print "Importing from %s" % filename if not options['commit']: print '(will not save to db as --commit not specified)' current_generation = Generation.objects.current() new_generation = Generation.objects.get( id=generation_id ) def verbose(*args): if options['verbose']: print " ".join(str(a) for a in args) ds = DataSource(filename) layer = ds[0] for feat in layer: try: name = feat[name_field].value except: choices = ', '.join(layer.fields) print "Could not find name using name field '%s' - should it be something else? It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --name_field" % (name_field, choices) sys.exit(1) try: name = name.decode(encoding) except: print "Could not decode name using encoding '%s' - is it in another encoding? Specify one with --encoding" % encoding sys.exit(1) name = re.sub('\s+', ' ', name) if not name: raise Exception( "Could not find a name to use for area" ) code = None if code_field: try: code = feat[code_field].value except: choices = ', '.join(layer.fields) print "Could not find code using code field '%s' - should it be something else? It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --code_field" % (code_field, choices) sys.exit(1) print " looking at '%s'%s" % ( name.encode('utf-8'), (' (%s)' % code) if code else '' ) g = feat.geom.transform(4326, clone=True) try: if code: matching_message = "code %s of code type %s" % (code, code_type) areas = Area.objects.filter(codes__code=code, codes__type=code_type).order_by('-generation_high') else: matching_message = "name %s of area type %s" % (name, area_type) areas = Area.objects.filter(name=name, type=area_type).order_by('-generation_high') if len(areas) == 0: raise Area.DoesNotExist m = areas[0] verbose(" found the area") if options['preserve']: # Find whether we need to create a new Area: previous_geos_geometry = m.polygons.collect() if m.generation_high < # Then it was missing in current_generation: verbose(" area existed previously, but was missing from", current_generation) create_new_area = True elif previous_geos_geometry is None: # It was empty in the previous generation: verbose(" area was empty in", current_generation) create_new_area = True else: # Otherwise, create a new Area unless the # polygons were the same in current_generation: previous_geos_geometry = previous_geos_geometry.simplify(tolerance=0) new_geos_geometry = g.geos.simplify(tolerance=0) create_new_area = not previous_geos_geometry.equals(new_geos_geometry) p = previous_geos_geometry.sym_difference(new_geos_geometry).area / previous_geos_geometry.area verbose(" change in area is:", "%.03f%%" % (100 * p,)) if create_new_area: verbose(" the area", m, "has changed, creating a new area due to --preserve") else: verbose(" the area remained the same") if create_new_area: m = Area( name = name, type = area_type, country = country, # parent_area = parent_area, generation_low = new_generation, generation_high = new_generation ) if options['use_code_as_id'] and code: = int(code) else: # If --preserve is not specified, the code or the name must be unique: if len(areas) > 1: raise Area.MultipleObjectsReturned, "There was more than one area with %s, and --preserve was not specified" % (matching_message,) except Area.DoesNotExist: verbose(" the area was not found - creating a new one") m = Area( name = name, type = area_type, country = country, # parent_area = parent_area, generation_low = new_generation, generation_high = new_generation, ) if options['use_code_as_id'] and code: = int(code) # check that we are not about to skip a generation if m.generation_high and current_generation and < raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation) m.generation_high = new_generation poly = [ g ] if options['commit']: m.names.update_or_create({ 'type': name_type }, { 'name': name }) if code:{ 'type': code_type }, { 'code': code }) save_polygons({ : (m, poly) })
def handle_label(self, filename, **options): missing_options = [] for k in ['generation_id', 'area_type_code', 'name_type_code', 'country_code']: if options[k]: continue else: missing_options.append(k) if missing_options: message_start = "Missing arguments " if len(missing_options) > 1 else "Missing argument " message = message_start + " ".join('--{0}'.format(k) for k in missing_options) raise CommandError(message) generation_id = options['generation_id'] area_type_code = options['area_type_code'] name_type_code = options['name_type_code'] country_code = options['country_code'] override_name = options['override_name'] name_field = options['name_field'] if not (override_name or name_field): name_field = 'Name' override_code = options['override_code'] code_field = options['code_field'] code_type_code = options['code_type'] encoding = options['encoding'] or 'utf-8' if len(area_type_code) > 3: raise CommandError("Area type code must be 3 letters or fewer, sorry") if name_field and override_name: raise CommandError("You must not specify both --name_field and --override_name") if code_field and override_code: raise CommandError("You must not specify both --code_field and --override_code") using_code = (code_field or override_code) if (using_code and not code_type_code) or (not using_code and code_type_code): raise CommandError( "If you want to save a code, specify --code_type and either --code_field or --override_code") try: area_type = Type.objects.get(code=area_type_code) except: type_desc = input('Please give a description for area type code %s: ' % area_type_code) area_type = Type(code=area_type_code, description=type_desc) if options['commit']: try: name_type = NameType.objects.get(code=name_type_code) except: name_desc = input('Please give a description for name type code %s: ' % name_type_code) name_type = NameType(code=name_type_code, description=name_desc) if options['commit']: try: country = Country.objects.get(code=country_code) except: country_name = input('Please give the name for country code %s: ' % country_code) country = Country(code=country_code, name=country_name) if options['commit']: if code_type_code: try: code_type = CodeType.objects.get(code=code_type_code) except: code_desc = input('Please give a description for code type %s: ' % code_type_code) code_type = CodeType(code=code_type_code, description=code_desc) if options['commit']: self.stdout.write("Importing from %s" % filename) if not options['commit']: self.stdout.write('(will not save to db as --commit not specified)') current_generation = Generation.objects.current() new_generation = Generation.objects.get(id=generation_id) def verbose(*args): if int(options['verbosity']) > 1: self.stdout.write(" ".join(str(a) for a in args)) ds = DataSource(filename) layer = ds[0] if (override_name or override_code) and len(layer) > 1: message = ( "Warning: you have specified an override %s and this file contains more than one feature; " "multiple areas with the same %s will be created") if override_name: self.stdout.write(message % ('name', 'name')) if override_code: self.stdout.write(message % ('code', 'code')) for feat in layer: if override_name: name = override_name else: try: name = feat[name_field].value except: choices = ', '.join(layer.fields) raise CommandError( "Could not find name using name field '%s' - should it be something else? " "It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --name_field" % (name_field, choices)) try: if not isinstance(name, six.text_type): name = name.decode(encoding) except: raise CommandError( "Could not decode name using encoding '%s' - is it in another encoding? " "Specify one with --encoding" % encoding) name = re.sub('\s+', ' ', name) if not name: raise Exception("Could not find a name to use for area") code = None if override_code: code = override_code elif code_field: try: code = feat[code_field].value except: choices = ', '.join(layer.fields) raise CommandError( "Could not find code using code field '%s' - should it be something else? " "It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --code_field" % (code_field, choices)) self.stdout.write(" looking at '%s'%s" % (name, (' (%s)' % code) if code else '')) g = None if hasattr(feat, 'geom'): g = feat.geom.transform(settings.MAPIT_AREA_SRID, clone=True) try: if options['new']: # Always want a new area raise Area.DoesNotExist if code: matching_message = "code %s of code type %s" % (code, code_type) areas = Area.objects.filter(codes__code=code, codes__type=code_type).order_by('-generation_high') else: matching_message = "name %s of area type %s" % (name, area_type) areas = Area.objects.filter(name=name, type=area_type).order_by('-generation_high') if len(areas) == 0: verbose(" the area was not found - creating a new one") raise Area.DoesNotExist m = areas[0] verbose(" found the area") if options['preserve']: # Find whether we need to create a new Area: previous_geos_geometry = m.polygons.collect() if m.generation_high < # Then it was missing in current_generation: verbose(" area existed previously, but was missing from", current_generation) raise Area.DoesNotExist elif g is None: if previous_geos_geometry is not None: verbose(" area is now empty") raise Area.DoesNotExist else: verbose(" the area has remained empty") elif previous_geos_geometry is None: # It was empty in the previous generation: verbose(" area was empty in", current_generation) raise Area.DoesNotExist else: # Otherwise, create a new Area unless the # polygons were the same in current_generation: previous_geos_geometry = previous_geos_geometry.simplify(tolerance=0) new_geos_geometry = g.geos.simplify(tolerance=0) create_new_area = not previous_geos_geometry.equals(new_geos_geometry) p = previous_geos_geometry.sym_difference(new_geos_geometry).area / previous_geos_geometry.area verbose(" change in area is:", "%.03f%%" % (100 * p,)) if create_new_area: verbose(" the area", m, "has changed, creating a new area due to --preserve") raise Area.DoesNotExist else: verbose(" the area remained the same") else: # If --preserve is not specified, the code or the name must be unique: if len(areas) > 1: raise Area.MultipleObjectsReturned( "There was more than one area with %s, and --preserve was not specified" % ( matching_message,)) except Area.DoesNotExist: m = Area( name=name, type=area_type, country=country, # parent_area=parent_area, generation_low=new_generation, generation_high=new_generation, ) if options['use_code_as_id'] and code: = int(code) # check that we are not about to skip a generation if m.generation_high and current_generation and < raise Exception("Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation)) m.generation_high = new_generation if options['fix_invalid_polygons'] and g is not None: # Make a GEOS geometry only to check for validity: geos_g = g.geos if not geos_g.valid: geos_g = fix_invalid_geos_geometry(geos_g) if geos_g is None: self.stdout.write("The geometry for area %s was invalid and couldn't be fixed" % name) g = None else: g = geos_g.ogr poly = [g] if g is not None else [] if options['commit']: m.names.update_or_create(type=name_type, defaults={'name': name}) if code:, defaults={'code': code}) save_polygons({ (m, poly)})
def handle_label(self, filename, **options): missing_options = [] for k in [ 'generation_id', 'area_type_code', 'name_type_code', 'country_code' ]: if options[k]: continue else: missing_options.append(k) if missing_options: message_start = "Missing arguments " if len( missing_options) > 1 else "Missing argument " message = message_start + " ".join('--{0}'.format(k) for k in missing_options) raise CommandError(message) generation_id = options['generation_id'] area_type_code = options['area_type_code'] name_type_code = options['name_type_code'] country_code = options['country_code'] override_name = options['override_name'] name_field = options['name_field'] if not (override_name or name_field): name_field = 'Name' override_code = options['override_code'] code_field = options['code_field'] code_type_code = options['code_type'] encoding = options['encoding'] or 'utf-8' if len(area_type_code) > 3: raise CommandError( "Area type code must be 3 letters or fewer, sorry") if name_field and override_name: raise CommandError( "You must not specify both --name_field and --override_name") if code_field and override_code: raise CommandError( "You must not specify both --code_field and --override_code") using_code = (code_field or override_code) if (using_code and not code_type_code) or (not using_code and code_type_code): raise CommandError( "If you want to save a code, specify --code_type and either --code_field or --override_code" ) try: area_type = Type.objects.get(code=area_type_code) except: type_desc = raw_input( 'Please give a description for area type code %s: ' % area_type_code) area_type = Type(code=area_type_code, description=type_desc) if options['commit']: try: name_type = NameType.objects.get(code=name_type_code) except: name_desc = raw_input( 'Please give a description for name type code %s: ' % name_type_code) name_type = NameType(code=name_type_code, description=name_desc) if options['commit']: try: country = Country.objects.get(code=country_code) except: country_name = raw_input( 'Please give the name for country code %s: ' % country_code) country = Country(code=country_code, name=country_name) if options['commit']: if code_type_code: try: code_type = CodeType.objects.get(code=code_type_code) except: code_desc = raw_input( 'Please give a description for code type %s: ' % code_type_code) code_type = CodeType(code=code_type_code, description=code_desc) if options['commit']: self.stdout.write("Importing from %s" % filename) if not options['commit']: self.stdout.write( '(will not save to db as --commit not specified)') current_generation = Generation.objects.current() new_generation = Generation.objects.get(id=generation_id) def verbose(*args): if int(options['verbosity']) > 1: self.stdout.write(" ".join(str(a) for a in args)) ds = DataSource(filename) layer = ds[0] if (override_name or override_code) and len(layer) > 1: message = "Warning: you have specified an override %s and this file contains more than one feature; multiple areas with the same %s will be created" if override_name: self.stdout.write(message % ('name', 'name')) if override_code: self.stdout.write(message % ('code', 'code')) for feat in layer: if override_name: name = override_name else: try: name = feat[name_field].value except: choices = ', '.join(layer.fields) raise CommandError( "Could not find name using name field '%s' - should it be something else? It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --name_field" % (name_field, choices)) try: if not isinstance(name, unicode): name = name.decode(encoding) except: raise CommandError( "Could not decode name using encoding '%s' - is it in another encoding? Specify one with --encoding" % encoding) name = re.sub('\s+', ' ', name) if not name: raise Exception("Could not find a name to use for area") code = None if override_code: code = override_code elif code_field: try: code = feat[code_field].value except: choices = ', '.join(layer.fields) raise CommandError( "Could not find code using code field '%s' - should it be something else? It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --code_field" % (code_field, choices)) self.stdout.write(" looking at '%s'%s" % (name.encode('utf-8'), (' (%s)' % code) if code else '')) g = None if hasattr(feat, 'geom'): g = feat.geom.transform(settings.MAPIT_AREA_SRID, clone=True) try: if options['new']: # Always want a new area raise Area.DoesNotExist if code: matching_message = "code %s of code type %s" % (code, code_type) areas = Area.objects.filter( codes__code=code, codes__type=code_type).order_by('-generation_high') else: matching_message = "name %s of area type %s" % (name, area_type) areas = Area.objects.filter( name=name, type=area_type).order_by('-generation_high') if len(areas) == 0: verbose(" the area was not found - creating a new one") raise Area.DoesNotExist m = areas[0] verbose(" found the area") if options['preserve']: # Find whether we need to create a new Area: previous_geos_geometry = m.polygons.collect() if m.generation_high < # Then it was missing in current_generation: verbose( " area existed previously, but was missing from", current_generation) raise Area.DoesNotExist elif g is None: if previous_geos_geometry is not None: verbose(" area is now empty") raise Area.DoesNotExist else: verbose(" the area has remained empty") elif previous_geos_geometry is None: # It was empty in the previous generation: verbose(" area was empty in", current_generation) raise Area.DoesNotExist else: # Otherwise, create a new Area unless the # polygons were the same in current_generation: previous_geos_geometry = previous_geos_geometry.simplify( tolerance=0) new_geos_geometry = g.geos.simplify(tolerance=0) create_new_area = not previous_geos_geometry.equals( new_geos_geometry) p = previous_geos_geometry.sym_difference( new_geos_geometry ).area / previous_geos_geometry.area verbose(" change in area is:", "%.03f%%" % (100 * p, )) if create_new_area: verbose( " the area", m, "has changed, creating a new area due to --preserve" ) raise Area.DoesNotExist else: verbose(" the area remained the same") else: # If --preserve is not specified, the code or the name must be unique: if len(areas) > 1: raise Area.MultipleObjectsReturned, "There was more than one area with %s, and --preserve was not specified" % ( matching_message, ) except Area.DoesNotExist: m = Area( name=name, type=area_type, country=country, # parent_area = parent_area, generation_low=new_generation, generation_high=new_generation, ) if options['use_code_as_id'] and code: = int(code) # check that we are not about to skip a generation if m.generation_high and current_generation and < raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % ( m, current_generation) m.generation_high = new_generation if options['fix_invalid_polygons'] and g is not None: # Make a GEOS geometry only to check for validity: geos_g = g.geos if not geos_g.valid: geos_g = fix_invalid_geos_geometry(geos_g) if geos_g is None: self.stdout.write( "The geometry for area %s was invalid and couldn't be fixed" % name) g = None else: g = geos_g.ogr poly = [g] if g is not None else [] if options['commit']: m.names.update_or_create({'type': name_type}, {'name': name}) if code:{'type': code_type}, {'code': code}) save_polygons({ (m, poly)})
def handle_label(self, filename, **options): err = False for k in ['generation_id','area_type_code','name_type_code','country_code']: if options[k]: continue print "Missing argument '--%s'" % k err = True if err: sys.exit(1) generation_id = options['generation_id'] area_type_code = options['area_type_code'] name_type_code = options['name_type_code'] country_code = options['country_code'] name_field = options['name_field'] or 'Name' code_field = options['code_field'] code_type_code = options['code_type'] encoding = options['encoding'] or 'utf-8' if len(area_type_code)>3: print "Area type code must be 3 letters or fewer, sorry" sys.exit(1) if (code_field and not code_type_code) or (not code_field and code_type_code): print "You must specify both code_field and code_type, or neither." sys.exit(1) try: area_type = Type.objects.get(code=area_type_code) except: type_desc = raw_input('Please give a description for area type code %s: ' % area_type_code) area_type = Type(code=area_type_code, description=type_desc) if options['commit']: try: name_type = NameType.objects.get(code=name_type_code) except: name_desc = raw_input('Please give a description for name type code %s: ' % name_type_code) name_type = NameType(code=name_type_code, description=name_desc) if options['commit']: try: country = Country.objects.get(code=country_code) except: country_name = raw_input('Please give the name for country code %s: ' % country_code) country = Country(code=country_code, name=country_name) if options['commit']: if code_type_code: try: code_type = CodeType.objects.get(code=code_type_code) except: code_desc = raw_input('Please give a description for code type %s: ' % code_type_code) code_type = CodeType(code=code_type_code, description=code_desc) if options['commit']: print "Importing from %s" % filename if not options['commit']: print '(will not save to db as --commit not specified)' current_generation = Generation.objects.current() new_generation = Generation.objects.get( id=generation_id ) ds = DataSource(filename) layer = ds[0] for feat in layer: try: name = feat[name_field].value except: choices = ', '.join(layer.fields) print "Could not find name using name field '%s' - should it be something else? It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --name_field" % (name_field, choices) sys.exit(1) try: name = name.decode(encoding) except: print "Could not decode name using encoding '%s' - is it in another encoding? Specify one with --encoding" % encoding sys.exit(1) name = re.sub('\s+', ' ', name) if not name: raise Exception( "Could not find a name to use for area" ) code = None if code_field: try: code = feat[code_field].value except: choices = ', '.join(layer.fields) print "Could not find code using code field '%s' - should it be something else? It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --code_field" % (code_field, choices) sys.exit(1) print " looking at '%s'%s" % ( name.encode('utf-8'), (' (%s)' % code) if code else '' ) try: if code: m = Area.objects.get(codes__code=code, codes__type=code_type) else: # Assumes unique names if no code column used m = Area.objects.get(name=name, type=area_type) except Area.DoesNotExist: m = Area( name = name, type = area_type, country = country, # parent_area = parent_area, generation_low = new_generation, generation_high = new_generation, ) if options['use_code_as_id'] and code: = int(code) # check that we are not about to skip a generation if m.generation_high and current_generation and < raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % (m, current_generation) m.generation_high = new_generation g = feat.geom.transform(4326, clone=True) poly = [ g ] if options['commit']: m.names.update_or_create({ 'type': name_type }, { 'name': name }) if code:{ 'type': code_type }, { 'code': code }) save_polygons({ : (m, poly) })
def handle_label(self, filename, **options): err = False for k in [ 'generation_id', 'area_type_code', 'name_type_code', 'country_code' ]: if options[k]: continue print "Missing argument '--%s'" % k err = True if err: sys.exit(1) generation_id = options['generation_id'] area_type_code = options['area_type_code'] name_type_code = options['name_type_code'] country_code = options['country_code'] name_field = options['name_field'] or 'Name' code_field = options['code_field'] code_type_code = options['code_type'] encoding = options['encoding'] or 'utf-8' if len(area_type_code) > 3: print "Area type code must be 3 letters or fewer, sorry" sys.exit(1) if (code_field and not code_type_code) or (not code_field and code_type_code): print "You must specify both code_field and code_type, or neither." sys.exit(1) try: area_type = Type.objects.get(code=area_type_code) except: type_desc = raw_input( 'Please give a description for area type code %s: ' % area_type_code) area_type = Type(code=area_type_code, description=type_desc) if options['commit']: try: name_type = NameType.objects.get(code=name_type_code) except: name_desc = raw_input( 'Please give a description for name type code %s: ' % name_type_code) name_type = NameType(code=name_type_code, description=name_desc) if options['commit']: try: country = Country.objects.get(code=country_code) except: country_name = raw_input( 'Please give the name for country code %s: ' % country_code) country = Country(code=country_code, name=country_name) if options['commit']: if code_type_code: try: code_type = CodeType.objects.get(code=code_type_code) except: code_desc = raw_input( 'Please give a description for code type %s: ' % code_type_code) code_type = CodeType(code=code_type_code, description=code_desc) if options['commit']: print "Importing from %s" % filename if not options['commit']: print '(will not save to db as --commit not specified)' current_generation = Generation.objects.current() new_generation = Generation.objects.get(id=generation_id) ds = DataSource(filename) layer = ds[0] for feat in layer: try: name = feat[name_field].value except: choices = ', '.join(layer.fields) print "Could not find name using name field '%s' - should it be something else? It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --name_field" % ( name_field, choices) sys.exit(1) try: name = name.decode(encoding) except: print "Could not decode name using encoding '%s' - is it in another encoding? Specify one with --encoding" % encoding sys.exit(1) name = re.sub('\s+', ' ', name) if not name: raise Exception("Could not find a name to use for area") code = None if code_field: try: code = feat[code_field].value except: choices = ', '.join(layer.fields) print "Could not find code using code field '%s' - should it be something else? It will be one of these: %s. Specify which with --code_field" % ( code_field, choices) sys.exit(1) print " looking at '%s'%s" % (name.encode('utf-8'), (' (%s)' % code) if code else '') try: if code: m = Area.objects.get(codes__code=code, codes__type=code_type) else: # Assumes unique names if no code column used m = Area.objects.get(name=name, type=area_type) except Area.DoesNotExist: m = Area( name=name, type=area_type, country=country, # parent_area = parent_area, generation_low=new_generation, generation_high=new_generation, ) if options['use_code_as_id'] and code: = int(code) # check that we are not about to skip a generation if m.generation_high and current_generation and < raise Exception, "Area %s found, but not in current generation %s" % ( m, current_generation) m.generation_high = new_generation g = feat.geom.transform(4326, clone=True) poly = [g] if options['commit']: m.names.update_or_create({'type': name_type}, {'name': name}) if code:{'type': code_type}, {'code': code}) save_polygons({ (m, poly)})