Example #1
class Thread(Queryable):
    __collection__ = 'threads'

    class Flags(Document):
        locked = Boolean()
        sticky = Boolean()
        hidden = Boolean()
        uploads = Boolean()

    class Comment(Identified, Reply):
        class Votes(Document):
            count = Integer()
            who = Array(ObjectId())

        id = ObjectId('_id')
        message = String()
        vote = Embed(Votes)
        creator = ObjectId()
        updated = Date(default=utcnow, assign=True)
        uploads = Array(ObjectId())  # GridFS file references.

    class Continuation(Reply):
        continued = Reference()

    title = String()
    forum = Reference()

    replies = Array(Embed(Reply))

    flag = Embed(Flags)
    stat = Embed(Statistics)

    subscribers = Array(ObjectId())
    updated = Date(default=utcnow, assign=True)
Example #2
class Links(Document):
	"""Simplify construction of a JSON API "links object" due to use of Python reserved words.
	This aliases several names from the JSON representation to attributes more Python-friendly.
	obj = Embed(APILink, name='self')
	right = Embed(APILink, name='next')
	left = Embed(APILink, name='last')
	rel = Embed(APILink, name='related')
Example #3
class Sample(Document):
    class Nested(Document):
        name = String()
        reference = ObjectId()

    id = ObjectId('_id')
    nested = Embed('.Nested', assign=True)
Example #4
    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """Allows for referencing specific array elements by index.
		For example, to check that the third tag is `baz`:
			Person.tag[3] == "baz"

        from marrow.mongo import Document, Field
        from marrow.mongo.field import Embed

        if self._combining:  # If we are combining fields, we can not dereference further.
            raise KeyError()

        if self._field.__foreign__ != 'array':  # Pass through if not an array type field.
            return self._field[name]

        if not isinstance(name, int) and not name.isdigit():
            raise KeyError(
                "Must specify an index as either a number or string representation of a number: "
                + name)

        field = self._field._kind(self._document)

        if isinstance(field, Field):  # Bare simple values.
            field = copy(field)
            field.__name__ = self._name + '.' + unicode(name)

        else:  # Embedded documents.
            field = Embed(field, name=self._name + '.' + unicode(name))

        return self.__class__(self._document, field)
Example #5
class Sample(Document):
    class Embedded(Document):
        name = String()

    generic = Field()
    field = String('field_name')
    number = Number('field_name', default=27)
    array = Array(Number(default=42), name='field_name')
    embed = Embed(Embedded)
Example #6
    class Comment(Identified, Reply):
        class Votes(Document):
            count = Integer()
            who = Array(ObjectId())

        id = ObjectId('_id')
        message = String()
        vote = Embed(Votes)
        creator = ObjectId()
        updated = Date(default=utcnow, assign=True)
        uploads = Array(ObjectId())  # GridFS file references.
Example #7
class Forum(Queryable):
    __collection__ = 'forums'

    id = String('_id')  # Redefine the primary key as a string slug.
    name = String()
    summary = String()

    # Permission tagsefer
    read = String()
    write = String()
    moderate = String()

    stat = Embed(Statistics)

    modified = Date()
Example #8
    class Sample(Document):
        class Embedded(Document):
            field = String()

        field = Embed(Embedded)
        alias = Alias('field.field')
Example #9
        class Embeds(Document):
            class Embedded(Document):
                field = String()

            foo = Embed(Embedded)
            bar = Embed(Embedded)
Example #10
        class Thread(Document):
            class Reply(Document):
                id = ObjectId()

            id = ObjectId()
            reply = Embed(Reply)
Example #11
 class Sample(Document):
     field = Embed(Point)