Example #1
	def load(self):
		log.msg(self, 'load')

		if os.path.exists(self.file):
			# Load
			with open(self.file, 'rb') as fp:
				next, data = mload(fp)

				log.msg(self, 'load', len(data))

				self.next = self.counter(next)
				self.data = dict(((group['id'], Group.fromDict(group)) for group in data))

		log.msg(self, 'load ok')
Example #2
	def load(self):
		log.msg(self, 'load')

		if os.path.exists(self.file):
			# Load
			with open(self.file, 'rb') as fp:
				next, data = mload(fp)

				log.msg(self, 'load', len(data))

				self.next = self.counter(next)
				self.data = dict(((message['id'], Message.fromDict(message)) for message in data))

		log.msg(self, 'load ok')
Example #3
	def load(self):
		log.msg(self, 'load')

		if os.path.exists(self.file):
			# Load
			with open(self.file, 'rb') as fp:
				next, data = mload(fp)

				log.msg(self, 'load', len(data[0]), len(data[1]), len(data[2]))

				self.next = self.counter(next)
				self.data = ((
					deque(tuple(To.fromDict(to) for to in data[0])), 
					[(priority, To.fromDict(to)) for priority, to in data[1]],
					[(after, To.fromDict(to)) for after, to in data[2]],

				# Transform list into a heap

		log.msg(self, 'load ok')
Example #4
    def get(self, name):
        if self.id is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot get with ID none')

        if self._cachedLife:
            # Try find in cache
            result = self._cachedGet(name)
            if not result is self._cachedNone:
                # Success
                return result

        path, file = self.path(name)

        if os.path.exists(file):
            with open(file, 'rb') as fp:
                result = mload(fp)

                # If cache enabled, set it
                if self._cachedLife:
                    self._cachedSet(name, result)

                # Return to user, not from cache
                return result