Example #1
    def __init__(
        Builds a ProblemData object which is responsible for providing an interface to all aspects of a dataset.
        Args: object_to_group, group_to_object, 
        if not isinstance(group_to_object, types.ListType):
            raise InputTypeError("group_to_object should be a list type")
        if not isinstance(object_to_group, types.ListType):
            raise InputTypeError("object_to_group should be a list type")
        if not len(object_to_group) == len(group_to_object):
            raise InputTypeError("object_to_group and group_to_object should be the same length")
        if not all([isinstance(o_to_g, types.DictType) for o_to_g in object_to_group]):
            raise InputTypeError("object_to_group should be a list of dict types")
        if not all([isinstance(g_to_o, types.DictType) for g_to_o in group_to_object]):
            raise InputTypeError("group_to_object should be a list of dict types")
        if not isinstance(sample_to_response, types.DictType):
            raise InputTypeError("sample_to_response should be a dict type")
        if not isinstance(n_processes, types.IntType) or n_processes < 0:
            raise InputTypeError("n_processes should be a non-negative int")
        if not isinstance(parse_object_string, types.FunctionType):
            raise InputTypeError("parse_object_sample should be a function")
        if len(inspect.getargspec(parse_object_string)[0]) < 1:
            raise InputTypeError("parse_object_sample should take at least one argument")

        self.response_variables = np.array([sample_to_response[sample] for sample in sample_to_response.keys()])
        self.n_scopes = len(object_to_group)
        self.n_unmasked_samples = len(sample_to_response)

        # Keep a stack of masks for various levels of data partitions
        self.mask_stack = MaskStack(self.n_unmasked_samples)

        sample_indices = dict(
            [(sample_to_response.keys()[index], index) for index in range(len(sample_to_response.keys()))]

        assert all(
                self.response_variables[sample_indices[sample]] == sample_to_response[sample]
                for sample in sample_to_response.keys()
        ), "sample_indices are not able to map correctly back to the response variable"

        process_definitions = []
        results = []
        for scope in range(len(group_to_object)):
                    positional_arguments=(scope, group_to_object[scope], sample_indices, parse_object_string),
        multiprocess_functions(process_definitions, results.append, n_processes)

        self.group_records = [None] * self.n_scopes
        for scope, result in results:
            self.group_records[scope] = result

        for scope in range(self.n_scopes):
            for group in self.group_records[scope]:
                self.build_scope_map(self.group_records[scope][group], group_to_object, object_to_group)

        for scope in range(self.n_scopes):
            for key in self.group_records[scope]:
                assert (
                    self.group_records[scope][key].feature_record.get_id() == key
                ), "feature_record had mismatched id to it's key"
                assert (
                    self.group_records[scope][key].feature_record.get_scope() == scope
                ), "feature_record had mismatched scope to it's key"
Example #2
class ProblemData:
    def __init__(
        Builds a ProblemData object which is responsible for providing an interface to all aspects of a dataset.
        Args: object_to_group, group_to_object, 
        if not isinstance(group_to_object, types.ListType):
            raise InputTypeError("group_to_object should be a list type")
        if not isinstance(object_to_group, types.ListType):
            raise InputTypeError("object_to_group should be a list type")
        if not len(object_to_group) == len(group_to_object):
            raise InputTypeError("object_to_group and group_to_object should be the same length")
        if not all([isinstance(o_to_g, types.DictType) for o_to_g in object_to_group]):
            raise InputTypeError("object_to_group should be a list of dict types")
        if not all([isinstance(g_to_o, types.DictType) for g_to_o in group_to_object]):
            raise InputTypeError("group_to_object should be a list of dict types")
        if not isinstance(sample_to_response, types.DictType):
            raise InputTypeError("sample_to_response should be a dict type")
        if not isinstance(n_processes, types.IntType) or n_processes < 0:
            raise InputTypeError("n_processes should be a non-negative int")
        if not isinstance(parse_object_string, types.FunctionType):
            raise InputTypeError("parse_object_sample should be a function")
        if len(inspect.getargspec(parse_object_string)[0]) < 1:
            raise InputTypeError("parse_object_sample should take at least one argument")

        self.response_variables = np.array([sample_to_response[sample] for sample in sample_to_response.keys()])
        self.n_scopes = len(object_to_group)
        self.n_unmasked_samples = len(sample_to_response)

        # Keep a stack of masks for various levels of data partitions
        self.mask_stack = MaskStack(self.n_unmasked_samples)

        sample_indices = dict(
            [(sample_to_response.keys()[index], index) for index in range(len(sample_to_response.keys()))]

        assert all(
                self.response_variables[sample_indices[sample]] == sample_to_response[sample]
                for sample in sample_to_response.keys()
        ), "sample_indices are not able to map correctly back to the response variable"

        process_definitions = []
        results = []
        for scope in range(len(group_to_object)):
                    positional_arguments=(scope, group_to_object[scope], sample_indices, parse_object_string),
        multiprocess_functions(process_definitions, results.append, n_processes)

        self.group_records = [None] * self.n_scopes
        for scope, result in results:
            self.group_records[scope] = result

        for scope in range(self.n_scopes):
            for group in self.group_records[scope]:
                self.build_scope_map(self.group_records[scope][group], group_to_object, object_to_group)

        for scope in range(self.n_scopes):
            for key in self.group_records[scope]:
                assert (
                    self.group_records[scope][key].feature_record.get_id() == key
                ), "feature_record had mismatched id to it's key"
                assert (
                    self.group_records[scope][key].feature_record.get_scope() == scope
                ), "feature_record had mismatched scope to it's key"
                # Note: this is a pretty good test of the scope_map that
                # was helpful in debugging, but it has nasty complexity
                # ==============================================================
                # for t in final_groups:
                #    assert isinstance(t, types.TupleType) and len(t) == 2,\
                #        "scope_map includes an entry that is not a scope/group pair"
                #    final_scope, final_group = t
                #    final_objs = group_to_object[final_scope][final_group]
                #    objs = group_to_object[scope][key[0]]
                #    assert any([final_obj in objs for final_obj in final_objs]),\
                #        "scope_map has an entry that lists a group which shares no objects"
                # ==============================================================

    def build_scope_map(self, group_record, group_to_object, object_to_group):
        scope_map = [None] * self.n_scopes
        scope = group_record.feature_record.get_scope()
        group = group_record.feature_record.get_id()
        objects = group_to_object[scope][group]

        for final_scope in range(self.n_scopes):
            if final_scope == scope:
                scope_map[final_scope] = [(scope, group)]

            final_group_set = set()
            for obj in objects:
                    # make sure not to reference the object_to_group string, or object_to_string won't be collected
                    final_group_id = object_to_group[final_scope][obj]
                    final_group = self.group_records[final_scope][final_group_id].feature_record.get_id()
                    final_group_set.add((final_scope, final_group))
                except KeyError:
            scope_map[final_scope] = list(final_group_set)

        group_record.scope_map = scope_map

    def push_mask(self, mask):

    def pop_mask(self):

    def get_feature_abundance(self, scope, group):
            # is sum(self.get_feature_column(scope, group)) faster?
            mask = self.mask_stack.get_aggregate_mask()
            return sum(
                    for index, abundance in self.group_records[scope][group].sparce_sample_abundances
                    if mask[index]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError("group (%s) not found at scope (%s)" % (group, scope))

    def get_n_unmasked_samples(self):
        return self.n_unmasked_samples

    def get_max_scope(self):
        return self.n_scopes - 1

    def get_group_ids(self, scope):
        return [group_id for group_id in self.group_records[scope]]

    def get_feature_column(self, scope, group):
        if not isinstance(scope, types.IntType) or scope < 0 or scope > self.get_max_scope():
            raise InputTypeError("scope (%s) is not a valid scope index" % scope)

            group_record = self.group_records[scope][group]

            # convert from sparce to dense format
            feature_column = np.zeros(self.n_unmasked_samples)
            for index, abundance in group_record.sparce_sample_abundances:
                feature_column[index] = abundance

            mask = self.mask_stack.get_aggregate_mask()
            return feature_column[mask]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError("group (%s) not found at scope (%s)" % (group, scope))

    def get_feature_record(self, scope, group):
        if not isinstance(scope, types.IntType) or scope < 0 or scope > self.get_max_scope():
            raise InputTypeError("scope (%s) is not a valid scope index" % scope)
            return self.group_records[scope][group].feature_record
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError("group (%s) not found at scope (%s)" % (group, scope))

    def get_split_groups(self, scope, group, final_scope):
        if not isinstance(scope, types.IntType) or scope < 0 or scope > self.get_max_scope():
            raise InputTypeError("scope (%s) is not a valid scope index" % scope)
        if not isinstance(final_scope, types.IntType) or final_scope < 0 or final_scope > self.get_max_scope():
            raise InputTypeError("final_scope (%s) is not a valid scope index" % final_scope)

            return self.group_records[scope][group].scope_map[final_scope]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError("(group, final_scope) (%s, %s) not found at scope (%s)" % (group, final_scope, scope))

    def get_response_variables(self):
        mask = self.mask_stack.get_aggregate_mask()
        return self.response_variables[mask]