Example #1
def difference_display(Prg, SelfObj, MarksNowDetected, TestWantedResults, AppendToFileIfDifference=None):
    print("Num of Marks now detected: ", len(MarksNowDetected.keys()))
    print("Num of wanted results: ", len( TestWantedResults))

    WantedKeys = sorted(list(TestWantedResults.keys()))

    for Key in sorted(list(MarksNowDetected.keys())):

        # in MarkDetected dict() can be index gaps.
        # example: D = {0:"A", 3:"B", 5, "C"}
        # so we loop over on detected keys and always take the next element from the test -
        # the two dict's keys can be different but the order of the keys are fixed
        MarkDetected = mark_util.mark_to_string(MarksNowDetected[Key])

        MarkWanted = TestWantedResults.get(WantedKeys.pop(0), "Key not in Wanted results: " + str(Key))

        if MarkDetected != MarkWanted:

            if AppendToFileIfDifference:
                util.file_append(Prg, os.path.join(*AppendToFileIfDifference), "\n\n" + MarkDetected)
                PathDetected = os.path.join(Prg["DirTmpPath"], "test_detected_"+str(Key)+".txt")
                PathWanted   = os.path.join(Prg["DirTmpPath"], "test_wanted_"+str(Key)+".txt")
                util.file_write(Prg, PathDetected, MarkDetected)
                util.file_write(Prg, PathWanted, MarkWanted)
                # theoretically all tests has been ok in released versions, this case happens only in dev time
                print("Dev message: test comparing with vimdiff:")
                os.system("vimdiff " + PathDetected + " " + PathWanted)

                SelfObj.assertEqual(MarkDetected, MarkWanted)
Example #2
def text_block_analyse(Prg,
                       PositionStart=(0, 0),

    # I want to handle RGB or Grayscale images only,
    # so I handle 3 or 1 color channels
    print("Selected Image Id", Prg["ImageIdSelected"])
    Img = Prg["ImagesLoaded"][Prg["ImageIdSelected"]]
    print("Img width, height: ", Img["Width"], Img["Height"])

    Marks = mark_collect_from_img_object(Prg, Img)
    print("Num of Marks:", len(Marks.keys()))

    print("TODO: convert marks to text")
Example #3
    def test_mark_to_string(self):
        Mark = {
            "Coords": {
                (3, 3): 1,
                (4, 3): 1,
                (5, 3): 1,
                (4, 4): 1,
                (3, 5): 1,
                (4, 5): 1
            "Width": 3,
            "Height": 3,
            "Xmin": 3,
            "Ymin": 3,
            "Xmax": 5,
            "Ymax": 5

        Wanted = ("OOO\n" ".O.\n" "OO.")
        self.assertEqual(Wanted, mark_util.mark_to_string(Mark))