Example #1
    def send_recover_mail(self):
        '''Creates a slug to identify the user and sends a mail to the given
        address to enable resetting the password.
        controls = self.request.POST.items()
            appstruct = send_mail_form().validate(controls)
        except d.ValidationFailure as e:
            return dict(pagetitle=self.tr(self.PASSWORD_TITLE),
        '''Form validation passes, so create a slug and the url and send an
        email to the user to enable him to reset his password.'''
        email = appstruct['email']
        user = sas.query(User).filter(User.email == email).first()
        # Create the slug to identify the user and save it in the db
        si = SlugIdentification.create_unique_slug(user)

        # Create the url and send it to the user
        slug = si.user_slug
        password_link = self.url('reset_password', action='recover', slug=slug)

        settings = self.request.registry.settings
        sender = settings.get('mail.message.author','*****@*****.**')
        appname = settings.get('app.name', 'Mootiro')
        recipient = email
        subject = appname + ' - ' + _("Change password")
        message = _("To set a new password please click on the link: ")

        msg = Message(sender, recipient, self.tr(subject))
        msg.plain = self.tr(message) + password_link
        return dict(pagetitle=self.tr(self.PASSWORD_TITLE), email_form=None)