def processTransferPointOpsReq(session, msg): print('processTransferPointOpsReq', msg) player = session.player destCfg = MapMgr.getMapMgr().getTransferPointCfg(msg.cfgid) if not destCfg: session.sendMsg( MsgDef.ServerCmd.ERROR_MSG, buildErrMsg(MsgDef.ClientCmd.TRANSFER_POINT_OPS, Base.lang('传送点不存在'))) return #添加player到地图管理器中 mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().allocMap(destCfg.tomapid) if not mapObj: ffext.error('processTransferPointOpsReq %s not exist' % (str(destCfg.tomapid))) session.sendMsg( MsgDef.ServerCmd.ERROR_MSG, buildErrMsg(MsgDef.ClientCmd.TRANSFER_POINT_OPS, Base.lang('传送点不存在!'))) return # if msg.cfgid == 7:#TODO # from model.copymap import TestCopy # mapObj = TestCopy.create(destCfg.tomapid) ffext.dump('transfer ', mapObj.mapname, mapObj.showName) if mapObj.showName.find('副本') >= 0: player.taskCtrl.trigger(Base.Action.COPY_MAP, int(mapObj.mapname), 1) mapObj.playerEnterMap(player, destCfg.tox, destCfg.toy) return
def _doClear(self): # 释放副本,直接全部传出 MapMgr.getMapMgr().closeCopyMap(self.mapname, '10001', 74, 35) self.attackGuild = None self.defendGuild = None self.statueMonster = None self.startTime = 0
def onEnd(self): ffext.dump('CopyMapHandler onEnd', self.mapname) mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().allocMap(self.mapname) ffext.dump('CopyMapHandler mapObj.allPlayer', len(mapObj.allPlayer)) for k, v in mapObj.allPlayer.iteritems(): v.sendMsg(MsgDef.ServerCmd.COPYMAP_END, MsgDef.CopymapEndRet(0, 0, 0, [])) MapMgr.getMapMgr().closeCopyMap(self.mapname, '10001', 47, 171)
def onEnd(self): ffext.dump('CopyMapHandler onEnd', self.mapname) mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().allocMap(self.mapname) ffext.dump('CopyMapHandler mapObj.allPlayer', mapObj.getPlayerNum()) #for k, v in mapObj.allPlayer.iteritems(): # v.sendMsg(MsgDef.ServerCmd.COPYMAP_END, MsgDef.CopymapEndRet(0, 0, 0, [])) MapMgr.getMapMgr().closeCopyMap(self.mapname, '10001', 74, 35) self.guildInfo.closeCopyMap()
def processEnterMapReq(session, msg, flagLogin=False): print('processEnterMapReq', msg) player = session.player player.mapname = msg.mapname #添加player到地图管理器中 mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().allocMap(player.mapname) if not mapObj: mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().getDefaultMap(player) mapObj.playerEnterMap(player, msg.x, msg.y) return
def cb(): player = playerref() if not player: return if not player.isDeath(): return player.hp = int(player.hpMax * 10 / 100) x = player.x y = player.y mapObj = player.mapObj if mapObj.cfg.reviveMap != None: mapName = mapObj.cfg.reviveMap.mapname x = mapObj.cfg.reviveMap.x y = mapObj.cfg.reviveMap.y mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().allocMap(mapName)'reborn name=%s, offlineMap=%s, x=%d, y=%d' % (, player.mapname, x, y)) #发送重生消息 retMsg = buildPlayerInfoRet(player) retMsg.mapname = mapObj.mapname retMsg.x = x retMsg.y = y player.sendMsg(MsgDef.ServerCmd.REBORN, MsgDef.RebornRet(retMsg)) mapObj.playerEnterMap(player, x, y, False)'reborn2 name=%s, offlineMap=%s, x=%d, y=%d' % (, player.mapname, x, y)) # 角色重生也要出发到副本 if mapObj.copyMapHandler: try: mapObj.copyMapHandler.handlePlayerRevive(mapObj, player) except: ffext.error( 'mapObj.copyMapHandler.handlePlayerRevive failed mapname=%s player=%s' % (mapObj.mapname, return
def create(attackGuild, defendGuild, mgr, srcMap=CITYWAR_MAP_ID): ffext.dump(__name__, srcMap) h = CityWarCopy(attackGuild, defendGuild, mgr) mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().createCopyMap(srcMap, h) h.mapname = mapObj.mapname return mapObj
def create(srcMap = '10002'): ffext.dump(__name__, srcMap) h = ArenaCopy() mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().createCopyMap(srcMap, h) h.mapname = mapObj.mapname return mapObj
def create(guildInfo, srcMap='10002'): ffext.dump(__name__, srcMap) h = GuildCopy(guildInfo) mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().createCopyMap(srcMap, h) h.mapname = mapObj.mapname return mapObj
def create(srcMap='10002'): ffext.dump(__name__, srcMap) h = TestCopy() mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().createCopyMap(srcMap, h) h.mapname = mapObj.mapname for k in MonsterModel.getMonsterMgr().mnstergen: MonsterModel.genMonster(mapObj.mapname, k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4], k[5], k[6]) break return mapObj
def genMonster(mapName, monName, x, y, num, rangeMax, rebornSec=10, autoattackFlag=0): ret = [] propCfg = getMonsterMgr().getCfgByName(monName) if not propCfg: ffext.error('propCfg not found mosntername=%s' % (monName)) return ret mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().allocMap(mapName) if None == mapObj: ffext.error('mon gen map failed %s %s %d %d %d %d' % (mapName, monName, x, y, num, rangeMax)) return ret for i in range(num): mon = Monster(propCfg) #mon.showName = monName mon.aiFlag = autoattackFlag mon.bornX = x mon.bornY = y rangeMinX = -1 * rangeMax if mon.bornX + rangeMinX < 0: rangeMinX = -1 * mon.bornX rangeMinY = -1 * rangeMax if mon.bornY + rangeMinY < 0: rangeMinY = -1 * mon.bornY newPos = None for kk in range(rangeMax * rangeMax): x = mon.bornX + random.randint(rangeMinX, rangeMax) y = mon.bornY + random.randint(rangeMinY, rangeMax) bFlag = mapObj.canMove(x, y) if bFlag: mon.bornX = x mon.bornY = y break if not mapObj.monsterEnterMap(mon, mon.bornX, mon.bornY): ffext.error( 'mon gen pos failed %s %s %d %d %d %d' % (mapName, monName, mon.bornX, mon.bornY, num, rangeMax)) continue mon.fsm.changeState(ffext.singleton(MonsterAI.StateIdle)) mon.rebornSec = rebornSec #print('genMonster=%s'%(mon))'genMonster name=%s,map=%s,x=%d,y=%d' % (monName, mapName, x, y)) ret.append(mon) return ret
def processCreateRoleReq(session, msg): print('CreateRoleReq', msg) if msg.gender != Base.Gender.MALE and msg.gender != Base.Gender.FEMAIL: msg.gender = Base.Gender.MALE roleTmp = PlayerModel.Role() roleTmp.uid = idtool.allocUid() if session.isWebDebug: ='utf-8') = roleTmp.job = msg.job roleTmp.gender = msg.gender if roleTmp.gender != Base.Gender.MALE and roleTmp.gender != Base.Gender.FEMAIL: roleTmp.gender = Base.Gender.MALE if roleTmp.job < Base.Job.ZHANSHI or roleTmp.job > Base.Job.YOUXIA: roleTmp.job = Base.Job.ZHANSHI def callback(db): retMsg = MsgDef.CreateRoleRet() if db.isOk(): retMsg.flag = True retMsg.uid = roleTmp.uid session.user.addRole(roleTmp) else: retMsg.flag = False retMsg.errMsg = '角色名已经存在' session.sendMsg(MsgDef.ServerCmd.CREATE_ROLE_RET, retMsg) MailModel.createMailRecrodAtFirstTime(roleTmp.uid) # 新增每日活动记录 DbService.getPlayerService().createDailyLoginAct( session.user.accountid) if retMsg.flag == True: # 创角(old)-记录log LogModel.logLoginData(session.user.accountid, roleTmp.uid,, LogModel.LoginOpType.CREATE_PLAYER, 0) mapName = 10001 x = 27 y = 188 mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().allocMap(mapName) if mapObj.cfg.reviveMap != None: mapName = mapObj.cfg.reviveMap.mapname x = mapObj.cfg.reviveMap.x y = mapObj.cfg.reviveMap.y DbService.getPlayerService().createRole(session.user, roleTmp, mapName, x, y, callback) return
def onTimer(self): #print ('Ontimer', __name__) nowMs = ffext.getTimeMs() allMap = MapMgr.getMapMgr().allMap for mapName, mapObj in allMap.iteritems(): if mapObj.getPlayerNum() <= 0: if nowMs - mapObj.lastMonsterUpdateMs >= 10 * 1000: continue else: mapObj.lastMonsterUpdateMs = nowMs allMonster = [v for k, v in mapObj.allMonter.iteritems()] for monster in allMonster: monster.fsm.update(monster, nowMs) return True
def init(self): #读取任务配置 name2DuiBai = self.readdNpcDuibaiCfg() db = ffext.allocDbConnection('cfg', ffext.getConfig('-cfg')) ret = db.queryResult( 'select name,appr,mapid,x,y,script,direction,cfgid from npc') self.allCfg = {} for row in ret.result: npcCfg = NpcCfg() = row[0] npcCfg.appr = int(row[1]) npcCfg.mapname = row[2] npcCfg.x = int(row[3]) npcCfg.y = int(row[4]) npcCfg.script = row[5] npcCfg.direction = int(row[6]) npcCfg.cfgid = int(row[7]) npcCfg.defaultDuiBai = name2DuiBai.get(, '勇士你好!我是%s' % ( self.allCfg[npcCfg.cfgid] = npcCfg mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().allocMapByFile(npcCfg.mapname) if not mapObj: ffext.warn( 'gen npc failed name=%s, script=%s, map=%s not in this gs' % (, npcCfg.script, npcCfg.mapname)) #ffext.dump('load npc ', npcCfg) npc = Npc() = npc.appr = npcCfg.appr npc.mapname = npcCfg.mapname npc.script = npcCfg.script npc.direction = npcCfg.direction npc.cfg = npcCfg try: npc.scriptMod = __import__('npc.' + npc.script, fromlist=[npc.script]) except: ffext.error( 'gen npc failed name=%s, script=%s map=%s,%d,%d' % (, npc.script, npcCfg.mapname, npcCfg.x, npcCfg.y)) try: mapObj.npcEnterMap(npc, npcCfg.x, npcCfg.y) except: ffext.error( 'gen npc failed2 name=%s, script=%s map=%s,%d,%d' % (, npc.script, npcCfg.mapname, npcCfg.x, npcCfg.y)) ffext.dump('load npc num=%d' % (len(self.allCfg))) return True
def jump(session, args): if len(args) < 2: ret_msg.chatMsg = '参数 @jump mapi x y' session.player.sendMsg(MsgDef.ServerCmd.CHAT_MSG, ret_msg) return mapname = args[1] x = None y = None if len(args) >= 4: x = int(args[2]) y = int(args[3]) mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().allocMap(mapname) if not mapObj: ret_msg.chatMsg = '地图不存在' session.player.sendMsg(MsgDef.ServerCmd.CHAT_MSG, ret_msg) return mapObj.playerEnterMap(session.player, x, y)
def transfer(session, msg): mapname = msg.cfgid mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().allocMap(mapname) mapObj.playerEnterMap(session.player, msg.x, msg.y, True)
def processListFriend(session, msg): #声明好友列表以FriendListMsgRet格式传输,客户端识别指令为FRIENDLIST_MSG传输格式 #print(msg) ret_msg = MsgDef.FriendListMsgRet() ret_msg.opstype = msg.opstype ret_msg.allPlayerInfo = [] ret_msg.allEnemyInfo = [] ret_msg.allShieldInfo = [] if msg.opstype == MsgDef.FriendListClientCmd.GET_FRIENDLIST: online = True #遍历allFriend字典,获取好友属性 for uid, val in session.player.friendCtrl.getFriend().iteritems(): if None == ffext.getSessionMgr().findByUid(val.uid): online = False else: online = True #将好友信息赋值,传递给客户端 ret_msg.allPlayerInfo.append( processFriendPlayerMsg(val.uid,, val.job, val.gender, val.level, online)) for uid, val in session.player.friendCtrl.getEnemy().iteritems(): if None == ffext.getSessionMgr().findByUid(val.uid): online = False else: online = True #将仇人信息赋值,传递给客户端 ret_msg.allEnemyInfo.append( processFriendPlayerMsg(val.uid,, val.job, val.gender, val.level, online)) for uid, val in session.player.friendCtrl.getShieldPerson().iteritems( ): if None == ffext.getSessionMgr().findByUid(val.uid): online = False else: online = True #将屏蔽信息赋值,传递给客户端 ret_msg.allShieldInfo.append( processFriendPlayerMsg(val.uid,, val.job, val.gender, val.level, online)) session.sendMsg(MsgDef.ServerCmd.FRIENDLIST_MSG, ret_msg) return # if msg.opstype == MsgDef.FriendListClientCmd.GET_FRIENDLIST_TEMP: # #遍历allFriend字典,获取好友属性 # for uid, val in session.player.friendCtrl.getFriendTemp().iteritems(): # ret_msg.allPlayerInfo.append(processFriendPlayerMsg(val.uid, # session.sendMsg(MsgDef.ServerCmd.FRIENDLIST_MSG, ret_msg) # return #仇人追击 if msg.opstype == MsgDef.FriendListClientCmd.GET_ENEMY: enemyUid = msg.uid for uid, val in session.player.friendCtrl.getEnemy().iteritems(): if uid == enemyUid: enemyPlayer = ffext.getSessionMgr().findByUid(enemyUid).player if None == enemyPlayer: online = False retErr = Base.lang('仇人处于离线状态!') session.sendMsg( MsgDef.ServerCmd.ERROR_MSG, buildErrMsg(MsgDef.FriendListClientCmd.GET_ENEMY, retErr)) return else: online = True ret_msg.allEnemyInfo.append( processFriendPlayerMsg(val.uid,, val.job, val.gender, val.level, online, enemyPlayer.mapname, enemyPlayer.x, enemyPlayer.y)) session.sendMsg(MsgDef.ServerCmd.FRIENDLIST_MSG, ret_msg) return else: retErr = Base.lang('仇人不存在!') session.sendMsg( MsgDef.ServerCmd.ERROR_MSG, buildErrMsg(MsgDef.FriendListClientCmd.GET_ENEMY, retErr)) return if msg.opstype == MsgDef.FriendListClientCmd.JUMP_ENEMY: enemyUid = msg.uid for uid, val in session.player.friendCtrl.getEnemy().iteritems(): if uid == enemyUid: enemyPlayer = ffext.getSessionMgr().findByUid(enemyUid).player if None == enemyPlayer: online = False retErr = Base.lang('仇人处于离线状态!') session.sendMsg( MsgDef.ServerCmd.ERROR_MSG, buildErrMsg(MsgDef.FriendListClientCmd.GET_ENEMY, retErr)) return else: online = True mapname = enemyPlayer.mapname x = enemyPlayer.x y = enemyPlayer.y mapObj = MapMgr.getMapMgr().allocMap(mapname) if not mapObj: retErr = Base.lang('地图不存在!') session.sendMsg( MsgDef.ServerCmd.ERROR_MSG, buildErrMsg(MsgDef.FriendListClientCmd.JUMP_ENEMY, retErr)) return mapObj.playerEnterMap(session.player, x, y) return else: retErr = Base.lang('仇人不存在!') session.sendMsg( MsgDef.ServerCmd.ERROR_MSG, buildErrMsg(MsgDef.FriendListClientCmd.GET_ENEMY, retErr)) return