Example #1
def getComponents( inObj ):
    Creates the components GUI.
    if inObj is not None:
        components_list = FrameUtility.getFrameBitSettings( inObj )
        components_list = None
    # If the newly selected bit has components then update the UI to show them.
    # Check to see if any of the components are connected to a meta node.
    # We do this check so that we don't create a bunch of UI elements
    # unnecessarily.
    if components_list is not None and metaNodeCheck( inObj, components_list ):            
        # Loop through each component on the bit.
        components_class_list = {}
        for node_name in components_list:
            # Check to see if the component is connected to a meta node.
            metaNode = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrDestination( inObj, node_name )
            if metaNode:
                # It has a meta node.
                # Get the meta node properties. This returns a dict.
                meta_properties = FrameUtility.getFrameBitSettings( metaNode[0] )
                component_class = meta_properties[ 'classType' ]
                # test hack!!!
                components_class_list[ node_name ] = component_class
        return components_class_list
        return None
Example #2
def buttonTest( *args ):
    import marigold.utility.FrameUtility as FrameUtility
    # There are three arguments coming in.
    # Arg1: The value of the button pressed. This is automatically sent and ignored.
    # Arg2: The name of the XML file to open.
    # Arg3: The name of the folder the XML file is located.
    FrameUtility.buildFrameModule( args[2], args[1] )
Example #3
 def addComponentToObject( self, inClassType ):
     selList = cmds.ls( selection=True, long=True )
     if len( selList ) is 1:
         prevSel = selList[0]
         component_class = Components.str_to_class( inClassType )
         newNode = component_class.createCompNode( inClassType )
         # Add the component attribute to the object.
         FrameUtility.addPlug( selList[0], newNode.name(), 'attributeType', 'message' )
         nodePlug = '{0}.parentName'.format( newNode.name() )
         objectPlug = '{0}.{1}'.format( selList[0], newNode.name() )
         NodeUtility.connectPlugs( objectPlug, nodePlug )
         cmds.select( prevSel )
Example #4
 def addComponentToObject( self, inClassType ):
     selList = cmds.ls( selection=True, long=True )
     if len( selList ) is 1:
         prevSel = selList[0]
         newNode = componentNodes.jointComponentNode().createCompNode( inClassType )
         # Add the component attribute to the object.
         FrameUtility.addPlug( selList[0], newNode.name(), 'attributeType', 'message' )
         #cmds.addAttr( inObject, longName='jointComponent', attributeType='message', storable=False )
         nodePlug = '{0}.parentName'.format( newNode.name() )
         objectPlug = '{0}.{1}'.format( selList[0], newNode.name() )
         NodeUtility.connectPlugs( objectPlug, nodePlug )
         cmds.select( prevSel )
Example #5
 def updateTopMenu( self, inMode ):
     # Delete the existing menu bar's content.
     barChildren = cmds.menuBarLayout( self.menuBar, query=True, menuArray=True )
     if barChildren is not None:
         for child in barChildren:
             cmds.deleteUI( child )        
     # Now fill the menu layout with the active set.
     if inMode == 'Bits':
         self.menuEdit = cmds.menu( parent=self.menuBar, label='Edit' )
         cmds.menuItem( parent=self.menuEdit, label='Copy Bit Settings',
                        annotation='Copy one bit\'s setting to another.',
                        command=lambda b:FrameUtility.copyBitSettings() )
         cmds.menuItem( parent=self.menuEdit, label='Add Child',
                        annotation='Add child bit to another bit.',
                        command=lambda b:FrameUtility.setBitChild() )
         cmds.menuItem( parent=self.menuEdit, label='Delete Child',
                        annotation='Remove child bit from selected bit.',
                        command=lambda b:FrameUtility.deleteBitChild() )
     elif inMode == 'Component':
         self.menuJoints = cmds.menu( parent=self.menuBar, label='Joints' )
         cmds.menuItem( parent=self.menuJoints, label='Joint', annotation='Creates a node of type jointComponentNode',
                        command=lambda b, a1='jointComponentNode':self.addComponentToObject(a1) )
         self.menuControls = cmds.menu( parent=self.menuBar, label='Controls' )
         cmds.menuItem( parent=self.menuControls, label='TEMP', annotation='TEMP' )
         self.menuDeformers = cmds.menu( parent=self.menuBar, label='Deformers' )
         cmds.menuItem( parent=self.menuDeformers, label='TEMP', annotation='TEMP' )
         self.menuConstraints = cmds.menu( parent=self.menuBar, label='Constraints' )
         cmds.menuItem( parent=self.menuConstraints, label='TEMP', annotation='TEMP' )
     elif inMode == 'Module':
         self.menuFile = cmds.menu( parent=self.menuBar, label='File' )
         cmds.menuItem( parent=self.menuFile, label='Save Module XML',
                        annotation='Save the selected frame module to XML.',
                        command=lambda b:FrameUtility.createFrameModuleXML() )
     elif inMode == 'Character':
         self.menuEdit = cmds.menu( parent=self.menuBar, label='Character Item' )
         cmds.menuItem( parent=self.menuEdit, label='TEMP', annotation='TEMP' )
Example #6
 def build_bits_gui( self ):
     Build the bits GUI sub-layout.
     # Build bits controls
     # Primitive buttons.        
     self.sphere_btn = QtGui.QToolButton( self )
     self.sphere_btn.setStyleSheet( 'border:0' )
     self.sphere_btn.setAutoRaise( True )
     self.sphere_btn.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( ':/riggingUI/icons/bit_sphere.png' ) )
     self.sphere_btn.setIconSize( QtCore.QSize(32,32) )
     self.sphere_btn.setText( 'Sphere' )
     self.sphere_btn.clicked.connect( self.primitive_buttons )
     self.box_btn = QtGui.QToolButton( self )
     self.box_btn.setStyleSheet( 'border:0' )
     self.box_btn.setAutoRaise( True )
     self.box_btn.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( ':/riggingUI/icons/bit_box.png' ) )
     self.box_btn.setIconSize( QtCore.QSize(32,32) )
     self.box_btn.setText( 'Box' )
     self.box_btn.clicked.connect( self.primitive_buttons )
     self.cylinder_btn = QtGui.QToolButton( self )
     self.cylinder_btn.setStyleSheet( 'border:0' )
     self.cylinder_btn.setAutoRaise( True )
     self.cylinder_btn.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( ':/riggingUI/icons/bit_cylinder.png' ) )
     self.cylinder_btn.setIconSize( QtCore.QSize(32,32) )
     self.cylinder_btn.setText( 'Cylinder' )
     self.cylinder_btn.clicked.connect( self.primitive_buttons )
     self.cone_btn = QtGui.QToolButton( self )
     self.cone_btn.setStyleSheet( 'border:0' )
     self.cone_btn.setAutoRaise( True )
     self.cone_btn.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( ':/riggingUI/icons/bit_cone.png' ) )
     self.cone_btn.setIconSize( QtCore.QSize(32,32) )
     self.cone_btn.setText( 'Cone' )
     self.cone_btn.clicked.connect( self.primitive_buttons )
     self.torus_btn = QtGui.QToolButton( self )
     self.torus_btn.setStyleSheet( 'border:0' )
     self.torus_btn.setAutoRaise( True )
     self.torus_btn.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( ':/riggingUI/icons/bit_torus.png' ) )
     self.torus_btn.setIconSize( QtCore.QSize(32,32) )
     self.torus_btn.setText( 'Torus' )
     self.torus_btn.clicked.connect( self.primitive_buttons )
     # Bit tools.
     self.match_translation_btn = QtGui.QPushButton( 'Match Translation' )
     self.match_translation_btn.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( ':/riggingUI/icons/icon_match_translation.png' ) )
     self.match_translation_btn.setIconSize( QtCore.QSize(16,16) )
     self.match_translation_btn.setStyleSheet( 'text-align: left; padding: 4px' )
     self.match_translation_btn.clicked.connect( lambda a='tran':TransformUtility.matchTransforms( a ) )
     self.match_rotation_btn = QtGui.QPushButton( 'Match Rotation' )
     self.match_rotation_btn.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( ':/riggingUI/icons/icon_match_rotation.png' ) )
     self.match_rotation_btn.setIconSize( QtCore.QSize(16,16) )
     self.match_rotation_btn.setStyleSheet( 'text-align: left; padding: 4px' )
     self.match_rotation_btn.clicked.connect( lambda a='rot':TransformUtility.matchTransforms( a ) )
     self.match_all_btn = QtGui.QPushButton( 'Match All' )
     self.match_all_btn.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( ':/riggingUI/icons/icon_match_all.png' ) )
     self.match_all_btn.setIconSize( QtCore.QSize(16,16) )
     self.match_all_btn.setStyleSheet( 'text-align: left; padding: 4px' )
     self.match_all_btn.clicked.connect( lambda a='all':TransformUtility.matchTransforms( a ) )
     self.copy_bit_settings_btn = QtGui.QPushButton( 'Copy Bit Settings' )
     self.copy_bit_settings_btn.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( ':/riggingUI/icons/bit_copy_settings.png' ) )
     self.copy_bit_settings_btn.setIconSize( QtCore.QSize(16,16) )
     self.copy_bit_settings_btn.setStyleSheet( 'text-align: left; padding: 4px' )
     self.copy_bit_settings_btn.clicked.connect( lambda:FrameUtility.copyBitSettings() )
     self.add_child_btn = QtGui.QPushButton( 'Add Child' )
     self.add_child_btn.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( ':/riggingUI/icons/bit_add_child.png' ) )
     self.add_child_btn.setIconSize( QtCore.QSize(16,16) )
     self.add_child_btn.setStyleSheet( 'text-align: left; padding: 4px' )
     self.add_child_btn.clicked.connect( lambda:FrameUtility.setBitChild() )
     self.delete_child_btn = QtGui.QPushButton( 'Delete Child' )
     self.delete_child_btn.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( ':/riggingUI/icons/bit_delete_child.png' ) )
     self.delete_child_btn.setIconSize( QtCore.QSize(16,16) )
     self.delete_child_btn.setStyleSheet( 'text-align: left; padding: 4px' )
     self.delete_child_btn.clicked.connect( lambda:FrameUtility.deleteBitChild() )
     # Build bits layout.
     # Primitive buttons
     bit_primitives_header = QtGui.QLabel()
     bit_primitives_header.setText( 'Bit Primitives' )
     bit_primitives_header.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter )
     bit_primitives_header.setStyleSheet( 'font:bold; font-size:14px; background-color:#2B2B30' )
     primitive_frame = QtGui.QFrame()
     primitive_frame.setFrameShadow( QtGui.QFrame.Sunken )
     primitive_frame.setFrameShape( QtGui.QFrame.Box )
     primitive_frame.setLineWidth( 1 )
     #self.primitive_groupbox.setStyleSheet( 'border:4px; border-style:outset' )
     primitive_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
     primitive_layout.addWidget( self.sphere_btn )
     primitive_layout.addWidget( self.box_btn )
     primitive_layout.addWidget( self.cylinder_btn )
     primitive_layout.addWidget( self.cone_btn )
     primitive_layout.addWidget( self.torus_btn )
     primitive_frame.setLayout( primitive_layout )
     # Bit tools.
     bit_tools_header = QtGui.QLabel()
     bit_tools_header.setText( 'Bit Tools' )
     bit_tools_header.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter )
     bit_tools_header.setStyleSheet( 'font:bold; font-size:14px; background-color:#2B2B30' )
     bit_tools_grid = QtGui.QGridLayout()
     bit_tools_grid.setColumnMinimumWidth( 0, 100 )
     bit_tools_grid.setColumnMinimumWidth( 1, 100 )
     bit_tools_grid.setColumnMinimumWidth( 2, 100 )
     bit_tools_grid.setSpacing( 2 )
     bit_tools_grid.setContentsMargins( 0,0,0,0 )
     # widget, row, col
     bit_tools_grid.addWidget( self.match_translation_btn, 0, 0 )
     bit_tools_grid.addWidget( self.match_rotation_btn, 0, 1 )
     bit_tools_grid.addWidget( self.match_all_btn, 0, 2 )
     bit_tools_grid.addWidget( self.copy_bit_settings_btn, 1, 0 )
     bit_tools_grid.addWidget( self.add_child_btn, 1, 1 )
     bit_tools_grid.addWidget( self.delete_child_btn, 1, 2 )
     # Added the bits widgets to the sub-layout of the main window.
     self.sub_layout.addWidget( bit_primitives_header )
     self.sub_layout.addWidget( primitive_frame )
     self.sub_layout.addWidget( bit_tools_header )
     self.sub_layout.addLayout( bit_tools_grid )
Example #7
 def componentsGUI( self, inBit=None ):
     Creates the components GUI.
     if inBit is None:
         components = None
         # Get the components of the selected bit.
         components = FrameUtility.getFrameBitSettings( inBit )
     # Clean up the compArea layout prior to adding new children by
     # removing the previously selected bit's information from the UI.
     mainChildren = cmds.columnLayout( self.fillArea, query=True, childArray=True )
     if mainChildren is not None:
         for child in mainChildren:
             cmds.deleteUI( child )
     col = cmds.columnLayout( adjustableColumn=True, columnAttach=('both', 5), parent=self.fillArea )
     cmds.separator( style='none', height=4, width=413 )
     self.selName = cmds.text( label=str.upper( 'nothing selected' ), height=20, font='boldLabelFont', backgroundColor=[0.2,0.2,0.2] )
     cmds.separator( style='none', height=10 )        
     # If the newly selected bit has components then update the UI to show them.
     # Check to see if any of the components are connected to a meta node.
     # We do this check so that we don't create a bunch of UI elements
     # unnecessarily.
     if components is not None and self.metaNodeCheck( inBit, components ):
         # Create the scroll layout.
         mainScroll = cmds.scrollLayout( parent=col )
         # Loop through each component on the bit.
         for comName in components:
             # Check to see if the component is connected to a meta node.
             metaNode = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrDestination( inBit, comName )
             if metaNode:
                 # It has a meta node.
                 # Get the meta node parameters.                
                 metaParameters = FrameUtility.getFrameBitSettings( metaNode[0] )
                 # Make the component UI elements.
                 frameOne = cmds.frameLayout( parent=mainScroll, borderStyle='out', label=comName, collapsable=True )
                 #bit name, component name, meta node name
                 cmds.menuItem( label='Delete Component', command=lambda b, a1=inBit, a2=comName, a3=metaNode[0]:self.deleteComponent(a1, a2, a3) )
                 cmds.menuItem( label='Build Component', command=lambda b, a1=metaNode[0]:self.buildComponent(a1) )
                 compColumn = cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns=1 )
                 # Loop through the parameters and add them to the component UI.
                 for param in metaParameters:
                     #print isinstance(param, unicode)
                     if not( param == u'parentName' or param == u'classType' ):
                         propRow = cmds.rowColumnLayout( numberOfColumns=4, columnWidth=[(1,100),(2,100),(3,40),(4,40)],
                                           columnSpacing=[(1,10),(2,10),(3,10),(4,2)] )
                         cmds.text( label=param, align='left' )
                         cmds.textField( text=metaParameters[param], enterCommand=lambda b, a1=metaNode[0], a2=param:self.updateComponentParameter(a1, a2, b) )
                         cmds.setParent( '..' )#propRow
                 cmds.setParent( '..' )#compColumn
                 cmds.setParent( '..' )#frameOne                
             cmds.setParent( '..' )#mainScroll
     cmds.setParent( '..' )#col
     # Selection script job
     self.selJob = cmds.scriptJob( event=[ 'SelectionChanged', self.onSelectionChange ],
                                   parent=col, protected=True )