Example #1
def test_hashable():
    assert hash(Foo(xyz=1)) != hash(Bar(xyz=1))
    assert hash(getdag(source1)) != hash(getdag(source2))
    assert hash(getdag(consumer)) != hash(consumer.clone(foo=1))
    assert hash(consumer.clone(foo=1)) == hash(consumer.clone(foo=1))
    assert hash(getdag(consumer)) != hash(consumer.clone(stream=source2))
    assert hash(consumer.clone(stream=source2)) == hash(
    assert hash(consumer.clone(stream=marv.select(source2, name='foo'))) != \
        hash(consumer.clone(stream=marv.select(source2, name='bar')))
    assert hash(consumer.clone(stream=marv.select(source2, name='foo'))) == \
        hash(consumer.clone(stream=marv.select(source2, name='foo')))
Example #2
def test():
    def source():
        yield  # pragma: nocoverage

    @marv.node(Test, group='ondemand', version=1)
    @marv.input('foo', default=1)
    @marv.input('bar', type=int)
    @marv.input('baz', default=source)
    @marv.input('qux', foreach=marv.select(source, 'stream'))
    def consumer(foo, bar, baz, qux):
        yield  # pragma: nocoverage

    node = consumer.__marv_node__
    assert node.function == 'marv_api.tests.test_decorators.test.<locals>.consumer'
    assert node.inputs.__fields__.keys() == {'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux'}
    assert node.inputs.__annotations__ == {'bar': int}
    assert node.inputs.foo == 1
    assert node.inputs.bar == NOTSET
    assert node.inputs.baz == Stream(node=getdag(source))
    assert node.inputs.qux == Stream(node=getdag(source), name='stream')
    assert node.message_schema == 'marv_api.tests.types_capnp:Test'
    assert node.group == 'ondemand'
    assert node.version == 1
    assert node.foreach == 'qux'
Example #3
def test_clone():
    def source1():
        yield  # pragma: nocoverage

    def source2():
        yield  # pragma: nocoverage

    @marv.input('foo', default=1)
    @marv.input('stream', default=source1)
    def consumer(foo, stream):
        yield  # pragma: nocoverage

    clone = consumer.clone(foo=10, stream=source2)
    assert clone.inputs.foo == 10
    assert clone.inputs.stream == Stream(node=getdag(source2))

    clone = consumer.clone(stream=marv.select(source2, 'foo'))
    assert clone.inputs.stream == Stream(node=getdag(source2), name='foo')
Example #4
# Copyright 2016 - 2020  Ternaris.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Image stream conversion nodes."""

import marv_api as marv
from marv_robotics.bag import make_deserialize, messages
from marv_ros.img_tools import ImageConversionError, ImageFormatError
from marv_ros.img_tools import imgmsg_to_cv2

            marv.select(messages, '/kitti/camera_color_left/image_rawX'))
def rosmsg_imgstream(stream):
    """Convert stream of raw ros messages into stream of deserialized messages."""
    deserialize = make_deserialize(stream)


    while True:
        msg = yield marv.pull(stream)
        if msg is None:

        rosmsg = deserialize(msg.data)
        yield marv.push(rosmsg)

@marv.input('stream', rosmsg_imgstream)
def imgsrc(stream):
Example #5
# Copyright 2016 - 2018  Ternaris.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import marv_api as marv
import marv_node.testing
from marv_node.testing import make_dataset, run_nodes, temporary_directory
from marv_robotics.bag import get_message_type, messages
from marv_robotics.fulltext import fulltext
from marv_store import Store

@marv.input('chatter', default=marv.select(messages, '/chatter'))
def collect(chatter):
    pytype = get_message_type(chatter)
    rosmsg = pytype()
    msg = yield marv.pull(chatter)
    assert msg is not None
    yield marv.push(rosmsg.data)
    while True:
        msg = yield marv.pull(chatter)
        if msg is None:
        yield marv.push(rosmsg.data)

class TestCase(marv_node.testing.TestCase):
Example #6
import mpld3
import plotly.graph_objects as go

import marv_api as marv
from marv_detail.types_capnp import Section, Widget  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from marv_nodes.types_capnp import File  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from marv_robotics.bag import get_message_type, raw_messages
from marv_ros.img_tools import imgmsg_to_cv2

TOPIC = '/wide_stereo/left/image_rect_throttle'

# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name

@marv.input('cam', marv.select(raw_messages, TOPIC))
def image(cam):
    """Extract first image of input stream to jpg file.

        cam: Input stream of raw rosbag messages.

        File instance for first image of input stream.

    # Set output stream title and pull first message
    yield marv.set_header(title=cam.topic)
    msg = yield marv.pull(cam)
    if msg is None:
Example #7
# Copyright 2016 - 2018  Ternaris.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

import re

import marv_api as marv
from marv_api.types import Words

from .bag import make_deserialize, messages

WSNULL = re.compile(r'[\s\x00]')

            foreach=marv.select(messages, ('*:std_msgs/String,'
def fulltext_per_topic(stream):
    yield marv.set_header(title=stream.topic)
    words = set()
    deserialize = make_deserialize(stream)
    while True:
        msg = yield marv.pull(stream)
        if msg is None:
        rosmsg = deserialize(msg.data)

    if not words:
        raise marv.Abort()
    yield marv.push({'words': list(words)})
Example #8
import json
import math
from math import asin, cos, radians, sin, sqrt
from pathlib import Path

import numpy
import utm

import marv_api as marv
from marv_api.types import Float64Value
from marv_detail.types_capnp import Section  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from marv_robotics.bag import make_deserialize, make_get_timestamp, messages

@marv.input('stream', marv.select(messages, '*:sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'))
# @marv.input('stream', marv.select(messages, '*:geometry_msgs/PoseStamped'))
def motion_timestamp(stream):
    """Extract timestamps for motion events.

        stream: ROS message stream with Pose or GPS messages.

        Message stream with timestamps.

    log = yield marv.get_logger()
    stream = yield marv.pull(stream)  # take first matching connection
    if not stream:
Example #9
    rot[0, 0] = 1 - 2 * q2 * q2 - 2 * q3 * q3
    rot[0, 1] = 2 * (q1 * q2 - q3 * q4)
    rot[0, 2] = 2 * (q1 * q3 + q2 * q4)
    rot[1, 0] = 2 * (q1 * q2 + q3 * q4)
    rot[1, 1] = 1 - 2 * q1 * q1 - 2 * q3 * q3
    rot[1, 2] = 2 * (q2 * q3 - q1 * q4)
    rot[2, 0] = 2 * (q1 * q3 - q2 * q4)
    rot[2, 1] = 2 * (q1 * q4 + q2 * q3)
    rot[2, 2] = 1 - 2 * q1 * q1 - 2 * q2 * q2

    vec = np.dot(rot, [1, 0, 0])
    return np.arctan2(vec[1], vec[0])

@marv.input('stream', foreach=marv.select(messages, ('*:sensor_msgs/NavSatFix,'
def positions(stream):
    yield marv.set_header(title=stream.topic)
    log = yield marv.get_logger()
    deserialize = make_deserialize(stream)
    get_timestamp = make_get_timestamp(log, stream)

    erroneous = 0
    e_offset = None
    n_offset = None
    u_offset = None
    positions = []
    while True:
        msg = yield marv.pull(stream)
        if msg is None:
Example #10
# Copyright 2016 - 2018  Ternaris.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

import numpy as np

import marv_api as marv
from marv_api.types import GeoJson

from .bag import make_deserialize, make_get_timestamp, messages

            foreach=marv.select(messages, ('*:sensor_msgs/NavSatFix,'
def navsatfix(stream):
    yield marv.set_header(title=stream.topic)
    log = yield marv.get_logger()
    deserialize = make_deserialize(stream)
    get_timestamp = make_get_timestamp(log, stream)
    erroneous = 0
    while True:
        msg = yield marv.pull(stream)
        if msg is None:
        rosmsg = deserialize(msg.data)

        if not hasattr(rosmsg, 'status') or \
           np.isnan(rosmsg.longitude) or \
           np.isnan(rosmsg.latitude) or \
Example #11
    if hasattr(msg, 'format'):
        return compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(msg)

    if 'FC' in msg.encoding:
        passimg = numpy.nan_to_num(imgmsg_to_cv2(msg))
        valscaled = cv2.convertScaleAbs(passimg, None, scale, offset)
        return valscaled

    mono = msg.encoding.startswith('mono') or msg.encoding[-1] in [
        '1', 'U', 'S', 'F'
    return imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, 'mono8' if mono else 'bgr8')

@marv.node(File, version=1)
@marv.input('stream', foreach=marv.select(messages, IMAGE_MSG_TYPES))
@marv.input('speed', default=4)
@marv.input('convert_32FC1_scale', default=1)
@marv.input('convert_32FC1_offset', default=0)
def ffmpeg(stream, speed, convert_32FC1_scale, convert_32FC1_offset):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """Create video for each sensor_msgs/Image topic with ffmpeg."""
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals

    yield marv.set_header(title=stream.topic)
    name = f"{stream.topic.replace('/', '_')[1:]}.webm"
    video = yield marv.make_file(name)
    duration = (stream.end_time - stream.start_time) * 1e-9
    framerate = (stream.msg_count / duration) if duration else 1

    deserialize = make_deserialize(stream)
    with ExitStack() as stack:
# Copyright 2016 - 2018  Ternaris.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import marv_api as marv
import marv_node.testing
from marv_node.testing import make_dataset, run_nodes, temporary_directory
from marv_robotics.bag import messages
from marv_store import Store

@marv.input('stream', default=marv.select(messages, '/non-existent'))
def nooutput(stream):
    yield marv.set_header()
    while True:
        msg = yield marv.pull(stream)
        if msg is None:
        yield marv.push(msg)

@marv.input('nooutput', default=nooutput)
@marv.input('chatter', default=marv.select(messages, '/chatter'))
def collect(nooutput, chatter):  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    msg = yield marv.pull(nooutput)
    assert msg is None
    msg = yield marv.pull(chatter)
    assert msg is not None