Example #1
def labelme_eval_sds(det_file, seg_file, annot_path, image_list, cls_name, cache_dir,
                 class_names, mask_size, binary_thresh, ov_thresh=0.5):
    # 1. Check whether ground truth cache file exists
    assert(type(image_list) is list)
    image_names = [i[:i.rfind(".")] for i in image_list]  # image_list
    cache_gt_file_format = "%s_mask_gt.pkl"
    check_labelme_sds_cache(cache_dir, annot_path, image_names, class_names, cache_gt_file_format)

    print("***Performing evaluation on %s***"%(cls_name))

    gt_cache = os.path.join(cache_dir, cache_gt_file_format%(cls_name))
    with open(gt_cache, 'rb') as f:
        print("Loading ground-truth %s..."%(gt_cache))
        gt_pkl = cPickle.load(f)

    # 2. Get predict pickle file for this class
    with open(det_file, 'rb') as f:
        print("Loading det predictions %s..."%(det_file))
        boxes_pkl = cPickle.load(f)
    with open(seg_file, 'rb') as f:
        print("Loading seg predictions %s..."%(seg_file))
        masks_pkl = cPickle.load(f)

    # 3. Pre-compute number of total instances to allocate memory
    num_image = len(image_names)
    box_num = 0
    for im_i in xrange(num_image):
        box_num += len(boxes_pkl[im_i])

    # 4. Re-organize all the predicted boxes
    new_boxes = np.zeros((box_num, 5))
    new_masks = np.zeros((box_num, mask_size, mask_size))
    new_image = []
    cnt = 0
    for image_ind in xrange(len(image_names)):
        boxes = boxes_pkl[image_ind]
        masks = masks_pkl[image_ind]
        num_instance = len(boxes)
        for box_ind in xrange(num_instance):
            new_boxes[cnt] = boxes[box_ind]
            new_masks[cnt] = masks[box_ind]
            cnt += 1

    # 5. Rearrange boxes according to their scores
    seg_scores = new_boxes[:, -1]
    keep_inds = np.argsort(-seg_scores)
    new_boxes = new_boxes[keep_inds, :]
    new_masks = new_masks[keep_inds, :, :]
    num_pred = new_boxes.shape[0]
    # 6. Calculate t/f positive
    fp = np.zeros((num_pred, 1))
    tp = np.zeros((num_pred, 1))
    for i in xrange(num_pred):
        pred_box = np.round(new_boxes[i, :4]).astype(int)
        pred_mask = new_masks[i]
        pred_mask = cv2.resize(pred_mask.astype(np.float32), (pred_box[2] - pred_box[0] + 1, pred_box[3] - pred_box[1] + 1))
        pred_mask = pred_mask >= binary_thresh
        image_index = new_image[keep_inds[i]]

        # load from cache
        if image_index not in gt_pkl:
            fp[i] = 1
        gt_dict_list = gt_pkl[image_index]

        # annot_file = os.path.join(annot_path, image_index+".xml")
        # gt_dict_list = parse_rec(annot_file)

        # calculate max region overlap
        cur_overlap = -1000
        cur_overlap_ind = -1
        for ind2, gt_dict in enumerate(gt_dict_list):
            if gt_dict['mask_cls'] != cls_name:
            gt_mask_bound = np.round(gt_dict['mask_bound']).astype(int)
            gt_mask = gt_dict['mask'] 
            pred_mask_bound = pred_box
            ov = mask_overlap(gt_mask_bound, pred_mask_bound, gt_mask, pred_mask)   
            # try:
            #     ov = mask_overlap(gt_mask_bound, pred_mask_bound, gt_mask, pred_mask)
            # except IndexError, e:
            #     print('gt_mask_bound', gt_mask_bound)
            #     print('gt_mask', gt_mask)
            #     print('pred_mask',pred_mask)
            #     print('pred_mask_bound', pred_mask_bound)
            #     print(ind2)
            #     print(annot_file)
            #     gt_dict_list = parse_rec(annot_file, verbose=True)
            #     raise IndexError, e
            if ov > cur_overlap:
                cur_overlap = ov
                cur_overlap_ind = ind2
        if cur_overlap >= ov_thresh:
            # if 'already_detect' in gt_dict_list[cur_overlap_ind]:
            if gt_dict_list[cur_overlap_ind]['already_detect']:
                fp[i] = 1
                tp[i] = 1
                gt_dict_list[cur_overlap_ind]['already_detect'] = 1
            fp[i] = 1

    # 7. Calculate precision
    num_pos = 0
    for key, val in gt_pkl.iteritems():
        num_pos += len(val)
    fp = np.cumsum(fp)
    tp = np.cumsum(tp)
    rec = tp / float(num_pos)
    # avoid divide by zero in case the first matches a difficult gt
    prec = tp / np.maximum(fp+tp, np.finfo(np.float64).eps)
    ap = voc_ap(rec, prec, True)
    return ap
Example #2
def voc_eval_sds(det_file,
    # 1. Check whether ground truth cache file exists
    with open(image_list, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    image_names = [x.strip() for x in lines]
    check_voc_sds_cache(cache_dir, devkit_path, image_names, class_names)
    gt_cache = cache_dir + '/' + cls_name + '_mask_gt.pkl'
    with open(gt_cache, 'rb') as f:
        gt_pkl = pickle.load(f)

    # 2. Get predict pickle file for this class
    with open(det_file, 'rb') as f:
        boxes_pkl = pickle.load(f)
    with open(seg_file, 'rb') as f:
        masks_pkl = pickle.load(f)

    # 3. Pre-compute number of total instances to allocate memory
    num_image = len(image_names)
    box_num = 0
    for im_i in range(num_image):
        box_num += len(boxes_pkl[im_i])

    # 4. Re-organize all the predicted boxes
    new_boxes = np.zeros((box_num, 5))
    new_masks = np.zeros((box_num, mask_size, mask_size))
    new_image = []
    cnt = 0
    for image_ind in range(len(image_names)):
        boxes = boxes_pkl[image_ind]
        masks = masks_pkl[image_ind]
        num_instance = len(boxes)
        for box_ind in range(num_instance):
            new_boxes[cnt] = boxes[box_ind]
            new_masks[cnt] = masks[box_ind]
            cnt += 1

    # 5. Rearrange boxes according to their scores
    seg_scores = new_boxes[:, -1]
    keep_inds = np.argsort(-seg_scores)
    new_boxes = new_boxes[keep_inds, :]
    new_masks = new_masks[keep_inds, :, :]
    num_pred = new_boxes.shape[0]
    import cv2
    # 6. Calculate t/f positive
    fp = np.zeros((num_pred, 1))
    tp = np.zeros((num_pred, 1))
    for i in range(num_pred):
        pred_box = np.round(new_boxes[i, :4]).astype(int)
        pred_mask = new_masks[i]
        pred_mask = cv2.resize(
            (pred_box[2] - pred_box[0] + 1, pred_box[3] - pred_box[1] + 1))
        pred_mask = pred_mask >= binary_thresh
        image_index = new_image[keep_inds[i]]

        if image_index not in gt_pkl:
            fp[i] = 1
        gt_dict_list = gt_pkl[image_index]
        # calculate max region overlap
        cur_overlap = -1000
        cur_overlap_ind = -1
        for ind2, gt_dict in enumerate(gt_dict_list):
            gt_mask_bound = np.round(gt_dict['mask_bound']).astype(int)
            pred_mask_bound = pred_box
            ov = mask_overlap(gt_mask_bound, pred_mask_bound, gt_dict['mask'],
            if ov > cur_overlap:
                cur_overlap = ov
                cur_overlap_ind = ind2
        if cur_overlap >= ov_thresh:
            if gt_dict_list[cur_overlap_ind]['already_detect']:
                fp[i] = 1
                tp[i] = 1
                gt_dict_list[cur_overlap_ind]['already_detect'] = 1
            fp[i] = 1

    # 7. Calculate precision
    num_pos = 0
    for key, val in gt_pkl.items():
        num_pos += len(val)
    fp = np.cumsum(fp)
    tp = np.cumsum(tp)
    rec = tp / float(num_pos)
    # avoid divide by zero in case the first matches a difficult gt
    prec = tp / np.maximum(fp + tp, np.finfo(np.float64).eps)
    ap = voc_ap(rec, prec, True)
    return ap
Example #3
def voc_eval_sds(det_file, seg_file, devkit_path, image_list, cls_name, cache_dir,
                 class_names, mask_size, binary_thresh, ov_thresh=0.5):
    # 1. Check whether ground truth cache file exists
    with open(image_list, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    image_names = [x.strip() for x in lines]
    check_voc_sds_cache(cache_dir, devkit_path, image_names, class_names)
    gt_cache = cache_dir + '/' + cls_name + '_mask_gt.pkl'
    with open(gt_cache, 'rb') as f:
        gt_pkl = cPickle.load(f)

    # 2. Get predict pickle file for this class
    with open(det_file, 'rb') as f:
        boxes_pkl = cPickle.load(f)
    with open(seg_file, 'rb') as f:
        masks_pkl = cPickle.load(f)

    # 3. Pre-compute number of total instances to allocate memory
    num_image = len(image_names)
    box_num = 0
    for im_i in xrange(num_image):
        box_num += len(boxes_pkl[im_i])

    # 4. Re-organize all the predicted boxes
    new_boxes = np.zeros((box_num, 5))
    new_masks = np.zeros((box_num, mask_size, mask_size))
    new_image = []
    cnt = 0
    for image_ind in xrange(len(image_names)):
        boxes = boxes_pkl[image_ind]
        masks = masks_pkl[image_ind]
        num_instance = len(boxes)
        for box_ind in xrange(num_instance):
            new_boxes[cnt] = boxes[box_ind]
            new_masks[cnt] = masks[box_ind]
            cnt += 1

    # 5. Rearrange boxes according to their scores
    seg_scores = new_boxes[:, -1]
    keep_inds = np.argsort(-seg_scores)
    new_boxes = new_boxes[keep_inds, :]
    new_masks = new_masks[keep_inds, :, :]
    num_pred = new_boxes.shape[0]
    import cv2
    # 6. Calculate t/f positive
    fp = np.zeros((num_pred, 1))
    tp = np.zeros((num_pred, 1))
    for i in xrange(num_pred):
        pred_box = np.round(new_boxes[i, :4]).astype(int)
        pred_mask = new_masks[i]
        pred_mask = cv2.resize(pred_mask.astype(np.float32), (pred_box[2] - pred_box[0] + 1, pred_box[3] - pred_box[1] + 1))
        pred_mask = pred_mask >= binary_thresh
        image_index = new_image[keep_inds[i]]

        if image_index not in gt_pkl:
            fp[i] = 1
        gt_dict_list = gt_pkl[image_index]
        # calculate max region overlap
        cur_overlap = -1000
        cur_overlap_ind = -1
        for ind2, gt_dict in enumerate(gt_dict_list):
            gt_mask_bound = np.round(gt_dict['mask_bound']).astype(int)
            pred_mask_bound = pred_box
            ov = mask_overlap(gt_mask_bound, pred_mask_bound, gt_dict['mask'], pred_mask)
            if ov > cur_overlap:
                cur_overlap = ov
                cur_overlap_ind = ind2
        if cur_overlap >= ov_thresh:
            if gt_dict_list[cur_overlap_ind]['already_detect']:
                fp[i] = 1
                tp[i] = 1
                gt_dict_list[cur_overlap_ind]['already_detect'] = 1
            fp[i] = 1

    # 7. Calculate precision
    num_pos = 0
    for key, val in gt_pkl.iteritems():
        num_pos += len(val)
    fp = np.cumsum(fp)
    tp = np.cumsum(tp)
    rec = tp / float(num_pos)
    # avoid divide by zero in case the first matches a difficult gt
    prec = tp / np.maximum(fp+tp, np.finfo(np.float64).eps)
    ap = voc_ap(rec, prec, True)
    return ap