Example #1
    def test_origins(self, plateifu, origin, dir3d):
        im = Image(plateifu)
        assert im.plateifu == plateifu
        assert im.data_origin == origin

        if not check_versions(im._drpver, 'v2_5_3'):
            assert dir3d in im._getFullPath()
Example #2
def getDir3d(inputid, mode=None, release=None):
    ''' Get the 3d redux Image directory from an input plate or plate-IFU '''

    idtype = parseIdentifier(inputid)
    if idtype == 'plate':
        plateid = inputid
    elif idtype == 'plateifu':
        plateid, __ = inputid.split('-')

    release = marvin.config.release if not release else release
    drpver, __ = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=release)

    if check_versions(drpver, 'v1_5_4'):
        from marvin.tools.plate import Plate
            plate = Plate(plate=plateid, nocubes=True, mode=mode, release=release)
        except Exception as e:
            raise MarvinError('Could not retrieve a remote plate.  If it is a mastar '
                              'plate you are after, Marvin currently does not handle those: {0}'.format(e))
            dir3d = plate.dir3d
        dir3d = 'stack'

    return dir3d
Example #3
    def _load_modelcube_from_file(self):
        """Initialises a model cube from a file."""

        if self.data is not None:
            assert isinstance(self.data,
                              fits.HDUList), 'data is not an HDUList object'
                with gunzip(self.filename) as gg:
                    self.data = fits.open(gg.name)
            except IOError as err:
                raise IOError('filename {0} cannot be found: {1}'.format(
                    self.filename, err))

        self.header = self.data[0].header
        self._check_file(self.header, self.data, 'ModelCube')
        self.wcs = WCS(self.data['FLUX'].header)
        self._wavelength = self.data['WAVE'].data
        self._redcorr = self.data['REDCORR'].data
        self._shape = (self.data['FLUX'].header['NAXIS2'],

        self.plateifu = self.header['PLATEIFU']
        self.mangaid = self.header['MANGAID']

        # Checks and populates release.
        file_drpver = self.header['VERSDRP3']
        file_drpver = 'v1_5_1' if file_drpver == 'v1_5_0' else file_drpver

        file_ver = marvin.config.lookUpRelease(file_drpver)
        assert file_ver is not None, 'cannot find file version.'

        if file_drpver != self._drpver:
                'mismatch between file version={0} and object release={1}. '
                'Setting object release to {0}'.format(file_ver,
            self._release = file_ver

        self._drpver, self._dapver = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(

        # Updates datamodel, bintype, and template with the versions from the header.
        self.datamodel = datamodel[self._dapver].models
        self.bintype = self.datamodel.parent.get_bintype(
        if check_versions(self._dapver, datamodel['MPL-8'].release):
            tempkey = self.header['DAPTYPE'].split('-', 1)[-1]
            tempkey = self.header['SCKEY']
        self.template = self.datamodel.parent.get_template(
Example #4
    def download(self):
        """Downloads the image using sdss_access - Rsync,"""

        if not self.plateifu:
            return None

        plate, ifu = self.plateifu.split('-')
        dir3d = self._get_image_dir()

        # use version to toggle old/new images path
        isMPL8 = check_versions(self._drpver, 'v2_5_3')
        name = 'mangaimagenew' if isMPL8 else 'mangaimage'

        return super(Image, self).download(name,
Example #5
    def _getFullPath(self):
        """Returns the full path of the file in the tree."""

        if not self.plateifu:
            return None

        plate, ifu = self.plateifu.split('-')
        dir3d = self._get_image_dir()

        # use version to toggle old/new images path
        isMPL8 = check_versions(self._drpver, 'v2_5_3')
        name = 'mangaimagenew' if isMPL8 else 'mangaimage'

        return super(Image, self)._getFullPath(name,
Example #6
    def set_filepaths(self, pathtype='full'):
        """Set the paths for cube, maps, etc."""
        self.path = Path()
        if check_versions(self.drpver, 'v2_5_3'):
            self.imgpath = self.path.__getattribute__(pathtype)('mangaimagenew', **self.access_kwargs)
            self.imgpath = self.path.__getattribute__(pathtype)('mangaimage', **self.access_kwargs)
        self.cubepath = self.path.__getattribute__(pathtype)('mangacube', **self.access_kwargs)
        self.rsspath = self.path.__getattribute__(pathtype)('mangarss', **self.access_kwargs)

        if self.release == 'MPL-4':
            self.mapspath = self.path.__getattribute__(pathtype)('mangamap', **self.access_kwargs)
            self.modelpath = None
            self.mapspath = self.path.__getattribute__(pathtype)('mangadap5', mode='MAPS',
            self.modelpath = self.path.__getattribute__(pathtype)('mangadap5', mode='LOGCUBE',
Example #7
def make_paths(request, rsync, mode, asurl, release):
    inputs = request.param if hasattr(request, 'param') else None
    rmode = 'url' if asurl else 'full'
    fullpaths = []
    inputs = inputs if inputs else imagelist
    for plateifu in inputs:
        gal = Galaxy(plateifu)
        name = 'mangaimagenew' if check_versions(gal.drpver,
                                                 'v2_5_3') else 'mangaimage'
        if mode == 'local':
            path = rsync.__getattribute__(rmode)(name, **gal.access_kwargs)
            rsync.add(name, **gal.access_kwargs)
            path = rsync.get_urls() if asurl else rsync.get_paths()
    return fullpaths
Example #8
    def stellarcont_fit(self):
        """Returns the stellar continuum fit."""

        isMPL8 = check_versions(self._dapver, datamodel['MPL-8'].release)

        if isMPL8:
            array = self._get_extension_data('stellar_fit')
            model = self.datamodel['stellar_fit']
            mask = self._get_extension_data('stellar_fit', 'mask')
            array = (self._get_extension_data('full_fit') -
                     self._get_extension_data('emline_fit') -
            model = self.datamodel['full_fit']
            mask = self._get_extension_data('flux', 'mask')

        return DataCube(array,
Example #9
    def _load_maps_from_file(self, data=None):
        """Loads a MAPS file."""

        if data is not None:
            assert isinstance(
                data, astropy.io.fits.HDUList), 'data is not a HDUList.'
            self.data = astropy.io.fits.open(self.filename)

        self.header = self.data[0].header

        self.mangaid = self.header['MANGAID'].strip()
        self.plateifu = self.header['PLATEIFU'].strip()

        self._check_file(self.header, self.data, 'Maps')

        # We use EMLINE_GFLUX because is present in MPL-4 and 5 and is not expected to go away.
        header = self.data['EMLINE_GFLUX'].header
        naxis = header['NAXIS']
        wcs_pre = astropy.wcs.WCS(header)

        # Takes only the first two axis.
        self.wcs = wcs_pre.sub(2) if naxis > 2 else naxis

        self._shape = (header['NAXIS2'], header['NAXIS1'])

        # Checks and populates release.
        file_drpver = self.header['VERSDRP3']
        file_drpver = 'v1_5_1' if file_drpver == 'v1_5_0' else file_drpver

        file_ver = marvin.config.lookUpRelease(file_drpver)
        assert file_ver is not None, 'cannot find file version.'

        if file_ver != self._release:
                'mismatch between file version={0} and object release={1}. '
                'Setting object release to {0}'.format(file_ver,
            self._release = file_ver

        self._drpver, self._dapver = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(
        self.datamodel = datamodel[self._dapver].properties

        # Checks the bintype from the header
        is_MPL4 = 'MPL-4' in self.datamodel.parent.aliases
        if not is_MPL4:
            header_bintype = self.data[0].header['BINKEY'].strip().upper()
            header_bintype = 'SPX' if header_bintype == 'NONE' else header_bintype
            header_bintype = self.data[0].header['BINTYPE'].strip().upper()

        # Checks the template from the header
        #is_MPL8 = parse_version(self._dapver) >= parse_version(datamodel['MPL-8'].release)
        is_MPL8 = check_versions(self._dapver, datamodel['MPL-8'].release)
        header_template_key = 'TPLKEY' if is_MPL4 else 'DAPTYPE' if is_MPL8 else 'SCKEY'
        if is_MPL8:
            template_val = self.data[0].header[header_template_key].split(
                '-', 1)[-1]
            template_val = self.data[0].header[header_template_key]
        header_template = template_val.strip().upper()

        if self.bintype.name != header_bintype:
            self.bintype = self.datamodel.parent.get_bintype(header_bintype)

        if self.template.name != header_template:
            self.template = self.datamodel.parent.get_template(header_template)
Example #10
def showImage(path=None, plateifu=None, release=None, return_image=True, show_image=True, mode=None):
    ''' Crudely and coarsely show a galaxy image that has been downloaded

    .. deprecated:: 2.3.0
       Use :class:`marvin.tools.image.Image` or :func:`show_image` instead.

    This utility function quickly allows you to display a PNG IFU image that is located in your
    local SAS or from the remote Utah SAS.  A PIL Image object is also returned which allows you to
    manipulate the image after the fact.  See :ref:`marvin-image-show` for example usage.

    Either the path or plateifu keyword is required.

        path (str):
            A string filepath to a local IFU image
        plateifu (str):
            A plateifu designation used to look for the IFU image in your local SAS
        return_image (bool):
            If ``True``, returns the PIL Image object for image manipulation.  Default is ``True``.
        show_image (bool):
            If ``True``, shows the requested image that is opened internally
        mode ({'local', 'remote', 'auto'}):
            The load mode to use. See
            :doc:`Mode secision tree</mode_decision>`.
        release (str):
            The release version of the images to return

        image (PIL Image or None):
            If return_image is set, returns a PIL Image object to allow for image manipulation, else returns None.


    warnings.warn('showImage is deprecated as of Marvin 2.3.0. '
                  'Please use marvin.tools.image.Image instead.', MarvinDeprecationWarning)

    # check inputs
    release = release if release else marvin.config.release
    drpver, __ = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=release)
    args = [path, plateifu]
    assert any(args), 'A filepath or plateifu must be specified!'
    imgname = 'mangaimagenew' if check_versions(drpver, 'v2_5_3') else 'mangaimage'

    # check path
    if path:
        if type(path) == list and len(path) > 1:
            raise MarvinError('showImage currently only works on a single input at a time')
        filepath = path[0] if type(path) == list else path

        # Deal with the mode
        if mode == 'local' and 'https://data.sdss.org' in filepath:
            raise MarvinError('Remote url path not allowed in local mode')
        elif mode == 'remote' and 'https://data.sdss.org' not in filepath:
            raise MarvinError('Local path not allowed in remote mode')
        elif mode == 'auto':
            if 'https://data.sdss.org' in filepath:
                mode = 'remote'
                mode = 'local'

    def _do_local_plateifu(name):
        full = http_access.full(name, plate=plateid, drpver=drpver, ifu=ifu, dir3d='*')
        filepath = http_access.expand('', full=full)
        if filepath:
            filepath = filepath[0]
            return filepath
            raise MarvinError('Error: No files found locally to match plateifu {0}. '
                              'Use one of the image utility functions to download them first or '
                              'switch to remote mode'.format(plateifu))

    def _do_remote_plateifu(name):
        filepath = http_access.url(name, plate=plateid, drpver=drpver, ifu=ifu, dir3d='stack')
        return filepath

    # check plateifu
    if plateifu:
        plateid, ifu = plateifu.split('-')
        http_access = HttpAccess(verbose=False)
        if mode == 'local':
            filepath = _do_local_plateifu(imgname)
        elif mode == 'remote':
            filepath = _do_remote_plateifu(imgname)
        elif mode == 'auto':
                filepath = _do_local_plateifu(imgname)
                mode = 'local'
            except MarvinError:
                marvin.log.debug('Local mode failed.  Trying remote.')
                filepath = _do_remote_plateifu(imgname)
                mode = 'remote'

    # check if filepath exists either locally or remotely
    if mode == 'local':
        if not filepath or not os.path.isfile(filepath):
            raise MarvinError('Error: local filepath {0} does not exist. '.format(filepath))
            fileobj = filepath
    elif mode == 'remote':
        r = requests.get(filepath)
        if not r.ok:
            raise MarvinError('Error: remote filepath {0} does not exist'.format(filepath))
            fileobj = stringio(r.content)

    # Open the image
        image = PIL.Image.open(fileobj)
    except IOError as e:
        print('Error: cannot open image')
        image = None
        image.filename = filepath

    if image and show_image:
        # show the image

    # return the PIL Image object
    if return_image:
        return image
        return None
Example #11
def getImagesByList(inputlist, download=False, mode=None, as_url=None, verbose=None, release=None):
    ''' Get all images from a list of ids

    .. deprecated:: 2.3.0
       Use :class:`marvin.utils.general.images.get_images_by_list` instead.

    Retrieve a list of images from either your local filesystem SAS
    or the Utah SAS.  Optionally can download the images by rsync using

    When as_url is False, both local and remote modes will allow you to access
    the full path to the images in your local SAS.  WHen as_url is True,
    local mode generates the Utah SAS url links, while remote mode generates the
    Utah SAS rsync links.

    Auto mode defaults to remote.

        inputlist (list):
            A list of plate-ifus or mangaids for the images you want to retrieve. Required.
        download (bool):
            Set to download the images from the SAS.  Only works in remote mode.
        mode ({'local', 'remote', 'auto'}):
            The load mode to use. See
            :doc:`Mode secision tree</mode_decision>`.
            the cube exists.
        as_url (bool):
            Convert the list of images to use the SAS url (mode=local)
            or the SAS rsync url (mode=remote)
        verbose (bool):
            Turns on verbosity during rsync
        release (str):
            The release version of the images to return

        listofimages (list):
            The list of images you have requested


    warnings.warn('getImagesByList is deprecated as of Marvin 2.3.0. '
                  'Please use get_images_by_list', MarvinDeprecationWarning)

    # Check inputs
    assert isinstance(inputlist, (list, np.ndarray)), 'Input must be of type list or Numpy array'
    idtype = parseIdentifier(inputlist[0])
    assert idtype in ['plateifu', 'mangaid'], 'Input must be of type plate-ifu or mangaid'
    # mode is checked via decorator

    # convert mangaids into plateifus
    if idtype == 'mangaid':
        newlist = []
        for myid in inputlist:
                plateifu = mangaid2plateifu(myid)
            except MarvinError:
                plateifu = None
        inputlist = newlist

    # setup Rsync Access
    release = release if release else marvin.config.release
    drpver, __ = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=release)
    is_public = 'DR' in release
    rsync_release = release.lower() if is_public else None
    rsync_access = RsyncAccess(label='marvin_getlist', verbose=verbose, public=is_public,

    imgname = 'mangaimagenew' if check_versions(drpver, 'v2_5_3') else 'mangaimage'

    # if mode is auto, set it to remote:
    if mode == 'auto':
        warnings.warn('Mode is auto.  Defaulting to remote.  If you want to access your '
                      'local images, set the mode explicitly to local', MarvinUserWarning)
        mode = 'remote'

    # do a local or remote thing
    if mode == 'local':
        # Get list of images
        listofimages = []
        for plateifu in inputlist:
            dir3d = getDir3d(plateifu, mode=mode, release=release)
            plateid, ifu = plateifu.split('-')
            if as_url:
                path = rsync_access.url(imgname, plate=plateid, drpver=drpver, ifu=ifu, dir3d=dir3d)
                path = rsync_access.full(imgname, plate=plateid, drpver=drpver, ifu=ifu, dir3d=dir3d)

        # if download, issue warning that cannot do it
        if download:
            warnings.warn('Download not available when in local mode', MarvinUserWarning)

        return listofimages
    elif mode == 'remote':
        # Add plateifus to stream
        for plateifu in inputlist:
            dir3d = getDir3d(plateifu, mode=mode, release=release)
            plateid, ifu = plateifu.split('-')
            rsync_access.add(imgname, plate=plateid, drpver=drpver, ifu=ifu, dir3d=dir3d)

        # set the stream
        except AccessError as e:
            raise MarvinError('Error with sdss_access rsync.set_stream. AccessError: {0}'.format(e))

        # get the list
        listofimages = rsync_access.get_urls() if as_url else rsync_access.get_paths()
        if download:
            return listofimages
Example #12
def getImagesByPlate(plateid, download=False, mode=None, as_url=None, verbose=None, release=None):
    ''' Get all images belonging to a given plate ID

    .. deprecated:: 2.3.0
       Use :class:`marvin.utils.general.images.get_images_by_plate` instead.

    Retrieve all images belonging to a given plate ID from either your local filesystem SAS
    or the Utah SAS.  Optionally can download the images by rsync using

    When as_url is False, both local and remote modes will allow you to access
    the full path to the images in your local SAS.  WHen as_url is True,
    local mode generates the Utah SAS url links, while remote mode generates the
    Utah SAS rsync links.

    Auto mode defaults to remote.

        plateid (int):
            The plate ID to retrieve the images for.  Required.
        download (bool):
            Set to download the images from the SAS
        mode ({'local', 'remote', 'auto'}):
            The load mode to use. See
            :doc:`Mode secision tree</mode_decision>`.
            the cube exists.
        as_url (bool):
            Convert the list of images to use the SAS url (mode=local)
            or the SAS rsync url (mode=remote)
        verbose (bool):
            Turns on verbosity during rsync
        release (str):
            The release version of the images to return

        listofimages (list):
            The list of images


    warnings.warn('getImagesByPlate is deprecated as of Marvin 2.3.0. '
                  'Please use get_images_by_plate', MarvinDeprecationWarning)

    assert str(plateid).isdigit(), 'Plateid must be a numeric integer value'

    # setup marvin inputs
    release = release if release else marvin.config.release
    drpver, __ = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=release)
    #dir3d = getDir3d(plateid, mode=mode, release=release)

    # setup Rsync Access
    is_public = 'DR' in release
    rsync_release = release.lower() if is_public else None
    rsync_access = RsyncAccess(label='marvin_getplate', verbose=verbose, public=is_public,

    # if mode is auto, set it to remote:
    if mode == 'auto':
        warnings.warn('Mode is auto.  Defaulting to remote.  If you want to access your '
                      'local images, set the mode explicitly to local', MarvinUserWarning)
        mode = 'remote'

    imgname = 'mangaimagenew' if check_versions(drpver, 'v2_5_3') else 'mangaimage'

    # do a local or remote thing
    if mode == 'local':
        full = rsync_access.full(imgname, plate=plateid, drpver=drpver, ifu='*', dir3d='*')
        listofimages = rsync_access.expand('', full=full, as_url=as_url)

        # if download, issue warning that cannot do it
        if download:
            warnings.warn('Download not available when in local mode', MarvinUserWarning)

        return listofimages
    elif mode == 'remote':
        rsync_access.add(imgname, plate=plateid, drpver=drpver, ifu='*', dir3d='*')

        # set the stream
        except AccessError as e:
            raise MarvinError('Error with sdss_access rsync.set_stream. AccessError: {0}'.format(e))

        # get the list
        listofimages = rsync_access.get_urls() if as_url else rsync_access.get_paths()

        if download:
            return listofimages
Example #13
def getRandomImages(num=10, download=False, mode=None, as_url=None, verbose=None, release=None):
    ''' Get a list of N random images from SAS

    .. deprecated:: 2.3.0
       Use :class:`marvin.utils.general.images.get_random_images` instead.

    Retrieve a random set of images from either your local filesystem SAS
    or the Utah SAS.  Optionally can download the images by rsync using

    When as_url is False, both local and remote modes will allow you to access
    the full path to the images in your local SAS.  WHen as_url is True,
    local mode generates the Utah SAS url links, while remote mode generates the
    Utah SAS rsync links.

    Auto mode defaults to remote.

        num (int):
            The number of images to retrieve
        download (bool):
            Set to download the images from the SAS
        mode ({'local', 'remote', 'auto'}):
            The load mode to use. See
            :doc:`Mode secision tree</mode_decision>`.
            the cube exists.
        as_url (bool):
            Convert the list of images to use the SAS url (mode=local)
            or the SAS rsync url (mode=remote)
        verbose (bool):
            Turns on verbosity during rsync
        release (str):
            The release version of the images to return

        listofimages (list):
            The list of images

    warnings.warn('getRandomImages is deprecated as of Marvin 2.3.0. '
                  'Please use get_randome_images', MarvinDeprecationWarning)

    release = release if release else marvin.config.release
    drpver, __ = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=release)
    is_public = 'DR' in release
    rsync_release = release.lower() if is_public else None
    rsync_access = RsyncAccess(label='marvin_getrandom', verbose=verbose, public=is_public,

    imgname = 'mangaimagenew' if check_versions(drpver, 'v2_5_3') else 'mangaimage'

    # if mode is auto, set it to remote:
    if mode == 'auto':
        warnings.warn('Mode is auto.  Defaulting to remote.  If you want to access your '
                      'local images, set the mode explicitly to local', MarvinUserWarning)
        mode = 'remote'

    # do a local or remote thing
    if mode == 'local':
        full = rsync_access.full(imgname, plate='*', drpver=drpver, ifu='*', dir3d='stack')
        listofimages = rsync_access.random('', full=full, num=num, refine=r'\d{4,5}.png', as_url=as_url)

        # if download, issue warning that cannot do it
        if download:
            warnings.warn('Download not available when in local mode', MarvinUserWarning)

        return listofimages
    elif mode == 'remote':
        rsync_access.add(imgname, plate='*', drpver=drpver, ifu='*', dir3d='stack')
        except AccessError as e:
            raise MarvinError('Error with sdss_access rsync.set_stream. AccessError: {0}'.format(e))

        # refine and randomize
        listofimages = rsync_access.get_urls(limit=num) if as_url else rsync_access.get_paths(limit=num)

        if download:
            return listofimages
Example #14
 def test_checks(self, v1, exp):
     assert check_versions(v1, 'v2_5_3') is exp