def GetTargetMotion(self):

        # get current positions
        obs_curr = self.GetObsFiltered()
        # get previous positions
        obs_prev = self.GetObsPrev()
        # give identities to previous positions
        target_prev = ell.TargetList()
        for i,obs in enumerate(obs_prev):
            obs.identity = i
        # match previous and current targets, no velocity
        oldnids = params.params.nids
        target_curr = ell.find_flies(target_prev,target_prev,obs_curr)
        # don't actually assign new identities
        params.params.nids = oldnids
        # delete targets that aren't in both frames
        keyscurr = set(target_curr.keys())
        keysprev = set(target_prev.keys())
        keysremove = keyscurr - keysprev
        for i in keysremove:
            tmp = target_curr.pop(i)
        keysremove = keysprev - keyscurr
        for i in keysremove:
            tmp = target_prev.pop(i)
        # compute predicted positions
        target_pred = cvpred(target_prev,target_curr)
        # store
        targetmotion = (target_prev,target_curr,target_pred)
        # return
        return targetmotion
Example #2
    def GetTargetMotion(self):

        # get current positions
        obs_curr = self.GetObsFiltered()
        # get previous positions
        obs_prev = self.GetObsPrev()
        # give identities to previous positions
        target_prev = ell.TargetList()
        for i, obs in enumerate(obs_prev):
            obs.identity = i
        # match previous and current targets, no velocity
        oldnids = params.params.nids
        target_curr = ell.find_flies(target_prev, target_prev, obs_curr)
        # don't actually assign new identities
        params.params.nids = oldnids
        # delete targets that aren't in both frames
        keyscurr = set(target_curr.keys())
        keysprev = set(target_prev.keys())
        keysremove = keyscurr - keysprev
        for i in keysremove:
            tmp = target_curr.pop(i)
        keysremove = keysprev - keyscurr
        for i in keysremove:
            tmp = target_prev.pop(i)

        # compute predicted positions
        target_pred = cvpred(target_prev, target_curr)
        # store
        targetmotion = (target_prev, target_curr, target_pred)
        # return
        return targetmotion
Example #3
def find_flies( old0, old1, obs, ann_file=None ):
    """All arguments are EllipseLists. Returns an EllipseList."""
    # possibly matchidentities should be smart enough to deal with this case
    # instead of handling it specially here

    if len(obs) == 0:
        flies = TargetList()
        #for e in old1:
        #    flies.append( Ellipse() ) # no obs for any target
        return flies

    # make predicted targets
    targ = m_id.cvpred( old0, old1 )

    if params.print_crap:
        print "targ (%d)"%len(targ), targ
        print "obs (%d)"%len(obs), obs

    # make a cost matrix containing the distance from each target to each obs
    ids = []
    for i in targ.iterkeys():
    vals = []
    for i in targ.itervalues():
    cost = num.empty( (len(obs), len(targ)) )
    for i, observation in enumerate( obs ):
        for j, target in enumerate( vals ):
            if target.isDummy():
                cost[i,j] = params.max_jump + eps # will be ignored
                cost[i,j] = observation.dist( target )

    # find optimal matching between targ and observations
    obs_for_target, unass_obs = m_id.matchidentities( cost, params.max_jump )
    if params.print_crap: print "best matches:", obs_for_target

    # make a new list containing the best matches to each prediction
    flies = TargetList()
    for tt in range( len(targ) ):
        if obs_for_target[tt] >= 0:
            obs[obs_for_target[tt]].identity = ids[tt]
            flies.append( obs[obs_for_target[tt]] )
        #    flies.append( Ellipse() ) # empty ellipse as a placeholder

    # append the targets that didn't match any observation
    for oo in range( len(obs) ):
        if unass_obs[oo]:
            if ann_file is None:
                obs[oo].identity = params.nids
                obs[oo].identity = ann_file.GetNewId()
            flies.append( obs[oo] )
    if params.print_crap:
        print "returning", flies
    return flies
Example #4
    def cvpred(self,prev,curr,id):
        if not prev.hasItem(id):
            if curr.hasItem(id):
                prev = curr
                return -1
        if not curr.hasItem(id):
            curr = prev

        currlist = ell.TargetList()
        prevlist = ell.TargetList()
        prevlist[id] = prev
        currlist[id] = curr
        pred = matchidentities.cvpred(prev,curr)[id]
        return pred
    def GetTargetMotion(self):

        # if it has already been computed, then just grab and return
        if hasattr(self,'targetmotion') and self.targetmotion[3] == self.show_frame \
           and self.targetmotion[4] == params.params:
            return self.targetmotion[0:3]
        # get current positions
        obs_curr = self.GetObsFiltered()
        # get previous positions
        obs_prev = self.GetObsPrev()
        # give identities to previous positions
        target_prev = ell.TargetList()
        for i,obs in enumerate(obs_prev):
            obs.identity = i
        # match previous and current targets, no velocity
        oldnids = params.params.nids
        target_curr = ell.find_flies(target_prev,target_prev,obs_curr)
        # don't actually assign new identities
        params.params.nids = oldnids
        # delete targets that aren't in both frames
        keyscurr = set(target_curr.keys())
        keysprev = set(target_prev.keys())
        keysremove = keyscurr - keysprev
        for i in keysremove:
            tmp = target_curr.pop(i)
        keysremove = keysprev - keyscurr
        for i in keysremove:
            tmp = target_prev.pop(i)
        # compute predicted positions
        target_pred = cvpred(target_prev,target_curr)
        # store
        self.targetmotion = (target_prev,target_curr,target_pred,self.show_frame,params.params.copy())
        # return
        return self.targetmotion[0:3]
Example #6
tracks[0][0] = ell.Ellipse(10., 10., 1., 2., num.pi / 3, 0., 0)
# frame 1
# just one ellipse with id = 0
tracks[1][0] = tracks[0][0].copy()
tracks[1][0].x += 10.
tracks[1][0].y += 10.
# frame 2
# detection missed at pred
# new ellipse at another location
#tracks[2][1] = ell.Ellipse(20.,20.,1.,2.,num.pi/3,0.,1)
prev = tracks[0].copy()
curr = tracks[1].copy()
pred = matchidentities.cvpred(prev, curr)
# frame 3
# no ellipses, but predicted to be at pred
prev = curr
curr = pred
pred = matchidentities.cvpred(prev, curr)
# frame 4
# new ellipse at pred
prev = curr
curr = pred
pred = matchidentities.cvpred(prev, curr)
pred0 = pred[0].copy()
pred0.identity = 1
tracks[4][1] = pred0
Example #7
    def fix_lostdetection(self,id2,t2):

        if DEBUG: print 'testing to see if birth of id2=%d in frame t2=%d is from a lost detection'%(id2,t2)

        # look for death of some target id1 between t2-1 and t2-params.lostdetection_length+1
        # where the distance between the predicted position of id1 in frame t2 is near the
        # actual position of id2
        T = len(self.tracks)

        # initialize previous and current positions
        curr = ell.TargetList()
        prev = ell.TargetList()
        curr[id2] = self.tracks[t2][id2]
        if (t2 < T-1) and (self.tracks[t2+1].hasItem(id2)):
            prev[id2] = self.tracks[t2+1][id2]
            prev[id2] = self.tracks[t2][id2]

        # initialize the distances
        mind = []
        ids = []

        # loop through all frames death can take place on
        t3 = int(round(max(t2-params.lostdetection_length,0)))
        t2 = int(t2)
        for t1 in range(t2-1,t3,-1):
            # update predicted location
            pred = matchidentities.cvpred(prev,curr)

            # compute distance to all targets from predicted location
            for id1 in list(self.milestones.getdeaths(t1)):

            # update prev and curr positions
            prev = curr
            curr = pred

        if len(mind) == 0:
            if DEBUG: print 'no deaths within %d frames of birth of id2=%d in frame t2=%d'%(params.lostdetection_length,id2,t2)
            return False

        # compute closest newborn to predicted location
        i = num.argmin(num.array(mind))
        mind = mind[i]
        id1 = ids[i]
        # if this is too far, then we can't fix
        if mind > params.lostdetection_distance:
            if DEBUG: print 'id1=%d dies in frame %d, but distance between predicted positions = %.2f > %.2f'%(id1,self.milestones.getdeathframe(id1),mind,params.lostdetection_length)
            return False

        # get death frame of id1
        t1 = self.milestones.getdeathframe(id1)
        # add in tracks in frames t1 thru t2-1
        # by interpolating
        start = self.tracks[t1-1][id1]
        end = self.tracks[t2][id2]
        for t in range(t1,t2):
            self.tracks[t][id1] = ellipseinterpolate(start,end,t-t1+1,t2-t)

        # replace identity id2 in frames t2 thru death of id2 with id1
        for t in range(t2,len(self.tracks)):
            if not self.tracks[t].hasItem(id2):
                if DEBUG: print 'no id2=%d in frame t=%d'%(id2,t)
            tmp = self.tracks[t].pop(id2)
            tmp.identity = id1
            self.tracks[t][id1] = tmp

        # update death, birth frame data structures
        d2 = self.milestones.getdeathframe(id2)

        # remove id2 from all data structures

        # reset death of id1 as d2

        if DEBUG: print 'fixing lost detection: id1=%d lost in frame t1=%d, found again in frame t2=%d with id2=%d'%(id1,t1,t2,id2)

        return True
cc = []

# frame 0
tracks_true[0][0] = ell.Ellipse(37.,70.,2.,4.,num.pi/3,0.,0)
tracks_true[0][1] = ell.Ellipse(60.,70.,2.,4.,num.pi/3,0.,1)
# frame 1
tracks_true[1][0] = ell.Ellipse(37.,62.,2.,4.,num.pi/3,0.,0)
tracks_true[1][1] = ell.Ellipse(53.,62.,2.,4.,num.pi/3,0.,1)
for t in range(2,8):

bw = []
bounds = [0,100,0,100]
nr = bounds[1]-bounds[0]
nc = bounds[3]-bounds[2]
for track_true in tracks_true:
    tmp = num.zeros((nr,nc),dtype=bool)
    for ellipse in track_true.itervalues():
        tmp |= est.ellipsepixels(ellipse,bounds)

colors = ['r','g','b','y']
#for t in range(len(tracks_true)):
#    mpl.imshow(bw[t])
#    for (id,e) in tracks_true[t].iteritems():
Example #9
    return (flies, obs_for_target, unass_obs)

tracks_true = []
cc = []

# frame 0
tracks_true[0][0] = ell.Ellipse(50., 10., 2., 4., num.pi / 3, 0., 0)
# frame 1
tracks_true[1][0] = ell.Ellipse(50., 20., 2., 4., num.pi / 3, 0., 0)
for t in range(2, 9):

bw = []
bounds = [0, 100, 0, 100]
nr = bounds[1] - bounds[0]
nc = bounds[3] - bounds[2]
for track_true in tracks_true:
    tmp = num.zeros((nr, nc), dtype=bool)
    for ellipse in track_true.itervalues():
        tmp |= est.ellipsepixels(ellipse, bounds)

for t in range(3, 6):
    x = tracks_true[t][0].x
    bw[t][:, x] = False
Example #10
def find_flies(old0, old1, obs, ann_file=None):
    """All arguments are EllipseLists. Returns an EllipseList."""
    # possibly matchidentities should be smart enough to deal with this case
    # instead of handling it specially here

    if len(obs) == 0:
        flies = TargetList()
        #for e in old1:
        #    flies.append( Ellipse() ) # no obs for any target
        return flies

    # make predicted targets
    targ = m_id.cvpred(old0, old1)

        print "targ (%d) = %s" % (len(targ), str(targ))
        print "obs (%d) = %s" % (len(obs), str(obs))

    # make a cost matrix containing the distance from each target to each obs
    ids = []
    for i in targ.iterkeys():
    vals = []
    for i in targ.itervalues():
    cost = num.empty((len(obs), len(targ)))
    # KB 20120109: keep track of whether an observation is the result of splitting a connected component
    # if it is, then max_jump_split is the maximum jump distance
    issplit = num.zeros(len(obs), dtype=bool)
    for i, observation in enumerate(obs):
        issplit[i] = observation.issplit
        for j, target in enumerate(vals):
            if target.isDummy():
                cost[i, j] = params.max_jump + eps  # will be ignored
                cost[i, j] = observation.dist(target)

        print "cost = " + str(cost)

    # find optimal matching between targ and observations

# KB 20120109: changes to matchidentities so that we could have a different maximum jump distance for
# observations that are the result of splitting a connected component
    obs_for_target, unass_obs = m_id.matchidentities(cost, params.max_jump,
    if DEBUG_TRACKINGSETTINGS: print "best matches:", obs_for_target

    # make a new list containing the best matches to each prediction
    flies = TargetList()
    for tt in range(len(targ)):
        if obs_for_target[tt] >= 0:
            obs[obs_for_target[tt]].identity = ids[tt]
        #    flies.append( Ellipse() ) # empty ellipse as a placeholder

    # append the targets that didn't match any observation
    for oo in range(len(obs)):
        if unass_obs[oo]:
            if ann_file is None:
                obs[oo].identity = params.nids
                params.nids += 1
                obs[oo].identity = ann_file.GetNewId()

        print "returning", flies
    return flies
Example #11
def find_flies( old0, old1, obs, ann_file=None ):
    """All arguments are EllipseLists. Returns an EllipseList."""
    # possibly matchidentities should be smart enough to deal with this case
    # instead of handling it specially here

    if len(obs) == 0:
        flies = TargetList()
        #for e in old1:
        #    flies.append( Ellipse() ) # no obs for any target
        return flies

    # make predicted targets
    targ = m_id.cvpred( old0, old1 )

        print "targ (%d) = %s"%(len(targ),str(targ))
        print "obs (%d) = %s"%(len(obs),str(obs))

    # make a cost matrix containing the distance from each target to each obs
    ids = []
    for i in targ.iterkeys():
    vals = []
    for i in targ.itervalues():
    cost = num.empty( (len(obs), len(targ)) )
	# KB 20120109: keep track of whether an observation is the result of splitting a connected component
	# if it is, then max_jump_split is the maximum jump distance
    issplit = num.zeros(len(obs),dtype=bool)
    for i, observation in enumerate( obs ):
        issplit[i] = observation.issplit
        for j, target in enumerate( vals ):
            if target.isDummy():
                cost[i,j] = params.max_jump + eps # will be ignored
                cost[i,j] = observation.dist( target )

        print "cost = " + str(cost)

    # find optimal matching between targ and observations
	# KB 20120109: changes to matchidentities so that we could have a different maximum jump distance for
	# observations that are the result of splitting a connected component
    obs_for_target, unass_obs = m_id.matchidentities( cost, params.max_jump, issplit, params.max_jump_split )
    if DEBUG_TRACKINGSETTINGS: print "best matches:", obs_for_target

    # make a new list containing the best matches to each prediction
    flies = TargetList()
    for tt in range( len(targ) ):
        if obs_for_target[tt] >= 0:
            obs[obs_for_target[tt]].identity = ids[tt]
            flies.append( obs[obs_for_target[tt]] )
        #    flies.append( Ellipse() ) # empty ellipse as a placeholder

    # append the targets that didn't match any observation
    for oo in range( len(obs) ):
        if unass_obs[oo]:
            if ann_file is None:
                obs[oo].identity = params.nids
                obs[oo].identity = ann_file.GetNewId()
            flies.append( obs[oo] )
        print "returning", flies
    return flies
tracks[0][0] = ell.Ellipse(10.,10.,1.,2.,num.pi/3,0.,0)
# frame 1
# just one ellipse with id = 0
tracks[1][0] = tracks[0][0].copy()
tracks[1][0].x += 10.
tracks[1][0].y += 10.
# frame 2
# detection missed at pred
# new ellipse at another location
#tracks[2][1] = ell.Ellipse(20.,20.,1.,2.,num.pi/3,0.,1)
prev = tracks[0].copy()
curr = tracks[1].copy()
pred = matchidentities.cvpred(prev,curr)
# frame 3
# no ellipses, but predicted to be at pred
prev = curr
curr = pred
pred = matchidentities.cvpred(prev,curr)
# frame 4
# new ellipse at pred
prev = curr
curr = pred
pred = matchidentities.cvpred(prev,curr)
pred0 = pred[0].copy()
pred0.identity = 1
tracks[4][1] = pred0