def run_modulation(mission, n_photons=10000, outpath=None, pointing=mypointing, wave=wave, orders=['all']): energies =, equivalencies=u.spectral()) modulation = np.zeros((len(energies), 4, len(orders))) for i, e in enumerate(energies): print('{0}/{1}'.format(i + 1, len(energies))) mysource = PointSource(coords=SkyCoord(30., 30., unit='deg'), energy=e, polarization=0. * u.rad) mysource2 = PointSource(coords=SkyCoord(30., 30., unit='deg'), energy=e, polarization=np.pi/2 * u.rad) p1 = mysource.generate_photons(n_photons * u.s) p2 = mysource2.generate_photons(n_photons * u.s) photons = astropy.table.vstack([p1, p2]) photons = pointing(photons) photons = mission(photons) if outpath is not None: photons.write(os.path.join(outpath, 'merrit{0:05.2f}.fits'.format(wave.value[i])), overwrite=True) for j, order in enumerate(orders): if order == 'all': phot = photons else: phot = photons[photons['order'] == order] modulation[i, :, j] = calculate_modulation(phot) return modulation
def run_aeff(mission, n_photons=10000, outpath=None, pointing=mypointing, wave=wave, orders=['all']): ''' Parameters ---------- n_photons : int Number of photons for each simulation outpath : string or ``None``. Path to an existing directory where ray files will be saved. Set to ``None`` if not files shall be written. mission : marxs optical elements Total mission description.`` ''' energies =, equivalencies=u.spectral()) frac_aeff = np.zeros((len(energies), 4, len(orders))) for i, e in enumerate(energies): print('{0}/{1}'.format(i + 1, len(energies))) mysource = PointSource(coords=SkyCoord(30., 30., unit='deg'), energy=e) photons = mysource.generate_photons(n_photons * u.s) photons = pointing(photons) photons = mission(photons) if outpath is not None: photons.write(os.path.join(outpath, 'aeff{0:05.2f}.fits'.format(wave.value[i])), overwrite=True) for j, order in enumerate(orders): if order == 'all': filterfunc = None else: filterfunc = lambda photons: photons['order'] == order frac_aeff[i, :, j] = fractional_aeff(photons, filterfunc=filterfunc) return frac_aeff
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord import marxs.visualization.mayavi from marxs.source import PointSource, FixedPointing import sys sys.path.append('../redsox') import redsox from mirror import Ageom %matplotlib my_source = PointSource(coords=SkyCoord(30., 30., unit='deg'), energy=0.25, polarization=120., geomarea=Ageom) my_pointing = FixedPointing(coords=SkyCoord(30., 30., unit='deg'), reference_transform=redsox.xyz2zxy) photons = my_source.generate_photons(1) photons = my_pointing(photons) photons = redsox.redsox(photons) fig = mlab.figure(**kwargsfig) redsox.mirror.display = copy.deepcopy(redsox.mirror.display) redsox.mirror.display['color'] = (1., 0.6, 0.) out = marxsavi.plot_object(redsox.redsox, viewer=fig)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from marxs.source import poisson_process from marxs.missions import chandra from marxs.source import PointSource ngc1313_X1 = SkyCoord("3h18m19.99s -66d29m10.97s") energies = np.arange(.3, 8., .01) spectrum1 = 6.3e-4 * energies**(-1.9) flux1 = (spectrum1[1:] * np.diff(energies)).sum() flux1 = poisson_process(flux1) aperture = chandra.Aperture() src1 = PointSource(coords=ngc1313_X1, energy={'energy': energies, 'flux': spectrum1}, flux=flux1, geomarea=aperture.area) pointing = chandra.LissajousDither(coords=ngc1313_X1) hrma = chandra.HRMA() acis = chandra.ACIS(chips=[4,5,6,7,8,9], aimpoint=chandra.AIMPOINTS['ACIS-S']) photons = src1.generate_photons(5e3) # 5 ks exposure time photons = pointing(photons) photons = aperture(photons) photons = hrma(photons) photons = acis(photons) line = plt.plot(photons['tdetx'], photons['tdety'], '.')
from marxs.source import PointSource, FixedPointing from marxs.optics import FlatOpticalElement, FlatDetector import sys sys.path.append('../redsox') import redsox %matplotlib conf = copy.deepcopy(redsox.conf) conf['gratingzoom'] = [.5, 15., 5.] instrum = redsox.PerfectRedsox(conf=conf) instrum3 = redsox.PerfectRedsox(conf=conf, channels='3') my_source = PointSource(coords=SkyCoord(30., 30., unit='deg'), energy=0.25, polarization=120., geomarea=instrum.elements[0].area) my_pointing = FixedPointing(coords=SkyCoord(30., 30., unit='deg'), reference_transform=redsox.xyz2zxy) photons = my_source.generate_photons(.2) photons = my_pointing(photons) photons = instrum3(photons) ind = (photons['facet'] >= 0) & (photons['CCD_ID'] >= 0) positions = [instrum3.KeepPos.format_positions()[ind, :, :]] colorid = [photons['colorindex'][ind]] # saving to x3d resets color scale form in to max, ignoring vmin and vmax # Thus, add a non-visible line here with color 5 to prevent that positions.append(np.zeros((2, 5, 3)))
detfp.detpix_name = ['detfppix_x', 'detfppix_y'] detfp.display['opacity'] = 0.2 # Place an additional detector on the Rowland circle. detcirc = marxs.optics.CircularDetector.from_rowland(rowland, width=20) detcirc.loc_coos_name = ['detcirc_phi', 'detcirc_y'] detcirc.detpix_name = ['detcircpix_x', 'detcircpix_y'] detcirc.display['opacity'] = 0.2 uptomirror = Sequence(elements=[aper, mirror]) keeppos = marxs.simulator.KeepCol('pos') mission = Sequence(elements=[aper, mirror, gas, catsupport, det, detfp], postprocess_steps=[keeppos]) star = PointSource(coords=(23., 45.), flux=5.) pointing = FixedPointing(coords=(23., 45.)) photons = star.generate_photons(exposuretime=2000) photons = pointing(photons) ### Look at different energies for some orders in detail p = uptomirror(photons.copy()) gratings = copy.deepcopy(gas) p1 = p.copy() p02 = p.copy() p02['energy'] = 0.2 gratingeff = marxs.optics.constant_order_factory(0) for elem in gratings.elements: elem.order_selector = gratingeff
import numpy as np from marxs.source import PointSource, FixedPointing import astropy.units as u from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from ..constants import xyz2zxy from .. import Arcus import pytest e = 0.5 * u.keV mysource = PointSource(coords=SkyCoord(30. * u.deg, 30. * u.deg), energy=e) mypointing = FixedPointing(coords=SkyCoord(30 * u.deg, 30. * u.deg), reference_transform=xyz2zxy) @pytest.mark.parametrize("instrument", [Arcus(channels=['1']), Arcus(channels=['2m'])]) def test_orders_are_focussed(instrument): '''Check that the orders look reasonable. This test tries to be generic so that coordinate system etc. can be changed later, but still check that all light is focused to one point to detect error in setting up the mirrors. ''' photons = mysource.generate_photons(2e4 * u.s) photons = mypointing(photons) photons = instrument(photons)
n = len(time) pol = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, n) * u.rad pol[n // 3:(n // 3) * 2] = 0 * u.rad pol[(n // 3) * 2:] = np.pi / 2 * u.rad return pol def analyzer(photons): aeff = instrumfull.elements[0]**2) * fractional_aeff( photons[:len(photons) // 3]) modulation = calculate_modulation(photons[len(photons) // 3:]) return {'aeff': aeff, 'modulation': modulation, 'Aeff_channel': aeff[1]} my_source = PointSource(coords=SkyCoord(30., 0., unit='deg'), energy=0.25 * u.keV, polarization=polfuncinthirds) ## Here starts the list parameters ### outpath = f'../run_results/{args.mission}/' changeglobal, changeindividual = generate_6d_wigglelist( [0., 0.01, .02, .1, .2, .4, .7, 1., 2., 5., 10.] *, [0., .05, 2., 5., 10., 15., 20., 25., 30., 40., 50., 60., 120., 180.] * u.arcmin) # in arcsec, conversion is a few lines below scatter = np.array([0, 1., 4., 8., 16., 30., 60., 120., 180., 300, 600]) scatter = np.hstack([ np.vstack([scatter, np.zeros_like(scatter)]), np.vstack([np.zeros_like(scatter[1:]), scatter[1:]])
# 'flux': 0.02 * energies[::-1]**(-2)} spectrum = '/melkor/d1/guenther/Dropbox/REDSoX File Transfers/raytrace/inputdata/mk421_spec.txt', format='ascii.no_header', names=['wave', 'fluxperwave']) spectrum['energy'] = 1.2398419292004202e-06 / (spectrum['wave'] * 1e-7) spectrum['flux'] = spectrum['fluxperwave'] / 12.398419292004202 * spectrum[ 'wave']**2 spectrum.sort('energy') # Now limit to the range where I have coefficients for gratings etc. spectrum = spectrum[(spectrum['wave'] > 25.) & (spectrum['wave'] < 75.)] flux = np.sum(spectrum['flux'][1:] * np.diff(spectrum['energy'])) my_sourcepol = PointSource(coords=SkyCoord(30., 30., unit='deg'), energy=spectrum, flux=0.2 * flux, polarization=120., geomarea=Ageom) my_sourceunpol = PointSource(coords=SkyCoord(30., 30., unit='deg'), energy=spectrum, flux=0.8 * flux, geomarea=Ageom) ppol = my_sourcepol.generate_photons(300) punpol = my_sourceunpol.generate_photons(300) with enable_merge_strategies(utils.MergeIdentical): photons = vstack([ppol, punpol]) photons = mypointing(photons) len(photons) photons = redsox.redsox(photons)
from mirror import Ageom from mayavi import mlab %matplotlib # Make two components with different polarization directions energy = np.arange(.1, .9, .01) polangle = np.arange(0, 360., 1.) # Component 1: Powerlaw gamma = 1.5, polangle = 50 deg, polarization fraction 50 % fluxdens1 = energy ** (-1.5) pol1 = np.ones_like(polangle) / len(polangle) pol1[45:55] += 1. / 10 src1 = PointSource(coords=SkyCoord(30., 30., unit='deg'), energy={'energy': energy, 'flux': fluxdens1}, polarization={'angle': polangle, 'probability': pol1}, geomarea=Ageom, flux=poisson_process(2)) # Component 2: polarization fraction 33 % spec ='../inputdata/bb36.tbl', format='ascii', names=['energy','flux']) pol2 = np.ones_like(polangle) / len(polangle) pol2 [100:110] += .5 / 10 src2 = PointSource(coords=SkyCoord(30., 30., unit='deg'), energy={'energy': energy, 'flux': fluxdens1}, polarization={'angle': polangle, 'probability': pol1}, geomarea=Ageom, flux=poisson_process(1)) my_pointing = FixedPointing(coords=SkyCoord(30., 30., unit='deg'), reference_transform=redsox.xyz2zxy)
from marxs import utils from astropy.table import Table import astropy.units as u from astropy import table from astropy.utils.metadata import enable_merge_strategies from import fits import arcus n_photons_list = [1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7] wave = np.arange(8., 50., 0.5) * u.Angstrom energies =, equivalencies=u.spectral()).value for n_photons in n_photons_list: t0 = time.time() mysource = PointSource((0., 0.), energy=0.5, flux=1.) photons = mysource.generate_photons(n_photons / 2) mypointing = FixedPointing(coords=(0., 0.)) photons = mypointing(photons) photons = arcus.arcus_joern(photons) photonsm = mysource.generate_photons(n_photons / 2) photonsm = mypointing(photonsm) photonsm = arcus.arcus_joernm(photonsm) photonsm['aperture'] += 2 with enable_merge_strategies(utils.MergeIdentical): out = table.vstack([photons, photonsm]) photons.write(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(), format='fits')
from marxs.source import poisson_process from marxs.missions import chandra from marxs.source import PointSource ngc1313_X1 = SkyCoord("3h18m19.99s -66d29m10.97s") energies = np.arange(.3, 8., .01) * u.keV fluxdensity = 6.3e-4 * energies.value**(-1.9) / u.s /**2 / u.keV fluxperbin = fluxdensity[1:] * np.diff(energies) flux = poisson_process(fluxperbin.sum()) energytab = QTable({'energy': energies, 'fluxdensity': fluxdensity}) aperture = chandra.Aperture() src1 = PointSource(coords=ngc1313_X1, energy=energytab, flux=flux, geomarea=aperture.area) pointing = chandra.LissajousDither(coords=ngc1313_X1) hrma = chandra.HRMA() acis = chandra.ACIS(chips=[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], aimpoint=chandra.AIMPOINTS['ACIS-S']) photons = src1.generate_photons(5 * u.ks) photons = pointing(photons) photons = aperture(photons) photons = hrma(photons) photons = acis(photons) line = plt.plot(photons['tdetx'], photons['tdety'], '.')