Example #1
    def transform_to(self, other_srs, points):
        :type points: ``(x, y)`` or ``[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), …]``

        >>> srs1 = SRS(4326)
        >>> srs2 = SRS(900913)
        >>> [str(round(x, 5)) for x in srs1.transform_to(srs2, (8.22, 53.15))]
        ['915046.21432', '7010792.20171']
        >>> srs1.transform_to(srs1, (8.25, 53.5))
        (8.25, 53.5)
        >>> [(str(round(x, 5)), str(round(y, 5))) for x, y in
        ...  srs1.transform_to(srs2, [(8.2, 53.1), (8.22, 53.15), (8.3, 53.2)])]
        ... #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        [('912819.8245', '7001516.67745'),
         ('915046.21432', '7010792.20171'),
         ('923951.77358', '7020078.53264')]
        if self == other_srs:
            return points
        if isinstance(points[0], (int, float)) and 2 >= len(points) <= 3:
            return transform(self.proj, other_srs.proj, *points)

        x = [p[0] for p in points]
        y = [p[1] for p in points]
        transf_pts = transform(self.proj, other_srs.proj, x, y)
        return izip(transf_pts[0], transf_pts[1])
Example #2
    def transform_to(self, other_srs, points):
        :type points: ``(x, y)`` or ``[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), …]``

        >>> srs1 = SRS(4326)
        >>> srs2 = SRS(900913)
        >>> [str(round(x, 5)) for x in srs1.transform_to(srs2, (8.22, 53.15))]
        ['915046.21432', '7010792.20171']
        >>> srs1.transform_to(srs1, (8.25, 53.5))
        (8.25, 53.5)
        >>> [(str(round(x, 5)), str(round(y, 5))) for x, y in
        ...  srs1.transform_to(srs2, [(8.2, 53.1), (8.22, 53.15), (8.3, 53.2)])]
        ... #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        [('912819.8245', '7001516.67745'),
         ('915046.21432', '7010792.20171'),
         ('923951.77358', '7020078.53264')]
        if self == other_srs:
            return points
        if isinstance(points[0], (int, float)) and 2 >= len(points) <= 3:
            return transform(self.proj, other_srs.proj, *points)

        x = [p[0] for p in points]
        y = [p[1] for p in points]
        transf_pts = transform(self.proj, other_srs.proj, x, y)
        return izip(transf_pts[0], transf_pts[1])
Example #3
 def iteritems(self):
     return izip(self._keys, self.itervalues())
Example #4
 def iteritems(self):
     return izip(self._keys, self.itervalues())