def send(self, message=None): """Sends the message through the Sparkpost service. Keyword Arguments: message {string} -- The message to be sent to Sparkpost. (default: {None}) Returns: -- Returns the response as a requests object. """ try: from sparkpost import SparkPost except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( 'Could not find the "sparkpost" library. Please pip install this library ' 'by running "pip install sparkpost"') if not message: message = self.message_body sp = SparkPost(api_key=self.config.DRIVERS['sparkpost']['api_key']) response = sp.transmissions.send(use_sandbox=self._sandbox_mode(), recipients=[self.to_address], html=message, from_email='{0} <{1}>'.format( self.config.FROM['name'], self.config.FROM['address']), subject=self.message_subject) return response
def handle(self): try: import pika except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( "Could not find the 'pika' library. Run pip install pika to fix this." ) connection = pika.BlockingConnection( pika.URLParameters('amqp://{}:{}@{}{}/{}'.format( queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['username'], queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['password'], queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['host'], ':' + str(queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['port']) if 'port' in queue.DRIVERS['amqp'] and queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['port'] else '', queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['vhost'] if 'vhost' in queue.DRIVERS['amqp'] and queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['vhost'] else '%2F'))) channel = channel.queue_declare(queue=self.option('channel'), durable=True) channel.basic_consume(callback, queue=self.option('channel')) if self.option('fair'): channel.basic_qos(prefetch_count=1) ' [*] Waiting to process jobs on the "{}" channel. To exit press CTRL+C' .format(self.option('channel'))) channel.start_consuming()
def store(self, fileitem, location=None): """Store the file into Rackspace server. Arguments: fileitem {cgi.Storage} -- Storage object. Keyword Arguments: location {string} -- The location on disk you would like to store the file. (default: {None}) Raises: DriverLibraryNotFound -- Raises when the rackspace library is not installed. Returns: string -- Returns the file name just saved. """ try: from rackspace import connection except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( "Could not find the required 'rackspace' library. 'pip install rackspace' to fix this." ) conn = connection.Connection( username=self.config.DRIVERS['rackspace']['username'], api_key=self.config.DRIVERS['rackspace']['secret'], region=self.config.DRIVERS['rackspace']['region']) filename = random_string(25) + fileitem.filename self.validate_extension(filename) conn.object_store.upload_object( container=self.config.DRIVERS['rackspace']['container'], name=filename, return filename
def connect(self): try: import pika self.pika = pika except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( "Could not find the 'pika' library. Run pip install pika to fix this." ) self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection( pika.URLParameters('amqp://{}:{}@{}{}/{}'.format( self.queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['username'], self.queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['password'], self.queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['host'], ':' + str(self.queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['port']) if 'port' in self.queue.DRIVERS['amqp'] and self.queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['port'] else '', self.queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['vhost'] if 'vhost' in self.queue.DRIVERS['amqp'] and self.queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['vhost'] else '%2F'))) =, durable=True) return self
def store(self, fileitem, location=None): driver = self.upload.driver('disk'), location) file_location = driver.file_location # Check if is a valid extension self.validate_extension(fileitem.filename) try: import boto3 except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( 'Could not find the "boto3" library. Please pip install this library by running "pip install boto3"' ) session = boto3.Session( aws_access_key_id=self.config.DRIVERS['s3']['client'], aws_secret_access_key=self.config.DRIVERS['s3']['secret'], ) s3 = session.resource('s3') s3.meta.client.upload_file(file_location, self.config.DRIVERS['s3']['bucket'], fileitem.filename) return fileitem.filename
def channel(self, channels, message, event='base-event'): """Specify which channel(s) you want to send information to. Arguments: channels {string|list} -- Can be a string for the channel or a list of strings for the channels. message {string} -- The message you want to send to the channel(s) Keyword Arguments: event {string} -- The event you want broadcasted along with your data. (default: {'base-event'}) Raises: DriverLibraryNotFound -- Thrown when ably is not installed. Returns: string -- Returns the message sent. """ try: from ably import AblyRest except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( 'Could not find the "ably" library. Please pip install this library running "pip install ably"' ) client = AblyRest('{0}'.format(self.config.DRIVERS['ably']['secret'])) if isinstance(channels, list): for channel in channels: ably_channel = client.channels.get(channel) ably_channel.publish(event, message) else: channel = client.channels.get(channels) channel.publish(event, message) return message
def store(self, fileitem, location=None): """Store the file into Microsoft Azure server. Arguments: fileitem {cgi.Storage} -- Storage object. Keyword Arguments: location {string} -- The location on disk you would like to store the file. (default: {None}) Raises: DriverLibraryNotFound -- Raises when the azure library is not installed. Returns: string -- Returns the file name just saved. """ try: from import BlockBlobService except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound("Could not find the 'azure' driver") block_blob_service = BlockBlobService( account_name=self.config.DRIVERS['azure']['name'], account_key=self.config.DRIVERS['azure']['secret']) # Store temporarily on disk driver = self.upload.driver('disk'), location) file_location = driver.file_location filename = random_string(25) + fileitem.filename block_blob_service.create_blob_from_path( self.config.DRIVERS['azure']['container'], filename, file_location) return filename
def __init__(self, CacheConfig, Application): """Cache redis driver constructor Arguments: CacheConfig {config.cache} -- Cache configuration module. Application {config.application} -- Application configuration module. """ self.appconfig = Application self.cache_forever = None self.app_name = os.getenv('APP_NAME', 'masonite') config = CacheConfig.DRIVERS['redis'] try: import redis self.redis = redis except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( "Could not find the 'redis' library. Run pip install redis to fix this.") self.connection = redis.StrictRedis( host=config['host'], port=config['port'], password=config['password'], decode_responses=True)
def _connect(self): try: import pika self.pika = pika except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( "Could not find the 'pika' library. Run pip install pika to fix this." ) connection = pika.BlockingConnection( pika.URLParameters('amqp://{}:{}@{}{}/{}'.format( queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['username'], queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['password'], queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['host'], ':' + str(queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['port']) if 'port' in queue.DRIVERS['amqp'] and queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['port'] else '', queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['vhost'] if 'vhost' in queue.DRIVERS['amqp'] and queue.DRIVERS['amqp']['vhost'] else '%2F'))) # Get the channel = # Declare what queue we are working with, durable=True)
def handle(self): if has_unmigrated_migrations(): self.comment( "\nYou have unmigrated migrations. Run 'craft migrate' to migrate them\n" ) if self.option('live-reload'): try: from livereload import Server except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( "Could not find the livereload library. Install it by running 'pip install livereload==2.5.1'" ) from wsgi import container from config import application import glob server = Server(container.make('WSGI')) for filepath in glob.glob('resources/templates/**/*/'): self.line('')'Live reload server is starting...') 'This will only work for templates. Changes to Python files may require a browser refresh.' ) self.line('') application = server.serve( port=self.option('port'), restart_delay=self.option('reload-interval'), liveport=5500, root=application.BASE_DIRECTORY, debug=True) return if not self.option('dont-reload'): logger = DefaultLogger(LogLevel.INFO) # worker args are pickled and then passed to the new process worker_args = [ self.option("host"), self.option("port"), "wsgi:application", ] reloader = Reloader( "", find_default_monitor_factory(logger), logger, worker_args=worker_args, ) self._run_reloader(reloader, extra_files=[".env", "storage/"]) else: from wsgi import application from ._devserver import run run(self.option("host"), self.option("port"), application)
def store(self, fileitem, filename=None, location=None): """Store the file into Amazon S3 server. Arguments: fileitem {cgi.Storage} -- Storage object. Keyword Arguments: location {string} -- The location on disk you would like to store the file. (default: {None}) filename {string} -- A new file name you would like to name the file. (default: {None}) Raises: DriverLibraryNotFound -- Raises when the boto3 library is not installed. Returns: string -- Returns the file name just saved. """ try: import boto3 except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( 'Could not find the "boto3" library. Please pip install this library by running "pip install boto3"' ) driver = self.upload.driver('disk') driver.accept_file_types = self.accept_file_types, filename=filename, location='storage/temp') file_location = driver.file_location # use the new filename or get it from the fileitem if filename is None: filename = self.get_name(fileitem) # Check if is a valid extension self.validate_extension(filename) session = boto3.Session( aws_access_key_id=self.config.DRIVERS['s3']['client'], aws_secret_access_key=self.config.DRIVERS['s3']['secret'], ) s3 = session.resource('s3') if location: location = os.path.join(location, filename) else: location = os.path.join(filename) s3.meta.client.upload_file(file_location, self.config.DRIVERS['s3']['bucket'], location) return filename
def __init__(self, request: Request): """AuthCookieDriver initializer. Arguments: request {masonite.request.Request} -- The Masonite request class. """ self.request = request try: import jwt self.jwt = jwt except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( "Please install pyjwt by running 'pip install pyjwt'")
def store(self, fileitem, location=None): """Store the file into a Digital Ocean Space. Arguments: fileitem {cgi.Storage} -- Storage object. Keyword Arguments: location {string} -- The location on disk you would like to store the file. (default: {None}) Raises: DriverLibraryNotFound -- Raises when the boto3 library is not installed. Returns: string -- Returns the file name just saved. """ driver = self.upload.driver('disk'), location) file_location = driver.file_location # Check if is a valid extension self.validate_extension(fileitem.filename) try: import boto3 except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( 'Could not find the "boto3" library. Please pip install this library ' 'by running "pip install boto3"') session = boto3.Session() client = session.client( 's3', region_name=self.config.DRIVERS['digitalocean']['region'], endpoint_url=self.config.DRIVERS['digitalocean']['endpoint'], aws_access_key_id=self.config.DRIVERS['digitalocean']['client'], aws_secret_access_key=self.config.DRIVERS['digitalocean'] ['secret']) client.upload_file(file_location, self.config.DRIVERS['digitalocean']['space'], fileitem.filename) return fileitem.filename
def channel(self, channels, message, event='base-event'): try: from ably import AblyRest except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( 'Could not find the "ably" library. Please pip install this library running "pip install ably"') client = AblyRest('{0}'.format( self.config.DRIVERS['ably']['secret'] )) if isinstance(channels, list): for channel in channels: ably_channel = client.channels.get(channel) ably_channel.publish(event, message) else: channel = client.channels.get(channels) channel.publish(event, message) return message
def channel(self, channels, message, event='base-event'): """Specify which channel(s) you want to send information to. Arguments: channels {string|list} -- Can be a string for the channel or a list of strings for the channels. message {string} -- The message you want to send to the channel(s) Keyword Arguments: event {string} -- The event you want broadcasted along with your data. (default: {'base-event'}) Raises: DriverLibraryNotFound -- Thrown when pusher is not installed. Returns: string -- Returns the message sent. """ try: import pusher except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( 'Could not find the "pusher" library. Please pip install this library running "pip install pusher"' ) pusher_client = pusher.Pusher( app_id=self.config.DRIVERS['pusher']['app_id'], key=self.config.DRIVERS['pusher']['client'], secret=self.config.DRIVERS['pusher']['secret'], ssl=self.ssl_message) if isinstance(message, str): message = {'message': message} if isinstance(channels, list): for channel in channels: pusher_client.trigger(channel, event, message) else: pusher_client.trigger(channels, event, message) return message
def store(self, fileitem, location=None): """Store the file into Dropbox. Arguments: fileitem {cgi.Storage} -- Storage object. Keyword Arguments: location {string} -- The location on disk you would like to store the file. (default: {None}) Raises: DriverLibraryNotFound -- Raises when the boto3 library is not installed. Returns: string -- Returns the file name just saved. """ driver = self.upload.driver('disk'), location) file_location = driver.file_location # Check if is a valid extension self.validate_extension(fileitem.filename) try: import dropbox except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( 'Could not find the "dropbox" library. Please pip install this library ' 'by running "pip install dropbox"') import pathlib db = dropbox.Dropbox(self.config.DRIVERS['dropbox']['token']) filepath = pathlib.Path(file_location) with'rb') as f: db.files_upload(, self.config.DRIVERS['dropbox']['folder'] + fileitem.filename) return fileitem.filename
def __init__(self, Container): """Queue AMQP Driver Arguments: Container {} -- The application container. """ try: import pika self.pika = pika except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( "Could not find the 'pika' library. Run pip install pika to fix this." ) # Start the connection connection = self.pika.BlockingConnection( self.pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost')) # Get the channel = # Declare what queue we are working with, durable=True)
def channel(self, channels, message, event='base-event'): try: import pusher except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( 'Could not find the "pusher" library. Please pip install this library running "pip install pusher"') pusher_client = pusher.Pusher( app_id=self.config.DRIVERS['pusher']['app_id'], key=self.config.DRIVERS['pusher']['client'], secret=self.config.DRIVERS['pusher']['secret'], ssl=self.ssl_message ) if isinstance(message, str): message = {'message': message} if isinstance(channels, list): for channel in channels: pusher_client.trigger(channel, event, message) else: pusher_client.trigger(channels, event, message) return message
from masonite.contracts.BroadcastContract import BroadcastContract from masonite.exceptions import DriverLibraryNotFound try: from ably import AblyRest except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( 'Could not find the "ably" library. Please pip install this library running "pip install ably"') class BroadcastAblyDriver(BroadcastContract): def __init__(self, BroadcastConfig): self.config = BroadcastConfig self.ssl_message = True def ssl(self, boolean): self.ssl_message = boolean return self def channel(self, channels, message, event='base-event'): client = AblyRest('{0}'.format( self.config.DRIVERS['ably']['secret'] )) if isinstance(channels, list): for channel in channels: ably_channel = client.channels.get(channel) ably_channel.publish(event, message) else: channel = client.channels.get(channels)
from masonite.contracts.BroadcastContract import BroadcastContract from masonite.exceptions import DriverLibraryNotFound try: import pusher except ImportError: raise DriverLibraryNotFound( 'Could not find the "pusher" library. Please pip install this library running "pip install pusher"') class BroadcastPusherDriver(BroadcastContract): def __init__(self, BroadcastConfig): self.config = BroadcastConfig self.ssl_message = True def ssl(self, boolean): self.ssl_message = boolean return self def channel(self, channels, message, event='base-event'): pusher_client = pusher.Pusher( app_id=self.config.DRIVERS['pusher']['app_id'], key=self.config.DRIVERS['pusher']['client'], secret=self.config.DRIVERS['pusher']['secret'], ssl=self.ssl_message ) if isinstance(message, str): message = {'message': message}