Example #1
def set_reward_and_metrics(reward_params, step_metrics, pos_dict, track_data,
                           next_index, prev_index, action, json_actions):
    '''Populates the reward_params and step_metrics dictionaries with the common
       metrics and parameters.
       reward_params - Dictionary containing the input parameters to the reward function
       step_metrics - Dictionary containing the metrics that are sent to s3
       pos_dict - Dictionary containing the agent position data, keys defined in AgentPos
       track_data - Object containing all the track information and geometry
       next_index - The index of the next way point
       prev_index - The index of the previous way point
       action - Integer containing the action to take
       json_actions - Dictionary that maps action into steering and angle
        # Check that the required keys are present in the dicts that are being
        # passed in, these methods will throw an exception if a key is missing

        model_point = pos_dict[AgentPos.POINT.value]
        # Geat the nearest points
        nearest_pnts_dict = track_data.get_nearest_points(model_point)
        # Compute distance from center and road width
        nearest_dist_dict = track_data.get_nearest_dist(
            nearest_pnts_dict, model_point)
        # Compute the distance from the previous and next points
        distance_from_prev, distance_from_next = \
            track_data.get_distance_from_next_and_prev(model_point, prev_index,
        # Compute which points are on the track
        wheel_on_track = track_data.points_on_track(
        # Get the model orientation
        model_orientation = pos_dict[AgentPos.ORIENTATION.value]
        # Set the reward and metric parameters
        reward_params[RewardParam.CENTER_DIST.value[0]] = \
        reward_params[RewardParam.CLS_WAYPNY.value[0]] = [
            prev_index, next_index
        reward_params[RewardParam.LEFT_CENT.value[0]] = \
            nearest_dist_dict[TrackNearDist.NEAR_DIST_IN.value] < \
        reward_params[RewardParam.WAYPNTS.value[0]] = track_data.get_way_pnts()
        reward_params[RewardParam.TRACK_WIDTH.value[0]] = \
            nearest_pnts_dict[TrackNearPnts.NEAR_PNT_IN.value] \
            RewardParam.TRACK_LEN.value[0]] = track_data.get_track_length()
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.X.value] = \
        reward_params[RewardParam.X.value[0]] = model_point.x
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.Y.value] = \
        reward_params[RewardParam.Y.value[0]] = model_point.y
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.YAW.value] = \
        reward_params[RewardParam.HEADING.value[0]] = \
            Rotation.from_quat(model_orientation).as_euler('zyx')[0] * 180.0 / math.pi
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.CLS_WAYPNT.value] = \
            next_index if distance_from_next < distance_from_prev else prev_index
            StepMetrics.TRACK_LEN.value] = track_data.get_track_length()
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.STEER.value] = \
        reward_params[RewardParam.STEER.value[0]] = \
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.THROTTLE.value] = \
        reward_params[RewardParam.SPEED.value[0]] = \
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.WHEELS_TRACK.value] = \
        reward_params[RewardParam.WHEELS_ON_TRACK.value[0]] = all(wheel_on_track)
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.ACTION.value] = action
    except KeyError as ex:
        raise GenericRolloutException("Key {}, not found".format(ex))
    except Exception as ex:
        raise GenericRolloutException(
            'Cannot compute reward and metrics: {}'.format(ex))
def set_reward_and_metrics(reward_params, step_metrics, agent_name, pos_dict,
                           track_data, data_dict, action, json_actions,
    '''Populates the reward_params and step_metrics dictionaries with the common
       metrics and parameters.
       reward_params - Dictionary containing the input parameters to the reward function
       step_metrics - Dictionary containing the metrics that are sent to s3
       agent_name - String of agent name
       pos_dict - Dictionary containing the agent position data, keys defined in AgentPos
       track_data - Object containing all the track information and geometry
       data_dict - Dictionary containing previous progress, steps, and start distance
       action - Integer containing the action to take
       json_actions - Dictionary that maps action into steering and angle
       car_model_state - Gazebo ModelState of the agent
        # Check that the required keys are present in the dicts that are being
        # passed in, these methods will throw an exception if a key is missing
        # model point and distance
        model_point = pos_dict[AgentPos.POINT.value]
        current_ndist = track_data.get_norm_dist(model_point)
        prev_index, next_index = track_data.find_prev_next_waypoints(
            current_ndist, normalized=True)
        # model progress starting at the initial waypoint
        reverse_dir = track_data.reverse_dir
        if reverse_dir:
            reward_params[const.RewardParam.LEFT_CENT.value[0]] = \
                not reward_params[const.RewardParam.LEFT_CENT.value[0]]
        current_progress = current_ndist - data_dict['start_ndist']
        current_progress = compute_current_prog(current_progress,
        # Geat the nearest points
        nearest_pnts_dict = track_data.get_nearest_points(model_point)
        # Compute distance from center and road width
        nearest_dist_dict = track_data.get_nearest_dist(
            nearest_pnts_dict, model_point)
        # Compute the distance from the previous and next points
        distance_from_prev, distance_from_next = \
            track_data.get_distance_from_next_and_prev(model_point, prev_index,
        # Compute which points are on the track
        wheel_on_track = track_data.points_on_track(
        # Get the model orientation
        model_orientation = pos_dict[AgentPos.ORIENTATION.value]
        # Set the reward and metric parameters
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.STEPS.value] = \
            reward_params[RewardParam.STEPS.value[0]] = data_dict['steps']
        reward_params[RewardParam.REVERSE.value[0]] = reverse_dir
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.PROG.value] = \
            reward_params[RewardParam.PROG.value[0]] = current_progress
        reward_params[RewardParam.CENTER_DIST.value[0]] = \
        reward_params[RewardParam.CLS_WAYPNY.value[0]] = [
            prev_index, next_index
        reward_params[RewardParam.LEFT_CENT.value[0]] = \
            nearest_dist_dict[TrackNearDist.NEAR_DIST_IN.value] < \
        reward_params[RewardParam.WAYPNTS.value[0]] = track_data.get_way_pnts()
        reward_params[RewardParam.TRACK_WIDTH.value[0]] = \
            nearest_pnts_dict[TrackNearPnts.NEAR_PNT_IN.value] \
            RewardParam.TRACK_LEN.value[0]] = track_data.get_track_length()
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.X.value] = \
            reward_params[RewardParam.X.value[0]] = model_point.x
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.Y.value] = \
            reward_params[RewardParam.Y.value[0]] = model_point.y
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.YAW.value] = \
            reward_params[RewardParam.HEADING.value[0]] = \
            Rotation.from_quat(model_orientation).as_euler('zyx')[0] * 180.0 / math.pi
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.CLS_WAYPNT.value] = \
            next_index if distance_from_next < distance_from_prev else prev_index
            StepMetrics.TRACK_LEN.value] = track_data.get_track_length()
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.STEER.value] = \
            reward_params[RewardParam.STEER.value[0]] = \
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.THROTTLE.value] = \
            reward_params[RewardParam.SPEED.value[0]] = \
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.WHEELS_TRACK.value] = \
            reward_params[RewardParam.WHEELS_ON_TRACK.value[0]] = all(wheel_on_track)
        step_metrics[StepMetrics.ACTION.value] = action
        # set extra reward param for obstacle
        model_heading = reward_params[RewardParam.HEADING.value[0]]
        obstacle_reward_params = track_data.get_object_reward_params(
            agent_name, model_point, reverse_dir, car_model_state)
        if obstacle_reward_params:
    except KeyError as ex:
        raise GenericRolloutException("Key {}, not found".format(ex))
    except Exception as ex:
        raise GenericRolloutException(
            'Cannot compute reward and metrics: {}'.format(ex))