def __init__(self): self.headers = {} self.interface = None self.git = Git(config.git_path)
class GHTTPServer(object): VALID_SERVICE_TYPES = ['upload-pack', 'receive-pack'] SERVICES = [ ["POST", 'service_rpc', re.compile("(.*?)/git-upload-pack$"), 'upload-pack'], ["POST", 'service_rpc', re.compile("(.*?)/git-receive-pack$"), 'receive-pack'], ["GET", 'get_info_refs', re.compile("(.*?)/info/refs$")], ["GET", 'get_text_file', re.compile("(.*?)/HEAD$")], ["GET", 'get_text_file', re.compile("(.*?)/objects/info/alternates$")], ["GET", 'get_text_file', re.compile("(.*?)/objects/info/http-alternates$")], ["GET", 'get_info_packs', re.compile("(.*?)/objects/info/packs$")], ["GET", 'get_text_file', re.compile("(.*?)/objects/info/[^/]*$")], ["GET", 'get_loose_object', re.compile("(.*?)/objects/[0-9a-f]{2}/[0-9a-f]{38}$")], ["GET", 'get_pack_file', re.compile("(.*?)/objects/pack/pack-[0-9a-f]{40}\\.pack$")], ["GET", 'get_idx_file', re.compile("(.*?)/objects/pack/pack-[0-9a-f]{40}\\.idx$")], ] def __init__(self): self.headers = {} self.interface = None self.git = Git(config.git_path) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): self.headers = {} self.env = environ self.interface = config.ghttp_interface() body = start_response(self.status, self.headers.items()) return body def check_auth(self): authorization = self.env.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION') if not authorization: return True try: username, password = decode(authorization) except DecodeError: return None if not self.interface.check_user(username): return None if not self.interface.check_password(password): return None return True def check_repo(self, path): if self.interface.check_repo(path): return True def check_command(self, cmd, rpc): if cmd == 'service_rpc': command = rpc else: command = cmd if self.interface.check_command(command): return True def call(self): if not self.check_auth(): return self.render_no_authorization() match = self.match_routing(self.env["PATH_INFO"].lstrip('/'), self.env["REQUEST_METHOD"]) if not match: return self.render_not_found() cmd, path, reqfile, rpc = match if not self.check_repo(path): return self.render_no_access() if not self.check_command(cmd, rpc): return self.render_no_access() self.git_env = self.interface.get_env() self.rpc = rpc self.reqfile = reqfile if cmd == "not_allowed": return self.render_method_not_allowed() self.dir = self.get_git_dir(path) if not self.dir: return self.render_not_found() func = getattr(self, cmd) return func() def service_rpc(self): if not self.has_access(self.rpc, True): return self.render_no_access() input = self.read_body git_cmd = "upload_pack" \ if self.rpc == "upload-pack" else "receive_pack" self.status = "200" self.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-git-%s-result" % self.rpc return getattr(self.git, git_cmd)(self.dir, {"msg": input}, callback, env=self.git_env) def get_info_refs(self): service_name = self.get_service_type() if self.has_access(service_name): git_cmd = "upload_pack" \ if service_name == "upload-pack" else "receive_pack" refs = getattr(self.git, git_cmd)(self.dir, {"advertise_refs": True}, env=self.git_env) self.status = "200" self.headers["Content-Type"] = \ "application/x-git-%s-advertisement" % service_name self.hdr_nocache() def read_file(): yield self.pkt_write("# service=git-%s\n" % service_name) yield self.pkt_flush yield refs return read_file() else: return self.dumb_info_refs() def get_text_file(self): return self.send_file(self.reqfile, "text/plain") def dumb_info_refs(self): self.update_server_info() return self.send_file(self.reqfile, "text/plain; charset=utf-8") def get_info_packs(self): # objects/info/packs return self.send_file(self.reqfile, "text/plain; charset=utf-8") def get_loose_object(self): return self.send_file(self.reqfile, "application/x-git-loose-object", cached=True) def get_pack_file(self): return self.send_file(self.reqfile, "application/x-git-packed-objects", cached=True) def get_idx_file(self): return self.send_file(self.reqfile, "application/x-git-packed-objects-toc", cached=True) def get_service_type(self): def get_param(): for query in self.env["QUERY_STRING"].split('&'): param = tuple(query.split('=')) if param and param[0] == "service": return param[1] service_type = get_param() if not service_type: return False if service_type[0:4] != 'git-': return False return service_type.replace('git-', '') @classmethod def match_routing(cls, path_info, request_method): for service in cls.SERVICES: rpc = None if len(service) == 4: method, handler, re_match, rpc = service elif len(service) == 3: method, handler, re_match = service m = re_match.match(path_info) if m: if method != request_method: return ["not_allowed", None, None, None] cmd = handler path = file = path_info.replace(path + '/', '') return [cmd, path, file, rpc] return None def send_file(self, reqfile, content_type, cached=False): reqfile = join(self.dir, reqfile) if not self.is_subpath(reqfile, self.dir): return self.render_no_access() if not exists(reqfile) or not access(reqfile, os.R_OK): return self.render_not_found() self.status = "200" self.headers["Content-Type"] = content_type self.headers["Last-Modified"] = format_date_time(getmtime(reqfile)) if cached: self.hdr_cache_forenver() else: self.hdr_nocache() size = getsize(reqfile) if size: self.headers["Content-Length"] = size def read_file(): with open(reqfile, "rb") as f: while True: part = if not part: break yield part return read_file() else: with open(reqfile, "rb") as f: part = self.headers["Content-Length"] = str(len(part)) return [part] def update_server_info(self): self.git.update_server_info(self.dir) @property def read_body(self): input = self.env["wsgi.input"] return # ------------------------------ # packet-line handling functions # ------------------------------ @property def pkt_flush(self): return '0000' def pkt_write(self, str): # TODO: use zfill PKT_FORMAT = "{0:{fill}{align}{width}{base}}{1}" return PKT_FORMAT.format(len(str) + 4, str, base='x', width=4, fill='0', align='>') # ------------------------ # header writing functions # ------------------------ def hdr_nocache(self): self.headers["Expires"] = "Fri, 01 Jan 1980 00:00:00 GMT" self.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache" self.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate" def hdr_cache_forenver(self): now = int(time.time()) self.headers["Date"] = str(now) self.headers["Expires"] = str(now + 31536000) self.headers["Cache-Control"] = "public, max-age=31536000" # -------------------------------------- # HTTP error response handling functions # -------------------------------------- def render_method_not_allowed(self): env = [] if env["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] == "HTTP/1.1": self.status = "405" self.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" return ["Method Not Allowed"] else: self.status = "400" self.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" return ["Bad Request"] def render_not_found(self): self.status = "404" self.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" return ["Not Found"] def render_no_access(self): self.status = "403" self.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" return ["Forbidden"] def render_no_authorization(self): self.status = "401" self.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" self.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = "Basic realm=Protected" return ["Unauthorized"] def has_access(self, rpc, check_content_type=False): if check_content_type: if self.env["CONTENT_TYPE"] \ != "application/x-git-%s-request" % rpc: return False if rpc not in self.VALID_SERVICE_TYPES: return False return self.get_config_setting(rpc) def get_config_setting(self, service_name): service_name = service_name.replace('-', '') setting = self.git.get_config_setting(self.dir, "http.%s" % service_name) if service_name == 'uploadpack': return setting != 'false' else: return setting == 'true' def get_git_dir(self, path): root = self.get_project_root() path = join(root, path) if not self.is_subpath(path, root): return False if exists(path): # TODO: check is a valid git directory return path return False def get_project_root(self): root = config.repos_path or os.getcwd() return root def is_subpath(self, path, checkpath): path = unquote(path) checkpath = unquote(checkpath) # Remove trailing slashes from filepath checkpath = checkpath.replace("\/+$", '') if re.match("^%s(\/|$)" % checkpath, path): return True