Example #1
   # Add area and do zoom-levels 2 to 3 (inclusive)
   # - the original 'name' and calulated center will be changed ; here 'Europe/Africa' and Piazza della Signoria, Florence as center
   # use u'äöüßÄÖÜ' syntax in insure unicode when inserting into sqlite3
   metadata_list = [
          (u'name',u'1861 Mercator Europe/Africa'),
  # with 'False' we are telling MBTilesBuilder to exit if the file exists
  # with 'True' we are telling MBTilesBuilder to use an existing mbtiles file
  # i_parm=0: run programm ; = 1 show info only and return
  # - if no parmameters are given: 'False,0' is assumed
  # i_parm=1
  del mb_step1
# Step 2 - we will add to an existing mbtiles a portion from another mbtiles file
# zoom-levels 0-8 [this file is the complete collection - it includes the same tiles as 1861_Mercator_World.mbtiles]
# 'wget http://www.mj10777.de/public/download/mbtiles/1861_Mercator_Countries.mbtiles -o source/1861_Mercator_Countries.mbtiles
Source_filepath="%s/1861_Mercator_Countries.mbtiles" % input_directory
if os.path.exists(Source_filepath):
 # we will be adding an area from another mbtiles file to the existing one
 Output_filepath="%s/1861_Mercator_Europe.mbtiles" % output_directory
 if os.path.exists(Output_filepath):
  print  "Step 2\nSource: ",Source_filepath," \nOutput: ",Output_filepath
  mb_step2 = MBTilesBuilder(mbtiles_input=Source_filepath,mbtiles_output=Output_filepath)
  # 12.656250,51.618017,14.062500,53.330873
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from mapmbtiles import MBTilesBuilder
# .bashrc
# export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/mapmbtiles:$PYTHONPATH

# zoom-levels 0-3
Source_filepath="%s/lidarplots.mbtiles" % input_directory
for i_loop in range(0,1):
 if i_loop == 0:
  # this db was to big to include in GitHub
  # remote: warning: File samples/source/lidarplots.mbtiles is 90.62 MB; this is larger than GitHub's recommended maximum file size of 50 MB
  # 'wget http://www.mj10777.de/public/download/mbtiles/test_mbtiles/lidarplots.mbtiles -o source/lidarplots.mbtiles
  Output_filepath="%s/lidarplots.mbtiles" % output_directory
 print  "Loop: ",i_loop,"\nSource: ",Source_filepath," \nOutput: ",Output_filepath
 mb = MBTilesBuilder(mbtiles_input=Source_filepath, mbtiles_output=Output_filepath)
 # lidarplots.mbtiles db used 'tiles' as a table and not a view
 # - the result will be created with 'tiles' as a view with 'map' and 'images' as a table
 # the metadata table used mixed lettering for 'name' : 'minZoom'
 # - these will be recognized and changed to lower case
 # all of the 'metadata' of the 'input' will be placed in the 'output' mbtiles.db
 # for i_loop == 0 : the file will be rewritten and all metadata saved