Example #1
    def test_spg_standardize(self):
        from matador.utils.cell_utils import standardize_doc_cell
        from matador.scrapers import cif2dict
        import glob

        doc, s = castep2dict(REAL_PATH +
        std_doc = standardize_doc_cell(doc)
        dist = pdf_sim_dist(doc, std_doc)
        self.assertLess(dist, 0.01)

        fnames = glob.glob(REAL_PATH + "data/bs_test/*.res")
        for fname in fnames:
            doc, s = res2dict(fname, db=False)
            doc["cell_volume"] = cart2volume(doc["lattice_cart"])
            std_doc = standardize_doc_cell(doc)
            dist = pdf_sim_dist(doc, std_doc)
            self.assertLess(dist, 0.01)

        doc = Crystal(
            castep2dict(REAL_PATH +
        std_doc = standardize_doc_cell(doc)
        dist = pdf_sim_dist(doc, std_doc)
        self.assertLess(dist, 0.01)

        doc = Crystal(cif2dict(REAL_PATH + "data/cif_files/AgBiI.cif")[0])
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            std_doc = standardize_doc_cell(doc)
Example #2
 def construct_thermodynamics(self, doc: Crystal) -> MatadorThermodynamics:
     doc._data["enthalpy"] = doc._data["enthalpy_per_atom"]
     doc._data["total_energy"] = doc._data["total_energy_per_atom"]
     doc._data["formation_energy"] = doc._data.get(
     if doc._data["formation_energy"] is None:
         doc._data["formation_energy"] = doc._data.get(
     return MatadorThermodynamics(**doc._data)
Example #3
    def _find_and_sort(self, query_filter=None, as_list=False, **kwargs):
        """ Query `self.repo` using Pymongo arguments/kwargs. Sorts based
        on enthalpy_per_atom and optionally returns list of Crystals.

        Keyword arguments:
            query_filter (dict): the query to use. If None, perform a blank query.
            as_list (bool): whether to return a list of a pm.cursor.Cursor object.

            list/pm.cursor.Cursor: the results of the query.
            int: the number of results in the query.

        from matador.crystal import Crystal
        if query_filter is None:
            query_filter = {}
        count = self.repo.count_documents(query_filter, **kwargs)
        cursor = self.repo.find(query_filter, **kwargs).sort('enthalpy_per_atom', pm.ASCENDING)

        if self.args.get('as_crystal'):
            return [Crystal(doc) for doc in cursor], count
        if count < self.cursor_min_limit or as_list:
            return list(cursor), count

        return cursor, count
Example #4
    def construct_dft_hamiltonian(self, doc: Crystal) -> MatadorHamiltonian:
        if "pseudopotentials" not in doc._data:
            doc._data["pseudopotentials"] = self.construct_pseudopotentials(
        spin = doc._data.get("spin_polarized", False)
        spin_treatment = "none"
        if spin:
            spin_treatment = doc._data.get("spin_treatment", "none")
        doc._data["spin_treatment"] = spin_treatment

        ext_pressure = np.zeros((3, 3))
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3 - i):
                ext_pressure[i][j] = doc._data["external_pressure"][i][j]
        doc._data["external_pressure"] = ext_pressure.tolist()
        doc._data["kpoint_spacing"] = doc._data["kpoints_mp_spacing"]

        return MatadorHamiltonian(**doc._data)
Example #5
    def __init__(
        structures: list = None,
        references: list = None,

        self.wlines = WORDS
        self.nlines = NOUNS

        self.num_words = len(self.wlines)
        self.num_nouns = len(self.nlines)

        documents = structures

        out_cursor = []

        if references is not None:
            for ref in references:
                ref["last_modified"] = datetime.datetime.now()
            # check that all refs can be validated as ReferenceResources
                    attributes={key: ref[key]
                                for key in ref if key != "id"},
                ) for ref in references

            last_id = 0
            curs = (ENTRY_COLLECTIONS["structures"].collection.find({}).sort(
                "_id", pm.DESCENDING).limit(1))
            if len(list(curs)) == 1:
                last_id = int(curs[0]["id"].split("odbx_")[1])

        for ind, doc in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(documents)):
            crys_doc = Crystal(doc)
            structure = self.create_optimade_structure(crys_doc,
                                                       last_id + 1 + ind)
            structure["relationships"] = {}
            structure["relationships"]["references"] = {}
            structure["relationships"]["references"]["data"] = [{
            } for ref in references]

        _ = ENTRY_COLLECTIONS["references"].collection.insert_many(references)
        _ = ENTRY_COLLECTIONS["structures"].collection.insert_many(out_cursor)
Example #6
def ase2dict(atoms, as_model=False) -> Union[dict, Crystal]:
    """ Return a matador document (dictionary or :obj:`Crystal`)
    from an `ase.Atoms` object.

        atoms (ase.Atoms): input structure.

    Keyword arguments:
        as_model (bool): if `True`, return a
            Crystal instead of a dictionary.

        Union[dict, Crystal]: matador output.

    from matador.utils.cell_utils import cart2abc
    doc = {}

    # sort atoms, then their positions
    doc['atom_types'] = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
    inds = [
        i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(doc['atom_types']), key=lambda x: x[1])
    doc['positions_frac'] = atoms.get_scaled_positions().tolist()
    doc['positions_frac'] = [doc['positions_frac'][ind] for ind in inds]
    doc['atom_types'] = [doc['atom_types'][ind] for ind in inds]
        doc['lattice_cart'] = atoms.get_cell().tolist()
    except AttributeError:
        doc['lattice_cart'] = atoms.get_cell().array.tolist()
    doc['lattice_abc'] = cart2abc(doc['lattice_cart'])
    doc['num_atoms'] = len(doc['atom_types'])
    doc['stoichiometry'] = get_stoich(doc['atom_types'])
    doc['cell_volume'] = atoms.get_volume()
    doc['elems'] = {atom for atom in doc['atom_types']}
    doc['num_fu'] = doc['num_atoms'] / int(
            for i in range(len(doc['stoichiometry']))))
    doc['space_group'] = get_spacegroup_spg(doc, symprec=0.001)

    if atoms.info:
        doc["ase_info"] = copy.deepcopy(atoms.info)

    if as_model:
        doc = Crystal(doc)

    return doc
Example #7
    def test_with_crystals(self):
        from matador.crystal import Crystal
        import glob

        files = glob.glob(REAL_PATH + "data/uniqueness_hierarchy/*.res")
        cursor = [Crystal(res2dict(f)[0]) for f in files]
        uniq_inds, _, _, _ = get_uniq_cursor(cursor,
                                                 "dr": 0.1,
                                                 "gaussian_width": 0.1
        filtered_cursor = [cursor[ind] for ind in uniq_inds]
        self.assertEqual(len(filtered_cursor), len(cursor))
Example #8
    def test_with_skips(self):
        from matador.crystal import Crystal
        from matador.utils.cursor_utils import filter_unique_structures
        import glob

        files = glob.glob(REAL_PATH + "data/uniqueness_hierarchy/*.res")
        cursor = [Crystal(res2dict(f)[0]) for f in files]
        filtered_cursor = filter_unique_structures(cursor, energy_tol=0)
        self.assertEqual(len(filtered_cursor), len(cursor))

        cursor = sorted([res2dict(f)[0] for f in files],
                        key=lambda doc: doc["enthalpy_per_atom"])[0:10]
        for ind, doc in enumerate(cursor):
            doc["enthalpy_per_atom"] = float(-ind)

        cursor[8]["enthalpy_per_atom"] = -5.0
        cursor[9]["enthalpy_per_atom"] = -5.0001

        filtered_cursor = filter_unique_structures(cursor, energy_tol=0.003)
        self.assertEqual(len(filtered_cursor), 8)
Example #9
def standardize_doc_cell(doc, primitive=True, symprec=1e-2):
    """ Return standardized cell data from matador doc.

        doc (dict or :class:`Crystal`): matador document or Crystal object.

    Keyword arguments:
        primitive (bool): whether to reduce cell to primitive.
        symprec (float): spglib symmetry tolerance.

        dict: matador document containing standardized cell.

    import spglib as spg
    from matador.crystal import Crystal
    from matador.utils.chem_utils import get_atomic_symbol
    from copy import deepcopy

    spg_cell = doc2spg(doc)
    spg_standardized = spg.standardize_cell(spg_cell,
    if not isinstance(doc, Crystal):
        std_doc = deepcopy(doc)
        std_doc = deepcopy(doc._data)
    std_doc['lattice_cart'] = [list(vec) for vec in spg_standardized[0]]
    std_doc['lattice_abc'] = cart2abc(std_doc['lattice_cart'])
    std_doc['positions_frac'] = [list(atom) for atom in spg_standardized[1]]
    std_doc['atom_types'] = [
        get_atomic_symbol(atom) for atom in spg_standardized[2]
    std_doc['site_occupancy'] = len(std_doc['positions_frac']) * [1]
    std_doc['cell_volume'] = cart2volume(std_doc['lattice_cart'])
    std_doc['space_group'] = get_spacegroup_spg(std_doc, symprec=symprec)
    # if the original document was a crystal, return a new one
    if isinstance(doc, Crystal):
        std_doc = Crystal(std_doc)

    return std_doc
Example #10
 def construct_spacegroup(self,
                          doc: Crystal,
                          tolerance=1e-3) -> MatadorSpaceGroup:
     """ Generate the space group at the standardised tolerance. """
     return MatadorSpaceGroup(symbol=doc.get_space_group(symprec=tolerance),
Example #11
def plot_magres(
    magres: Union[List[Crystal], Crystal],
    species: str,
    magres_key: str = "chemical_shielding_iso",
    xlabel: str = None,
    broadening_width: float = 1,
    text_offset: float = 0.1,
    figsize: Tuple[float] = None,
    show: bool = False,
    savefig: Optional[str] = None,
    signal_labels: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
    signal_limits: Tuple[float] = None,
    line_kwargs: Optional[Union[Dict, List[Dict]]] = None,
    """ Plot voltage curve calculated for phase diagram.

        magres (Union[Crystal, List[Crystal]]): list of :class:`Crystal` containing
            magres data.
        species (str): the species to plot the shifts of.

    Keyword arguments:
        ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): an existing axis on which to plot.
        magres_key (str): the data key for which the magres site data is stored under.
        show (bool): whether to show plot in an X window.
        figsize (Tuple[float]): overrides the default size for the matplotlib figure.
        broadening_width (float): the Lorentzian width to apply to the shifts.
        xlabel (str): a custom label for the x-axis.
        savefig (str): filename to use to save the plot.
        signal_labels (list): optional list of labels for the curves in
            the magres list.
        signal_limits (Tuple[float]): values at which to clip the magres signals. Defaults
            to the maximum and minimum shifts across all passed structures.
        line_kwargs (list or dict): parameters to pass to the curve plotter,
            if a list then the line kwargs will be passed to each line individually.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    if not isinstance(magres, list):
        magres = [magres]
    if signal_labels is not None and not isinstance(signal_labels, list):
        signal_labels = [signal_labels]
    if line_kwargs is not None and not isinstance(line_kwargs, list):
        line_kwargs = len(magres) * [line_kwargs]

    if figsize is None:
        _user_default_figsize = plt.rcParams.get('figure.figsize', (8, 6))
        height = len(magres) * max(
            0.5, _user_default_figsize[1] / 1.5 / len(magres))
        figsize = (_user_default_figsize[0], height)

    if ax is None:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    if species is None:
        raise RuntimeError("You must provide a species label for plotting.")

    if signal_labels is not None and len(signal_labels) != len(magres):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Wrong number of labels passed for number of magres: {} vs {}".
            format(len(signal_labels), len(magres)))

    _magres = []

    if signal_limits is not None:
        min_shielding, max_shielding = signal_limits
        min_shielding, max_shielding = (1e20, -1e20)

    for ind, doc in enumerate(magres):

        if isinstance(doc, dict):
            _doc = Crystal(doc)
            _doc = doc


        relevant_sites = [atom for atom in _doc if atom.species == species]
        if relevant_sites:
            shielding = [atom[magres_key] for atom in relevant_sites]
            if signal_limits is None:
                min_shielding = min(np.min(shielding), min_shielding)
                max_shielding = max(np.max(shielding), max_shielding)

    if min_shielding > 1e19 and max_shielding < -1e19:
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"No sites of {species} found in any of the passed crystals.")

    _buffer = 0.2 * np.abs(min_shielding - max_shielding)
    s_space = np.linspace(min_shielding - _buffer,
                          max_shielding + _buffer,

    _padded_colours = list(plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"])
    _padded_colours = (1 +
                       (len(magres) // len(_padded_colours))) * _padded_colours

    if line_kwargs is not None and len(line_kwargs) != len(magres):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Wrong number of line kwargs passed for number of magres: {} vs {}"
            .format(len(line_kwargs), len(magres)))

    for ind, doc in enumerate(magres):
        if signal_labels is None:
            stoich_label = doc.formula_tex
            stoich_label = None

        _label = stoich_label
        if signal_labels is not None and len(signal_labels) > ind:
            _label = signal_labels[ind]

        _line_kwargs = {'c': _padded_colours[ind]}
        if line_kwargs is not None:

        relevant_sites = [site for site in doc if site.species == species]
        if not relevant_sites:
                f"No sites of {species} found in {doc.root_source}, signal will be empty."
            signal = np.zeros_like(s_space)

            shifts = [site[magres_key] for site in relevant_sites]

            hist, bins = np.histogram(shifts, bins=s_space)

            if broadening_width > 0:
                signal = Fingerprint._broadening_unrolled(
                signal = np.array(hist, dtype=np.float64)
                bin_centres = s_space[:-1] + (s_space[1] - s_space[0]) / 2
                s_space = bin_centres

            if np.max(signal) > 1e-10:
                signal /= np.max(signal)
                signal *= 0

        ax.plot(s_space, signal + (ind * 1.1), **_line_kwargs)

        if _label is not None:
            ax.text(0.95, (ind * 1.1) + text_offset,

    if xlabel is None:
        unit = set(
            doc.get("magres_units", {}).get("ms", "ppm") for doc in magres)
        if len(unit) > 1:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Multiple incompatible units found for chemical shift: {unit}"
        unit = list(unit)[0]
        if magres_key == "chemical_shielding_iso":
            xlabel = f"{species}: Isotropic chemical shielding $\\sigma_\\mathrm{{iso}}$ ({unit})"
        elif magres_key == "chemical_shift_iso":
            xlabel = f"{species}: Isotropic chemical shift $\\sigma_\\mathrm{{iso}}$ ({unit})"
        elif magres_key == "chemical_shift_aniso":
            xlabel = f"{species}: Anisotropic chemical shift $\\sigma_\\mathrm{{iso}}$ ({unit})"
        elif magres_key == "chemical_shift_asymmetry":
            xlabel = f"{species}: Chemial shift asymmetry, $\\eta$"

    ax.set_ylabel("Intensity (arb. units)")

    if len(magres) > 1:
        ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 5, endpoint=True))

    ax.set_ylim(-0.1, 1.1 * len(magres))

    if savefig:
        print('Wrote {}'.format(savefig))

    elif show:

    return ax
Example #12
    def __init__(self,
                 wavelength: float = 1.5406,
                 lorentzian_width: float = 0.03,
                 two_theta_resolution: float = 0.01,
                 two_theta_bounds: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 90),
                 theta_m: float = 0.0,
                 scattering_factors: str = "RASPA",
        """ Set up the PXRD, and compute it, if lazy is False.

            doc (dict/Crystal): matador document to compute PXRD for.

        Keyword arguments:
            lorentzian_width (float): width of Lorentzians for broadening (DEFAULT: 0.03)
            wavelength (float): incident X-ray wavelength
                (DEFAULT: CuKa, 1.5406).
            theta_m (float): the monochromator angle in degrees (DEFAULT: 0)
            two_theta_resolution (float): resolution of grid 2θ
                used for plotting.
            two_theta_bounds (tuple of float): values between which
                to compute the PXRD pattern.
            scattering_factors (str): either "GSAS" or "RASPA" (default),
                which set of atomic scattering factors to use.
            lazy (bool): whether to compute PXRD or just set it up.
            plot (bool): whether to display PXRD as a plot.

        self.wavelength = wavelength
        self.lorentzian_width = lorentzian_width
        self.two_theta_resolution = two_theta_resolution
        if two_theta_bounds is not None:
            self.two_theta_bounds = list(two_theta_bounds)
            self.two_theta_bounds = [0, 90]
        self.theta_m = theta_m
        self.scattering_factors = scattering_factors
        self.progress = progress

        if self.two_theta_bounds[0] < THETA_TOL:
            self.two_theta_bounds[0] = THETA_TOL

        if np.min(doc.get('site_occupancy', [1.0])) < 1.0:
            print("System has partial occupancy, not refining with spglib.")
            self.doc = Crystal(doc)
            self.doc = Crystal(standardize_doc_cell(doc, primitive=True))

        self.formula = get_formula_from_stoich(self.doc['stoichiometry'],
        self.spg = self.doc['space_group']

        species = list(set(self.doc['atom_types']))

        # this could be cached across PXRD objects but is much faster than the XRD calculation itself
        if self.scattering_factors == "GSAS":
            from matador.data.atomic_scattering import GSAS_ATOMIC_SCATTERING_COEFFS
            self.atomic_scattering_coeffs = {
                spec: GSAS_ATOMIC_SCATTERING_COEFFS[spec]
                for spec in species
        elif self.scattering_factors == "RASPA":
            from matador.data.atomic_scattering import RASPA_ATOMIC_SCATTERING_COEFFS
            self.atomic_scattering_coeffs = {
                spec: RASPA_ATOMIC_SCATTERING_COEFFS[spec]
                for spec in species
            raise RuntimeError(
                "No set of scattering factors matched: {}. Please use 'GSAS' or 'RASPA'."

        if not lazy:
            if plot: